Zero fill string java

Java java right justify zero fill string

Solution 3: you just need to add the 2 other cases to the method To right pad a string, use the String.format and set the spaces. Solution 2: To center text you should append spaces to the left of the string and spaces to the right.

Centering, left and right padding justified in one method in java

I think this method would do what you need.

public static void formatText(String text, char justified, int wide) < int nOfSpaces = wide - text.length(); String spaces = new String(); String result = new String(); switch (justified) < case 'r': spaces = new String(new char[nOfSpaces]).replace('\0', ' '); result = spaces + text; break; case 'l': spaces = new String(new char[nOfSpaces]).replace('\0', ' '); result = text + spaces; break; case 'c': int lxNOfSpaces = nOfSpaces / 2; int rxNOfSpaces = (nOfSpaces % 2) == 0 ? lxNOfSpaces : lxNOfSpaces + 1; String lxSpaces = new String(new char[lxNOfSpaces]).replace('\0', ' '); String rxSpaces = new String(new char[rxNOfSpaces]).replace('\0', ' '); result = lxSpaces + text + rxSpaces; break; >System.out.println(result); > 

To center text you should append left = (wide — text.length()) / 2 spaces to the left of the string and wide — text.length() — left spaces to the right.

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you just need to add the 2 other cases to the method

public static void formatText(String text, char justified, int wide) < int space = wide - text.length(); switch(justified)< case 'r': for (int num = 0; num < space; ++num) < System.out.print(" "); >System.out.println(text); break; case 'l': System.out.print(text); for (int num = 0; num < space; ++num) < System.out.print(" "); >System.out.println(); break; case 'c': for(int num = 0;num < (wide - text.length())/2 ; ++num)< System.out.print(" "); >System.out.print(text); for(int num = 0;num < (wide - text.length())/2 ; ++num)< System.out.print(" "); >System.out.println(); break; > > > 

How to string pad with variables instead of hard coded numbers, I am trying to pad a string to the right with spaces to make different string lengths align at the same point. I tried using the following

Right pad a string in Java

To right pad a string, use the String.format and set the spaces.

String.format("%1$-" + 20 + "s", "demotext"));

If you add 30 above, it will display the next string after 30 spaces from the beginning.

String.format("%1$-" + 30 + "s", "demotext")

The following is an example.



Pad a String with Zeros or Spaces in Java, In this short tutorial, we’ll see how to pad a String in Java. We’ll focus mainly on a left pad, meaning that we’ll add the leading spaces

Issue with 0 padding using printf

I don’t believe this is possible. The two concepts don’t work together.

  • If you pad with zeros using «%07d» then you’ll get «001,000» which is 7 characters.
  • Left justifying that same number 001,000 in the same format width of 7 has no effect, the answer would still be «001,000»

If you wanted to left justify the 1,000 in a larger format width you could do this in two steps.

System.out.printf("Result=\"%-12s\"\n", String.format("%,07d", i4)); 

How to Pad an Integer Number With Leading Zeroes in C, val = string.Format(«<0:0000>«, N);. Step 3: Return the padded string. Example :.

How to string pad with variables instead of hard coded numbers inside %s in java

You could use «%-«+namePad+»s» instead of «%-5s»

Although, I am unsure you really need that variable at all. You are using String.format , but giving no variables to format, so try this instead.

String.format("%d - %-21s", id, name); 
int pad = 21; return String.format("%d - %-"+pad+"s*", id, name); 

For example, (with the * added to show the padding)

static class Person < int id; String name; public Person(int id, String name) < = id; = name; >public String toString() < return String.format("%d - %-21s*", id, name); >> public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception < Person[] people = < new Person(1, "Bill Gates"), new Person(2, "Trump"), new Person(3, "Tail"), new Person(4, "James Bond") >; for (Person p : people) < System.out.println(p); >> 
1 - Bill Gates * 2 - Trump * 3 - Tail * 4 - James Bond * 

How can I use padTo for padding to the left? [duplicate], what is the best solution for this? would be better to get the solution in scala. thanks. java scala pad · Share.


How to format a Java string with leading zero?

In case you have to do it without the help of a library:

("00000000" + "Apple").substring("Apple".length()) 

(Works, as long as your String isn’t longer than 8 chars.)

Solution 2

public class LeadingZerosExample < public static void main(String[] args) < int number = 1500; // String format below will add leading zeros (the %0 syntax) // to the number above. // The length of the formatted string will be 7 characters. String formatted = String.format("%07d", number); System.out.println("Number with leading zeros: " + formatted); >> 

Solution 3

 StringUtils.leftPad(yourString, 8, '0'); 

Solution 4

This is what he was really asking for I believe:

String.format("%0"+ (8 - "Apple".length() )+"d%s",0 ,"Apple"); 

Solution 5

You can use the String.format method as used in another answer to generate a string of 0’s,

This can be applied to your problem by dynamically adjusting the number of leading 0’s in a format string:

public String leadingZeros(String s, int length) < if (s.length() >= length) return s; else return String.format("%0" + (length-s.length()) + "d%s", 0, s); > 

It’s still a messy solution, but has the advantage that you can specify the total length of the resulting string using an integer argument.

