What is public API in Java?
Public Java API services The Public Java API provides access to Alfresco Content Services through a number of services that are exposed. These services are accessed via a single point of access – the Service Registry. This information provides an overview of the services exposed by the Public Java API.
Correspondingly, what is a public API?
An open API (often referred to as a public API) is a publicly available application programming interface that provides developers with programmatic access to a proprietary software application or web service. APIs are sets of requirements that govern how one application can communicate and interact with another.
Secondly, what is meant by API with example? An Application Programming Interface (API) is a tool set that programmers can use in helping them create software. An example is the Apple (iOS) API that’s used to detect touchscreen interactions. APIs are tools. They allow you as a programmer to deliver solid solutions fairly rapidly.
Furthermore, what is a API in Java?
Java application programming interface (API) is a list of all classes that are part of the Java development kit (JDK). It includes all Java packages, classes, and interfaces, along with their methods, fields, and constructors. These pre-written classes provide a tremendous amount of functionality to a programmer.
How do you write a REST API in Java?
In this tutorial Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen), Java 1.8, Tomcat 6.0 and JAX-RS 2.0 (with Jersey 2.11) is used.
- REST – Representational State Transfer.
- Installation of Jersey.
- Web container.
- Required setup for Gradle and Eclipse web projects.
- Create your first RESTful Webservice.
- Create a REST client.
- RESTful web services and JAXB.
Public methods vs public APIs
If it would be only to headers then, since public API relies on private API, the private API would be included by public API anyway. So this is my question «Are all public methods considered public APIs?
Public methods vs public APIs
In clean code book, there is a point that says «Javadocs in Public APIs «.
And the same for Effective java book, there is this item :
«Item 56: Write doc comments for all exposed API elements».
So this is my question «Are all public methods considered public APIs ?»
They are different things for me.
Public API is the API that is announced and published to the world to use. So it is expected that many clients that you do not have control will use it. That also means it is more difficult to change as you need to consider the backward compatibility and that sort of thing if you want to make sure that any changes will not break the existing clients. Hence they should be well documented in javadocs to describe the actual behavior.
**** method is just a java method declared as public. You can declare a public method just for internal use , and it this case it is not the public API . Since it is only used internally , you have total control on the clients that use it .It is much more easy to change the API signature and its behaviour as you can change these clients to adapt to the new changes.
Also see this article for the distinction between published and public is actually more important than that between public an private.
A public API is exposed by means of public methods. A public method alone may not be an API. If the the question is if an API can be made of methods in «normal» classes that are not REST points, the answer is yes.
An API is what a developer uses in order to achieve something
Are we talking about a Java library which does X ?
Well, any public method is part of the API.
An API can even be:
A set of solutions that allow the developer to achieve a certain result
Not necessarily a single public method produces a valuable output and it may be necessary in some cases to uses other methods to reach a meaningful output, still those procedures are part of the API.
I’d like to point out that an API (at least in Java) should be made of «public final» methods , because methods shouldn’t be override by the caller. Clearly, we have to look at the context we are talking about, in some restricted cases you may want to allow it.
I have a really good source for you about this topic.
Recently i came across this video The art of building Java APIs: Do’s and Don’ts
made by Jonathan Giles (Java Guy at Microsoft) which explores the best and worst
practices about building API and it talks about Effective Java and covers some topics of the book.
(Those parts are highlighted while watching it).
Anyway, surely an interesting question.
What’s the difference between an Saas and an API. (SaaS vs Api), HTTPSAn API is just a way for others to build on top of your existing application. An API doesn’t need SaaS, and APIs have been around a lot longer than the Internet itself. If you are building an …
Java native methods. Public vs. private
Assume that we need to implement some java method in native code and expose it to user. We know that all work is done by native side, i.e. the only responsibility of java code is to pass user-supplied arguments to native code and return result back. According to this, java layer may be implemented in two ways:
- By using of native methods that are directly exposed to user:
public native Object doSmth(Object arg0, Object arg1);
public Object doSmth(Object arg0, Object arg1) < return nativeDoSmth(arg0, arg1); >private native Object nativeDoSmth(Object arg0, Object arg1);
I’ve seen both approaches in real projects and even both former and latter in the same project.
So, my question is: does any of mentioned alternatives have some technical or performance or maintainability advantages, that should encourage to use only one variant. Or maybe it is all just a matter of taste?
So, my question is: does any of mentioned alternatives have some technical or performance or maintainability advantages, that should encourage to use only one variant.
Maintainability advantage is the key here. As stated in the comments, the object exposes its behavior. How it is implemented is not the user’s business. This gives you more flexibility.
