Visible on hover css

Handling Hover, Focus, and Other States

Using utilities to style elements on hover, focus, and more.

Every utility class in Tailwind can be applied conditionally by adding a modifier to the beginning of the class name that describes the condition you want to target.

For example, to apply the bg-sky-700 class on hover, use the hover:bg-sky-700 class:

Hover over this button to see the background color change

button class="bg-sky-500 hover:bg-sky-700 . "> Save changes button>

When writing CSS the traditional way, a single class name would do different things based on the current state.

Traditionally the same class name applies different styles on hover

.btn-primary  background-color: #0ea5e9; > .btn-primary:hover  background-color: #0369a1; >

In Tailwind, rather than adding the styles for a hover state to an existing class, you add another class to the element that only does something on hover.

In Tailwind, separate classes are used for the default state and the hover state

.bg-sky-500  background-color: #0ea5e9; > .hover\:bg-sky-700:hover  background-color: #0369a1; >

Notice how hover:bg-sky-700 only defines styles for the :hover state? It does nothing by default, but as soon as you hover over an element with that class, the background color will change to sky-700 .

This is what we mean when we say a utility class can be applied conditionally — by using modifiers you can control exactly how your design behaves in different states, without ever leaving your HTML.

Tailwind includes modifiers for just about everything you’ll ever need, including:

  • Pseudo-classes, like :hover , :focus , :first-child , and :required
  • Pseudo-elements, like ::before , ::after , ::placeholder , and ::selection
  • Media and feature queries, like responsive breakpoints, dark mode, and prefers-reduced-motion
  • Attribute selectors, like [dir=»rtl»] and [open]

These modifiers can even be stacked to target more specific situations, for example changing the background color in dark mode, at the medium breakpoint, on hover:

button class="dark:md:hover:bg-fuchsia-600 . "> Save changes button>

In this guide you’ll learn about every modifier available in the framework, how to use them with your own custom classes, and even how to create your own.

Style elements on hover, focus, and active using the hover , focus , and active modifiers:

Try interacting with this button to see the hover, focus, and active states

button class="bg-violet-500 hover:bg-violet-600 active:bg-violet-700 focus:outline-none focus:ring focus:ring-violet-300 . "> Save changes button>

Tailwind also includes modifiers for other interactive states like :visited , :focus-within , :focus-visible , and more.

See the pseudo-class reference for a complete list of available pseudo-class modifiers.

Style an element when it is the first-child or last-child using the first and last modifiers:

ul role="list" class="p-6 divide-y divide-slate-200">  li class="flex py-4 first:pt-0 last:pb-0"> img class="h-10 w-10 rounded-full" src="" alt="" /> div class="ml-3 overflow-hidden"> p class="text-sm font-medium text-slate-900">p> p class="text-sm text-slate-500 truncate">p> div> li>  ul>

You can also style an element when it’s an odd or even child using the odd and even modifiers:

Name Title Email
Jane Cooper Regional Paradigm Technician
Cody Fisher Product Directives Officer
Leonard Krasner Senior Designer
Emily Selman VP, Hardware Engineering
Anna Roberts Chief Strategy Officer
table> tbody>  tr class="odd:bg-white even:bg-slate-50"> td>td> td>td> td>td> tr>  tbody> table>

Tailwind also includes modifiers for other structural pseudo-classes like :only-child , :first-of-type , :empty , and more.

See the pseudo-class reference for a complete list of available pseudo-class modifiers.

Style form elements in different states using modifiers like required , invalid , and disabled :

Try making the email address valid to see the styles change

form> label class="block"> span class="block text-sm font-medium text-slate-700">Usernamespan> input type="text" value="tbone" disabled class="mt-1 block w-full px-3 py-2 bg-white border border-slate-300 rounded-md text-sm shadow-sm placeholder-slate-400 focus:outline-none focus:border-sky-500 focus:ring-1 focus:ring-sky-500 disabled:bg-slate-50 disabled:text-slate-500 disabled:border-slate-200 disabled:shadow-none invalid:border-pink-500 invalid:text-pink-600 focus:invalid:border-pink-500 focus:invalid:ring-pink-500 "/> label> form>

Using modifiers for this sort of thing can reduce the amount of conditional logic in your templates, letting you use the same set of classes regardless of what state an input is in and letting the browser apply the right styles for you.

Tailwind also includes modifiers for other form states like :read-only , :indeterminate , :checked , and more.

See the pseudo-class reference for a complete list of available pseudo-class modifiers.

When you need to style an element based on the state of some parent element, mark the parent with the group class, and use group-* modifiers like group-hover to style the target element:

Hover over the card to see both text elements change color

New project

Create a new project from a variety of starting templates.

a href="#" class="group block max-w-xs mx-auto rounded-lg p-6 bg-white ring-1 ring-slate-900/5 shadow-lg space-y-3 hover:bg-sky-500 hover:ring-sky-500"> div class="flex items-center space-x-3"> svg class="h-6 w-6 stroke-sky-500 group-hover:stroke-white" fill="none" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> svg> h3 class="text-slate-900 group-hover:text-white text-sm font-semibold">New projecth3> div> p class="text-slate-500 group-hover:text-white text-sm">Create a new project from a variety of starting templates.p> a>

This pattern works with every pseudo-class modifier, for example group-focus , group-active , or even group-odd .

