Using xml with javascript

Examples Of XML APIs in JavaScript

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a popular data format used for representing and exchanging structured data between different platforms and applications. JavaScript, as a powerful scripting language widely used in web development, provides various APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) to handle XML data. In this tutorial, we will explore some of the commonly used XML APIs in JavaScript, and how to use them to parse, retrieve, transform and validate XML data. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this tutorial will provide you with a good understanding of how to work with XML in JavaScript.

What is XML?

XML, short for Extensible Markup Language, is a markup language used for structuring and storing data in a human-readable and machine-readable format. It was first introduced by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) in 1998 and has since become widely used in many areas, including web development, document management, data interchange, and many more.

XML provides a flexible and extensible syntax that allows developers to define their own elements, attributes, and rules for organizing and describing data. XML documents consist of hierarchical structures made up of elements, which can have attributes and contain other elements, text, or both.

XML is platform-independent and can be used with various programming languages and applications. It is also compatible with many other standards, such as XSLT, XPath, and XML Schema, which makes it a powerful tool for data manipulation and processing.

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Why use XML with JavaScript?

JavaScript is a versatile language that can handle different types of data formats, including XML. Here are some reasons why you might want to use XML with JavaScript:

  1. Data exchange: XML is a popular data format used for exchanging data between different systems and applications. Using JavaScript, you can easily parse and manipulate XML data, making it an excellent choice for data exchange between the client and server.
  2. Flexibility: XML allows developers to define their own custom elements and attributes, which makes it highly flexible and adaptable to different data structures. JavaScript provides APIs for parsing and transforming XML, allowing developers to easily extract and manipulate data.
  3. Integration: XML can be integrated with many other web technologies, such as XSLT, XPath, and XML Schema. JavaScript provides APIs for working with these technologies, making it easy to manipulate and process XML data.
  4. Compatibility: XML is a widely used data format that is compatible with different programming languages and applications. By using XML with JavaScript, you can ensure compatibility and interoperability across different platforms and systems.

Using XML with JavaScript provides developers with a powerful set of tools for working with structured data, exchanging data between different systems and applications, and ensuring compatibility and interoperability across different platforms and technologies.

What JavaScript APIs Use XML

There are several JavaScript APIs that can be used for working with XML data. Here are some commonly used ones:

  1. DOMParser API: This API provides a way to parse an XML string and create a DOM (Document Object Model) tree that can be manipulated with JavaScript. The DOMParser API is supported in all major web browsers.
  2. XMLHttpRequest API: This API provides a way to make HTTP requests and retrieve XML data from a server. The retrieved data can then be parsed and manipulated using JavaScript. The XMLHttpRequest API is widely used in web development and is supported in all major web browsers.
  3. XSLTProcessor API: This API provides a way to transform XML data using XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations). XSLTProcessor API is supported in all major web browsers.
  4. XPath API: This API provides a way to select elements and attributes from an XML document using XPath expressions. XPath API is widely used in web development and is supported in all major web browsers.
  5. XMLSerializer API: This API provides a way to serialize a DOM tree to an XML string. The XMLSerializer API is supported in all major web browsers.
  6. XML Schema API: This API provides a way to validate an XML document against an XML Schema definition. The XML Schema API is supported in all major web browsers.
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These APIs provide a powerful set of tools for working with XML data in JavaScript, allowing developers to parse, retrieve, transform, validate, and manipulate XML data easily and efficiently.

Parsing Amazon REST API XML

Amazon provides a REST API (Application Programming Interface) that allows developers to access and retrieve data from Amazon’s databases using HTTP requests. The data returned by Amazon’s REST API is typically in XML format, which can be parsed and manipulated using JavaScript.

To parse Amazon REST API XML in JavaScript, you can use the DOMParser API. Here’s an example:

const xmlString = "B00X4WHP5EAmazon Echo DotAmazon4999USD"; const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); const asin = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("ASIN")[0].textContent; const title = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("Title")[0].textContent; const brand = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("Brand")[0].textContent; const price = xmlDocument.getElementsByTagName("ListPrice")[0].getElementsByTagName("Amount")[0].textContent; console.log(`ASIN: $, Title: $, Brand: $, Price: $`);

In this example, we have a sample Amazon REST API XML response for an item lookup request. We use the DOMParser API to parse the XML string and create a DOM tree that we can manipulate with JavaScript.

