- Method 1
- Method 2
- Set Cellpadding
- Set Cellspacing
- Setting Cellspacing and Cellspacing both
- Summary
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- How to Set Cellpadding and Cellspacing in CSS
- How to adjust spacing separately for the top, right, left, and bottom of each cell?
- What the difference between cellpadding and cellspacing?
- What is cellpadding in HTML tables
- The General Format of Specifying cellpadding
- What is cellspacing in HTML tables
- The general format to specify cellspacing
- Difference between cellspacing and cellpadding
- Understanding Cellpadding, Cellspacing, Colspan, Rowspan and valign
- Cellpadding
- Cellspacing
- Colspan
- Rowspan
- Valign
- Difference Between Cellpadding and Cellspacing
- What is Cellpadding?
- Syntax
- What is Cellspacing?
- Syntax
- Difference between Cellpadding and Cellspacing
- Conclusion
Method 1
This property will even allow separate horizontal and vertical spacing, something you couldn’t do with old-school «cellspacing».
Method 2
table border-collapse: collapse;> td padding: 0px;>
Set Cellpadding
table border-collapse: collapse;> td padding: 6px;>
So that it will look like as —
Set Cellspacing
table border-spacing: 2px;> td padding: 0px;>
So that it will look like as —
Setting Cellspacing and Cellspacing both
table border-spacing: 8px 2px;> td padding: 6px;>
So that it will look like as —
table border-spacing: 2px;> td padding: 6px;>
So that it will look like as —
table border-collapse: collapse; /* 'cellspacing' equivalent */ > table td, table th padding: 0; /* 'cellpadding' equivalent */ >
With all that being said, I highly recommend you keep learning! Thank you for reading this article. Please feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter.
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I am Rajesh, a Software Engineer by profession and a Technical Blogger by passion. I am passionate about knowledge sharing, open-source contributions, connecting to people, and mentoring.
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How to Set Cellpadding and Cellspacing in CSS
How to adjust spacing separately for the top, right, left, and bottom of each cell?
You can use the CSS padding property to adjust the spacing of each cell in an HTML table separately. The padding property takes up to four values, which correspond to the top, right, bottom, and left sides of the element, respectively.
Here’s an example of how to adjust the spacing of each cell separately in an HTML table:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> head> body> table> tr> td style="padding: 10px 20px 30px 40px; background-color: cyan;">Cell 1 td> td style="padding: 20px 30px; background-color: cyan;">Cell 2 td> tr> tr> td style="padding: 0 0 10px; background-color: cyan;">Cell 3 td> td style="padding: 0 20px; background-color: cyan;">Cell 4 td> tr> table> body> html>
In this example, the first cell in the first row has a padding of 10 pixels for the top, 20 pixels for the right, 30 pixels for the bottom, and 40 pixels for the left. The second cell in the first row has a padding of 20 pixels for the top and bottom, and 30 pixels for the right and left. The first cell in the second row has a padding of 0 pixels for the top and right, and 10 pixels for the bottom. The second cell in the second row has a padding of 0 pixels for the top and bottom, and 20 pixels for the right and left.
You can adjust the values of the padding property to achieve the desired spacing for each cell in the table. Additionally, you can use CSS classes to apply the same padding values to multiple cells in the table.
What the difference between cellpadding and cellspacing?
Table contains two properties cellpadding and cellspacing. Padding is always space inside the cell while the cellspacing is the space between two cells. To make the concept of cellpadding and cellspacing more clear. I will describe cellpadding and cellspacing separately then will compare the diffrence.
What is cellpadding in HTML tables
Cellpadding is used to define the distance or space inside the cell. If you have some content inside a cell the cell will leave space on each side top, left, right, bottom that’s cellpadding. Cellpadding is an important feature to format and make table cells good. Default value of cellpadding is zero 0 which you can change by adding attribute cellpadding=”5px” in table tag. What is the cell? Cell is actually and for headings its while is a table row which contains the cells. So the cellpadding only works to give space inside the cells.
The General Format of Specifying cellpadding
In example above we are starting a table in which cellpadding=”5px” attribute tells browser to add 5px spacing inside each cell. Let’s now have a look to complete table’s code below which have 5px cellpadding.
Note: If your CSS defining the table, tr, td styles in which it says td padding should be something else than cellpadding will not work. CSS style for td padding will override the HTML table cellpadding attribute.
