WordPress and php compatibility

PHP 8 WordPress Compatibility Best Practices

On November 26th, 2020, PHP 8 was released to the world. Two years later, PHP’s latest version 8.2 offers new features and improvements promising to enhance the security and performance of our WordPress sites.

WordPress Core is compatible with PHP 8 since its 5.6 release. But should I upgrade right away?

Let’s analyze the main changes and how to get the best PHP 8.2 WordPress compatibility checker.

Table of Contents

What Performance Changes Are Coming With PHP 8?

The most exciting performance feature coming to PHP 8 is JIT, short for “Just In Time” compilation. PHP is an interpreted language, which means it gets translated into machine code as it runs. JIT keeps track of frequently used code and attempts to optimize the machine code translation to reuse it. As a result, it can improve the performance of specific functionalities.

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The RFC proposal describes JIT as follows:

“PHP JIT is implemented as an almost independent part of OPcache. It may be enabled/disabled at PHP compile-time and run-time. When enabled, the native code of PHP files is stored in an additional region of the OPcache shared memory, and op_array→opcodes[].handler(s) keep pointers to the entry points of JIT-ed code.”


WordPress Performance with PHP 8 JIT

The PHP8 compilation tests show that JIT would make CPU-intensive workloads run significantly faster.

The JIT Compilation approach in PHP 8 means significantly better performance for numerical calculations and slightly better performance for typical PHP web applications.

PHP8 with JIT disabled

After enabling the JIT Compiler:

PHP8 with JIT enabled

The “Page Generation Time” with JIT enabled, shows 2.1387 seconds. Meaning a reduction of 8%

Is it worth activating PHP 8 JIT for WordPress?

To get this 8% of performance improvement, not always.

The fact is that you always have to keep in mind that the first execution is going to be slower. In this first execution, the code is compiled and its caching managed for subsequent calls.

If the PHP 8 JIT-compiled code is not reused across multiple requests,
consider disabling JIT and
using a caching system that can pre-generate your pages.

For example, you could configure WP Super Cache to pre-cache your pages.

If it’s not possible to use a cache system to pre-generate static HTML pages, such as for a membership site where pages are interactive and unique for each user, you could consider enabling the PHP 8 JIT compiler, which can dynamically compile PHP code for faster execution.

Remember WordPress’s Main Bottleneck Is Sometimes Its Database.

n such cases, the vast majority of the waiting time does not come from the PHP execution time, but from the MySQL process time, which will not improve with the help of the JIT compiler. If this is your case, your alternative to improve the speed performance is an Object Cache for your data.

Is WordPress Compatible With PHP 8?

PHP 8 introduces significant changes that are not backward compatible and removes many features marked as deprecated in previous PHP 7.x releases.

The most significant breaking change in PHP 8 is the strict typing. Many built-in functions are now pickier about the Input they accept, and PHP 8 itself is more stringent about how the Input passes to functions. Issues that previously resulted in notices currently result in warnings, and issues that previously resulted in warnings now result in errors.

Another noteworthy compatibility problem can be warnings converted to error exceptions. There are a large number of PHP warnings changed to error exceptions in PHP 8.

The WordPress core team has worked since release 5.6 on all these code deprecations. But, considering that WordPress is never used isolated (we always install third-party themes and plugins), being able to run our WordPress base install on PHP 8 does not indicate “full” compatibility.

Is My WordPress Setup Compatible With PHP 8?

Wait. The state of PHP 8 support within the broader ecosystem (plugins, themes, etc.) is impossible to know. For that reason, our recommendation is to check your setup in a staging environment.

WordPress compatibility tools for developers

The PHP ecosystem produces several tools that can aid you during PHP upgrades, including:

  • PHPCompatibility : it is a plugin for PHP CodeSniffer (an essential development tool that ensures your code remains clean and consistent). This plugin provides rules that will flag compatibility issues and suggest how to refactor your code.
  • Rector: it is a tool that can perform some code refactoring for you. It helps with PHP upgrades, framework upgrades, and improves your code quality.
  • Also, as a developer, although it is not a tool, consider having the PHP Migration Guides handy.

A WordPress PHP 8 compatibility checker

If you intend to address a compatibility test of a WordPress site, with all its plugins and themes, in this case, the best PHP 8 compatibility checker you can find is a test environment running with an exact copy of your production WordPress site. In other words, test your site in a Staging Environment.

If you do not have PHP 8 with your current provider, or your hosting does not have a Staging Environment, signup! in 10 seconds, we offer you FREE development servers.

At Wetopi, with your Free or paid Plan, you can change back and forth your PHP Engine from PHP 5.6 to PHP 8.2

Testing My WordPress Site In A Staging Server

Do You want to check PHP8 with your WordPress site?
And don’t want to deal with the details?

