Vertical centering css image

How to Center An Image Horizontally and Vertically in CSS

How many times have you had to Google ‘how to center an image in CSS’? It has been too many times to count for me. As a result, I wanted make a snippet on all the ways you can center an image in CSS.

The purpose of the snippet post is so you can grab the code at the top of the post. This will allow you to quickly cut and paste the code you need to center CSS images.

For this snippet we are going to refer to the HTML below.

div class="img-container">
img class="lazyload .center" src="path/to/image" />

CSS Image Center Horizontally

Currently with CSS images there are three ways to center an image horizontally. I’ll go over the three ways, the pro’s and con’s for each so that you can center an image with CSS in any situation.

Center CSS Image with Text Align

text-align: center;

It is important to note with this method that the text-align property only works on block level elements.

Center CSS Image with Margin

display: block;
margin: auto;
width: 50%;

Centering an image with margin:auto is a great way to get the job done. However, you need to ensure it is used with two other properties.

The first is display:block as the margin:auto property only works on block level elements. As, Img elements are inline elements you will need to convert them to block level elements.

The second property is the width property. In order for the margins to move to the center you need to ensure there is empty space. Therefore, you must set the width to less than 100%.

Center CSS Image Horizontally with Flex

display: flex;
justify-content: center;
width: 50%;

Setting the parent container of the image to display:flex allows you to center the image horizontally. In order to move the image to the center of the container you must specify the justify-content property to have a value of center .

Like with the margin horizontal centering method, you need to ensure you set the image to less than 100% of the width of the parent container.

Just note with this method that everything else in the parent container will be centered horizontally.

Alright those three methods should allow you to center any image horizontally. Let’s look at how to center an image vertically.

CSS Image Center Vertically

Notably with CSS images there are two key ways to center an image vertically. I’ll go over the two ways, the pro’s and con’s for each so that you can center an image vertically with CSS in an situation.

Center CSS Image with Position Absolute

position: relative;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

To center a CSS image vertically, you can use the position property with a value of absolute on the img element. The first thing you need to do, is to set the parent container to have a position value of relative . This is a must and you can learn why in my ridiculously simple guide to the position property.

Next, you set the left and top properties to 50%. What this means is that you line up the left and top edges of the image with the center of the browser. However, this actually makes the image appear to be off-center.

Therefore, you use the transformation property with the translate method to move the div -50% along the x and y axis. This will have the image aligned nicely to the vertical center of the parent elements position on the page.

Center CSS Image Vertically with Flex

display: flex;
align-items: center;
width: 50%;

As with the horizontal centering we can center an image using flex-box. This time in order to move the image to the center of the container you must specify the align-items property to have a value of center .

Like with the margin horizontal centering method, you need to ensure you set the image to less than 100% of the width of the parent container.

Again, with this method everything else in the parent container will be centered vertically.

Center CSS Image Vertically and Horizontally

So far we have seen how to center a CSS image either horizontally or vertically. But, we have not seen how to do both at once.

Let’s see how to center an image horizontally and vertically at the same time.

display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
width: 50%;

We can use flex-box to center an image horizontally and vertically. To do so we must use both the justify-content and align-items property on the parent container of the image. All we then have to do is give them both the value of center and bobs your uncle, that image is centered both horizontally and vertically.

These are the most common methods for centering an image both horizontally and vertically in CSS. In most cases, this will be enough for you to get your image to the position you want on the page. Of course there are other methods and I’d love for you to DM me on twitter to let me know what they are.

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Peter Lynch

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How to Center an Image Vertically and Horizontally with CSS

Cem Eygi

Cem Eygi

How to Center an Image Vertically and Horizontally with CSS

Many developers struggle while working with images. Handling responsiveness and alignment is particularly tough, especially centering an image in the middle of the page.

So in this post, I will be showing some of the most common ways to center an image both vertically and horizontally using different CSS properties.

Here’s an interactive scrim about how to center an image vertically and horizontally:

I’ve gone over the CSS Position and Display properties in my previous post. If you’re not familiar with those properties, I recommend checking out those posts before reading this article.

Here’s a video version if you want to check it out:

Centering an Image Horizontally

Let’s begin with centering an image horizontally by using 3 different CSS properties.