Suppose that in the future (see: maintainability ) you find that you want/need to adjust the method such that it does something before and/or after the native call. In the first approach, you will need to deprecate the method and create a new one. In the second second approach, you just add whatever you need in the method and the user doesn’t care.
As for performance, in theory, the first approach is faster because it’s 1 less call. In practice, it’s completely negligible.
I think it’s mostly a personal style choice. If you consider the following code:
rattias-macbookpro:tst rattias$ diff Test1.cl Test1.class rattias-macbookpro:tst rattias$ vi Test1.java
public class Test1 < public static void main(String[] args) < Test2 t = new Test2(); t.m(); >> public class Test2
Compiling this produces a Test1.class which is identical to the one produced when Test2 is defined as follows:
This means that you could change the implementation to be native, pure java , a pure java wrapper to a native private method, at any point in time without affecting the users. There may be a question to whether an entire public API function needs to be native, vs. just a portion of the computation, but again that can be changed at any point.
What is best practice for C++ Public API?, HTTPSNov 08, 2009· If it would be only to headers then, since public API relies on private API, the private API would be included by public API anyway. To expose a public API mark public …
What is best practice for C++ Public API?
What is best practice for C++ Public API?
I am working on a C++ project that has multiple namespaces, each with multiple objects. Some objects have the same names, but are in different namespaces. Currently, each object has its own .cpp file and .h file. I am not sure how to word this. Would it be appropriate to create a second .h file to expose only the public API? Should their be a .h file per namespace or per object or some other scope? What might be a best practice for creating Public APIs for C++ libraries?
Thanks For Any Help, Chenz
It is sometimes convenient to have a single class in every .cpp and .h pair of files and to have the namespace hierarchy as the directory hierarchy.
For instance if you have this class:
then it will be in two files:
/stuff/important/SecretPassword.cpp /stuff/important/SecretPassword.h
another possible layout might be:
/src/stuff/important/SecretPassword.cpp /include/stuff/important/SecretPassword.h
One suggestion is to take a look at the C++ idiom of Handle-Body, sometimes known as Cheshire Cat. Here’s James Coplien’s original paper containing the idiom.
This is a well known method for decoupling public API’s from implementations.
I’d say it’s best decided by you, and the type of ‘library’ this is.
Is your API provides one «Action»? or handles only one abstract «Data type»? examples for this would be zlib and libpng. Both have only one header that gives everything that is needed to perform what the libraries are for.
If your library is a collection of unrelated (or even related) classes that do, or not, the same goal, then provide each subset with it’s own header. Major example for this will be boost.
Here is what I’m used to do:
«Some objects have the same names, but are in different namespaces»
That’s why namespaces exist.
«Would it be appropriate to create a second .h file to expose only the public API? «
You always should expose only the public API. But what means to expose public API? If it would be only to headers then, since public API relies on private API, the private API would be included by public API anyway. To expose a public API mark public functions/classes with a macro (which in case of Windows exports public functions to the symbol table; and probably it will be soon adopted by Unix systems). So you should define a macro like MYLIB_API or MYLIB_DECLSPEC, just check some existing libraries and MS declspec documentation. It is sufficient, usually non-public API will be kept in subdirectories so it doesn’t attend library’s user.
«Should their be a .h file per namespace or per object or some other scope?»
I prefer Java-style, one public class per header. I found that libs written in this way are far more clean and readable than those which are mixing file and structure names. But there are cases when I brake this rule, especially when it comes to templates. In such cases I give #warning message to not include header directly and carefully explain in comments what is going on.
Java — Difference between SPI and API?, HTTPSJun 02, 2010· API stands for Application Programming Interface, where API is a means for accessing a service / function provided by some kind of software or a platform.. SPI stands for …
What is the difference between Win32 API and COM API?
I’m going to work on Telephony API. There exists two versions of TAPI. One is TAPI 2.x while another is TAPI 3.x. TAPI 2.x is Win32 based while TAPI 3.x is COM based. I don’t know the difference between Win32 and COM APIs. So, what’s the difference between these two?
Both are part of the Windows API (sometimes called Win32 ), so the distinction is not «Win32 vs. COM» . It is between a C-based API comprised of a set of free functions (for TAPI 2.x) and a COM (Component Object Model) based API (for TAPI 3.x).
Many system services are exposed through COM interfaces (like the Windows Shell, or the entirety of the Windows Runtime). The decision on whether to use TAPI 3.x or 2.x is roughly outlined under TAPI 3.x vs. TAPI 2.x.
Protect APIs with Azure Application Gateway and Azure API, HTTPSIn this scenario, API Management uses two types of IP addresses, public and private. Public IP addresses are for internal communication on port 3443, and for runtime API traffic in the …