We migrate your WordPress site — for free —

  1. Login to your Wetopi and go to your site page.
  2. Open the “Menú options” of your production server and click the Clone option:

wetopi clone menu option

In your new staging server: open the “Menu” options and the “Advanced”options section. There you can Switch on PHP 8 with a single click:

Upgrade WordPress from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8

Our Recommendation:

When writing this article, PHP 8.2 is the most recent version of PHP. This latest PHP 8 release comes with several performance improvements and security enhancements. Upgrading the PHP engine of a WordPress CMS from version 7.4 to 8.2 can bring significant benefits, but it also requires testing.

Also, consider that PHP 7.4 has reached its end of life (since November 2022) and will no longer see security updates.

All in all, upgrading to PHP 8.2 can improve the performance of you website and security. Still, it is essential to test, in your Staging server, all of your plugins and themes, and ensure your code is compatible with the new PHP version to avoid issues.

Being said that our recommendation is:

— Start by testing the compatibility of your WordPress theme and plugins in a sandboxed or test environment —

Replace the old and non supported plugins
Upgrade your live site as soon as no issues arise.

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WordPress and php compatibility

  • Installation

    Note: Go to ‘Plugins’ > ‘Add New’ in the WordPress admin and search for “PHP Compatibility Checker” and install it from there.

    To manually install:
    1. Upload phpcompat to the /wpengine-wp-content/plugins/ directory
    2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

    You will find the plugin options in the WP Admin Tools => PHP Compatibility menu. Once you click run it will take a few minutes to conduct the test. Feel free to navigate away from the page and check back later.


    1. Will this work outside of the WP Engine hosting account?

    Yes, this plugin can be used any ANY WordPress website on ANY host.

    2. Are there WP-CLI commands available?

    As of the 1.6.0 release this plugin no longer includes the phpcompat WP-CLI command. If you still require use of that command, then please run version 1.5.2 or older of this plugin as those versions extend WP-CLI and provide commands.

    3. A plugin I created is listed as not compatible, what should I do?

    We maintain a whitelist of plugins that cause false positives. If your plugin shows up as incompatible but you think that is wrong, please open a GitHub issue on the project, or email wordpress@wpengine.com with info about your plugin and why you know it is compatible (you have automated tests, the failure is on backwards compatibility code paths, etc).

    4. Can I use this to test non-WordPress PHP Projects?

    Yes! While you cannot use this WordPress plugin to test your non-WordPress projects, you can use the Open Source PHPCompatibility Library that this plugin is built on.

    5. Why was my plugin/theme skipped?

    If your plugin or theme is not available on WordPress.org, then Tide will not be able to scan or return results of that plugin or theme.

    If your plugin or theme is available on WordPress.org, but Tide is not immediately returning results than it likely means Tide has not yet audited that plugin or theme and within a few minutes results should be available once Tide completes its audit. 

    6. The scan is stuck, what can I do?

    As of version 1.6.0 of this plugin, there should no longer be issues of the scan getting stuck as it no longer runs on your WordPress host server. If you are seeing significantly slow or unresponsive results from a plugin or theme that is available on WordPress.org, then please open an issue with those details for the Tide team to investigate why that specific plugin or theme version is not appearing in the Tide results.

    7. I found a bug, or have a suggestion, can I contribute back?

    Yes! WP Engine has a public GitHub repo where you can contribute back to this plugin. Please open an issue on the Plugin GitHub. We actively develop this plugin, and are always happy to receive pull requests.

    The plugin was created by WP Engine to help the WordPress community increase adoption of modern PHP versions. We welcome contributors to this plugin, and are excited to see how developers and other WordPress hosts use this plugin. To disclose security issues for this plugin please email WordPress@wpengine.com. 


    Как в WordPress проверить совместимость тем и плагинов с PHP 7.0?

    7-мая версия PHP увидела свет в недавнем 2015 году. Новый виток в развитии этого языка программирования принес много возможностей для всех тех, кто использует PHP. Среди преимуществ новой версии следует выделить скорость. Так, по данным разработчиков, скорость работы скриптов на PHP 7, по сравнению с предыдущими версиями, возросла почти в два раза. В связи с этим, многие владельцы сайтов, на которых установлены более старые версии PHP, хотят перейти на новую.

    Зачем проверять на совместимость?

    Следует отметить, что перед тем, как в панели управления Вашего хостинга менять версию PHP на более новую и быструю, необходимо проверить сайт WordPress на совместимость с ней, а именно темы и плагины. Такая необходимость возникает из-за того, что обычно в новых версиях программного обеспечения какие-то функции добавляются, а некоторые вообще перестают существовать. Если в каком-то плагине или теме используется несуществующие в новой версии функции или методы, то это привет к ошибке, что может нарушить работу сайта в целом.

    Как проверить на совместимость с PHP 7.0?

    Плагин PHP Compatibility Checker

    Как видим, плагин предлагает весьма понятные настройки. Для начала проверки необходимо выбрать версию PHP, на совместимость с которой хотите проверить сайт (блок PHP Version). Удобной функцией плагина является выбор статуса проверяемых компонентов. Доступны на выбор два варианта: либо проверять среди активных тем и плагинов, либо в неактивных (поле Plugin / Theme Status). Для старта проверки нужно нажать кнопку Scan site again.

    Результат проверки в плагине PHP Compatibility Checker

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