Add leading zeros to numbers in SQL

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Java String Formatting - string formatting - how to use the string format method - string formatting

109. The String.format() method - Learn Java

Print Formatting Part 8: printf() Flag 0 (Java)

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Java String Format

106. Adding leading zeroes to values in a minimum field width - Learn Java

Write a java program to format String?

Print theo format trong Java




The -1 is probably because this is a not so good example: you’re using «magic numbers» and are concatenating Strings, something that should be replaced by using a StringBuilder or StringBuffer.

Even if you are not able to use commons-lang, you can easily copy the source from StringUtils to make your own function. That would be a much better general solution than the selected answer.…

what if that would be the only method the library is used for? Perhaps the added library is even many times bigger than the app it is used in. I can imagine quite some reasons not to add a commons library in an application. Don’t get me wrong: I agree, it contains very useful stuff, but I understand the reluctance to stuff an app full of external JARs if the benefit is not needing to write just one (or a couple) of methods.

Arne Deutsch

@kaliatech: yes, a much better GENERAL solution, but if he don’t want to use the library probably a focused (short) solution is more appropriate.

That’s pretty clever — but it took me about 30 seconds to «get it». I think a more readable solution would be better.

This is an -excellent- solution when you are embedding software on something without much space and the extra libraries just aren’t an option. Thanks!!


Java String pad with zero example

Java String pad with zero example shows how to left pad or right pad string with zero in Java. The example also shows how to left pad string with zero, right pad string with zero using various ways.

How to pad a string with zero in Java?

There are various ways using which you can pad a string with zero in Java as given below.

1) Using the substring method

The substring method of String class can be used to pad string with zero as given below.

The above approach does not use any external library to pad string. We first stored the required string length and pad characters. For padding left with zeros, we first took a substring from the padding character string starting from index equal to the string size we want to pad, which gave us (required length – string length) pad characters.

For example, if our string is 4 characters, substring will give us 6 zeros (10 – 4). We then concatenate the padding string and original string which gave us padded string with zero.

You can change the required length and pad character string as per your requirements.

2) Using String format (Java 1.5 and above)

String class in Java 1.5 introduced a new method named format which can be used to pad the string with zeros. The format method can make a string of required length by adding spaces either on the left or the right side of the String. You can replace the spaces with zeros to left pad or right pad string with zeros as given below.


How to Add Leading Zeros to Integers in Java ? String Left Padding Example Program

Hello guys, you may know that from Java 5 onwards it’s easy to left pad Integers with leading zeros when printing number as String. In fact, You can use the same technique to left and right pad Java String with any characters including zeros, space. Java 5 provides String format methods to display String in various formats. By using the format() method we can add leading zeros to an Integer or String number. By the way, this is also known as left padding Integers with zero in Java. For those who are not familiar with the left and right padding of String, here is a quick recap;

When we add characters like zero or space on left of a String, its known as left padding and when we do the same on the right side of String, it’s known as right padding of String. This is useful when you are displaying currency amounts or numbers, which has fixed width, and you want to add leading zeros instead of space in front of Integers.

If by any chance, You are not using Java 5 or you like to use open source projects like Apache commons, Google Guava or Spring framework then you can use leftPad() and rightPad() methods provided by StringUtils class. I personally prefer JDK function if it provides required functionality but It’s very common to have Spring , Apache commons or Guava already in your classpath.

In that case use those method because they are more convenient, readable and you don’t need to remember different String formatting options to left and right pad a String with zero or any character . By the way, while padding String and number left and right, it’s worth remember not to right pad numbers with zero, it will completely change there meaning.

Left and Right padding Integer and String in Java

How to add leading zeros to Integer in Java - String left padding example

In this Java tutorial, we will see How to add leading zero to Integer or String in Java. Both are actually same because you only print String in Java and left padding is done at the time of display and the original Integer value is not affected. The format() method of String class in Java 5 is the first choice. You just need to add «%03d» to add 3 leading zeros in an Integer. Formatting instruction to String starts with «%» and 0 is the character which is used in padding. By default left padding is used, 3 is the size and d is used to print integers.

It means if the number has 1 or 2 digits than some leading zeros will be added to the number to make its width equal to 3. This is also known as left padding of Integers in Java. By default Java left pad with space and if you add 0 then Integer will be left padded with zero. You can not use other character e.g. # here.

On the other hand both Spring and Apache commons StringUtils provides you convenient leftPad() and rightPad() method to add left and right padding on String in Java. These methods also allow you to pass any character of your choice to be used as padding e.g. zero, # or space.

Java String left and right padding example

Let’s see some code example of left and right padding String and Integer in Java using Spring, Apache Commons StringUtils and format method of String.


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