Загрузка нескольких файлов форма html

Загрузка нескольких файлов форма html

When uploading multiple files, the $_FILES variable is created in the form:

[type] => Array
[0] => text/plain
[1] => text/plain
) [tmp_name] => Array
[0] => /tmp/phpYzdqkD
[1] => /tmp/phpeEwEWG

I found it made for a little cleaner code if I had the uploaded files array in the form

[0] => Array
[name] => foo.txt
[type] => text/plain
[tmp_name] => /tmp/phpYzdqkD
[error] => 0
[size] => 123

[1] => Array
[name] => bar.txt
[type] => text/plain
[tmp_name] => /tmp/phpeEwEWG
[error] => 0
[size] => 456

I wrote a quick function that would convert the $_FILES array to the cleaner (IMHO) array.

function reArrayFiles (& $file_post )

$file_ary = array();
$file_count = count ( $file_post [ ‘name’ ]);
$file_keys = array_keys ( $file_post );

for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $file_count ; $i ++) foreach ( $file_keys as $key ) $file_ary [ $i ][ $key ] = $file_post [ $key ][ $i ];


Now I can do the following:

if ( $_FILES [ ‘upload’ ]) $file_ary = reArrayFiles ( $_FILES [ ‘ufile’ ]);

foreach ( $file_ary as $file ) print ‘File Name: ‘ . $file [ ‘name’ ];
print ‘File Type: ‘ . $file [ ‘type’ ];
print ‘File Size: ‘ . $file [ ‘size’ ];

A bit update to 14 year ago note from «phpuser at gmail dot com».
That update converts to a really more friendly array form incoming _POST info for uploaded files.
And that variants works identical for non-multiple uploads and multiple uploads:
//Функция переформатирует массив поданных POST’ом файлов
function reArrayFiles (& $file_post ) $isMulti = is_array ( $file_post [ ‘name’ ]);
$file_count = $isMulti ? count ( $file_post [ ‘name’ ]): 1 ;
$file_keys = array_keys ( $file_post );

$file_ary = []; //Итоговый массив
for( $i = 0 ; $i < $file_count ; $i ++)
foreach( $file_keys as $key )
if( $isMulti )
$file_ary [ $i ][ $key ] = $file_post [ $key ][ $i ];
$file_ary [ $i ][ $key ] = $file_post [ $key ];

So, if you have an input element like this:

This should be written as

else you’ll only be able to get one of the files.

function reArrayImages($file_post) <
$file_ary = [];
$file_keys = array_keys($file_post);
foreach ($file_post as $key => $value) <
foreach ($value as $key2 => $value2) <
$file_ary[$key2][$key] = $value2;
return $file_ary;

The cleanest way to rearrange the $_FILES

function rearrange ( $arr ) foreach( $arr as $key => $all ) foreach( $all as $i => $val ) $new [ $i ][ $key ] = $val ;
return $new ;

Here is a function to fix the indices of a multi-dimensional for easier parsing when dealing with file uploads. It takes a single $_FILES field array as a parameter and separates each individual uploaded file by numeric key. This allows for iterating like:

fixFilesArray ( $_FILES [ ‘array_of_files’ ]);
foreach ( $_FILES [ ‘array_of_files’ ] as $position => $file ) // should output array with indices name, type, tmp_name, error, size
var_dump ( $file );

Here’s the code:

* Fixes the odd indexing of multiple file uploads from the format:
* $_FILES[‘field’][‘key’][‘index’]
* To the more standard and appropriate:
* $_FILES[‘field’][‘index’][‘key’]
* @param array $files
* @author Corey Ballou
* @link http://www.jqueryin.com
function fixFilesArray (& $files )
$names = array( ‘name’ => 1 , ‘type’ => 1 , ‘tmp_name’ => 1 , ‘error’ => 1 , ‘size’ => 1 );

foreach ( $files as $key => $part ) // only deal with valid keys and multiple files
$key = (string) $key ;
if (isset( $names [ $key ]) && is_array ( $part )) foreach ( $part as $position => $value ) $files [ $position ][ $key ] = $value ;
// remove old key reference
unset( $files [ $key ]);

