Windows server 2016 python


I stumbled in the same place every time, so make a note for myself.



—Windows Server 2016 is installed. —Apache 2.4 is installed. —Thank you for the article How to embed mod_wsgi in Apache on Python Windows.


Incorporate mod_wsgi into Apache

I added it because it didn’t work according to the above article.

1. Module load + α

After installation, mod_wsgi-express.exe is created in the Python Scripts directory ( C: \ Program Files \ Python38 \ Scripts in your environment). The Apache httpd.conf settings are automatically generated by mod_wsgi-express module-config , so copy and paste them into httpd.conf.

> mod_wsgi-express module-config LoadFile "c:/program files/python38/python38.dll" LoadModule wsgi_module "c:/program files/python38/lib/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/mod_wsgi.cp38-win_amd64.pyd" WSGIPythonHome "c:/program files/python38" 


 … LoadFile "c:/program files/python38/python38.dll" LoadModule wsgi_module "c:/program files/python38/lib/site-packages/mod_wsgi/server/mod_wsgi.cp38-win_amd64.pyd" WSGIPythonHome "c:/program files/python38" … 

2. WSGIScriptAlias settings

Reference: Django 1.4 documentation-How to use Django in Apache and mod_wsgi environment The first argument of the> WSGIScriptAlias line is the location where you want to publish your application ( / represents the root URL), and the second argument is the location of the «WSGI file (discussed below)» on your system. WSGI is usually placed inside a project package (mysite in this example). Apache will now process all requests under the root URL using the specified WSGI file.

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That is, it means that the request that comes after the first argument is processed by the WSGI file specified by the second argument. For the second argument, specify in the Django project app you want to connect to.


 WSGIScriptAlias / d:/apps/appname/appname/ 

3. WSGIPythonPath settings

Reference: Django 1.4 documentation-How to use Django in Apache and mod_wsgi environment The> WSGIPythonPath line ensures that the project’s packages can be used for imports in Python paths.

It means that I will tell you the location of the site-packages used in the project. If you change the Python version and create more venv, you need to change this path as well (Related article: ValueError at set_wakeup_fd only works in main thread workaround / hiro-jp / items / 1a15ac51165f5af395f3)), but usually ʻappname / venv / Lib / site-packages` is fine.


 WSGIPythonPath d:/apps/appname/venv/Lib/site-packages 

4. Directory settings

The> \ part ensures that Apache can access the file.

In the following, it means to allow access to d: / apps / appname / appname ( Require all granted ).


** Note **: In Old documentation like Django 1.4 Documentation The description is as follows, but this does not work with Apache 2.4 or later (Reference: Apache 2.4 changed the description method of access restrictions / items / c8eb1fedef3c00c5fbac)).


 # Apache2.2 Previous description method  Order allow,deny Allow from all  

Django settings


When I try to connect, I get an Internal Server Error here. It can be solved by the following.

 """ WSGI config for appname project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see """ import os import sys #← Add from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application sys.path.append('D:/apps/appname') #← Add os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'appname.settings') application = get_wsgi_application() 


Python add python to path windows server 2016

Solution 2: Adding two more solutions to the problem: Use pylauncher (if you have Python 3.3 or newer there’s no need to install it as it comes with Python already) and either add shebang lines to your scripts; — for scripts you want to be run with Python 2.5 — for scripts you want to be run with Python 2.6 or instead of running command run pylauncher command ( ) specyfing which version of Python you want; – version 2.6 – latest installed version 2.x – version 3.4 – latest installed version 3.x Install virtualenv and create two virtualenvs; for example Proceed with the following steps to download a Python Library from the Official Library: Open the Official Python Package Index page.

Install python packages in windows server 2016 which has no internet connection

For the windows server machine make sure you have pip installed and added to path.

Then proceed with the following steps:

  1. Since you are using windows try to download the packages from Unofficial Python Binaries in your personal laptop that has an internet connection. Try to download the whl file.
  2. Copy / transfer the downloaded whl file to the windows server machine.
  3. Use pip to install the copied / transferred whl file.

If you dont want to install any mathematical packages, you can use the official Python Package Index (PyPI) repository.

Proceed with the following steps to download a Python Library from the Official Library:

  1. Open the Official Python Package Index page.
  2. Search for your required package (e.g., I am searching for a library named beautifulsoup4 link)
  3. You need to select Download Files from the side menu. e.g.,
  4. Download the required version whl file.
  5. Copy / transfer the downloaded whl file to the windows server machine.
  6. Use pip to install the copied / transferred whl file.

A simply way is to install the same python version on another machine having internet access, and use normally pip on that machine. This will download a bunch of files and installs them cleanly under Lib\site_packages of your Python installation.

