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How to download Java virtual machine (JVM) for Windows 10 64-bit

In simple words, Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a software platform developed by the OpenJDK project to provide virtual machine to run Java written programs. Actually, JavaVM is an interpreter for executing programs written in the Java programming language. It comes along with Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK) packages made available by Oracle corporation, which are the commercial implementation of Java, based on the OpenJDK runtime.

In contrast to Java programs themselves, the JVM is not platform-independent, but a native program for the respective target platform. Java programs can be run on any system that has a JVM that meets the specifications.

After the source text has been converted into bytecode, it can be transferred to the JVM. This looks for the entry point of the program (in the case of Java the main () method) and starts execution there. To do this, the program block to be executed is first compiled for the target system and then called. The compilation takes place as a just-in-time compilation (JIT compilation).

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To install JVM on Windows we need to executable files for JRE or JDK from the official of Java.

JRE: Jave runtime environment is a package of class libraries, loader class, and JVM, which altogether facilitates users to run Java programs.

JDK: Java Development Kit, as its name suggests, is meant for developers and comes with all necessary packages to help them in coding and running Java programs and applets.

Install Java virtual machine (JVM) for Windows 10 64-bit or 32-bit

Hence, to get the JVM on Windows 10, we either need JRE or JDK, the process of installing them is very easy just like any other Windows software.

  1. Visit Java.com for JRE and Oracle.com for JDK whereas those who are only interested in open-source JDK version can get OpenJDK from https://jdk.java.net/
  2. To download JRE with JVM for Windows 10 and click on Agree and Start Free Download button.
  3. This will automatically download the latest JRE version on your Windows 10 platform.
  4. If you are worried about the Java version then don’t be, the website will automatically detect the version of the browser and let you download 32-bit or 64-bit version accordingly.
  5. Once you have the Setup, double click on it to run the installation wizard.
  6. By default, the Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment and Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM will install in the C: Drive of Windows. If you want it somewhere else or in some particular folder then check the box given for “Change Destination folder“.
  7. To install simply click on the button given for it.
  8. Wait for seconds till the Setup decompress and install Java files on your Windows 10.Download JRE JDK and JVM for Windows 10 minJava JVM installation on Windows 10 min
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Java Virtual Machine (JVM) Download & Install for Windows 10/8/7

What is a Java Virtual Machine? A lot of users are confused about it and don’t know where to get the Java Virtual Machine download pack. In this post, MiniTool will explain the definition of JVM and provide a full download/install guide.

Java, developed by Oracle Corporation, is one of the most popular programming languages that is widely used for desktop computers, android development, games, and other development tasks. However, many users find there are different components of the Java program like JRE, JDK, and JVM.

What is JVM? Is JVM the same as JDK and JRE? How to download and install Java Virtual Machine for Windows 10/8/7? Keep reading the content below.

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What Is a Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

Java Virtual Machine, also known as JVM, is a virtual environment that allows a computer to run Java programs written in other programming languages that are translated to Java bytecode. That is to say, JVM works as an interpreter that can load, verify, and executes Java bytecode.

In addition, JVM is also responsible for converting Java bytecode to machine-specific code. In addition, it is platform-dependent and can perform many tasks like memory management and security. Java Virtual Machine mainly consists of the following 3 components or subsystems.

  • Runtime Data Areas: It is responsible for providing memory to store bytecode, objects, parameters, local variables, return values, and intermediate results of computations. It mainly contains PC register sets, method areas, stack areas, and threads.
  • Class Loader Subsystem: It is an essential core of the JVM and can be used for loading/reading/linking the “. Class” files and saving the Java bytecode in the JVM method area.
  • Execution Engine: It is the central component of the JVM and can communicate with various memory areas of the JVM. It executes the bytecode assigned to the Runtime Data Areas in JVM via the Class Loader.

What is JVM? Now, I believe that you already have known the answer. Let’s see where to get the Java Virtual Machine download pack.

Is JVM the Same as JRE and JDK

Is JVM the same as JRE and JDK? A lot of users are confused about the difference between JRE vs JDK vs JVM. JRE (Java Runtime Environment) is a software distribution that provides an environment for a Java program or app using the Java command. It is mainly used for those who only want to execute Java programs that are end-users of the system.

JDK is short for Java Development Kit which is a software development environment used for developing and executing Java programs, while JVM is responsible for loading, verifying, and executing Java bytecode. In addition, JVM is necessary for both JDK and JRE and Java programs won’t run without it. If the JVM component of Java programs gets corrupted or missing, you may encounter some errors like “a Java Virtual Machine is required” and “Minecraft could not create the java virtual machine”.