This is a very simple example:

if(!empty( $img ))
$img_desc = reArrayFiles ( $img );
print_r ( $img_desc );

foreach( $img_desc as $val )
$newname = date ( ‘YmdHis’ , time ()). mt_rand (). ‘.jpg’ ;
move_uploaded_file ( $val [ ‘tmp_name’ ], ‘./uploads/’ . $newname );

function reArrayFiles ( $file )
$file_ary = array();
$file_count = count ( $file [ ‘name’ ]);
$file_key = array_keys ( $file );

for( $i = 0 ; $i < $file_count ; $i ++)
foreach( $file_key as $val )
$file_ary [ $i ][ $val ] = $file [ $val ][ $i ];
return $file_ary ;

If you try and upload files with multi-dimensional names like this:

You will get an unexpected format like this:

‘submission’ => array
‘name’ => array( ‘screenshot’ => ‘monster_wallpaper.jpg’ ),
‘type’ => array( ‘screenshot’ => ‘image/jpeg’ ),
‘tmp_name’ => array( ‘screenshot’ => ‘/tmp/php48lX2Y’ ),
‘error’ => array( ‘screenshot’ => 0 ),
‘size’ => array( ‘screenshot’ => 223262 ),

You can use the following function to re-format the array recursively in the usual format:

foreach( $files as $key => & $part )
$key = ( string ) $key ;
if( in_array ( $key , $names ) )
$name = $key ;
if( ! in_array ( $key , $names ) )
$path [] = $key ;
if( is_array ( $part ) )
$part = format_files_array ( $part , $name , $new , $path );
elseif( ! is_array ( $part ) )
$current =& $new ;
foreach( $path as $p )
$current =& $current [ $p ];
$current [ $name ] = $part ;
unset( $path );
$name = null ;

Recursive solution for complex situations (supports any nested arrays including indexed arrays)

function getFixedFilesArray() $walker = function ($arr, $fileInfokey, callable $walker) $ret = array();
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) if (is_array($v)) $ret[$k] = $walker($v, $fileInfokey, $walker);
> else $ret[$k][$fileInfokey] = $v;
return $ret;

$files = array();
foreach ($_FILES as $name => $values) // init for array_merge
if (!isset($files[$name])) $files[$name] = array();
if (!is_array($values[‘error’])) // normal syntax
$files[$name] = $values;
> else // html array feature
foreach ($values as $fileInfoKey => $subArray) $files[$name] = array_replace_recursive($files[$name], $walker($subArray, $fileInfoKey, $walker));

This is just a modification of the code which is the top note by «phpuser» here. His/her version requires that the $file_post array passed in to the function was created by a form submitted with the multiple attribute set. With multiple set in the html input tag, $_FILES[«fileInputName»][«name»] is an array no matter if only one file is sent or multiple. But when is used without the multiple attribute then $_FILES[«fileInputName»][«name»] is not an array, it contains the the string with the filename. To use this neat function with or without multiple set and to get back an array which you can «foreach» over in either case, use this modification:

$file_count = $multiple ? count($file_post[‘name’]) : 1;
$file_keys = array_keys($file_post);

for ($i=0; $i foreach ($file_keys as $key)
$file_ary[$i][$key] = $multiple ? $file_post[$key][$i] : $file_post[$key];

With multiple file uploads

post_max_size: the total amount of data posted by the client (all files, and all other form field)

upload_max_filesize: the maximum size of 1 single file. (just like )

so, with the directives:
post_max_size 25M
upload_max_filesize 2M

you can send 12 files of up to 2 MB and use up to 1 MB for your additional form-values.

As long as you read only a single copy of 1 file into memory, the memory_limit directive can be held reasonable small as well.

I prefer something like this!

public function arrayImages ( & $file_post )
if( empty( $file_post ) ) return $file_post ;
if( ‘array’ !== gettype ( $file_post [ ‘name’ ]) ) return $file_post ;
$keys = array_keys ( $file_post [ ‘name’ ]);
$file_array = array();
foreach ( $keys as $key ) foreach ( $file_post as $res => $item ) $file_array [ $key ][ $res ] = $item [ $key ];
return $file_array ;

Once I had to do a maintenance in a huge ERP that had several multiple upload inputs inside an array. Just like this:

The $_FILES array is created like this:

[upload] => Array
[name] => Array
[avatar] => teste.c
[attachment] => teste

[type] => Array
[avatar] => text/x-csrc
[attachment] => application/octet-stream
) [tmp_name] => Array
[avatar] => /opt/lampp/temp/phpuf3KNj
[attachment] => /opt/lampp/temp/php0yPZap
) [error] => Array
[avatar] => 0
[attachment] => 0
) [size] => Array
[avatar] => 1960
[attachment] => 8661
) [upload2] => Array
[name] => Array
[avatar] => jefrey.html
[attachment] => notas.txt
) [type] => Array
[avatar] => text/html
[attachment] => text/plain
) [tmp_name] => Array
[avatar] => /opt/lampp/temp/php87nfyu
[attachment] => /opt/lampp/temp/phpUBlvVz
) [error] => Array
[avatar] => 0
[attachment] => 0
) [size] => Array
[avatar] => 583
[attachment] => 191