When nesting groups, you can style something based on the state of a specific parent group by giving that parent a unique group name using a group/ class, and including that name in modifiers using classes like group-hover/ :

ul role="list"> li class="group/item hover:bg-slate-100 . "> img src="" alt="" /> div> a href="">a> p>p> div> a class="group/edit invisible hover:bg-slate-200 group-hover/item:visible . " href="tel:"> span class="group-hover/edit:text-gray-700 . ">Callspan> svg class="group-hover/edit:translate-x-0.5 group-hover/edit:text-slate-500 . "> svg> a> li>  ul>

Groups can be named however you like and don’t need to be configured in any way — just name your groups directly in your markup and Tailwind will automatically generate the necessary CSS.

You can create one-off group-* modifiers on the fly by providing your own selector as an arbitrary value between square brackets:

div class="group is-published"> div class="hidden group-[.is-published]:block"> Published div> div>

For more control, you can use the & character to mark where .group should end up in the final selector relative to the selector you are passing in:

div class="group"> div class="group-[:nth-of-type(3)_&]:block"> div> div>

When you need to style an element based on the state of a sibling element, mark the sibling with the peer class, and use peer-* modifiers like peer-invalid to style the target element:

Try making the email address valid to see the warning disappear

form> label class="block"> span class="block text-sm font-medium text-slate-700">Emailspan> input type="email" class="peer . "/> p class="mt-2 invisible peer-invalid:visible text-pink-600 text-sm"> Please provide a valid email address. p> label> form>

This makes it possible to do all sorts of neat tricks, like floating labels for example without any JS.

This pattern works with every pseudo-class modifier, for example peer-focus , peer-required , and peer-disabled .

It’s important to note that the peer marker can only be used on previous siblings because of how the general sibling combinator works in CSS.

Won’t work, only previous siblings can be marked as peers

label> span class="peer-invalid:text-red-500 . ">Emailspan> input type="email" class="peer . "/> label>

When using multiple peers, you can style something on the state of a specific peer by giving that peer a unique name using a peer/ class, and including that name in modifiers using classes like peer-checked/ :

fieldset> legend>Published statuslegend> input id="draft" class="peer/draft" type="radio" name="status" checked /> label for="draft" class="peer-checked/draft:text-sky-500">Draftlabel> input id="published" class="peer/published" type="radio" name="status" /> label for="published" class="peer-checked/published:text-sky-500">Publishedlabel> div class="hidden peer-checked/draft:block">Drafts are only visible to administrators.div> div class="hidden peer-checked/published:block">Your post will be publicly visible on your site.div> fieldset>

Peers can be named however you like and don’t need to be configured in any way — just name your peers directly in your markup and Tailwind will automatically generate the necessary CSS.

You can create one-off peer-* modifiers on the fly by providing your own selector as an arbitrary value between square brackets:

form> label for="email">Email:label> input id="email" name="email" type="email" class="is-dirty peer" required /> div class="peer-[.is-dirty]:peer-required:block hidden">This field is required.div> form>

For more control, you can use the & character to mark where .peer should end up in the final selector relative to the selector you are passing in:

div> input type="text" class="peer" /> div class="hidden peer-[:nth-of-type(3)_&]:block"> div> div>

Style the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements using the before and after modifiers:

label class="block"> span class="after:content-['*'] after:ml-0.5 after:text-red-500 block text-sm font-medium text-slate-700"> Email span> input type="email" name="email" class="mt-1 px-3 py-2 bg-white border shadow-sm border-slate-300 placeholder-slate-400 focus:outline-none focus:border-sky-500 focus:ring-sky-500 block w-full rounded-md sm:text-sm focus:ring-1" placeholder="" /> label>

When using these modifiers, Tailwind will automatically add content: » by default so you don’t have to specify it unless you want a different value:

blockquote class="text-2xl font-semibold italic text-center text-slate-900"> When you look span class="before:block before:absolute before:-inset-1 before:-skew-y-3 before:bg-pink-500 relative inline-block"> span class="relative text-white">annoyedspan> span> all the time, people think that you're busy. blockquote>

It’s worth noting that you don’t really need ::before and ::after pseudo-elements for most things in Tailwind projects — it’s usually simpler to just use a real HTML element.

For example, here’s the same design from above but using a instead of the ::before pseudo-element, which is a little easier to read and is actually less code:

blockquote class="text-2xl font-semibold italic text-center text-slate-900">  When you look span class="relative">  span class="block absolute -inset-1 -skew-y-3 bg-pink-500" aria-hidden="true">span>  span class="relative text-white">annoyedspan>  span>  all the time, people think that you're busy. blockquote> 

Save before and after for situations where it’s important that the content of the pseudo-element is not actually in the DOM and can’t be selected by the user.

Note that if you’ve disabled our preflight base styles, the content property will not be set to an empty string by default, and you will need to include content-[»] any time you use the before and after modifiers.

If you’ve disabled preflight make sure to set the content manually

div class="before:content-[''] before:block . "> div>

Style the placeholder text of any input or textarea using the placeholder modifier:


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