What is the best solution for creating a SOAP Server in PHP?
For instance, the response XML has a namespace on the root element, but not on it’s child elements. So below is the server.php file: The client.php file : The wsdl file : Image from eclipse Zipped all files I created WSDL file with Eclipse web service XML editor.
What is the best solution for creating a SOAP Server in PHP?
I need some advice on which library is the best choice when it comes to creating SOAP servers (and eventually SOAP clients) in PHP.
I know there is built-in functions for this, but is that really the best way to go about it?
Also, if you could attach some arguments as to why a certain library/method is the better, i’d be much delighted.
The only requirement i currently have (apart from the obvious client/server part) is that it can generate WSDL.
Does the WSDL version really matter at all? 1.1 or 2.0 what’s the real difference/benefit of using 2.0?
I would recommend looking at the Zend_Soap class of Zend Framework.
Its fairly complete and robust and has been available in the framework long enough to have most if not all of its rough spots smoothed out. Plus its part of a framework that is being actively maintained so it will continue to support new standards and any bugs that are found will be fixed.
I use PHP’s built-in soapserver class to serve requests because it’s implemented in C so it’s faster than any other class implemented in PHP (Zend, nusoap).
The limitation here is that SoapServer can’t generate WSDL (as of May’11) so i am using Zend SOAP Autodiscovery to generate it.
I use nuSoap: http://sourceforge.net/projects/nusoap/
PHP SOAP Client and Server, I’m attempting to write my first SOAP server, having done a bit with SOAP clients. When I tried with a sending a single string, this worked fine. But … Code sample$result = $conn->query($sql) or die(mysqli_error($conn));$row = mysqli_fetch_array($result);return var_export($array,true);Feedback
How to Create a SOAP Client/Server in PHP (Added
Please read the comments below.Well, they say better late than never, though I had some health issues.It was suggested to me also to make the videos shorter,
How to create php SOAP Server functions using WSDL?
I want to create PHP SOAP Server, but don’t understand how to do it correctly. So below is the server.php file:
> ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); $server = new SOAPServer('http://localhost:9080/soap-websiteservice- wsdl/CalculatorService.wsdl', array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'style' => SOAP_RPC, 'use' => SOAP_LITERAL )); $server->setClass('NewOperation'); $server->handle();
The client.php file :
true ); $client = new SOAPClient('http://localhost:9080/soap-websiteservice- wsdl/server.php?wsdl', $options); var_dump($client->NewOperation());
The wsdl file :
I created WSDL file with Eclipse web service XML editor. Now I do not know how to create functions. I get the following error:
Fatal error: uncaught soapfault exception: [HTTP] Not Found in C:\wamp\www\soap-websiteservice-wsdl\client.php:7 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->__doRequest(‘http://localhos. ‘, ‘http://localhos. ‘, 1, 0) #1 C:\wamp\www\soap-websiteservice-wsdl\client.php(7): SoapClient->__call(‘NewOperation’, Array) #2 C:\wamp\www\soap-websiteservice-wsdl\client.php(7): SoapClient->NewOperation() #3 thrown in C:\wamp\www\soap-websiteservice-wsdl\client.php on line 7
class Server< protected $class_name = ''; public function __construct($class_name) < $this->class_name = $class_name; > public function AuthHeader($Header) < //if($Header->username == 'foo' && $Header->password == 'bar') // $this->authenticated = true; > public function log($method_name,$data) < $filename = 'log.txt'; $handle = fopen($filename, 'a+'); fwrite($handle, date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A").' - '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n".$method_name."\r\n".print_r($data,true)); fclose($handle); >public function __call($method_name, $arguments) < $this->log($method_name,$arguments); // log if($arguments[0]!=AUTH) return 'Authorization required'; // auth check $_method_name = '_'.$method_name; // method name replace if(!method_exists($this->class_name, $_method_name )) return 'Method '.$method_name.' not found'; // methot exist check return call_user_func_array(array($this->class_name, $_method_name ), $arguments); //call method > >
It is my a working code with logging request. I had same problem with it.
$Service = new Server('YouClassHere'); $server->setObject($Service);
Finally i figure out how it’s works.
