Wait seconds in python

python pause for time

To make a Python program delay (pause execution), use the sleep(seconds) method. which can be found in the time module.
The time module provides many time related functionality like getting the current time, converting epoch time and others.

The time.sleep pauses execution, making the program wait for the defined time. The time to wait (sleep) is defined in seconds. If you don’t want the program to completely freeze use threading instead.

import time
time.sleep(5) # Wait for 5 seconds

The time.sleep(sec) method supports floating point numbers, meaning you can make it wait half a second too

import time
time.sleep(0.100) # Wait for 100 milliseconds

A simple countdown timer from 5:

import time

seconds = 5
while seconds > 0:
seconds = seconds — 1


The time.sleep(seconds) is not real time. The accuracy depends on the operating system, sometimes it may be off in terms of milliseconds.

To wait about 50 milliseconds:

Python 2.7.11+ (default, Apr 17 2016, 14:00:29)
[GCC 5.3.1 20160413] on linux2
Type «help», «copyright», «credits» or «license» for more information.
>>> from time import sleep
>>> sleep(0.05)

You won’t get exactly 50ms if you rely on the sleep method.

Most PC machines have hardware limits in the 1-10ms range, regardless of operating system. To the operating system, time.sleep() just means a hint. It’s not a good timing mechanism, but good enough for most applications.

Operating systems may have different implementations, causing a difference in time.

time.sleep accuracy

(Image from Stackoverflow)

For higher accuracy, you need dedicated hardware (embedded system) to keep accurate time on the milliseconds level.


The Python Sleep Function – How to Make Python Wait A Few Seconds Before Continuing, With Example Commands

Amy Haddad

Amy Haddad

The Python Sleep Function – How to Make Python Wait A Few Seconds Before Continuing, With Example Commands

You can use Python’s sleep() function to add a time delay to your code.

This function is handy if you want to pause your code between API calls, for example. Or enhance the user’s experience by adding pauses between words or graphics.

from time import sleep sleep(2) print("hello world") 

When I run the above code, there’s about a two-second delay before «hello world» prints.

I experience a delay because sleep() stops the “execution of the calling thread” for a provided number of seconds (though the exact time is approximate). So the execution of the program is paused for about two seconds in the above example.

In this article, you’ll learn how to put your Python code to sleep.

The Details of Sleep

Python’s time module contains many time-related functions, one of which is sleep() . In order to use sleep(), you need to import it.

sleep() takes one argument: seconds. This is the amount of time (in seconds) that you want to delay your code.

Sleep in Action

Now let’s use sleep() in a few different ways.

After I import the sleep from the time module, two lines of text will print. However, there will be an approximate two-second delay between the printing of each line.

from time import sleep print("Hello") sleep(2) print("World") 

This is what happened when I ran the code:

«Hello» This line printed right away.

Then, there was approximately a two-second delay.

«World» This line printed about two seconds after the first.

You Can Be Precise

Make your time delay specific by passing a floating point number to sleep() .

from time import sleep print("Prints immediately.") sleep(0.50) print("Prints after a slight delay.") 

This is what happened when I ran the code:

«Prints immediately.» This line printed immediately.

Then, there was a delay of approximately 0.5 seconds.

«Prints after a slight delay.» This line printed about 0.5 seconds after the first.

Create a Timestamp

Here’s another example to consider.

In the code below, I create five timestamps. I use sleep() to add a delay of approximately one second between each timestamp.

import time for i in range(5): current_time = time.localtime() timestamp = time.strftime("%I:%m:%S", current_time) time.sleep(1) print(timestamp) 

Here, I import the entire time module so I can access multiple functions from it, including sleep().

Then, I create a for loop that will iterate five times.

On each iteration, I get the current time.

current_time = time.localtime() 

I get a timestamp using another function in the time module, strftime() .

timestamp = time.strftime("%I:%m:%S", current_time) 

The sleep() function is next, which will cause a delay on each iteration of the loop.

