Vertical Centering

How to line-break from css, without using

Note that this won’t work with react because the text is eventually bundled and will be put on the same line, which won’t trigger white-space CSS rule.

Impossible with the same HTML structure, you must have something to distinguish between Hello and How are you .

I suggest using span s that you will then display as blocks (just like a actually).

note also how much additional mark-up there is — the
element exists for a very good reason. If you want the line break because they are separate paragraphs, then simply mark them up as separate paragraphs.

You might need structured lines without actually using paragraphs. To markup a poem, a song or an address for example

@VincentRobert Right, but a poem is the canonical example for when
is the correct markup. Spans for a poem would be “wrong.”

Note that assigning display: block to an element will force a line break before and after, and so is not at all the same as having one line break.

Definitely use the

elements. A element should NOT be made into display:block, the whole point of is that it’s inline. I would do it this way:


How are you

. No wonked out CSS required.

as normal, but hide it with display: none when you don’t want it.

I would expect most people finding this question want to use css / responsive design to decide whether or not a line-break appears in a specific place. (and don’t have anything personal against

While not immediately obvious, you can actually apply display:none to a
tag to hide it, which enables the use of media queries in tandem with semantic BR tags.

The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog
@media screen and (min-width: 20em) < br < display: none; /* hide the BR tag for wider screens (i.e. disable the line break) */ >> 

This is useful in responsive design where you need to force text into two lines at an exact break.

Simon, you are spot on — the example you name is the exact reason I was researching this question and the display: none solution is by far the most appropriate and useful.

Note that for cases where it would cause words to run together, you could use something like display: inline-block; width: 1em; instead of none .

Another «why didn’t I think of this?!» answer.
is great at what it does; no need to reinvent the wheel. Thanks!

@amh15 he doesn’t say WHY he wants to do that. Or rather what is wrong with BR. Is it preformatted text from a weather report web service, or is it a responsive design question. At time of answering all the pre/word wrap answers were already there. You’re right that the details matter but my answer has helped a lot of people that found this question based on keywords so I don’t see why you have to be so nit picky. I’d love to know what he really wanted to do. But I also don’t care.

There are several options for defining the handling of white spaces and line breaks. If one can put the content in e.g. a

tag it is pretty easy to get whatever one wants.

For preserving line breaks but not white spaces use pre-line (not pre ) like in:

If another behavior is wanted choose among one of these (WS=WhiteSpace, LB=LineBreak):

white-space: normal; /* collapse WS, wrap as necessary, collapse LB */ white-space: nowrap; /* collapse WS, no wrapping, collapse LB */ white-space: pre; /* preserve WS, no wrapping, preserve LB */ white-space: pre-wrap; /* preserve WS, wrap as necessary, preserve LB */ white-space: inherit; /* all as parent element */ 

The «\a» command in CSS generates a carriage return. This is CSS, not HTML, so it shall be closer to what you want: no extra markup.

In a blockquote , the example below displays both the title and the source link and separate the two with a carriage return ( «\a» ):

+1 because its CSS only, and doesn’t recommend use of pre, br tags nor changing the display mode to block (which adds different behavior, might break if the parent is in display:flex and therefore is a hack in this context). Its not fancy, really, just a modern technique. If you want the exact same markup, but to actually react differently that’s the way to go.

Brilliant idea. Note the » – do not use simple quotes ‘ because you want to allow the \a to get parsed as a special character.

I would have up-voted this if there was some HTML and maybe a Fiddle to help visualize what you’re doing.

With this CSS every enter inside the P tag will be a break-line at the HTML.

This is exactly what I was looking for! Works perfectly for element content generated from JS (e.g. JSON result from AJAX query, angular-schema-form, etc.) that gets passed through escaping/sanitization (e.g. normal AngularJS escaping behavior when not using ngBindHtml)

Building on what has been said before, this is a pure CSS solution that works.

 span < display: inline; >span:before 

First line of text. Next line.

I just found a variation on this approach to be helpful for multi-line input type=’text’, wrapping the input, and then laying the text over it with a wrapper div . That also requires pointer-events:none;` on the :before in order to still be able to click the button below.

To make an element have a line break afterwards, assign it:

Non-floated elements after a block level element will appear on the next line. Many elements, such as

and are already block level elements so you can just use those.

But while this is good to know, this really depends more on the context of your content. In your example, you would not want to use CSS to force a line break. The
is appropriate because semantically the p tag is the the most appropriate for the text you are displaying. More markup just to hang CSS off it is unnecessary. Technically it’s not exactly a paragraph, but there is no tag, so use what you have. Describing your content well with HTMl is way more important — after you have that then figure out how to make it look pretty.


Disable line breaks using CSS

Solution 3: use this : this will override any other line height being set in other css file , alternativly you can put this in HTML style elements in HTML override all css files or. you can do this inline css in elements overrides all css files , and elements Question: I have a parent and two main children. The second child has some text and when I resize text is shown or hidden in response to page size.

Disable line breaks using CSS

I have a canvas element inside a div element. The canvas size can change, and I want it vertical centered. I’m using this CSS approach:

     html, body < height:100%; width:100%; margin:0; padding:0; >#container < width:100%; height:100%; text-align:center; font-size:0; background:#aae; >#container:before < content:''; display:inline-block; height:100%; vertical-align:middle; >canvas   

You can see it working on this fiddle:

This code works great for me, until the browser resizes under the canvas width. The virtual element defined by the :before selector stands on the first line, and the canvas falls to the second line. I’m trying to keep them sticked, avoiding the line break, and showing scroll bars when needed. Adding the overflow:auto rule to the container shows the scroll bars, but the line keeps breaking.