Now my wsdl in eclipse looks like:
class_name = $class_name; > public function AuthHeader($Header) < //if($Header->username == 'foo' && $Header->password == 'bar') // $this->authenticated = true; > public function log($method_name,$data) < $filename = 'log.txt'; $handle = fopen($filename, 'a+'); fwrite($handle, date("l dS of F Y h:i:s A").' - '.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\r\n".$method_name."\r\n".print_r($data,true)); fclose($handle); >public function __call($method_name, $parameters) < $this->log($method_name,$parameters); // log //if($arguments[0]!=AUTH) return 'Authorization required'; // auth check if(!method_exists($this->class_name, $method_name )) return 'Method '.$method_name.' not found'; // methot exist check return call_user_func_array(array($this->class_name, $method_name ), $parameters); //call method > > class Calculator < public function Average ($parameters) < $num1 = $parameters->num1; $num2 = $parameters->num2; return self::AverageResponse(($num1 + $num2) / 2); > public function AverageResponse ($message) < return ['Result' =>$message]; > > class in < >$Service = new Server('Calculator'); $classmap=[ 'in' => 'in' ]; $server = new SOAPServer('http://localhost:9080/soap-websiteservice-wsdl/Calculator.wsdl', array( 'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'style' => SOAP_RPC, 'use' => SOAP_LITERAL, 'classmap'=>$classmap )); $server->setObject($Service); //$server->setClass('Calculator'); $server->handle();
true ); $client = new SOAPClient('http://localhost:9080/soap-websiteservice-wsdl/server.php?wsdl', $options); var_dump($client->Average(['num1' => 10, 'num2' => 6])->Result);
So i tested with Virtual Studio. So i created form:
Created Web service reference: localhost. And my button click event looks like:
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication1 < public partial class Form1 : Form < public Form1() < InitializeComponent(); >private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) < localhost.Calculator client = new localhost.Calculator(); string returnString; returnString = client.Average(10,8); label1.Text = returnString; >> >
And final test code is at: https://bitbucket.org/Ernestyno/laravel-soap-server-and-client/src/51d144f41bbcc7680bb3d4a7f6e8aedcbef0cb77?at=master
Here i share how to make SOAP server and client with Laravel!
Python and PHP SOAP server, I trying to use the SOAP service based on «PHP SOAP server». And I have a problem with the argument passing. When it’s a scalar argument, all is OK, …
Which tools to build a SOAP server in PHP?
We are investigating options to build a SOAP webservice in PHP. We have some requirements:
- Authentication via SOAP Headers
- Fine control over XML used in SOAP response
- Good documentation and support community.
- (Optional) WS Security support
There’s the following tools providing such functionality:
Zend_Soap is actually a framework-compatible wrapper for the native PHP Soap-implementation. We have some simple tests running, but SOAP headers are not supported, and we don’t have full control over the XML response. For instance, the response XML has a namespace on the root element, but not on it’s child elements. Pretty annoying.
NuSoap is not really maintained anymore and I have read it has some issues with PHP 5.3 naming conventions.
WSO2 WSF/PHP uses a php extension which has to be compiled manually. There are some dependencies and the entire compile process is not clearly documented. The documentation is scattered around the website (sometimes outdated) and in the packaged downloads. A linux binary is mentioned, but nowhere provided for download (at least not in the last 5/6 releases).
I don’t really know a lot about PEAR::SOAP, but I have some experience with PEAR classes. Usually they are not well-documented and do not catch errors gracefully, leaving you googling every error message, with varying outcomes.
Do you know of any other tools that can help me build a full-fledged SOAP server in PHP, considering our requirements?
If you need WS-Security, then WSO2 might be your only option. Did you install all the prerequisite packages (openssl, libxml2) before compiling. Compilation is simple with ./configure, make && make install (I didn’t have any issues with 2.1.0 wrt. compiling). WSO2 offers full control of the payload XML structure.
If you can live without WS-Security, then any of the other options are good. I’d recommend PHP’s own SOAP library. It’s pretty decent, but doesn’t offer very good control over the XML and lacks WSDL autogeneration.
I do not know any other. I used in the past always PEAR SOAP, but unfortunately it seems it is not maintained anymore. There you do not need a documentation, it is pretty easy to use.
But I would go the Zend-SOAP way if I had to build another SOAP client/server, because all others are not up-to-date.
PHP SOAP faultcode: soap:Server, PHP SOAP faultcode: soap:Server. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 9 months ago. Modified 9 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 3k times 1 Googled …