What is html in ruby on rails

Ruby On Rails | What is format.html/json for?

So I have been going through Rails Zombies and have gotten to the part explaining format.html and .json My question is what do these lines of code do, and why do we have them? If I write these methods or actions without these format codes they work perfectly fine, as i’d assume they simply display in html format by default? If somebody could clear up exactly what this code does I’d be grateful, I also do not fully understand what JSON is.

def create @zombie = Zombie.new(zombie_params) respond_to do |format| if @zombie.save format.html < redirect_to @zombie, notice: 'Zombie was successfully created.' >format.json < render :show, status: :created, location: @zombie >else format.html < render :new >format.json < render json: @zombie.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity >end end 

1 Answer 1

If the request wants an HTML page, it will perform the instructions set by the block given to format.html .

If the request wants application/json (like when you make an Ajax request), the response will be given as instructed in the block given to format.json .

You should know what JSON means before delving into creating any web service. See http://www.json.org/

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JSON is the preferred way nowadays to serve data from a web service. In the past people liked to use XML. But now JSON has taken over. You should really learn about it first before going full force into web development. Also, read about SOA, Service Oriented Architecture.

An example of a fake API that serves json: jsonplaceholder.typicode.com Try their endpoints, for instance jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/users


What is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and html?

Ruby on Rails — a Ruby framework to make developing multi-client web-based CRUD apps easier. HTML is a markup language to create web pages Solution 3: HTML is markup language used majority of times in view of rails.

What is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and html?

what is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and html?

Ruby is a programming language. Ruby on Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) web application framework written in Ruby. HTML is a markup language used for the formatting of web pages and is commonly used to present the output generated by a Ruby on Rails Application to the final user.

Ruby on Rails is a web framework written in Ruby.

HTML is a markup language to create web pages

HTML is markup language used majority of times in view of rails.It is used to design the frontend. Ruby is a object oriented programming language with latest version as 1.9.2 and Ruby on rails built on ruby is a web application framework with version3 currently in use.Links which may help you: http://www.ruby-doc.org http://api.rubyonrails.org

What’s the differences between Ruby On Rails and Ruby?, Possible Duplicate: What is the difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails? What’s the differences between the two?

What’s the difference between Django, Ruby on Rails, Google App Engine, etc.?

I have a newbie question about developing interactive, dynamic web sites. Can someone explain concisely the differences between:

  • Django
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Google App Engine
  • CGI scripts/apps
  • whatever else is or seems similar (PHP?, Java Servlets?, TurboGears?, etc.)

When would I prefer, say, the Google App Engine over Django, etc.? If I wanted to open a book store like Amazon, what would I choose to make the website? If I wanted to reimplement SO? What about a news site like nytimes?

Sorry I am throwing all these different technologies and frameworks together, but for me the uninitiated they all pretty much seem to be doing the same thing .

Here’s my attempt at your (very broad) question:

  1. Django — a Python framework to make developing multi-client web-based CRUD apps easier.
  2. Ruby on Rails — a Ruby framework to make developing multi-client web-based CRUD apps easier.
  3. Google App Engine — Google hosting of Python or Java applications that uses BigTable as its storage mechanism.
  4. CGI scripts/apps — old school web apps where a CGI script was kicked off for each request to a web server.

Grails is a Ruby-like framework to make developing multi-client web-based CRUD apps easier. It’s based on Java, Groovy, Spring, and Hibernate.

Java servlets are HTTP listener classes that you deploy using Java EE servlet/jsp engines. Those engines almost invariably have HTTP servers built into them, so you can choose whether or not to deploy them on top of a web server like Apache or IIS. They’d be part of a framework like Grails, but you need to add a lot of other stuff besides servlets to create a dynamic, data-driven web app. That’s why you can’t swing a cat without hitting another Java web framework (e.g., Struts, Spring, Wicket, JSF, etc.) — there’s a lot more to it than just servlets.

These are all similar in that they’re different attempts to solve that same fundamental problem. You’d choose one based on your familiarity with the underlying language.

I wouldn’t put Google App Engine in the same category. It feels more like Google’s «host in the cloud» option than an alternative to Rails or Django. You can deploy Python apps that use Django on Google App Engine, so it’s not an alternative in that sense.

It’s a matter of taste what you choose although you compare apple with oranges:

  • Django and TurboGears are frameworks for using python more easily on the web
  • Ruby on Rails is also a framework but using a different language: Ruby
  • PHP is a scripting language primary developed for the web
  • Java Servlets are used for creating websites with Java
  • CGI is just a method for a webserver for calling a script on that platform
  • Google App Enginge is differnt: It is a service provider at which you can host your webapp. Currently it supports Python (even with Django or TurboGears) and Java

Technically you can create any webapp with one of the technologies above, it would use one I’m familiar with. If you don’t know any, just try to read some tutorials and Wikipedia articles on the ones above to choose your preferred and start using it — you’ll get familiar with it very soon. Once you learned (and used) one of them thoroughly it won’t be hard to use the other ones.