You can they copy that folder to the server Python installation. If you want to be able to later add packages, you should keep both installations in sync: do not add or remove any package on the laptop without syncing with the server.

Python 3.6 Installation failed, I’m trying to install python3.6 on windows server 2016. I have downloaded python-3.6.6rc1-amd64-webinstall .Followed the default setting to

How to add Python Path to Environment Variables in Windows 10

How to add python and pip to PATH

How to Add Python Installation location to Path Environment

Make Python Available to All Users When Already Installed only for One

Few steps for easy and better installation (As per 3.6,3.7,3.8 versions)

1 — Custom installation of python gives you more options.

2 — Do not forget to check ADD PYTHON to YOUR PATH.

3- Ensure PIP option is checked and others as per your choice.

4- Select install for all users and other option as per your choice

5 — Change the installation path

NOTE — Some files have error in the installation , RUN as Administrator may work for those.

Below i have tried to capture view of installation window steps..


Set up Python development environment, Enable environment-specific IPython kernels. Bash Copy. conda install notebook ipykernel · Create a kernel for your Python virtual environment.

How to run multiple Python versions on Windows

Running a different copy of Python is as easy as starting the correct executable. You mention that you’ve started a python instance, from the command line, by simply typing python .

What this does under Windows, is to trawl the %PATH% environment variable, checking for an executable, either batch file ( .bat ), command file ( .cmd ) or some other executable to run (this is controlled by the PATHEXT environment variable), that matches the name given. When it finds the correct file to run the file is being run.

Now, if you’ve installed two python versions 2.5 and 2.6, the path will have both of their directories in it, something like PATH=c:\python\2.5;c:\python\2.6 but Windows will stop examining the path when it finds a match.

What you really need to do is to explicitly call one or both of the applications, such as c:\python\2.5\python.exe or c:\python\2.6\python.exe .

The other alternative is to create a shortcut to the respective python.exe calling one of them python25 and the other python26 ; you can then simply run python25 on your command line.

Adding two more solutions to the problem:

  • Use pylauncher (if you have Python 3.3 or newer there’s no need to install it as it comes with Python already) and either add shebang lines to your scripts;

#! c:\[path to Python 2.5]\python.exe — for scripts you want to be run with Python 2.5
#! c:\[path to Python 2.6]\python.exe — for scripts you want to be run with Python 2.6

or instead of running python command run pylauncher command ( py ) specyfing which version of Python you want;

py -2.6 – version 2.6
py -2 – latest installed version 2.x
py -3.4 – version 3.4
py -3 – latest installed version 3.x

virtualenv -p c:\[path to Python 2.5]\python.exe [path where you want to have virtualenv using Python 2.5 created]\[name of virtualenv]

virtualenv -p c:\[path to Python 2.6]\python.exe [path where you want to have virtualenv using Python 2.6 created]\[name of virtualenv]

virtualenv -p c:\python2.5\python.exe c:\venvs\2.5

virtualenv -p c:\python2.6\python.exe c:\venvs\2.6

then you can activate the first and work with Python 2.5 like this
and when you want to switch to Python 2.6 you do

deactivate c:\venvs\2.6\activate 

From Python 3.3 on, there is the official Python launcher for Windows ( Now, you can use the #!pythonX to determine the wanted version of the interpreter also on Windows. See more details in my another comment or read the PEP 397.

Summary: The py launches the Python version stated in #! or Python 2 if #! is missing. The py -3 launches the Python 3.

How to run multiple Python versions on Windows, x to the path to set path automatically in python 3 (you just have to click the checkbox). For python 2 open up your python 2 installer, select whatever


How to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server 2012 R2, 2016, 2019, 2022 via PowerShell

INTRODUCTION how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically-typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a «batteries included» language due to its comprehensive standard library. how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

Python 3.7, the latest version of the language aimed at making complex tasks simple, is now in production release. The most significant additions and improvements to Python 3.7 include:

  • Data classes that reduce boilerplate when working with data in classes.
  • A potentially backward-incompatible change involving the handling of exceptions in generators.
  • A “development mode” for the interpreter.
  • Nanosecond-resolution time objects.
  • UTF-8 mode that uses UTF-8 encoding by default in the environment.
  • A new built-in for triggering the debugger.

Prerequisites how to install Python 3.7 on Windows Server

Step 1. Login to your Windows Server via RDP

Step 2. Open Windows Powershell as Administrator

Step 3. Run the following command to download the python setup

PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "python-3.7.4-amd64.exe"

Step 4. Run the following command to install python and set up path as well

PS C:\Users\Administrator> .\python-3.7.4-amd64.exe /quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1 Include_test=0

Step 5. Run the following command to reload environment variables

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $env:Path = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","Machine") + ";" + [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path","User")

Step 6. Run python -V to check the version of python installed.


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