What is teardown in java

JUnit Usage of setUp and tearDown [duplicate]

Suite methods let you create them once per suite instead of once per test or per test class. Sometimes you want to share some resources between tests.

JUnit Usage of setUp and tearDown [duplicate]

Being new to jUnit what I have done so far is setting up my dependencies (i.e. creating objects) within the test methods itself.

  1. Eclipse mocks about unused variables, though. Is this what setUp and tearDown are for?
  2. Is it good practice to create objects within setUp and then null them out via tearDown ?
  3. What are other use cases for the methods above?
  4. What is the purpose of working with pre-Suite setUp and tearDown . Can someone give an example when this comes in handy?

Being new to jUnit what I have done so far is setting up my dependencies (i.e. creating objects) within the test methods itself.

If they are initialized and cleaned up correctly there is nothing wrong with this approach. You have to do it this way, if different tests need different dependencies.

Eclipse mocks about unused variables, though. Is this what setup and teardown are for?

Unused variables have nothing to do with Setup and Teardown methods. You should either use them or remove them.

Is it good practice to create objects within setUp

In some cases setUp method (or nowadays @Before annotation) is necessary. Usually the constructor and inline initializes will work just as well. @Before annotation is useful, if you have inheritance in your tests or you want to take advantage of @Rule s during initialization.

and then null them out via tearDown?

This is a bad idea. tearDown (or nowadays @After annotation) should be used to clean up external resources like connections and files or to revert changes made to static state of your application. There is no need to null fields as garbage collector will reclaim them anyway.

What is the purpose of working with pre-Suite setUp and tearDown. Can someone give an example when this comes in handy?

Sometimes you want to share some resources between tests. For example slow to create database connections. Suite methods let you create them once per suite instead of once per test or per test class.

Selenium — How can I get junit tearDown method run if, In my system the setUp method of our AbstractSeleniumTestCase class sets up the selenium web driver and firefox profile, and the tearDown method logs out of the system and closes selenium. Some tests will override the setUp and tearDown methods to do custom test setUp and tearDown.

Run JUnit setup and teardown exactly once for any test(s) run

Before every JUnit test I run certain things need to be set up. Some properties need to be loaded, a database connection needs to be made, a separate J2SE application needs to be started, etc. When every single test has finished the database connection can be killed and J2SE application shut down.

I can accomplish this by using @beforeclass and @AfterClass annotations in a test suite, but that limits me to only being able to run tests inside the suite. If I want to run an individual test outside of a suite it won’t run the suite setup and teardown methods. Likewise, if I want to run an individual test method (through an IDE) it won’t run the setup and teardown from the suite.

Is there a way to setup JUnit tests so that, no matter how they’re run, through a suite, or a test case, or an individual method, they always run a setup method only once before running anything, and a teardown only once after every test has been executed? Having all of the test cases extend an abstract class with a static initializer solves the setup problem, but not teardown.

I was able to accomplish what I needed using two separate methods. I’d prefer if just one method worked, but this will do.

I have a custom RunListener class that implements testRunFinished:

public class MyRunListener extends RunListener < @Override public void testRunFinished(Result result) throws Exception < //Do whatever teardown needs to be done >> 

I then have a custom BlockJUnit4ClassRunner class with the following run() method:

private static boolean listenerAdded = false; @Override public void run(RunNotifier notifier) < //listenerAdded required or else the listener will be added once for every test case, and testRunFinished will be run multiple times if(!listenerAdded) < listenerAdded = true; notifier.addListener(new MyRunListener()); >super.run(notifier); > 

An abstract test case class uses the annotation:

I was hoping that I could also implement testRunStarted in MyRunListener but it didn’t work. Apparently adding the listener like this in MyRunner, the listener isn’t added until after the testRunStarted method would have been run, so it isn’t being executed. The workaround for this is, as mentioned in the original question, to use a static initilizer in AbstractTestCase:

@RunWith(MyRunner.class) public class AbstractTestCase < private static boolean setupDone = false; static < if(!setupDone) < setupDone = true; //Do whatever setup needs to be done >> . 

If anyone knows of a way to add MyRunListener that will allow the use of testRunStarted that would be nice, but in the meantime this works.

