Xml Demo


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In this PHP tutorial, you will learn all about the XML in PHP. We will discuss in detail the types of XML, XML Parse Extensions, and so on.

What is meant by XML?

XML is the acronym for Extensible Markup Language. XML is a mark-up language used to transfer data across the web. It is both human and machine-readable. RSS Feeds are one example of shareable xmls. XML parsers are important for reading and updating data in web browsers.

What all are the uses of XML?

Web services such as SOAP and REST exchange data in XML format. Because current applications heavily rely on web services, understanding what XML is and how it works can provide you a competitive advantage as a developer. XML documents can be used to hold an application’s configuration parameters. It allows you to build your own tags, making it more versatile.

What is meant by XML Parsers?

An XML parser is a program that converts an XML document into a XML Document Object Model (DOM) Object. The XML DOM Object may then be handled with JavaScript, Python, and PHP, among other languages. When parsing an XML document, the term CDATA, which stands for (Unparsed) Character Data, is used to exclude special characters such as «».

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What are the different types of XML Parsers?

  • Tree-Based Parsers Tree-based parsers keep the complete text in memory and convert it to a Tree structure. It analyses the entire document and gives you access to the Tree elements (DOM). This style of the parser is preferable for smaller XML documents; however, it is not suitable for big XML documents due to performance limitations.
    Examples of tree-based parsers are
    • SimpleXML
    • DOM
    • XMLReader
    • XML Expat Parser

    What are the various XML Parse Extensions?

    XML parsing Extensions were works depending on libxml. The PHP core includes the XML parsers listed below.

    • Simple XML parser The Simple XML parser, often known as a tree-based XML parser, will parse a simple XML file. To get the xml from a given location, the simple XML parse will call the simplexml_load_file() function.
    • DOM XML parser The DOM Parser, also known as a complicated node parser, is used to read extremely complex XML files. It serves as an interface for editing the XML file. The DOM parser has used UTF-8-character encoding.
    • XML parser The SAX parse is the foundation for XML parsing. All of the previous parsers are slower. It will generate and parse the XML file. Character encodings used by the XML parser include ISO-8859-1, US-ASCII, and UTF-8-character encoding.
    • XML Reader Pull XML parse is another term for XML Reader parse. It is used to read the XML file more quickly. It supports high-complexity XML documents using XML Validation.

    What is a Simple XMP Parser?

    SimpleXML makes it simple to obtain an element’s name, attributes, and textual content if you know the structure or layout of the XML document. SimpleXML converts an XML text into a data structure that can be iterated over, similar to a collection of arrays or objects. When compared to DOM or the Expat parser, SimpleXML requires fewer lines of code to read text data from an element.
    The most commonly used functions in Simple XML parsers are:

      simplexml_load_file(): It is used to convert XML file into a readable object.

    File “datas.xml”

       John Jane Reminder Don't forget the party!   

    Php file

     SimpleXMLElement Object ( [to] => John [from] => Jane [heading] => Reminder [body] => Don't forget the party! ) 


     SimpleXMLElement Object ( [to] => John [from] => Jane [heading] => Reminder [body] => Don't forget the party! ) 


     loadXML(" John Jane Reminder Don't forget the party! "); $x = simplexml_import_dom($dom); echo $x->body; ?> 

    What is a Simple XML GET?

    The node values were obtained from an XML file using XML Get. The following example demonstrates how to obtain data from XML.

    Example: “datas.xml” file

       John Jane Reminder Don't forget the party!   

    Php file

        to . "
    "; echo $xml->from . "
    "; echo $xml->heading . "
    "; echo $xml->body; ?>
     John Jane Reminder Don't forget the party! 

    What is SAX Parser?

    The SAX parser was used to parse the XML file and is superior at memory management to the example XML parser and the DOM. Because it does not maintain any data in memory, it can handle very big files. The following example will demonstrate how to extract data from XML using the SAX API.

    Example: “datas.xml” file

        Android India 123456789  Java India 123456789  HTML India 123456789    

    Php file

      $elements = $name; > > function endElements($parser, $name) < global $elements; if (!empty($name)) < $elements = null; >> function characterData($parser, $data) < global $students, $elements; if (!empty($data)) < if ($elements == 'NAME' || $elements == 'COUNTRY' || $elements == 'PHONE') < $students[count($students) - 1][$elements] = trim($data); >> > $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($parser, "startElements", "endElements"); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, "characterData"); if (!($handle = fopen('datas.xml', "r"))) < die("could not open XML input"); >while ($data = fread($handle, 4096)) < xml_parse($parser, $data); >xml_parser_free($parser); $i = 1; foreach ($students as $course) < echo "course No - " . $i . '
    '; echo "course Name - " . $course['NAME'] . '
    '; echo "Country - " . $course['COUNTRY'] . '
    '; echo "Phone - " . $course['PHONE'] . '
    '; $i++; > ?>

    What is DOM Parser?

    Dom Parser is efficient in working with both XML and HTML. Dom parser travels in a tree-based fashion, and before accessing the data, it loads the data into a dom object and updates the data in the web browser. The example below demonstrates how to gain access to HTML data in a web browser.



    Course details

    Python 3 Month learnetutorials.com
    PHP 3 Month learnetutorials.com
    JAVA 3 Month learnetutorials.com
    JavaScript 3 Month learnetutorials.com
    '; $dom = new domDocument; $dom->loadHTML($html); $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false; $tables = $dom->getElementsByTagName('table'); $rows = $tables->item(0)->getElementsByTagName('tr'); foreach ($rows as $row) < $cols = $row->getElementsByTagName('td'); echo 'Course: ' . $cols->item(0)->nodeValue . ' '; echo 'Duration: ' . $cols->item(1)->nodeValue . ' '; echo 'Site: ' . $cols->item(2)->nodeValue; echo '
    ';> ?>


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