The first way to center an image horizontally is using the text-align property. However, this method only works if the image is inside a block-level container such as a :

Margin: Auto

Another way to center an image is by using the margin: auto property (for left-margin and right-margin).

However, using margin: auto alone will not work for images. If you need to use margin: auto , there are 2 additional properties you must use as well.

The margin-auto property does not have any effects on inline-level elements. Since the tag is an inline element, we need to convert it to a block-level element first:

Secondly, we also need to define a width. So the left and right margins can take the rest of the empty space and auto-align themselves, which does the trick (unless we give it a width of 100%):

Display: Flex

The third way to center an image horizontally is by using display: flex . Just like we used the text-align property for a container, we use display: flex for a container as well.

However, using display: flex alone will not be enough. The container must also have an additional property called justify-content :

The justify-content property works together with display: flex , which we can use to center the image horizontally.

Finally, the width of the image must be smaller than the width of the container, otherwise, it takes 100% of the space and then we can’t center it.

Important: The display: flex property is not supported in older versions of browsers. See here for more details.

Centering an Image Vertically

Display: Flex

For vertical alignment, using display: flex is again really helpful.

Consider a case where our container has a height of 800px, but the height of the image is only 500px:

Now, in this case, adding a single line of code to the container, align-items: center , does the trick:

The align-items property can position elements vertically if used together with display: flex .

Position: Absolute & Transform Properties

Another method for vertical alignment is by using the position and transform properties together. This one is a bit complicated, so let’s do it step by step.

Step 1: Define Position Absolute

Firstly, we change the positioning behavior of the image from static to absolute :

Also, it should be inside a relatively positioned container, so we add position: relative to its container div.

Step 2: Define Top & Left Properties

Secondly, we define the top and left properties for the image, and set them to 50%. This will move the starting point(top-left) of the image to the center of the container:

Step 3: Define the Transform Property

But the second step has moved the image partially outside of its container. So we need to bring it back inside.

Defining a transform property and adding -50% to its X and Y axis does the trick:

There are other ways to center things horizontally and vertically, but I’ve explained the most common ones. I hope this post helped you understand how to align your images in the center of the page.

If you want to learn more about Web Development, feel free to visit my Youtube Channel for more.


Как на CSS сделать центрирование img внутри div по вертикали и горизонтали?


Есть div , внутри него img произвольного размера. Надо сделать так чтобы центр div и img были одинаковыми, нагляднее на картинке: Про margin: 0 auto выравнивания по горизонтали знаю, но как совместить это с вертикальным выравниванием?

6 ответов 6

Можешь поизменять размеры фото здесь.

Vertical centering css image

6 способов центрирования элемента неизвестного размера по вертикали и горизонтали

Вариант №1: table-cell

Самый древний вариант, которым пользовались на заре Интернета и во времена рассвета табличной вёрстки. Таблицами уже давно никто не верстает, но можно имитировать их поведение через CSS ради достижения результата:


Вариант №2: position absolute

Один из моих любимых вариантов. Идеально подходит для позиционирования попапов – они должны быть поверх остального контента, а их высота никогда неизвестна, как и высота экрана пользователя.


Вариант №3: line-height

Один из самых глупых вариантов, который хоть и подходит для выравнивание блока неизвестной высоты, но требует фиксированную высоту родителя (в других способах высота родителя указана лишь для примера). Кстати, этот способ также не подойдет для многострочного текста.


Вариант №4: центрирование через псевдоэлемент

Мой самый любимый способ. Несмотря на то, что в последнее время стал использовать flexbox – выравнивание через псевдоэлемент навсегда останется в моём сердце.

.block < height: 180px; /* for Demo only */ background: black; /* for Demo only */ text-align: center; >.block:before < content: ''; height: 100%; display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; >.block img

Вариант №5: Flexbox

Один из современных и самых простых способов центрирования – использование display: flex .


Вариант №6: CSS Grid

Grid – наше ближайшее и светлое будущее! Никогда прежде выравнивание блоков не была такой простой и вряд ли в скором времени что-то превзойдет CSS Grid. Хотя этот пример и похож очень на предыдущий, возможности Grid гораздо шире. В общем, если не научились работать с flexbox – можете смело его пропускать и разбираться с CSS Grid.



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