Java — JUnit tearDown() finishes executing before my, According to the JUnit documentation, @AfterClass methods should start executing after all the tests have ran. I have looked through google, peroused the JUnit documentation thoroughly, read about JUnit execution order on StackOverflow, etc. but I can’t seem to find any other examples of this happening …

Junit 4 global setup and teardown

i want a separate class with setup and teardown for my entire tests. i managed to crate a class that do that (its a bit tricky, hope there is a better way. ).

but when running a specific test from intellij (right click on the file), the setup class is not called.

public class BaseTest extends TestCase < private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BaseTest.class); @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception < ///Some setup code . >@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception < //Put teardown code here >@Test public void testMethodA() <> // For some reason i must add this method, for my code to run > 
public class BaseTest extends TestCase < private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(BaseTest.class); @Before protected void setUp() throws Exception < ///Some setup code . >@After protected void tearDown() throws Exception < //Put teardown code here >@Test public void testMethodA() <> // For some reason i must add this method, for my code to run > 

How do setUp and tearDown work for Load Testing with, Given that, I would assume Junit would execute setUp, run the Jmeter script then run tearDown when Jmeter signals it is done. Since JMeter uses the same script for multiple threads, and isn’t «done» until the last thread finishes, you shouldn’t have multiple setUp/teardown Scripts. I would try it with 2 threads and …

Junit tearDownClass() vs tearDown()

What is difference between tearDownClass() & tearDown() methods?

Where can I find documentation for both.

junit.org documentation of JUnit listed only tearDown() not tearDownClass(): http://www.junit.org/apidocs/junit/framework/TestCase.html#setUp()

Use the API’s tearDownAfterClass() and tearDown() with the Annotations @AfterClass and @After. The code within tearDownAfterClass() would be executed only once after all the unit tests written in Junit have been executed. Clean up code can be written here to release the resources after all the tests have been executed. The code within tearDown() would be executed after executing each of the test scenarios.

These API’s are part of JUnit 4.

Below is a sample code to understand the invocation of these API’s:

@BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception < System.out.println("Executing a JUNIT test file"); >@AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws Exception < System.out.println("Execution of JUNIT test file done"); >@Before public void setUp() throws Exception < System.out.println("Executing a new test"); >@After public void tearDown() throws Exception < System.out.println("Execution done"); >@Test public void test1() < System.out.println("test1 . "); >@Test public void test2()

Output: Executing a JUNIT test file Executing a new test test1 Execution done Executing a new test test2 Execution done Execution of JUNIT test file done

The API’s setUpbeforeclass() and setUp() with the Annotations @BeforeClass and @Before respectively would behave as follows:

setUpBeforeClass — Useful to have initialization code here. Code written in this method would get executed only once and execution would happen prior to execution of the individual tests.

setUp() — Code within this block would get executed prior to each of the individual tests.

There’s a AfterClass annotation in the JUnit 4.x API, is that what you meant?

tearDown occurs after executing each test method of the TestCase. There is a separate hook (the AfterClass I linked to) that executes after all the test methods of the TestCase have run.

I don’t think the 3.x Junit API had any concept of an after-class teardown. Maybe you’re thinking of TestNG?

From what I’ve seen the Java unittesting seems to match Python pretty closely, so if JUnit is the same as the Python testcases I’m working with then in a testcase class setUp() and tearDown() are called before and after every test() you write.

setUpClass() and tearDownClass() are called once at the beginning and end of a particular testcase class.

So to illustrate this in what I’m doing I have in Python:

class exampleUnitTest(SeleniumTestCase): def setUp(self): # setup each test def test1(self): # run test process def test2(self): # run test process def tearDown(self): # teardown each test @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): # teardown at end of all tests 