The canvas size can change, so the top:50%; margin-top:- ($canvas_height / 2); approach is not suitable for this. Well, it can be, but I prefer not to control the margin-top using JavaScript. Just CSS would be great.

It seems (from limited testing) that adding white-space: nowrap; works:

Adding white-space:nowrap should do the trick.

How to prevent line breaks in the list of items using CSS?, The display:inline-block property is used to show an element in the inline-level block container. It converts the block of elements into an inline element. Use height and width property to set an inline element. The display property is used to prevent a line break of a list of items.

How to disable a CSS rule

I am using a WordPress carousel plugin which sets a CSS rule

This is causing trouble in my layout. The line height in my CSS for body is

So I override body * as but it still breaks some of the layout. When I remove that rule using Firebug, everything works fine.

Now the problem here is, I dont want to edit the plugin CSS file, as every time I update it, I will have to do it.

Is there a way I can nullify the effect of body * ?

This declaration is taking precedence over all other line-height properties.

Here is the link. The CSS file loaded by a carousel plugin is breaking the navigation.

Reset the line-height by overriding it like this:

Better declare an id for the body element, it has highest specificity and than apply the line-height

Or you can use an inline style which has the highest specificity, which will over-ride any defined style for but that will be tedious if you want to change you need to change on each and every page.

this will override any other line height being set in other css file , alternativly you can put this in HTML

style elements in HTML override all css files

inline css in elements overrides all css files , and elements

Html — How to Remove CSS line-through, 1 Answer Sorted by: 9 I know I can always re-write my HTML so the elements that require a line-through has their own class. I’m wondering if there is an alternative other then restructuring my HTML. Not really.

Prevent flexbox display in a new line

I have a parent and two main children. The first child has two elements with fixed width and height. The second child has some text and when I resize text is shown or hidden in response to page size. But when I resize at a certain point the two elements of the first child insted of staying inline they go one above the other. How can I prevent this?

So in the second image the two elements are one above other and I don't want this.

So in the second image the two elements are one above other and I don’t want this.

.parent-div < display: -webkit-flex; display: -moz-flex; display: flex; >.text-div < white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: hidden; min-width: 0; >.icon-div < -webkit-flex: 1; -moz-flex: 1; flex: 1; >.icon-div div

Don’t let your .icon-div shrink ( flex: 1 0 auto );

Setting: white-space:nowrap has the unfortunate side effect of having the text in text-div run into the space occupied by icon-div when the screen becomes too small.

Try to add white-space: nowrap; to your icon-div class:

How to prevent line breaks in list items using CSS, How to prevent this wrapping with CSS? Stack Overflow. About; Products For Teams; Stack Overflow I prevented line break in li items using display: inline;. Maybe this will also help others with similar problems. – user1106551. Oct 3, 2013 at 13:24. Its important to be careful with display: inline …

How to Remove CSS line-through

I am trying to remove the text-decoration:line-through; style applied to my element and I cannot seem to be able to do so. I have tried text-decoration:none; but it does not work.

When I apply text-decoration:underline; to span , it seems that instead of replacing the line-through style the browser adds the underline style.

I know I can always re-write my HTML so the elements that require a line-through has their own class. I’m wondering if there is an alternative other then restructuring my HTML.

I know I can always re-write my HTML so the elements that require a line-through has their own class. I’m wondering if there is an alternative other then restructuring my HTML.

Not really. The behavior you see is totally by design; ancestors will always propagate their text decorations to certain descendants, and conversely you can’t affect an ancestor’s text decoration from within a descendant.

There isn’t a very viable alternative to restructuring, currently, although text-decoration-skip from the upcoming CSS3 text decoration module looks promising.

Css — Prevent flexbox display in a new line, css — Prevent flexbox display in a new line — Stack Overflow Prevent flexbox display in a new line Ask Question 3 I have a parent and two main children. The first child has two elements with fixed width and height. The second child has some text and when I resize text is shown or hidden in response to page size.


Remove line break from div element

I am currently working on a page using the CSS grid layouts, however I ran into a problem with div elements in which they automatically insert a line break into the output above and below the text. Is there any way to easily remove these with CSS? I tried changing the div element to span , but nothing changed. I also set the div elements to display: inline; but that didn’t work either.

html < background-color: black; >.grid-container < display: grid; width: 1200px; height: 600px; grid-template-columns: 300px 1fr 1fr; grid-template-rows: 110px 200fr 200fr 80px; grid-gap: 1rem; background-color: #2196F3; padding: 10px; margin: auto; >.grid-item < background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); padding: 20px; display: inline-block; >.grid-heading < grid-row: 1 / 2; grid-column: 1 / 4; font-size: 40px; padding: 5px; >.grid-sidebar < grid-row: 2 / 4; grid-column: 1 / 2; >.grid-content1 < grid-row: 2 / 3; grid-column: 2 / 4; >.grid-content2 < grid-row: 3 / 4; grid-column: 2 / 4; >.grid-footer < grid-row: 4 / 5; grid-column: 1 / 4; >




«a problem with div elements in which they automatically insert a line break into the output above and below the text» — that’s not a line break, that’s the default margin-top and -bottom the h1 element gets from the browser stylesheet. Overwrite/null those, if you don’t like the effect.


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