What is lightbox css

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LightBox made in pure CSS.



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This is a CSS only implementation of a LightBox. It works near perfectly on many devices, including mobile phones, low end laptops, modern video game consoles and home PCs. Animation not available if not supported by the users browser (IE).

Quite simply add lightbox=»lightbox» (or just lightbox ) to the div or other element you wish to make a LightBox. That’s all you require to make a LightBox. Unless you go with the label+input version, where you’ll need an input ( ) followed by the normal lightbox. ( )

Make sure you add an element that doesn’t need to be seen with an ID of screenarea like so: or . This is not seen and should only be used once per page, preferably at the start or end of the document. Completely unneccesary, but still somewhat useful. If you’re using the label, put a at the top of your document.

Adding extra properties to the LightBox is quite easy. Just add a set of items to the input of the lightbox . Not required thanks to defaults (all defaults are shown), but very useful for controlling the UX.

Effects which direction the LightBox enters from.

    Right ( lightbox=»right» or add -r to end of ID ( id=»lightbox-r» ) ). Demo

Specifies whether the user is able to select it or not.

  • Selectable ( lightbox=»selectable» ). Demo
  • Unselectable ( lightbox=»nosel» ). Demo

Specifies the speed at which the LightBox appears on screen. Always inst if there’s no support for transition (CSS).

  • Normal ( lightbox=»norm» ). Demo
  • Fast ( lightbox=»fast» ). Demo

Starting time (amount of wind-up)

Can also be specified by radio inputs with ids of lightfast , lightnorm , lightslow , lightinst . Not required and completely optional.

Putting things in the LightBox

These are the things you put inside the LightBox. These are heavily recommended and, although not required for it to work, will greatly increase the experience the user recieves.

This is of utmost importance. If this is not included then it will fail to perform its function properly. Define using . It’ll automatically add close. You can style it using the below:

  • Normal, changes to look its best ( lb_close=»» or lb_close ) Demo.
  • Top-Right ( lb_close=»tr» )
  • Top-Left ( lb_close=»tl» )
  • Bottom-Left ( lb_close=»bl» )
  • Bottom-Right ( lb_close=»br» )

I do plan on adding more soon, such as colours, capitalisation and :hover options ( lb_closeh ). If you couldn’t guess, this uses the ::before and ::after pseudo elements for its main part.

The utmost important piece. Without this it’s literally useless.

Directly supported elements:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque dapibus, purus ac rutrum hendrerit, nisl est viverra elit, et viverra arcu dolor nec lorem. Vestibulum at mollis lectus. Sed vel pretium ipsum. Vestibulum eu molestie ipsum, a interdum orci. Nulla erat neque, pellentesque eu accumsan maximus, fringilla vitae neque. Vivamus egestas mauris sed lacus rutrum eleifend. Nunc congue aliquet risus, vel condimentum arcu sollicitudin ac. Sed sed neque id felis malesuada tempus. Aenean ac magna consequat, sodales enim sed, molestie lacus. Vivamus efficitur rutrum urna, mattis pharetra dui tincidunt et. Suspendisse eget pellentesque lectus. Suspendisse feugiat leo ac faucibus commodo. In mattis, enim ut iaculis faucibus, sapien felis finibus nisl, eu tempus massa justo id enim. Donec id volutpat ipsum, id luctus dui. Quisque turpis risus, cursus a consectetur a, aliquet ac nisi. Praesent bibendum dui ac arcu molestie, sed lobortis mi facilisis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut et pulvinar eros, in sagittis mauris. Suspendisse rutrum sit amet turpis consequat volutpat. Curabitur pellentesque nisi rhoncus, ultricies magna ac, mattis erat. Vivamus ante ipsum, tincidunt sollicitudin ultricies in, pellentesque imperdiet turpis. Vestibulum lacinia fringilla nisl, ut tincidunt ligula ullamcorper sit amet. Ut vitae lacus non libero aliquam tempus vitae sit amet nisi. Aenean non molestie ante, ac tincidunt urna. Suspendisse imperdiet augue accumsan magna ullamcorper mattis. Curabitur efficitur condimentum nulla et tristique. Quisque egestas vehicula molestie. Suspendisse at enim felis. Nullam vitae lorem ornare, finibus arcu eget, mollis diam. Vivamus eu metus eget neque suscipit cursus et vel augue. Morbi rhoncus congue luctus. Sed non ante pharetra, molestie tortor non, pellentesque ex. Aliquam a nisi neque. Nulla porta pretium massa vel ultrices. Etiam tellus lectus, laoreet quis sem non, vulputate maximus augue. In non volutpat sapien, vel laoreet tortor. Cras id mi at dolor aliquet ultricies non nec enim. Quisque ut commodo ipsum, ac tempus leo. Nam eget purus a urna pellentesque sagittis id sed felis. Sed vulputate eu dui eget ornare. Mauris dictum rutrum interdum. Curabitur fermentum diam at dui pellentesque, vel mattis ipsum venenatis. In ut erat quam. Vestibulum blandit tristique sapien id posuere. Mauris malesuada dapibus est, dignissim cursus purus ullamcorper in. Suspendisse at nunc ex. Donec in ultrices augue. Pellentesque consequat eget risus sit amet vulputate. Etiam efficitur augue eu viverra scelerisque. Sed scelerisque fringilla ullamcorper. Pellentesque sodales odio et purus egestas, ultrices fringilla tellus blandit. Nam ullamcorper sem et nunc elementum, a lacinia felis pellentesque. Aenean quis sapien vitae ligula cursus consectetur non at sapien. Sed viverra vitae tortor id condimentum. Nullam non vulputate massa. Etiam et odio facilisis, lacinia ligula et, tincidunt lectus. In tincidunt tortor accumsan, semper ipsum pulvinar, mattis dolor. Donec non enim eu nisi congue viverra non porttitor ex. Cras mi tellus, lacinia vel ipsum ac, feugiat tempus sapien. Fusce bibendum malesuada libero eget eleifend. Integer elementum est nisi. Donec vel congue dui, vel iaculis ipsum. Duis scelerisque eget tellus ac luctus. Mauris a mi ante. Vestibulum eget justo in nisl dignissim tincidunt a et sem. Sed ullamcorper euismod nisl nec facilisis. Fusce ultricies urna quam, quis aliquet enim facilisis id. Donec ac lorem metus. Quisque blandit ut odio vitae luctus. Suspendisse interdum risus vitae leo iaculis, lacinia tempus erat pretium. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut feugiat pellentesque nibh nec varius. Sed sed imperdiet augue. Donec sagittis facilisis tempor. Nullam id est lacinia, elementum nulla id, varius nisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris accumsan orci in ipsum condimentum dictum. Phasellus volutpat id quam dapibus lacinia. Suspendisse at vehicula dolor. Nullam pellentesque vitae dui et venenatis. Proin sit amet cursus purus. Nullam quis porta tellus. Morbi vestibulum dui quis nisi lobortis condimentum. Nulla consectetur, eros quis consequat consectetur, purus eros porttitor nunc, at consectetur nisi mi lobortis ante. Etiam a auctor arcu, vitae viverra sapien. Nunc euismod, purus eu faucibus pulvinar, nunc erat egestas metus, in ultrices elit mi sit amet tellus. Sed in interdum arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut gravida sed diam quis fermentum. Praesent interdum lectus sodales efficitur semper. Mauris finibus aliquet leo, vitae lacinia dolor porta vitae. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean tristique erat sed orci convallis, non tincidunt nunc varius. Nunc efficitur eros eu dui auctor, ac scelerisque nibh varius. Fusce quis aliquam orci. Duis aliquam eros lectus, commodo iaculis justo vulputate eu. Aliquam ultrices, risus ac cursus pellentesque, orci justo facilisis mi, ac tincidunt neque est non felis. Nullam dictum purus sed justo viverra efficitur. Proin sollicitudin risus eu condimentum efficitur. Donec malesuada, leo sit amet facilisis dignissim, orci augue efficitur nulla, vel pharetra elit dui sit amet magna. Praesent eget sagittis est. Nunc dapibus auctor ante eget tincidunt. Sed dapibus porttitor ex.