When I run the program I wait about a second before the first timestamp prints out. Then, I wait about a second for the next timestamp to print, and so on until the loop terminates.

The output looks like this:

04:08:37 04:08:38 04:08:39 04:08:40 04:08:41 

sleep() and the User Experience

Another way to use sleep() is to enhance the user’s experience by creating some suspense.

from time import sleep story_intro = ["It", "was", "a", "dark", "and", "stormy", "night", ". "] for word in story_intro: print(word) sleep(1) 

Here, I iterate through the list of words in story_intro . To add suspense, I use the sleep() function to delay by about a second after each word is printed.

Although execution speed is often at the forefront of our minds, sometimes it’s worth slowing down and adding a pause in our code. When those occasions arise, you know what to reach for and how it works.

I write about learning to program, and the best ways to go about it on amymhaddad.com. I tweet about programming, learning, and productivity: @amymhaddad.

Amy Haddad

Amy Haddad

Programmer and writer | howtolearneffectively.com | dailyskillplanner.com

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Wait 5 Seconds in Python

Wait 5 Seconds in Python

  1. Use the time.sleep() Function to Wait 5 Seconds in Python
  2. Use the threading Method to Wait 5 Seconds in Python
  3. Use the asyncio.sleep() Function to Wait 5 Seconds in Python
  4. Conclusion

Python has various features and libraries to create interactive applications where users can provide inputs and responses. We can create situations where we need to pause the execution of the application.

This tutorial will discuss how to wait for 5 seconds in Python.

Use the time.sleep() Function to Wait 5 Seconds in Python

Python’s time module provides functionalities and objects to store and manipulate time. The sleep() function from this library adds delays in execution; this function accepts time in seconds.

import time print("Before Delay") time.sleep(5) print("After delay") 

In the above example, we paused the program execution and created a delay for 5 seconds using the sleep() function.

Use the threading Method to Wait 5 Seconds in Python

Multi-threading is a technique where we divide the execution of a program into smaller threads that help in faster execution.

Python supports multi-threading and provides the threading library to work with this technique. Two methods from this library can pause execution and wait 5 seconds in Python.

The first method involves using the threading.Event class. Objects of this class allow the threads to communicate to help concurrency execution.

We can use this class’s wait() method to pause execution and wait for 5 seconds in Python.

import threading event = threading.Event() print("Before Delay") event.wait(5) print("After delay") 

Another option is to use the Timer() function. This function can pause the execution for some specified period and then start the thread’s execution, creating a timer for thread execution.

This can be understood better with an example. See the code below.

from threading import Timer  def fun():  print("After Delay")  print("Before Delay") t = Timer(5, fun) t.start() 

We created a function fun in the above example. This function is called by the Timer() method after waiting for 5 seconds.

Use the asyncio.sleep() Function to Wait 5 Seconds in Python

The asyncio library also helps with threads execution to achieve concurrency. We can create asyncio functions that can wait for a given time before execution.

For this, the sleep() method can be used. It allows the function to pause execution for some time.

We can create the function using the asyncio keyword and execute it using the await keyword. See the code below.

import asyncio  async def main():  print('Before Delay')  await asyncio.sleep(5)  print('After Delay')  await main() 

The above example works for Python 3.7 and below. This is because the execution of such functions was altered in further versions.


To conclude, we discussed several methods to wait 5 seconds in Python and pause the execution. We used three libraries, time , asyncio , and threading .

The time library provides the most straightforward method with the sleep() function that allows us to pause the program execution for a given time in seconds.

We also demonstrated how to use the threading library for this. We used the Event class and its wait() function to achieve this.

Another method used from this library was the Timer() function, which creates a timer to execute a function.

The asyncio library also provides a sleep() method that can be used to wait for 5 seconds in Python.

Manav is a IT Professional who has a lot of experience as a core developer in many live projects. He is an avid learner who enjoys learning new things and sharing his findings whenever possible.

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