What is mapper class in java

How to use MapStruct

I will summarize how to use MapStruct. The version to use is 1.2.0.Final .

Creating a Mapper class

Mapper class is created by adding @Mapper to interface class or abstract class.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper < // omit.. >@Mapper public abstract FooMapper < // omit.. >

Mapping method definition

After creating the Mapper class, define the Mapping method. Use @Mapping to specify the field name to be mapped to the target attribute and the field name to be mapped to the source attribute. It can be omitted if the field names are the same.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

Instance of Mapper class

An instance of the Mapper class can be created with Mappers # getMapper .


Specifying the component model

You can change the instance creation method by specifying the componentModel attribute of @ Mapper . This time, we will enable DI with Spring Framework.

//Specify spring @Mapper(componentModel = "spring") public interface FooMapper < // omit.. >

If you look at the automatically generated Mapper class, you can see that @Component is added.

import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; @Component public class FooMapperImpl implements FooMapper < // omit.. >

See official documentation for other methods http://mapstruct.org/documentation/stable/reference/html/#retrieving-mapper

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Customize the mapping process

MapStruct provides several ways to customize the mapping process.

Map constants

Use the constant attribute of @Mapping .

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

Set the default value

You can set the default value in the defaultValue attribute of @Mapping . Applies when the value to be mapped is null.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

Execute arbitrary Java code

Arbitrary Java code can be specified for the mapping process in the Expression attribute of @Mapping . Enclose the Java code in java () .

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

If you use the imports attribute of @ Mapper , you do not have to describe from the package name.

@Mapper(imports = LocalDate.class) public interface FooMapper

Format the number

You can specify the format of the number in the numberFormat attribute of @Mapping .

@Mapper public interface FooMapper < @Mapping(target="num", numberFormat = "000") //Zero padding Bar fooToBar(Foo foo); >

Format the date

You can specify the date format in the dateFormat attribute of @Mapping .

@Mapper public interface FooMapper < @Mapping(target="date", dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd") Bar fooToBar(Foo foo); >

Mapping between different Enums

You can map different Enums. Use @ValueMapping to map Enums.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

If there is no target to be mapped, set null by specifying MappingConstants.NULL in the staget attribute.

@ValueMapping(source = "VENTI", target = MappingConstants.NULL) 

If you want to specify the default value, specify MappingConstants.ANY_REMAINING in the source attribute.

@ValueMapping(source = MappingConstants.ANY_REMAINING, target = "LARGE") 

Use @ Qualifier

It can be used when you want to add special behavior. As an example, add a process to convert to uppercase.

Creating annotations

Create two annotations that combine @ Qualifier , one for class level and one for method level.

For class level

 @Qualifier @Retention(CLASS) @Target(TYPE) public @interface Converter

For method level

 @Qualifier @Retention(CLASS) @Target(METHOD) public @interface ToUpper

Definition of behavior

Create a class that defines the behavior. At this time, add the annotation created above.

@Converter public class StringConverter < @ToUpper public String upperCase(String string) < return (string == null) ? null : string.toUpperCase(); >> 

Creating a Mapper

Specify the class that defines the behavior in the uses attribute of @ Mapper . Specify two annotation classes in the qualifiedBy attribute of @Mapping and add the behavior to the mapping.

@Mapper(uses = StringConverter.class) public interface FooMapper < @Mapping(target="name", qualifiedBy = < Converter.class, ToUpper.class >) Bar fooToBar(Foo foo); > 

Use @Context

The behavior of mapping can be changed from the outside by using @Context .

Creating a Mapper

Add an argument with @Context added to the argument of the mapping method.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

Add custom method

Define a custom method with arguments with @Context . In the example below, a field of type LocalDate will be formatted and mapped to the specified Local.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper < Bar fooToBar(Foo foo, @Context Locale locale); default String format(LocalDate date, @Context Locale locale) < //Format according to Local, etc. >> 

Use Decorator

Decorators allow you to override the mapping process and add special processing.

First, create a Mapper class.

@Mapper public interface FooMapper

Creating a Decorator class

The Decorator class is an abstract class and is a subtype of Mapper to customize.

public abstract class FooMapperDecorator implements FooMapper < private final FooMapper delegate; public FooMapperDecorator(FooMapper delegate) < this.delegate = delegate; >//Override the method you want to customize @Override public Bar fooToBar(Foo foo) < Bar bar = delegate.fooToBar(foo); //Add special processing return bar; >> 

Apply Decorator

Apply the Decorator class to the Mapper class. To apply, use @DecoratedWith .

@Mapper @DecoratedWith(FooMapperDecorator.class) public interface FooMapper

Add your own processing before and after the mapping process

By using @BeforeMapping and @AfterMapping , you can execute your own processing before and after the mapping process.

@Mapper public abstract class FooMapper < //The method you want to execute before mapping @BeforeMapping protected void before(Foo foo) < // omit.. >//The method you want to execute after mapping @AfterMapping protected void after(@MappingTarget Bar bar) < // omit.. >public abstract Bar fooToBar(Foo foo); > 
public class FooMapperImpl extends FooMapper < @Override public Bar fooToBar(Foo foo) < //Run before mapping before( foo ); if ( foo == null ) < return null; >//Mapping process //Run after mapping after( bar ); return bar; > > 

Reuse of mapping

Once defined, the mapping can be reused by using @InheritConfiguration .

@Mapper(config = FooConfig.class) public interface FooMapper

You can reuse it as a reverse mapping by using @InheritInverseConfiguration .

@Mapper(config = FooConfig.class) public interface FooMapper

Configuration class

You can create a configuration class with @MappingConfig . In the setting class, you can specify the component model and set whether to issue a warning or error when there is an item that is not mapped. See Javadoc for details. http://mapstruct.org/documentation/stable/api/org/mapstruct/MapperConfig.html

@MapperConfig(unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.IGNORE , mappingInheritanceStrategy = MappingInheritanceStrategy.AUTO_INHERIT_ALL_FROM_CONFIG) public interface FooConfig

Set the created class to the Mapper class. Specify the created setting class in the config attribute of @Mapper .

@Mapper(config = FooConfig.class) public interface FooMapper < // omit.. >


What is mapper class in java

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What is a mapper class in Java?

Java Object to Object Mapper. Orika: Orika is a Java Bean mapping framework that recursively copies (among other capabilities) data from one object to another. It can be very useful when developing multi-layered applications.

Complete info about it can be read here. In this way, what is a mapper class?

The Mapper class is a generic type, with four formal parameter types that specify the input key, input value, output key and output value types of the map function.

Additionally, how does Model Mapper work? How It Works. ModelMapper consists of two separate processes: the matching process, where a source and destination type’s properties are matched to each other, and the mapping process where matched property values are converted from a source to destination object.

In respect to this, what is the use of Mapper?

Mapper is a function which process the input data. The mapper processes the data and creates several small chunks of data. The input to the mapper function is in the form of (key, value) pairs, even though the input to a MapReduce program is a file or directory (which is stored in the HDFS).

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DTO was mainly used to get data transported across the network efficiently, it may be even from JVM to another JVM. DTOs are often java. io. Serializable — in order to transfer data across JVM.


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