  • video (removed due to issues with github) (Won’t be displayed if autoplay attribute is found.). [Demo](#lightbox-video)

  • iframe (issues with github, removed) (View LightBox\_Rules.md for more). [Demo](#lightbox-iframe)
    Click to view a Wikipedia»>—>

    iFrame lightbox — Removed due to github issues.

  • canvas (Define a width and height. Will be scaled to fit the limits)
  • Elements supported by wrapping in article :


    What is a CSS lightbox?

    A lightbox is a combination of two components, a modal and a slide show. The lightbox will be contained in the modal, which will be triggered by some JavaScript , from event handlers in the HTML markup. You will build styles which will provide state with CSS and behavior with JavaScript .

    What is simple light box?

    SimpleLightbox is lightweight and responsive lightbox library with no dependencies. Display images, galleries, videos or custom content and control your lightbox with easy to use api. It weighs less than 3KB. SimpleLightbox tries to delegate most of heavy work to browser native mechanisms.

    How do you implement a lightbox?

    How to implement a Lightbox functionality (HTML skills required)

    1. You just need to add this line (the CSS) in Content > Content Settings > Site Header HTML:
    2. And this line (the JavaScript) in Content > Content Settings > Site Footer HTML:
    3. Then, you can use it like this (from the official lightbox documentation):

    What is lightbox CDN?

    Lightbox is small javascript library used to overlay images on top of the current page. It’s a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.

    How do you make a lightbox pop up?

    How to create a lightbox popup

    1. Select the website where you want to add your lightbox popup.
    2. Select the Add icon within the Wix Editor to add a lightbox popup.
    3. Choose from four categories of lightbox popups to add to your website.
    4. Select a lightbox type and template to customize.

    What is a website lightbox?

    In web design, a lightbox popup is a window overlay that appears on top of a webpage, blocking some of the content on the page. When a popup appears, the background is often dimmed and disabled, meaning that site visitors cannot interact with other content on the website.

    What is a lightbox image?

    A lightbox is a way of taking a closer, or second look at the images you saved during your image search. It is also a way of saving images during your photo search so that you can look at them later without having to search again.

    CSS can be used to create an image gallery.

    1. Add a description of the image here.
    2. Add a description of the image here.
    3. Add a description of the image here.
    4. Add a description of the image here.

    What is a jQuery lightbox?

    Lightbox is a script used to overlay images on the current page and works on all modern browsers. These jQuery lightbox scripts and plugins will enable your Lightboxes to become easily viewable on all devices screen sizes and some even make it easy for your media content to be shared on social sharing networks.

    Do lightboxes work on mobile?

    By default, lightboxes added to your desktop site do not appear on your mobile site. Depending on your needs, you can either keep the lightbox hidden from your mobile site, or customize and edit your lightboxes from the mobile editor to enhance your visitors’ experience.

    What is the difference between a lightbox and a popup?

    The difference between the names of these tools is simply based on the attention they get, the goal they reach, and how the users can interact with them. So to be short, the modal popup is mostly for login or registration forms, and the lightboxes are more about the advertising.


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