What is java linux rpm

What is java linux rpm

See supported System Configurations for information about supported platforms, operating systems, desktop managers, and browsers.

On a 64-bit system, you can download either the 64-bit or the 32-bit version of the Java platform. However, if you are using a 32-bit browser and you want to use the plugin, then you need to install the 32-bit version of the Java platform. To determine which version of Firefox you are running, launch the application, and select the menu item Help -> About Mozilla Firefox. At the bottom of the window is a version string line that contains either «Linux i686» (32-bit) or «Linux x86_64» (64-bit).

Installation Instructions

This procedure installs the Java Development Kit (JDK) for 64-bit Linux, using an RPM binary bundle. Some Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, are not RPM-based. In that event, please see the self-extracting installation page.

The name of the downloaded file has the following format:

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To install, download this file and use the following instructions:

    Download and check the download file size.

You can download to any directory that you can write to.

Change directory to where the downloaded file is located and run these commands to first set the executable permissions and then run the binary to extract and run the RPM file:

 % chmod a+x jdk-6u -linux-x64-rpm.bin % ./jdk-6u -linux-x64-rpm.bin 

Note that the initial » ./ » is required if you do not have » . » in your PATH environment variable.

The script displays a binary license agreement, which you are asked to agree to before installation can proceed. Once you have agreed to the license, the install script creates and runs the file jdk-6u -linux-x64.rpm in the current directory.

NOTE — If instead you want to only extract the RPM file but not install it, you can run the .bin file with the -x argument. You do not need to be root to do this.

Known Problems

  • On 64-bit Linux platforms the 32-bit JDK and 64-bit JDK cannot co-exist when installed from the RPM bundles. One must install one or the other but not both.

The workaround is to use the .bin bundle and install into distinct directories.


How do I download Java RPM in Linux?

To install the 64-bit JDK on an RPM-based Linux platform:

  1. Download the file, jdk-9. minor.
  2. Ensure that you have root user access by running the command su and entering the superuser password.
  3. Install the package using the following command: # rpm -ivh jdk-9.
  4. Delete the .
  5. Exit the root shell.

How do I install an RPM file in Java?

  1. Become root by running su and entering the super-user password.
  2. Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:
  3. Uninstall any earlier installations of the Java packages. rpm -e package_name.
  4. Install the package. rpm -ivh jre-8u73-linux-x64.rpm.
  5. Delete the .
  6. Exit the root shell.

How do I download Java on Linux?

  1. Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type: cd directory_path_name.
  2. Move the . tar. gz archive binary to the current directory.
  3. Unpack the tarball and install Java. tar zxvf jre-8u73-linux-i586.tar.gz. The Java files are installed in a directory called jre1.
  4. Delete the . tar.

What is Java Linux RPM?

RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager, now a recursive acronym) is a free and open-source package management system. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base.

How do I install an RPM on Linux?

Use RPM in Linux to install software

  1. Log in as root , or use the su command to change to the root user at the workstation on which you want to install the software.
  2. Download the package you wish to install.
  3. To install the package, enter the following command at the prompt: rpm -i DeathStar0_42b.rpm.

What is RPM packages in Linux?

RPM Package Manager (also known as RPM), originally called the Red-hat Package Manager, is an open source program for installing, uninstalling, and managing software packages in Linux. RPM was developed on the basis of the Linux Standard Base (LSB). rpm is the default extension for files used by the program.

What is inside RPM package?

You can use rpm command (rpm command) itself to list the files inside a RPM package. rpm is a powerful Package Manager, which can be used to build, install, query, verify, update, and erase individual software packages. A package consists of an archive of files and meta-data used to install and erase the archive files.

How to install Java 8 from rpm file on Linux?

Where can I download JDK 8 from rpm?


How to Install Java on Oracle Linux 8?

Two separate Java implementations exist, the OpenJDK and Oracle Java. Both implementations are essentially based on the same code, however, Oracle Java includes some proprietary code, while OpenJDK, the reference implementation of Java, is completely open source. Many Java programs would also run well, but you can use whatever the program needs to be implemented.

To install Java on Oracle Linux 8, you have to install the latest JDK from the official release website. The JDK stands for Java Development Kit, an application of any one of the Micro Version platforms of the Java Platform published by Oracle Corporation. To install it on your Oracle Linux 8, you have to follow this article very eagerly.


Download RPM File

To install Java in your Oracle Linux 8 system, you have to first download the RPM file for Oracle Linux 8.

Open any installed browser and search for the Java SE Oracle Download website. Click on the JDK Download to proceed.

There are a lot of RPM packages available on the JDK download page. You have to pick the Linux x64 RPM Package. Under the Download label, click on the .rpm JDK file to download it.

You will then see the below dialogue box. Checkmark the License Agreement terms and click on the Download button, followed by the RPM file name, to continue the download.

Another dialogue window will be opened. Pick the Save File option, and hit the OK to continue the download.

You can see that the download has started. Wait for some time until the download has been completed.

The downloaded JDK RPM file is now residing in the Downloads folder as cited below.

Check Repositories and Java Version

Firstly, open your Oracle Linux 8 terminal and add the following command to check installed repositories:

To check whether your Oracle system has any JDK package installed, use the following command:

You can also verify the latest version of the default Java version compatible and enabled for your system, using the command as follows:

Check Default Java Path

You can use the command below to check the default Java path of JDK:

You can see the default JDK path is /usr/bin/java.

To check the link file, which is /etc/alternatives/java, you can use the appended command below:

To unlink this file, e.g., /etc/alternatives/java, you have to login as a root user, as cited below:

Note: It will ask for your root password.

So, upon checking the version of Java, you will find that there is no such file or directory.

You can also check the file using the following “which” command:

Now, the Open JDK has been disabled completely.

Install JDK

To install JDK in Oracle Linux 8, open your Downloads folder, where you have downloaded the JDK file. Press the Right-key button from the mouse and hit on Open in Terminal. You will then see that your terminal has been opened. Login as a root user using the following command:

Using the list command, you can list the RPM file as follows:

Finally, you can install the JDK file. You have to use the rpm command, followed by the name of a file, as cited below:

Wait for some time until the JDK file has been installed. You will see that it will fail to read the link /usr/bin/java because we have already unlinked it.

Check RPM Package Name

To check the RPM file package name that has just been installed, execute the following command on your oracle Linux 8 terminal:

Check Directories and Files in Java

To check the directories and files used by JDK 15, you have to use the following rpm command, followed by the package name brought in the upper command:

You will see a long list of directories and folders used by the JDK package.

When you check the version of Java, it will show you the latest version that has just been installed, as appended below:

You can also check the version of Java only, as cited below:

Launch Java

To verify whether you installed the JDK kit and if it is working properly, you can use the affixed command:

Another command to check the working of Java is as follows:

When you check the Java link path, where the Java resides, it will show you the same old path. This means that /usr/bin/java has been replaced by the new JDK 15, as cited below:

Check File Path

Now to check the link file details, you have to use the list command, followed by /usr/bin/java path, as cited below:

At last, you can link this newly created Java with the old file path. You can also do that by using the following command:


We have discussed how to switch to root user in Linux Oracle 8, download RPM JDK file, remove link for default file path, check repositories and version, install JDK Kit on Oracle Linux 8, and link the default file path. Hopefully, you are now able to do all these particular tasks by following this guide.

About the author

Aqsa Yasin

I am a self-motivated information technology professional with a passion for writing. I am a technical writer and love to write for all Linux flavors and Windows.


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