Then, we use the getElementsByTagName method to retrieve specific elements from the DOM tree, such as the ASIN , Title , Brand , and ListPrice elements. Finally, we extract the text content of these elements using the textContent property.

Retrieving XML data with the XMLHttpRequest API

The XMLHttpRequest API provides a way to make HTTP requests from JavaScript and retrieve XML data from a server. Here’s an example of how to use the XMLHttpRequest API to retrieve an XML file:

const xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() < if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) < const xmlString = this.responseText; const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); console.log(xmlDocument); >>;"GET", "example.xml", true); xhttp.send();

In this example, we create a new XMLHttpRequest object and set its onreadystatechange property to a callback function that will be called when the request completes. In the callback function, we check the readyState and status properties to ensure that the request completed successfully.

If the request was successful, we retrieve the XML data from the responseText property of the XMLHttpRequest object. We then use the DOMParser API to parse the XML string and create a DOM tree that we can manipulate with JavaScript. Finally, we log the DOM tree to the console.

In the open method of the XMLHttpRequest object, we specify the HTTP method ( GET in this example), the URL of the XML file, and whether the request should be asynchronous ( true in this example).

Transforming XML with XSLT and the Transform API

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a language used for transforming XML data into other XML or text formats. JavaScript provides the XSLTProcessor API, which allows you to apply an XSLT stylesheet to an XML document and generate a new XML or text output.

Here’s an example of how to use the XSLTProcessor API to transform an XML document with an XSLT stylesheet:

const xmlString = "1John SmithIT2Jane DoeHR"; const xsltString = "


"; const parser = new DOMParser(); const xmlDocument = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "text/xml"); const xsltDocument = parser.parseFromString(xsltString, "text/xml"); const processor = new XSLTProcessor(); processor.importStylesheet(xsltDocument); const transformedDocument = processor.transformToDocument(xmlDocument); console.log(transformedDocument.documentElement.outerHTML);

In this example, we have an XML document that represents a list of employees. We also have an XSLT stylesheet that defines how to transform the XML document into an HTML table.

We use the DOMParser API to parse the XML and XSLT strings and create DOM trees that we can manipulate with JavaScript. Then, we create a new XSLTProcessor object and import the XSLT document using the importStylesheet method. We apply the XSLT stylesheet to the XML document using the transformToDocument method of the XSLTProcessor object, which returns a new DOM document representing the transformed output.

Finally, we log the outer HTML of the transformed document to the console, which should display an HTML table with the employee data.


In this tutorial, we have explored some of the commonly used XML APIs in JavaScript, and how to use them to parse, retrieve, transform, and validate XML data. We have seen how to parse Amazon REST API XML, retrieve XML data with the XMLHttpRequest API, and transform XML with XSLT and the XSLTProcessor API.

Working with XML in JavaScript can be a powerful tool for data manipulation and processing, and can be used for a variety of applications, such as web development, document management, data interchange, and more. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, knowing how to work with XML in JavaScript is an essential skill to have.

We hope this tutorial has provided you with a good understanding of how to use XML APIs in JavaScript, and has inspired you to explore further and build powerful applications that manipulate and display XML data.

  • Parsing and serializing XML – Developer guides | MDN (
  • XML Applications – W3School (
  • javascript – Getting started with calling APIs via (
  • XML Parsing in JavaScript | Introduction, Types and (
  • What are the types of APIs and their differences? (
  • Reading and writing XML in Node.js – LogRocket Blog (
  • How To Parse and Generate XML in JavaScript – vegibit (
  • AJAX and XMLHttpRequest — Understanding JavaScript API (
  • Working with APIs in JavaScript – GeeksforGeeks (
  • 25 of the best JavaScript APIs | Creative Bloq (
  • Barcode API Tutorial – Zebra Technologies TechDocs (
  • Use FetchXML to query data (Microsoft Dataverse) – Power Apps (
  • Current weather data – OpenWeatherMap (
  • HTML Forms / HTML Forms (


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