Amazon, SO and Nytimes are all more or less CRUD apps. So you can implement it with any up-to-date web framework.

I woud consider, in no order:

If you want a faster learning curve (if you need to launch quickly, you may take a look at smaller frameworks):

One key factor is the language you already know. So try picking a framework where you are familiar with it’s language.

One other key factor (that we think about less) is what language your peers know. If your project involves a team, or you will hand it to someone else in the future, pick something that your peers will be comfortable with.

What is the relationship between ruby, ruby on rails and, Ruby is a programming language. Ruby on Rails is a Model-View-Controller (MVC) web application framework written in Ruby. HTML is a markup language used for the formatting of web pages and is commonly used to present the output generated by a Ruby on Rails application to the final user.

What is the exact difference between Rack and Rails Metal in Ruby on Rails

I am newbie to Rack and Rails metal, can anyone tell me which situation has to use which?. According to my understanding both Rack and Metal to filter/bypass http request and response. Need a better clarification, when to use what? Thanks in advance.

As far as I know Rails Metal has been removed from Rails 3 a long time ago. Basically it used to be a thin wrapper around Rack that could act more like an endpoint rather than a filter (which is usually the case with Rack middleware). Check this post for a more detailed explanation: http://jnewland.github.io/articles/2008/12/16/rails-metal-a-micro-framework-with-the-power-of-rails-m/

Nowadays, as an alternative, what you can use is ActionController::Metal which is a very lightweight controller that can provide very fast responses without offering many of the «cool» Rails stuff.

As far as Rack is concerned it is basically:

a minimal interface between webservers supporting Ruby and Ruby frameworks.

So it basically helps standardize the communication between any webserver that supports Ruby with any possible Ruby web framework.

Here is a nice schematic representation of what Rack does taken from Passenger’s docs

Differences between Django and Ruby On Rails, Ruby, programming language is paired with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS to build web applications that operate on a web server. Ruby on Rails is known as a back-end or web application creation tool on the server-side because it operates on the web server. It is like PHP on Laravel and Symfony, or on Django …

Ruby on Rails Syntax <% vs <%= [duplicate]

I am new to ruby and rails altogether. The tutorial I am following doesn’t explain the difference between

and both execute Ruby code.

will execute Ruby code, but will not render the return value into html. will execute Ruby code, and will render the return value into html.

Ruby — Difference between resource and resources in, To define such singular resource you use resource method: Example. # in routes.rb resource :organization. creates six different routes in your application, all mapping to the Organizations controller: whereas, you define plural resources using resources method. resources :organizations.


What is the meaning of erb?

erb stands for «Embedded RuBy». A .html.erb or .erb.html file is HTML with Ruby code embedded in; Rails will evaluate the Ruby to add content to the file dynamically, and will output a «pure» HTML file for rendering.

@luckyguy73 I find it helpful for two reasons: 1) my editor knows what kind of mixed file it is (e.g., .html.erb will have different syntax highlighting than a .css.erb ; 2) you can provide different templates for different response formats (e.g., .html.erb for HTML and .json.erb for JSON).

@GregSchmit back then it wasn’t mentioned that there can be other types of .erb files other than html, so that would be a great reason why it is needed since you can have a css, json, or other file types

As @Chowlett mentioned before, erb stands for Embedded Ruby. When you define any file as «.html.erb» that means it’s an HTML file with ruby code embedded in it and it is similar to «.rhtml» extension of rails file.

You can see a detailed and nice difference between «.html.erb» and «.rhtml» Click Here

Same as «.rhtml», you can also rename «.rjs» extension to «.js.erb» or «.rxml» to «.xml.erb»

This format separates out content type from template engine which is «erb» in this case.

ERB (Embedded RuBy) is a feature of Ruby that enables you to conveniently generate any kind of text, in any quantity, from templates. The templates themselves combine plain text with Ruby code for variable substitution and flow control, which makes them easy to write and maintain.

Although ERB is most commonly seen generating Web pages, it is also used to produce XML documents, RSS feeds, source code, and other forms of structured text file. It can be extremely valuable when you need to create files which include many repetitions of a standard pattern, such as unit test suites.

The main component of ERB is a library which you can call within your Ruby applications and Rake tasks. This library accepts any string as a template, and imposes no limitations on the source of the template. You may define a template entirely within your code, or store it in an external location and load it as required. This means that you can keep templates in files, SQL databases, or any other kind of storage that you want to use.

Ruby distributions also include a command-line utility that enables you to process templates that are held in files without writing any additional code. Logically, this utility is called erb.

ERB is part of the Ruby standard library. You do not need to install any other software to use it.

The original article contains more detail and a short guide to using ERB. You can also read the official docs.

Note: the quoted block above was previously posted as an answer by another user without linking to An Introduction to ERB Templating or acknowledging that it was not that user’s work. That post was (rightly) deleted for plagiarism. However, I thought it was a useful answer, so I’ve reposted the quote giving proper attribution to Stuart Ellis, the original author.


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