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Конвертер HTML в PHP

Считаете ли вы этот инструмент полезным? То поделитесь этим с друзьями или коллегами. Это поможет нам сделать наши бесплатные веб-инструменты лучше.

Эта форма позволяет вам конвертировать HTML в PHP код для использования с помощью операторов echo или print:

Результат преобразования HTML в PHP код

О преобразовании HTML в PHP код

О преобразовании HTML в PHP

Конвертер HTML в PHP была создана для онлайн преобразования HTML в PHP код. Это может пригодиться для вывода HTML кода через функции печати PHP, используемые в большинстве PHP CMS и Фреймворках, таких как WordPress, Yii, Laravel и т. д. Символы кавычек и обратной косой черты будут соответствующим образом экранированы с помощью обратной косой черты, поэтому строки будут печататься правильно.

Как это работает?

Просто вставьте свой HTML код в текстовую область выше и нажмите кнопку «Конвертировать», и вы получите код с PHP echo или print операторами в следующей текстовой области.

Читайте также:  Crop image circle css

Пример преобразования HTML в PHP

Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site

This is a Header

This is a Medium Header

Send me mail at [email protected]">[email protected].

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.
Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site

This is a Header

This is a Medium Header

Send me mail at [email protected]">[email protected].

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new paragraph!

This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics. ';
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ' '; echo '
'; echo 'Best Online Web Toolsis a link to another nifty site'; echo '

This is a Header

'; echo '

This is a Medium Header

'; echo 'Send me mail at [email protected]">[email protected].'; echo '

This is a new paragraph!

'; echo '

This is a new paragraph!

'; echo '
This is a new sentence without a paragraph break, in bold italics.'; echo '
'; echo ''; echo '';

После преобразования вы можете применить PHP код к своему проекту или использовать его для каких-то других целей.


Php how to convert html file into php

But you can generate html files from php over command line: Solution 3: Another option is to use apache’s mod_rewrite or the IIS equivelant to rewrite your URL’s from the browser perspective. It means how we can convert various data types to HTML.

How to change HTML file to PHP

Change your HTML file extension. For example, index.html will be index.php .

Just change file extension .html to .php (index.html to index.php).

If you want to add any PHP code, you have to use the tags.

In your case, just change the extension of your filename. Example: yourfilename.html to yourfilename.php .

Converting a .php file to a .html file?,

Convert HTML To PHP

How to convert a base HTML file into PhP

In this video we look at converting a blank HTML page into its PhP equivalents (base.php
Duration: 11:13

How to Convert HTML to PHP in Online for Beginner

In this tutorial I have showed you how to convert HTML to PHP in Online. Thanks for watching Duration: 2:44

How to convert .html to .php with singleshot?

In Windows you can start a command prompt (cmd), cd to the right directory, and use this command:

Or, without using cd , use this command:

ren C:\Path\To\Your\Files\*.html *.php 

* is a wildcard which you can use to refer to all files. Windows supports using these wildcards too when renaming files in bulk.

Note: Make a copy first or make sure everything is committed in your version control. If things go wrong you would want to be able to restore the situation when you do a bulk action like this.

if you have access to .htaccess and don’t want to change the .html to .php manually. add this to your .htaccess

AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .html .htm 

this will treat your .html files as .php

PHP htmlspecialchars() Function, Tip: To convert special HTML entities back to characters, use the htmlspecialchars_decode() function. Syntax. htmlspecialchars(string,flags,character-set,

How to parse HTML file in PHP ?

In this article, we will learn to parse HTML in PHP.

What is parsing?

Generally parsing is converting one data type to another. It means how we can convert various data types to HTML. For example: Converting string to HTML.

Why do we need parsing?

To add the dynamic data (HTML content) at a certain point in PHP code, we need parsing. For example: For adding the data (info) in the form of HTML, we need to make that dynamic template in string and then convert it to HTML.

How should we do parsing?

We should use loadHTML() function for parsing.

loadHTML(string $source,int $options=0)
  • $source: This variable is the container of the HTML code which you want to parse,
  • $options: You may use the options parameter to specify additional Libxml parameters.

Return value: It returns true on success or false on failure.


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