To understand @After & @AfterClass I want to provide this code sample:

public class ExampleTest < private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExampleTest.class); /** * This method won't be executed if the unit test will be (externally) terminated (e.g. from within the IDE). * You have to act **really** fast in this case. */ @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception < LOG.info("@BeforeClass"); // will be always executed, even if a test fails throwing any Exception >/** * This method won't be executed if the unit test will be (externally) terminated (e.g. from within the IDE). */ @AfterClass public static void afterClass() throws Exception < // executed after the class has been initialized, only once LOG.info("@AfterClass"); // will be always executed, even if a test fails throwing any Exception >/** * This method won't be executed if the unit test will be (externally) terminated (e.g. from within the IDE). * You have to act *really* fast in this case. */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception < LOG.info("@Before"); // will be always executed, even if a test fails throwing any Exception >/** * This method won't be executed if the unit test will be (externally) terminated (e.g. from within the IDE). */ @After public void tearDown() throws Exception < // executed for every single unit test (annotated with @Test) within this test class LOG.info("@After"); // will be always executed, even if a test fails throwing any Exception >@Test public void someTest() throws Exception < Thread.sleep(10000); // interrupts current "main" Thread in the "main" thread group throw new Error("VM Error"); // allowed as Exception is part of this test method's signature ("throws" clause) >> 

Java — Setup and Tear Down of Complex Database State, Your db setup method should record time before everything else. Then you have rather simple procedure for db tear down to delete all entities that were created after time recored in db setup. Of course, this won’t work for updates in …


JUnit SetUp / TearDown Example

When we create JUnit test cases, we would normally setup our own configuration and data objects that can be used on our test cases. We needed them to be readily available when we create each of the method test cases and mock what was actually being used by the system at runtime.

We can prepare this within the test method but what a good alternative is override the setup and tearDown method. These methods will be called for each test case method calls. This will allow the test case to do a prepration and post clean up process for each of the JUnit method test call.

In order to help you master unit testing with JUnit, we have compiled a kick-ass guide with all the major JUnit features and use cases! Besides studying them online you may download the eBook in PDF format!

Thank you!

2. The Source Code(s)

package com.jgc.areyes1.junit; import com.jgc.areyes1.junit.obj.Account; import junit.framework.TestCase; public class JUnitTestCaseWOAnnotation extends TestCase < private AccountService accountService = new AccountService(); private Account dummyAccount; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception < System.out.println("Setting it up!"); dummyAccount = accountService.getAccountDetails(); >public void testDummyAccount() < System.out.println("Running: testDummyAccount"); assertNotNull(dummyAccount.getAccountCode()); >public void testDummyAccountTransactions() < System.out.println("Running: testDummyAccountTransactions"); assertEquals(dummyAccount.getAccountTransactions().size(),3); >@Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception < System.out.println("Running: tearDown"); dummyAccount = null; assertNull(dummyAccount); >>

First things first is, we need to override the TestCase object from the JUnit Test class. This will allow the compiler to tag the class as a JUnit Test case class and have a new set of overridable methods for us to modify the behaviour of our specific class. We override the setup and tearDown method so that we can do the preparation as well as the clean up process for each test method available.

Figure 1.0 JUnit Test case setup/tearDown - non-annotation based approach

Here’s the output:

The example above is actually the old way of doing test cases, the new more flexible way is by using annotations to tag the class as a JUnit Test case. We then use the @Before ( setup ) and @After ( tearDown ) for our preparation and clean up. Here’s an example of the annotation based junit test case method.

package com.jgc.areyes1.junit; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.jgc.areyes1.junit.obj.Account; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class JUnitTestCaseWAnnotation < private AccountService accountService = new AccountService(); private Account dummyAccount; @Before // setup() public void before() throws Exception < System.out.println("Setting it up!"); dummyAccount = accountService.getAccountDetails(); >@Test public void testDummyAccount() < System.out.println("Running: testDummyAccount"); assertNotNull(dummyAccount.getAccountCode()); >@Test public void testDummyAccountTransactions() < System.out.println("Running: testDummyAccountTransactions"); assertEquals(dummyAccount.getAccountTransactions().size(),3); >@After // tearDown() public void after() throws Exception < System.out.println("Running: tearDown"); dummyAccount = null; assertNull(dummyAccount); >>

It utilises the @Before and @After annotation for setup and tearDown method calls respectively.

Figure 1.0 JUnit Test case setup/tearDown - annotation based approach

Here’s the output:

3. Download the Eclipse project

This was an example of JUnit setup and tearDown, that show cases it’s usage as well as the new annotation based alternatives.


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