What is javascript in html pdf

Learn Javascript

JavaScript nije Java. Toliko! Kada smo ovo razjasnili, možemo da pređemo na značajnije i važnije učenje, kao npr. kako da napravite dobre slajdere. Šalu na stranu, JavaScript je jedna imple…Full description

JavaScript/Print version Contents 1. Welcome 1. Introduction 2. First Program 2. Basics 1. Placing the Code 1. The script element 2. Bookmarklets 2. Lexical Structure 1. Reserved Words 3. Variables and Types 1. Numbers ● Strings ● Dates ● Arrays 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Operators Control Structures Functions and Objects Event Handling Program Flow Regular Expressions

The SCRIPT Tag The script element All JavaScript, when placed in an HTML document, needs to be within a script element. A script element is used to link to an external JavaScript file, or to contain inline scripting (script snippets in the HTML file). A script element to link to an external JavaScript file looks like: while a script element that contains inline JavaScript looks like: // JavaScript code here Inline scripting has the advantage that both your HTML and your JavaScript is in one file, which is convenient for quick development and testing. Having your JavaScript in a separate file is recommended for JavaScript functions which can potentially be used in more than one page, and also to separate content from behaviour.

Scripting Language The script element will work in most browsers, because JavaScript is currently the default scripting language. It is strongly recommended though to specify what type of script you are using in case the default scripting language changes. The scripting language can be specified individually in the script element itself, and you may also use a meta tag in the head of the document to specify a default scripting language for the entire page. While the text/javascript was formally obsoleted in April 2006 by RFC 4329 [1] [2] in favour of application/javascript, it is still preferable to continue using text/javascript due to old HTML validators and old web browsers such as Internet Explorer 8 which are unable to understand application/javascript. [3]

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Inline JavaScript Using inline JavaScript allows you to easily work with HTML and JavaScript within the same page. This is commonly used for temporarily testing out some ideas, and in situations where the script code is specific to that one page. // JavaScript code here

Inline HTML comment markers The inline HTML comments are to prevent older browsers that do not understand JavaScript from displaying it in plain text. // The // is a comment delimiter, which prevents the end comment tag —> from being interpreted as JavaScript. The usage of comment markers is rarely required nowdays, as the browsers that do not recognise JavaScript are virtually non-existent. These early browsers were Mosaic, Netscape 1 and Internet Explorer 2. From Netscape 2.0 in December 1995 and Internet Explorer 3.0 in August 1996 on, browsers were able to interpret javascript.[4]

Inline XHTML JavaScript In XHTML, the method is somewhat different: // Note that both the

Location of script elements The script element may appear almost anywhere within the HTML file. A standard location is within the head element. Placement within the body however is allowed. Web page title


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