Where is java being used

Where is Java Used in the Real World?

Java is a programming language that has been used in the real world, it works for commercial websites, financial applications, android applications, scientific applications, and much more.

Here, in this post, we will focus on where Java programming language is used the most. Let’s have a look at the below 8 points.

1. Android Apps

Android apps are a good place to start if you want to see where Java is used. If you open any app on your Android phone, it is actually written in Java and uses Google’s Android API, which is similar to JDK.

As a result of Android’s much-needed boost a few years ago, many Java programmers are now Android app developers.

2. Java Web Applications

Java-based web applications Java is also very popular in the e-commerce and web application industries. Spring MVC, Struts 2.0, and other similar frameworks are being used to create a lot of RESTfull services. On a variety of government projects, even straightforward web applications based on Servlet, JSP, and Struts are quite popular. Java is used to build web applications for many government agencies, including healthcare, insurance, education, and defense.

3. Server Apps at the Financial Services Industry

Java is very popular in the financial services industry for server applications. Java is used by many global investment banks, Citigroup, Chartered, Barclays, Standard and others, to write electronic trading systems for the front and back offices, settlement and confirmation systems, data processing projects, and other tasks.

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The majority of server-side applications written in Java do not have a front end. These applications receive data from one server (upstream), process it, and then send it to other processes (downstream). Java Swing was also popular for making thick client graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for traders. However, Swing is running out of steam now that C# is rapidly gaining market share in that area.

4. Trading Application

Trading Application Java is also used in third-party trading applications, which are a part of the larger financial services industry. There are many Trading application in the market which use Java.

5. Video Games

The majority of the game businesses employ programming languages like C# and C++ in terms of the creation of video games. Java is too slow for the majority of game development. Java is a great choice, nevertheless, if you want to learn how to make visuals and video games from scratch. It could function rather well for the server side of browser games, which are often used, as well as for Android mobile games. There are several frameworks and libraries, such as LibGDX and OpenGL.

6. J2ME Apps

MIDP and CLDC, components of the J2ME platform, were previously used to write almost all Android games and applications. J2ME is still widely used in devices like Blu-ray discs, cards, and set-top boxes. WhatsApp’s popularity can be attributed in part to the fact that it is also available in J2ME for all of the Nokia handsets that are still quite large.

7. Software Tools

Software Tools Like the Eclipse IDE, IntelliJ Idea, and NetBeans IDE, many useful software and development tools are written and developed in Java. They also appear to be the Java-based desktop applications that are utilized the most.

However, there was a time when Swing was widely used to write thick clients, primarily in investment banks and the financial services industry. Even though Java FX is becoming more popular these days, it cannot replace Swing, and C# has almost replaced Swing in the finance industry.

8. High-Frequency Trading Space

With modern JITs, the High-Frequency Trading Space Java platform is capable of delivering performance comparable to that of C++. Its performance characteristics have significantly improved over time. Since it only takes one inexperienced C++ programmer to make an application slow and unreliable, Java is also popular for writing high-performance systems. Although Java’s performance is slightly lower than that of the native language, you can sacrifice safety, portability, and maintainability for speed.

9. Scientific Applications

Applications in Science Currently, Java is frequently the first choice for applications in science, such as natural language processing. This is primarily due to Java’s superior high-level concurrency tools, which are safer, more portable, and easier to maintain than those of C++ or any other language.

Due to Applet, Java was very popular on the Internet in the 1990s. However, Applet’s popularity declined over time, primarily as a result of a number of security issues with its sandboxing model. Applets and desktop Java are almost extinct today.

Nowadays, Java is the default software application development language that has been used by the software industries like the financial services industry, E-commerce websites, investment banks, etc.


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