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Java Virtual Machine Download & Install for Windows 10/8/7

How to get the Java Virtual Machine downloaded and installed for Windows 10/8/7. Although Oracle doesn’t provide a single Java Virtual Machine installer, the JVM installation package is included in JDK or Java downloads.

So, you can download the Java Virtual Machine installer by getting the Java JDK package from Oracle. For that:

Step 1. Click here to open the Oracle Java Downloads page, and navigate to the Windows tab. There are 3 links to JDK installers and you can select one according to your need.

select a JDK installer to download

Step 2. Once downloaded, double-click the JDK executable file and click on Yes to run it.

Step 3. Click on Next and follow the on-screen prompt to complete the JVM installation.

install Java JDK

Further reading: If you encounter some issues like the C drive full when installing the program, MiniTool Partition Wizard can help you fix them easily. Moreover, you can use it to extend/resize/format partition, convert a disk to MBR/GPT, migrate OS, etc.

About The Author

Ariel has been working as a highly professional computer-relevant technology editor at MiniTool for many years. She has a strong passion for researching all knowledge related to the computer’s disk, partition, and Windows OS. Up till now, she has finished thousands of articles covering a broad range of topics and helped lots of users fix various problems. She focuses on the fields of disk management, OS backup, and PDF editing and provides her readers with insightful and informative content.


Загрузка и установка виртуальной машины Java

Виртуальная машина Java - Java Virtual Machine, или сокращённо JVM

Чтобы пользоваться программным обеспечением, написанным на языке программирования Java или разрабатывать свои собственные программы, понадобится скачать и установить на компьютер виртуальную машину Java — Java Virtual Machine, или сокращённо JVM.

Для программирования на Java можно подобрать себе IDE, хорошим выбором будет NetBeans или Eclipse.

Для этого запустите удобным для вас способом утилиту для работы с командной строкой.

Например, в Windows XP перейдите в меню «Пуск», выберите «Выполнить», введите «cmd» во всплывающем окне и нажмите «ОК».

В Windows 10 нажмите горячие клавиши Windows + X и выберите пункт «Командная строка» в меню пользователя.

Вы увидите приглашение командной строки с мигающим курсором. Введите команду «java -version», только без кавычек и нажмите Enter.

Если на компьютере уже установлена исполняемая среда Java, вывод будет примерно таким:

java version "1.8.0_111" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-b14) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)

Обратите внимание на первую строку — «1.8.0_111», это и есть версия JVM.

Если вывод будет сообщать об ошибке или неизвестной команде, вам безусловно необходима установка виртуальной машины. Также рекомендуется обновить установку, если версия Java на вашем компьютере ниже чем 1.8.

Есть два продукта для загрузки:

  • JRE — Java Runtime Environment, предоставляет виртуальную машину и API, подходит, если вы хотите использовать готовые программы на Java.
  • JDK — Java Development Kit, предоставляет виртуальную машину, API и средства разработки программ на Java, необходима, если вы планируете писать свои Java программы.

В рамках данной статьи рассмотрим пример установки JDK.

Загрузка виртуальной машины Java

Скачаем необходимый нам установщик с официального сайта http://www.oracle.com.

Нажимаем красную кнопку и переходим на следующую страницу. Чтобы стала доступной загрузка, нужно согласиться с лицензией — отметьте опцию «Accept License Agreement». После чего выбирайте свою операционную систему и скачивайте файл. Если вы не уверены, какая у вас операционная система, то скорей всего подойдёт файл содержащий в названии «windows-i586».

Установка виртуальной машины Java

Запускаем установку. Как видим, это новейшая версия на момент написания статьи.

Нажимаем «Next» и переходим к следующему диалогу.

Предлагается выбрать компоненты для установки и путь установки инструментов разработки — JDK.

Оставляем существующие значения.

Ожидаем, пока копируются файлы JDK и получаем запрос на установку Java Runtime Environment — JRE. Соглашаемся и оставляем путь по умолчанию.

Ожидание, пока скопируются файлы JRE.

Предупреждение о сборе информации о текущей установке.

Запрос на установку компонентов JavaFX SDK, которая применяется для выполнения и разработки RIA — Rich Internet Applications, приложений с красивыми пользовательскими интерфейсами, для работы с мультимедиа и пр. на языке JavaFX Script.

Соглашаемся и нажимаем «Next».

Путь установки JavaFX SDK, оставляем как есть и продолжаем.

Процесс копирования файлов JavaFX SDK.

Установка всех компонентов завершена, нажимаем «Close».

По окончании процесса, установщик запустит браузер установленный в системе по умолчанию и загрузит окно с предложением зарегистрировать свою копию JDK, это не обязательно, но если вы планируете заниматься разработкой на Java, регистрация на сайте разработчика инструмента вам не повредит.


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