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Узнать часовой пояс java

TimeZone represents a time zone offset, and also figures out daylight savings. Typically, you get a TimeZone using getDefault which creates a TimeZone based on the time zone where the program is running. For example, for a program running in Japan, getDefault creates a TimeZone object based on Japanese Standard Time. You can also get a TimeZone using getTimeZone along with a time zone ID. For instance, the time zone ID for the U.S. Pacific Time zone is «America/Los_Angeles». So, you can get a U.S. Pacific Time TimeZone object with:

TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");

You can use the getAvailableIDs method to iterate through all the supported time zone IDs. You can then choose a supported ID to get a TimeZone . If the time zone you want is not represented by one of the supported IDs, then a custom time zone ID can be specified to produce a TimeZone. The syntax of a custom time zone ID is:

CustomID: GMT Sign Hours : Minutes GMT Sign Hours Minutes GMT Sign Hours Sign: one of + - Hours: Digit Digit Digit Minutes: Digit Digit Digit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Hours must be between 0 to 23 and Minutes must be between 00 to 59. For example, «GMT+10» and «GMT+0010» mean ten hours and ten minutes ahead of GMT, respectively. The format is locale independent and digits must be taken from the Basic Latin block of the Unicode standard. No daylight saving time transition schedule can be specified with a custom time zone ID. If the specified string doesn’t match the syntax, «GMT» is used. When creating a TimeZone , the specified custom time zone ID is normalized in the following syntax:

NormalizedCustomID: GMT Sign TwoDigitHours : Minutes Sign: one of + - TwoDigitHours: Digit Digit Minutes: Digit Digit Digit: one of 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 

Three-letter time zone IDs

For compatibility with JDK 1.1.x, some other three-letter time zone IDs (such as «PST», «CTT», «AST») are also supported. However, their use is deprecated because the same abbreviation is often used for multiple time zones (for example, «CST» could be U.S. «Central Standard Time» and «China Standard Time»), and the Java platform can then only recognize one of them.

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How to Get the Current UTC Date and Time in Java?

Learn all the tips and tricks to get the current date and time in UTC or GMT for your multilingual Java application.

Software localization blog category featured image | Phrase

One of the key questions that many developers have while working on software for international markets is how best to deal with time and time zones. To be able to get the current date and time in UTC or GMT in Java, for example, there are a few concepts we need to make ourselves familiar with upfront.

First things first, GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) is not the same as UTC (Coordinated Universal Time):

  • GMT is a time zone used in some but not all parts of the world (mainly Europe and Africa). It uses either a 24-hour format or a 12-hour format for display, and it’s based on astronomical observations.
  • UTC isn’t a time zone. It is a standard that we can use to display time zones. It is more stable as it takes time from an atomic clock.

If you are using the java.util.date package to get the current date and time in Java (as it looks more intuitive), you’ll soon find out it’s very limited. There are several reasons for that:

  • It doesn’t have a time zone.
  • It doesn’t represent a date but an instance in time in milliseconds since the Unix epoch (1970).

Therefore, if you want to get swiftly the current time in milliseconds only, you can use the following code:

package com.thdespou; import java.util.Date; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Date Date now = new Date(); System.out.println("Current Date in milliseconds is :" + now.getTime()); >>

Other than that, you can also change the current system, TimeZone, and if you wanted to use a different time zone, you could do it as follows:

package com.thdespou; import java.util.Date; import java.util.TimeZone; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < // Date Date now = new Date(); System.out.println("Current Date in milliseconds is :" + now.getTime()); // Display the instant in three different time zones TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/London")); System.out.println(now); TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); System.out.println(now); TimeZone.setDefault( TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); System.out.println(now); >>

However, if you run this code, you’ll see the following output:

Current Date in milliseconds is :1583954404789 Wed Mar 11 19:20:04 GMT 2020 Wed Mar 11 19:20:04 GMT 2020 Wed Mar 11 19:20:04 UTC 2020

In general, this isn’t ideal as it displays the current time based on the time zone of the specified region, which may be different than GMT; therefore, you should ideally avoid it.

A better and more modern option bundled within the core Java library (and not using any third-party offerings) is to use the java. time package.

If you look at the documentation page, the package is based on the ISO calendar system and offers a simplified API for displaying and handling date and time instances. Below is an overview of the capabilities exposed in this package :

Time table java.time package | Phrase

Based on this, we can infer that this package represents the time (with the location unspecified), as UTC, or as an offset from UTC.

Indeed, if we check the Instant class to get the current time, we can see the date time printed as UTC:

package com.thdespou; import java.time.Instant; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < Instant now = Instant.now(); System.out.println("Date is " + now); >>
Date is 2020-03-11T20:39:20.480918Z

Which is the current date-time in UTC. The ending Z character denotes the Zone Offset which is Zero.

A more robust option is to convert this Instance to a ZonedDateTime as you’d like to configure the current TimeZone. You can do that by using the ofInstant static factory method passing a ZoneId:

package com.thdespou; import java.time.*; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < Instant now = Instant.now(); ZonedDateTime zdt = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(now, ZoneId.systemDefault()); System.out.println( "Date is: " + zdt ); >>

In most cases, you should be using the UTC format as it’s best supported in Java.

How do I set the default locale for my JVM?

Locales identify a specific language and geographic region; they’re represented as strings in the following format:


Here’s an example of some locale strings:

eo_KE no_NO ca_AD zh_MO_#Hant en_SH

If you run a UNIX platform (Mac, Linux), there’s a convention to set some environmental variables using the LC_* prefix. For example, by running this command in the console, we can see en_IE as the default system locale:


In Java, if we call the Locale.getDefault() in a method and run the java command without any flags, it won’t pick up the system locale as specified in the LC_* variables. For example, given the following main class, located in com/thdespou/Main.java:

package com.thdespou; import java.util.Locale; public class Main < public static void main(String[] args) < System.out.println(Locale.getDefault()); >>
$ javac com/thdespou/Main.java $ java -classpath $(pwd) com/thdespou/Main en_IE

Now, if we change the LC_* variables to en_UK, it will still print en_IE.

In fact, looking at the Locale documentation page, there is no information on how to change that. However, by inspecting the source code of the Locale.class and particularly the static initializer block .

. and looking at the initDefault() method, we get a hint of what we exactly need to do in order to set the default locale in the JVM:

private static Locale initDefault() < Properties props = GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperties(); String language = props.getProperty("user.language", "en"); String region = props.getProperty("user.region"); String script; String country; String variant; if (region != null) < int i = region.indexOf(95); if (i >= 0) < country = region.substring(0, i); variant = region.substring(i + 1); >else < country = region; variant = ""; >script = «»; > else

So using the following system properties:

  • user.language: For setting the current language
  • user.region: For setting the language region

Given that information, we can check in the command line for setting the default locale and using this guide. For example:

$ java -Duser.language=el -Duser.region=CY com.thdespou.Main el_CY $ java -Duser.language=zh -Duser.region=hans_chinese com.thdespou.Main zh_HANS_chinese

Note that this is based on this implementation of the JVM, and we should not be if this would change in the future, as it is not clearly documented in the JavaDocs.

Last updated on September 23, 2022.


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