What is server and client in java

Understanding Socket Programming in Java

Socket programming is a means of communicating data between two computers across a network. Connections can be made using either a connection-oriented protocol or a connectionless protocol. In our case, we will use TCP/IP which is a connection-oriented protocol.

Before exchanging data, computers must establish a link that is for connection-oriented protocols. UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is the only option for connectionless protocol.

To demonstrate sockets further, we shall use the Client/Server architecture. Client and server communicate by writing to and reading from the socket connection.

Definition of a socket

A socket is a communication endpoint that serves as a link between two machines on a network. It has a port number , which the TCP/IP layer can use to identify the application that receives the data. An endpoint usually includes a port number and an IP address .

What is TCP?

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is a widely used protocol for data transmission on a network that supports client/server end points.

Two categories of Sockets:

  1. A server socket — It awaits a request from a client.
  2. A client socket — It establishes communication between client and server.

The client has to know two things about the server:

Ports between 0 and 1023 are mainly used for administrative purpose (e.g., 21 for FTP, 23 for Telnet, 25 for email, and 80 for HTTP). In our program, we’ll be using port number 5000 .

Creating a socket connection

In Java, we create a socket connection by doing the following steps:

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The server constructs a ServerSocket object to specify the port number on which our conversation will occur. Exception handling methods are in use whenever an I/O error occurs.

The accept() method is called by the server to validate an incoming request to the socket.

A client then creates a Socket object by specifying the server name and the port number .

The Socket class constructor attempts to connect the client to the server using the provided port number.

If the connection is successful, the client and server can then communicate using I/O streams . The client and server socket classes are responsible for the I/O streams.

The client’s OutputStream communicates with the server’s InputStream , and the server’s OutputStream communicates with the client’s InputStream .

A stream is basically a collection of sequenced data.

The two major types of streams are:

A character stream is in human-readable language while a byte stream is in machine language.

In this situation, the client and server will simultaneously broadcast messages to each other’s streams because TCP is a two-way communication protocol.

Programming the server-side application

A serversocket is an object of the ServerSocket that uses the constructor below:

serversocket = new ServerSocket(int port) 

Port: The port number on which the server will listen for the client’s requests.

The ServerSocket object stays idle, waiting for network requests. Our client will attempt to connect to port 5000 .

Make sure the ports are the same, otherwise, the connection will fail.

We will use two while loops:

  • First Loop — This ensures that the server is indeed running.
  • Second Loop — It ensures that the server interacts with the client after connection until the client disconnects.
while (true) //ensures server is running  try   socket = serversocket.accept();   inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());  outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());   bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);  bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(outputStreamWriter);  while (true)  // ensures server interacts with the client  String msgFromClient = bufferedReader.readLine();   System.out.println("Client: " + msgFromClient);  bufferedWriter.write(" MSG Received");  bufferedWriter.newLine();  bufferedWriter.flush();   if (msgFromClient.equalsIgnoreCase("BYE"))  break;   >  socket.close();  inputStreamReader.close();  outputStreamWriter.close();  bufferedReader.close();  bufferedWriter.close();   > catch (IOException e)   e.printStackTrace();  > > 

We used the following methods for the server-side program above:

  • public InputStream getInputStream() — It returns an InputStream object that receives data.
  • public OutputStream getOutputStream() — It returns an OutputStream object for sending data.
  • public Socket accept() — It awaits for client connection (the program won’t continue until the client is connected). When you connect, you’ll get a socket object that you can use to communicate with the client.
  • BufferedReader() — It wraps inputStreamReader to improve efficiency.
  • BufferedWriter() — It wraps outputStreamReader to improve efficiency.
  • BufferedWriter.flush() — Flushes the output streams. It forces any buffered output bytes to be over written. The flush method is invoked when the buffer is full.
  • void close() — This method closes the server socket i.e. stops waiting for requests from clients.

Here is the entire code for the server-side application:

package com. company;  import java.io.*; import java.net.ServerSocket; import java.net.Socket;  public class Server    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException   Socket socket ;  InputStreamReader inputStreamReader ;  OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter ;  BufferedReader bufferedReader ;  BufferedWriter bufferedWriter ;  ServerSocket serversocket ;   serversocket = new ServerSocket(5000);   while (true)   try    socket = serversocket.accept();   inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());  outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());  bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);  bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(outputStreamWriter);   while (true)  String msgFromClient = bufferedReader.readLine();  System.out.println("Client: " + msgFromClient);  bufferedWriter.write(" MSG Received");  bufferedWriter.newLine();  bufferedWriter.flush();   if (msgFromClient.equalsIgnoreCase("BYE"))  break;  >  socket.close();  inputStreamReader.close();  outputStreamWriter.close();  bufferedReader.close();  bufferedWriter.close();   > catch (IOException e)   e.printStackTrace();  >  >  > > 

A sample output of this code is:

Connected Client: Hey there Client: I am doing this for the first time Client: BYE Closing connection 

Programming the client-side application

There are two ways to access a Socket instance:

  1. The server receives it as a return value of the accept() method.
  2. You can also use the following code to create a Socket :
socket = new Socket("localhost", 5000); 

In the code above, a localhost is a domain name that redirects you to your computer. It resolves to as the IP address. A port number is in the second argument.

We generate I/O streams using the socket object, as shown below:

inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()); outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream()); 

On the client-side, we need to use a Scanner object to get user input:

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in); 

System.in specifies that we are getting the keyboard input.

Here is the full code for the client-side application:

package com. company;  import java.io.*; import java.net.Socket; import java.util.Scanner;  public class client    public static void main(String[] args)   Socket socket = null;  InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = null;  OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = null;  BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;  BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null;   try   socket = new Socket("localhost", 5000);  inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream());  outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(socket.getOutputStream());  bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader);  bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(outputStreamWriter);   Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);  while (true)  String msgToSend = scanner.nextLine();  bufferedWriter.write(msgToSend);  bufferedWriter.newLine();  bufferedWriter.flush();   System.out.println("Server: " + bufferedReader.readLine()); //printing the server message   if (msgToSend.equalsIgnoreCase("BYE"))  break;  >  > catch (IOException e)   e.printStackTrace();  > finally   try   if (socket != null)  socket.close();  if (inputStreamReader != null)  inputStreamReader.close();  if (outputStreamWriter != null)  outputStreamWriter.close();  if (bufferedReader != null)  bufferedReader.close();  if (bufferedWriter != null)  bufferedWriter.close();  > catch (IOException e)   e.printStackTrace();  >  >  > > 

A sample output of this code is shown below:

Hey there Server: Message Received I am doing this for the first time Server: Message Received BYE Server: Message Received 

Testing the applications

Using Intellij or other IDEs

  • Compile the two programs.
  • Run the server program first, then the client application.
  • Type messages in the client window, which will be received and shown by the server window at the same time.
  • To exit, type BYE.

Using command prompt/terminal

  • Make a new folder named project (it’s your package name).
  • Put the Server.java and Client.java into the project folder.
  • Open the command prompt and navigate to the root path.
  • Execute javac project\Server.java and then java project.Server .
  • Run the client program using the same process as the Server program.
  • You can then type messages in the client window.
Hey there Server: Message Received I am doing this for the first time Server: Message Received BYE Server: Message Received 

If the port is already in use, the application may result in an error. To solve this issue, change the port number to a unique value.


In this tutorial, we learned about sockets and the TCP/IP protocol. We specifically covered the fundamentals of socket programming in Java.

Furthermore, we discussed how data flow and client/server interactions work. You can, therefore, use this knowledge to build other highly productive applications.

Peer Review Contributions by: Wanja Mike


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