Xml to json with php

Конвертирование XML в JSON на PHP 8

Доброго времени суток! В данной статье мы рассмотрим с Вами, как можно создать простой сервис, единственной задачей которого будет конвертирование xml файла в json. Сервис будет принимать ссылку на XML файл и возвращать преобразованный ответ в формате JSON. Где это может пригодиться? Например, с помощью данного простого сервиса я сделал преобразование RSS ленты, которая представляет из себя XML, в JSON формат на сервере, ответ с которого потом передавался в Android приложение и выводился пользователю в интерфейсе.

Итак, приступим к коду. Основной функционал сервиса будет находиться в файле functions.php.

// отформатированный вывод json
function util_json(mixed $value): bool|string

// CORS заголовки, чтобы можно было запрашивать сервис посредством fetch в браузере
function cors(): void
header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *’);
header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST’);
header(‘Access-Control-Max-Age: 1000’);
header(‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Content-Type, Authorization, X-Requested-With’);
header(‘Content-Type: application/json’);

// отформатированный код ответа при ошибке
function error_response(string $message, int $code = 501): bool|string
$responseMessage = [‘code’ => $code, ‘error’ => $message];
return util_json($responseMessage);

* Сам конвертер — центральный элемент сервиса
* @throws Exception
function convertXml2Json(string $xmlUrl): bool|string
// пытается загрузить ресурс по ссылке и преобразовать
$element = @simplexml_load_file($xmlUrl, options: LIBXML_NOCDATA);

// если ссылка не может быть загружена или возникла какая-то другая проблема — бросаем исключение
if(!$element) throw new Exception(‘Unable to parse xml resource from ‘ . $xmlUrl);

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// форматируем в json
return util_json($element->channel);

// обработчик запроса от клиента
function process_request(array $request_data, string $apiKey): string|bool
$response_text = »;

try // если запрос содержит ключ авторизации и он равен нашему ключу $apiKey
if($request_data[‘key’] === $apiKey)
// если в запросе передан правильный url ресурса
if(!empty($request_data[‘resource’]) && (filter_var($request_data[‘resource’], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) !== false))
// выполняем конвертацию
$response_text = convertXml2Json($request_data[‘resource’]);
$response_text = error_response(‘Invalid url of xml resource’);
$response_text = error_response(‘Wrong access key’);

catch (Exception $e) $response_text = error_response($e->getMessage());

Файл index.php

$url = «https://news.yandex.ru/internet.rss»;
$apiKey = «API_KEY»;

// данный запроса: resource -> url, key -> key
$mockGET = [‘resource’ => $_GET[‘url’] ?: $url, ‘key’ => $_GET[‘key’]];

// отправляем заголовки
// и результат
print process_request($mockGET, $apiKey);

Протестировать на локальном ПК можно так:

php -S localhost:8080 index.php

Открываете в браузере адрес:

В результате получим JSON представление XML ресурса. Дальше этот сервис можно разместить на хостинге, например, и использовать его в других приложениях.

Создано 17.05.2022 08:42:45

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    Xml to json with php

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    In order to convert XML to JSON in PHP, we have a function called json_encode function, and this is an inbuilt function in PHP and the procedure to convert XML to JSON is first getting the contents of the XML file by making use of the function _file\_get\_contents()_to which the URL of the XML file is passed as a parameter, and then the returns, tabs and the newlines are removed, and then the double quotes are replaced by the single quotes, and then the trailing and leading spaces are trimmed to make sure the XML is parsed properly by a simple XML function, and then the final conversion happens using json_encode function.

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    Where URL_to_the_XML_file is the URL of the XML file, which is to be converted to JSON.

    Steps to Convert XML to JSON in PHP

    • Getting the XML file contents by using the function file_get_contents() to which the URL of the XML file is passed as a parameter.
    • Removing the tabs, returns and the newlines.
    • The single quotes replace the double-quotes.
    • The trailing and leading spaces are trimmed to make sure the XML is parsed properly by a simple XML function.
    • The simplexml_load_string() function is called to load the contents of the XML file.
    • The final conversion of XML to JSON is done by calling the json_encode() function.

    Examples of PHP XML to JSON

    Given below are the examples of PHP XML to JSON:

    Example #1

    PHP program to illustrate the conversion of XML to JSON where we provide the URL to the XML file as a parameter to the json_encode function to convert the contents of the XML file to JSON.

    file as a parameter

    In the above program, we get the XML file contents by making use of the function file_get_contents(), to which the URL of the XML file is passed as a parameter. Then the the tabs, returns and the newlines are removed. Then the double quotes are replaced by the single quotes. Then the trailing and leading spaces are trimmed to make sure the XML is parsed properly by a simple XML function. Then the simplexml_load_string() function is called to load the contents of the XML file. Then the final conversion of XML to JSON is done by calling the json_encode() function.

    Example #2

    PHP program to illustrate the conversion of XML to JSON where we provide the URL to the XML file as a parameter to the json_encode function to convert the contents of the XML file to JSON.

    PHP XML to JSON 2

    In the above program, we get the XML file contents by making use of the function file_get_contents(), to which the URL of the XML file is passed as a parameter. Then the the tabs, returns and the newlines are removed. Then the double quotes are replaced by the single quotes. Then the trailing and leading spaces are trimmed to make sure the XML is parsed properly by a simple XML function. Then the simplexml_load_string() function is called to load the contents of the XML file. Then the final conversion of XML to JSON is done by calling the json_encode() function.

    Example #3

    PHP program to illustrate the conversion of XML to JSON where we provide the URL to the XML file as a parameter to the json_encode function to convert the contents of the XML file to JSON.

    PHP XML to JSON 3

    In the above program, we get the XML file contents by making use of the function file_get_contents(), to which the URL of the XML file is passed as a parameter. Then the the tabs, returns and the newlines are removed. Then the double quotes are replaced by the single quotes. Then the trailing and leading spaces are trimmed to make sure the XML is parsed properly by a simple XML function. Then the simplexml_load_string() function is called to load the contents of the XML file. Then the final conversion of XML to JSON is done by calling the json_encode() function.

    This is a guide to PHP XML to JSON. Here we discuss the introduction, steps to convert XML to JSON in PHP and examples, respectively. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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