Validating form with javascript

JavaScript Form Validation

In this tutorial, I provide the standard & simple javascript form validation code with an example. It will help you to validate a signup or login form from the friend-end. Even It begins to start validating and display an error message while you enter the values into the input fields.

Here, you learn to validate a registration form that has the First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile Number, Password & Confirm Password. After learning it, You can easily create a client-side form validation in javascript.

javascript form validation

Javascript Form Validation Before Submit

Now, Let’s understand the following Input validation one by one. The validation code of each input field is written within a custom function. So that you can easily use it to validate the form before or after submission.

Learn Also –

First Name Validation

You have to validate the First Name Input using the following Validation rule –

  • A First Name must not be empty.
  • The First Name must be the only letter that may be in uppercase or lowercase
  • The First Name must not have white spaces

First Name Validation Code –

// First Name Validation var firstName= document.getElementById(«firstName»); var firstNameValidation=function()< firstNameValue=firstName.value.trim(); validFirstName=/^[A-Za-z]+$/; firstNameErr=document.getElementById('first-name-err'); if(firstNameValue=="") < firstNameErr.innerHTML="First Name is required"; >else if(!validFirstName.test(firstNameValue))< firstNameErr.innerHTML="First Name must be only string without white spaces"; >else < firstNameErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> firstName.oninput=function()

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Last Name Validation

You have to validate the Last Name Input using the following Validation rule –

  • The Last Name must not be empty.
  • Last Name must be the only letters that may be in uppercase or lowercase
  • The LastName must not have white spaces

Last Name Validation Code –

// Last Name Validation var lastName= document.getElementById(«lastName»); var lastNameValidation= function()< lastNameValue=lastName.value.trim(); validLastName=/^[A-Za-z]+$/; lastNameErr=document.getElementById('last-name-err'); if(lastNameValue=="") < lastNameErr.innerHTML="Last Name is required"; >else if(!validLastName.test(lastNameValue))< lastNameErr.innerHTML="Last Name must be only string without white spaces"; >else < lastNameErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> lastName.oninput=function()

Email Address Validation

You have to validate the Email Address Input using the following Validation rule –

  • The Email Input must not be empty.
  • Email Address must be valid & contained @ symbol
  • An Email Address must not have white spaces

Email Address Validation Code –

// Email Address Validation var emailAddress= document.getElementById(«emailAddress»);; var emailAddressValidation= function()< emailAddressValue=emailAddress.value.trim(); validEmailAddress=/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w)+$/; emailAddressErr=document.getElementById('email-err'); if(emailAddressValue=="") < emailAddressErr.innerHTML="Email Address is required"; >else if(!validEmailAddress.test(emailAddressValue))< emailAddressErr.innerHTML="Email Addre must be in valid formate with @ symbol"; >else < emailAddressErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> emailAddress.oninput=function()

Mobile Number Validation

You have to validate the Mobile Number Input using the following Validation rule –

  • The Mobile Number Input must not be empty.
  • Mobile Number must contain the only number of 10 digits
  • A Mobile Number must not have white spaces

Mobile Number Validation Code –

// Mobile Number Validation var mobileNumber= document.getElementById(«mobileNumber»); var mobileNumberValidation = function()< mobileNumberValue=mobileNumber.value.trim(); validMobileNumber=/^8*$/; mobileNumberErr=document.getElementById('mobile-number-err'); if(mobileNumberValue=="") < mobileNumberErr.innerHTML="Mobile Number is required"; >else if(!validMobileNumber.test(mobileNumberValue))< mobileNumberErr.innerHTML="Mobile Number must be a number"; >else if(mobileNumberValue.length!=10) < mobileNumberErr.innerHTML="Mobile Number must have 10 digits"; >else < mobileNumberErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> mobileNumber.oninput=function()

Password Validation

You have to validate the Password Input using the following Validation rule –

  • The Password Input must not be empty.
  • Password must contain at least one uppercase, lowercase letter, digit, special character & 8 characters long
  • A Password must not have white spaces

// Password Validation var password= document.getElementById(«password»);; var passwordValidation = function()< passwordValue=password.value.trim(); validPassword=/^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[@$!%*?&])[A-Za-z\d@$!%*?&]$/ passwordErr=document.getElementById('password-err'); if(passwordValue=="") < passwordErr.innerHTML="Password is required"; >else if(!validPassword.test(passwordValue)) < passwordErr.innerHTML="Password must have at least one Uppercase, lowercase, digit, special characters & 8 characters"; >else < passwordErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> password.oninput=function()

Confirm Password Validation

You have to validate the Confirm Password Input using the following Validation rule –

  • The Confirm Password Input must not be empty.
  • The Confirm Password must match with Password

Confirm Password Validation Code –

// Confirm Password Validation var confirmPassword= document.getElementById(«confirmPassword»);; var confirmPasswordValidation=function() < confirmPasswordValue=confirmPassword.value.trim(); confirmPasswordErr=document.getElementById('confirm-password-err'); if(confirmPasswordValue=="")< confirmPasswordErr.innerHTML="Confirm Password is required"; >else if(confirmPasswordValue!=password.value) < confirmPasswordErr.innerHTML="Confirm Password does not match"; >else < confirmPasswordErr.innerHTML=""; return true; >> confirmPassword.oninput=function()

Javascript Form Input on Submit

If you want to validate your form on submit then you can use the following line of javascript code.

document.getElementById("registrationForm").onsubmit=function(e)< firstNameValidation(); lastNameValidation(); emailAddressValidation(); mobileNumberValidation(); passwordValidation(); confirmPasswordValidation(); if(firstNameValidation()==true && lastNameValidation()==true && emailAddressValidation() == true && mobileNumberValidation()==true && passwordValidation()==true && confirmPasswordValidation()==true)< return true; >else < return false; >>

How to Validate a Form with JavaScript

To validate a form with javascript, you will have to configure the following two simple steps –

1. Create an HTML Form

You will learn to validate form based on id of its input fields. So, I have created an HTML form with the following input fields that have its own type & id attribute.

Input Field Type Attribute Id Attribute
First Name type=”text” >
Last Name type=”text” >
Email Address type=”email” >
Mobile Number type=”text” >
Password type=”password” >
Confirm Password type=”password” >

HTML Form Code

How to Validate Form Using JavaScript

2. Validate HTML Form with Javascript

Javascript Form Validation Code –

Use the following javascript code just above the tag. Otherwise, you can use it in the external js file.


You can use within the head section the following CSS code to design the HTML form

 .flex-container < display: flex;>.flex-container > div < width:46%; margin: 0px 10px;>.html-form < width: 46%; background: #ffffff; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #015ba9;>input[type="submit"] < border: none; background: #015ba9; color: white; padding: 5px 35px; font-size: 20px; position: relative; left: 11px;>input[type="text"], input[type="email"], input[type="password"] < width: 100%; height: 20px; background: white; border: 1px solid lightgray; margin: 5px 0px; padding: 5px;>.html-form h3 < text-align: center; font-size: 25px; margin: 0px; margin-bottom: 5px; color: #015ba9; border-bottom: 1px solid; margin-bottom: 15px>#first-name-err, #last-name-err, #email-err, #mobile-number-err, #password-err, #confirm-password-err


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