I’ve managed to re-arrange this array like this:

[upload] => Array
[avatar] => Array
[name] => teste.c
[type] => text/x-csrc
[tmp_name] => /opt/lampp/temp/phpuf3KNj
[error] => 0
[size] => 1960

[attachment] => Array
[name] => teste
[type] => application/octet-stream
[tmp_name] => /opt/lampp/temp/php0yPZap
[error] => 0
[size] => 8661
) [upload2] => Array
[avatar] => Array
[name] => jefrey.html
[type] => text/html
[tmp_name] => /opt/lampp/temp/php87nfyu
[error] => 0
[size] => 583
) [attachment] => Array
[name] => notas.txt
[type] => text/plain
[tmp_name] => /opt/lampp/temp/phpUBlvVz
[error] => 0
[size] => 191

Here’s my snippet:
function reArrayFilesMultiple (& $files ) $uploads = array();
foreach( $_FILES as $key0 => $FILES ) foreach( $FILES as $key => $value ) foreach( $value as $key2 => $value2 ) $uploads [ $key0 ][ $key2 ][ $key ] = $value2 ;
$files = $uploads ;
return $uploads ; // prevent misuse issue

$countarray = count($_FILES[‘uploadfile’][‘name’]);
$newarray = array();
for($i=0;$i <$countarray;$i++)<

by simply naming differently each file input you’ll get easily accesible arrays from $_FILES, in the form $_FILES[‘input_name’][‘file_attribute’]. For example:

$_FILES[‘input_name1’][‘name’]. [‘input_name1’][‘size’]$_FILES[‘input_name2’][‘name’]. [‘input_name2’][‘size’]$_FILES[‘input_nameX’][‘name’]. [‘input_nameX’][‘size’]

While code from phpuser.at.gmail.dot.com is good and i.g.e.o@ya.(dot).ru is even better, there is no end to perfection. We can live without temporary variables
foreach ( $_FILES as $field => $files ) #Check if multiple files were uploaded to a field and process the values accordingly
if ( is_array ( $files [ ‘name’ ])) foreach ( $files [ ‘name’ ] as $key => $file ) $_FILES [ $field ][ $key ][ ‘name’ ] = $file ;
$_FILES [ $field ][ $key ][ ‘type’ ] = $files [ ‘type’ ][ $key ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ $key ][ ‘size’ ] = $files [ ‘size’ ][ $key ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ $key ][ ‘tmp_name’ ] = $files [ ‘tmp_name’ ][ $key ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ $key ][ ‘error’ ] = $files [ ‘error’ ][ $key ];
> else $_FILES [ $field ][ 0 ][ ‘name’ ] = $files [ ‘name’ ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ 0 ][ ‘type’ ] = $files [ ‘type’ ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ 0 ][ ‘size’ ] = $files [ ‘size’ ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ 0 ][ ‘tmp_name’ ] = $files [ ‘tmp_name’ ];
$_FILES [ $field ][ 0 ][ ‘error’ ] = $files [ ‘error’ ];
unset( $_FILES [ $field ][ ‘name’ ], $_FILES [ $field ][ ‘type’ ], $_FILES [ $field ][ ‘size’ ], $_FILES [ $field ][ ‘tmp_name’ ], $_FILES [ $field ][ ‘error’ ]);

If you want to upload multiple file at once, remember «multiple» attribute:

function reorganize($files) <
foreach ($files as $var => $params) <
foreach ($params as $name => $i) <
foreach ($i as $num => $val) <
$images[$var][$name] = $val;
$arr[$num] = $images;
return $arr;

Array (
[0] => Array (
[image] => Array (
[name] => white-rabbit-med-crop.jpg
[type] => image/jpeg
[tmp_name] => E:\xampp\tmp\phpC008.tmp
[error] => 0
[size] => 343326 )
[1] => Array (
[image] => Array (
[name] => white-rabbit-med-crop.jpg
[type] => image/jpeg
[tmp_name] => E:\xampp\tmp\phpC008.tmp
[error] => 0
[size] => 1429802 )


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