Some Heading Some Heading Some text Some text
What is cellspacing in HTML tables
Cellpspacing is another important attribute for table tag in HTML. As cellpadding provides space inside the cells. Oppositely cellspacing provides space outside the cells. For example if in a single row you have two cells and you have given 5px cellspacing to table. Both cells will have spacing top, right, bottom and left 5px which will make 10px spacing between two cells as both have 5px spacing on left and right. Spacing is always good to make something more readable and attention seeker.
The general format to specify cellspacing
When you start a table the cellspacing attribute is also defined in table’s tag similar to cellpadding.
In this example we are defining cellspacing and cellpadding while giving 1px border to identify the spacing. Let’s take a look to complete example below.
Some text Some text Some text Some text
In example above we have two rows in first row we have two headings and in second row we have two table data cells. So cellspacing will produce spacing between cells from top, left, right and bottom while cellpadding will produce spacing inside the cells.
Difference between cellspacing and cellpadding
There is a major difference between cellspacing and cellpadding. As i stated above cellpadding is spacing inside the columns or cells while the cellspacing is spacing outside the columns or cells. Let’s see a demonstration.
- Cellpadding and cellspacing both are related to cells height and width in cellpadding space between 1 cell and cellspacing means space between 2 cells. Or borders of table.
- Think of a cell as a box. Cellspacing is the space between boxes. Cellpadding is the space between the content inside the box and its borders.
- Cell Spacing is used to set space between different table cells. CellPadding is used the space between the edges of the cell and the content of the cell.
- Cellpadding space between Content of cell and Cell Wall while Cellspacing is space between two cells .
I am sure now you have clear understanding about cellpadding and cellspacing. Let’s now try to understand other attributes we use in tables like rowspan, colspan, valign, cellpadding and cellspacing.
Understanding Cellpadding, Cellspacing, Colspan, Rowspan and valign
Tables are really important for format the simple layouts the most and wide use of tables are for forms. While now CSS have advanced a lot that people are using CSS to make the layouts. But tables are still important parts of HTML documents which tells you how to layout html documents.
Cellspacing Is space between cells we give it to leave some space around cells so each cell have some space with other cell from all sides top bottom left and right.We give cellpspacing by
Colspan is needed when we want a row’s two or more columns become 1 column and on other row they remain same number of columns we give colspan in td which we want to cover more than 1 columns like
Rowspan Similar to colspan row span works with rows means if each column have about 3 rows in it and to first column’s cell you give two row span it would cover two rows of next column. We give row span like
Valign Every td or cell in table is always aligned center vertically means if your content height is 20px and your td height is 100px it would leave 40px on top and 40px on bottom if you want it to align on top or bottom you give valign in td like
Check the visual below which explain the elements and attributes we defined above. Later we are going to share complete code example.
Please check the code below for the above visual this can explain well how this works.
Students Data Table Name Roll# Subject Marks Ateeq 33 Physics 22 Ateeq 33 Physics 22 Students older than 2011 Data Table Ateeq 33 Physics 22 Ateeq 33 Physics 22
Article updated on August 30 2019.
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Difference Between Cellpadding and Cellspacing
In HTML, cellpadding and cellspacing are the two attributes used for formatting table cells. Both cellpadding and cellspacing are used to insert whitespaces in the table cells. The most basic difference between cellpadding and cellspacing is that the cellpadding is used to set the whitespace between cell edge and cell content, whereas cellspacing is used to set the whitespace between two cells.
Read through this article to find out more about cellpadding and cellspacing and how they are different from each other.
What is Cellpadding?
In HTML, the value assigned to the cellpadding attribute can be in pixels or percentage. This value could be 0 depending on the requirements of user. The cellpadding attribute of the table tag is supported in the older versions of HTML, but HTML5 does not allow the use of cellpadding.
Use the following syntax to apply cellpadding −
What is Cellspacing?
Cellspacing is again an attribute of table tag in HTML. It is used to control the distance between two adjacent cells. Thus, a web developer can easily change the space between edges of different adjacent cells. It is primary used to improve the clarity of the table.
Use the following syntax to apply cellspacing −
Now, let us discuss the important differences between cellpadding and cellspacing in detail.
Difference between Cellpadding and Cellspacing
The following table highlights all the important differences between cellpadding and cellspacing −
Key | Cellpadding | Cellspacing | ||||||
Associated with | It is associated with a single cell. | It is associated with more than a single cell. | ||||||
Use | It helps to control the white space that is present between the border of the cell and the contents within the cell. | It helps to set the space between the single cells. | ||||||
Default Value | The default value of cell padding is 1. | The default cell spacing value is 2. | ||||||
Effectiveness | It is used as an effective method. | It is less effective than cell padding. | ||||||
Created using | It is created using HTML