Using java code in processing

Introduction to Processing | Java

Processing is an open-source programming language and development environment that is built on top of the Java programming language. It is specifically designed for artists, designers, and other creative professionals who want to create interactive graphics, animations, and other visual applications.

  1. Processing was created in 2001 by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, who were both students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at the time. They wanted to create a programming language that was easy to learn and use, while still being powerful enough to create complex interactive applications.
  2. One of the main goals of Processing is to make programming more accessible to people who are not professional software developers. The language has a simple syntax that is easy to read and write, and it provides a large number of pre-built functions and libraries that can be used to create complex visual effects without having to write a lot of code from scratch.
  3. Processing also provides an interactive development environment (IDE) that makes it easy to write, test, and debug code. The IDE includes features such as code highlighting, autocompletion, and a visual debugger, which makes it easier to catch and fix errors in your code.
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Since Processing is built on top of Java, it is fully compatible with Java libraries and can be used to create full-fledged Java applications. This means that Processing is not just limited to creating visual applications; it can also be used to create data-driven applications, games, and other software.

Processing has a large and active community of users, who have created a wide variety of projects using the language. The Processing website provides a wealth of resources for learning the language, including tutorials, reference guides, and a large collection of example projects.

Processing is an open-source low level animation and GUI library built on Java with additional simplifications like additional classes, aliased mathematical functions and operations. It also provides a GUI for simple compilation of the programs written in processing. Features of Processing: The following are the features of processing:

  • It includes a sketchbook which is a minimalistic alternative to an IDE. This sketchbook can be used as a normal IDE to organize projects.
  • Every sketch drawn in processing is a subclass of the Java class(PApplet). This class implements almost all the features of processing.
  • Since processing inherits the properties of the class, all the additional classes defined in the sketch will be treated as an inner class when the code is being converted into a pure java code before compiling. Therefore, the use of static variables and methods is strictly prohibited in processing.
  • The processing language also gives the users an option to create own classes in the PApplet sketch. Therefore, this gives the users a chance to use a more complex data structures apart from the basic data types in java.
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Installing Processing: In order to code in the processing language, the users can either download processing sketchbook from the official website. Apart from that, the users can also download the code jar file and set it up in any of the IDE to use processing.

Example: The following is an example to get an understanding of how to code in processing. Let’s see how to draw a circle in processing. In order to do this, we need to learn about the main function that processing invokes from its library. That means, we only have to define this function but not invoke it. Below is a sample processing code which draws a circle:


Introduction to Java and Processing

How to make games with processing, a free Java library for graphics.

In this blog, we will talk about the basics of Java programming language and a step-by-step tutorial to build the pong project.

A multiplayer game built after learning the fundamentals of Java and Processing

May 22, 2022 By Team YoungWonks *

Java is a very popular programming language running on billions of devices. This tutorial assumes that the reader has some knowledge of Java syntax and object oriented programming (OOP). Such programming revolves around the attributes (also called instance variables) of objects and their behaviour. The data types help us declare the attributes and the methods define the behaviour of the objects. A very basic Java class usually looks like this:

public static void main(String[] args)

The platform independent Java code written above is called source code. This is human readable code and the machine doesn’t understand any of it. So, we install the JDK on our system, compile the source code to generate the byte code in the form of class files that the machine can understand and run using the Java Virtual Machine. This is usually the workflow for every Java programmer on the command line.

Processing is an open-source Graphical User Interface (GUI) software built on Java that was officially launched in the year 2001. It is used by designers, students and artists for the purposes of learning and creating art. In Processing, the programs are called sketches and are stored in a sketchbook as a folder on the computer. This helps the developer draw 2D and 3D graphics and the renderers are accelerated through OpenGL compatible graphics card. Processing enables playing sounds and offers different programming modes. These modes help the developers deploy their sketches on different platforms including Linux.

The Java Mode

Processing uses Java mode by default and it not only allows the programmers to write code to draw a variety of shapes, but also enables them to write a complex program. This library provides functions that can be used to work with images, keyboard events, mouse events, files, cameras and many other hardware components.

Since Java applets are no longer supported by the web browsers, the Processing library converts the Java code to JavaScript code so that the web browser can run the project as an application.

The Basics

Processing has the size() function that’s used to set the size of the sketch. It uses the P2D as the default renderer that is suitable for two-dimensional shapes. The code written in the setup() function gets executed automatically by the Processing software and the developer doesn’t need to call this function manually. The Processing IDE shows syntax errors on the message area when it is unable to compile the code. Just like in most of the programming languages, we start with the Hello World program, in Processing, we start by making an empty window of certain size.

The above code is the same as writing:

The third parameter can be any of the four built-in renderers. More information about these renderers can be sought from the official documentation of Processing library.

It is important to note that Processing uses the Cartesian coordinate system. The origin is in the top-left corner which means that if the sketch width is 300px and the height is 400px, then (0, 0) is the top-left corner and (300, 400) is the bottom-right corner. Since a pixel always uses the coordinates as its top-left corner, the bottom-right corner of the window shows the last pixel at (299, 399).

To better understand how Processing sketches are related to Java programs, let’s work on the Pong project.

The Pong Project

Most of us are aware of the Pong game. For those who are not, here is some information: the Pong game can be played by two players and each player needs to control a paddle. There is a ball that is placed at the center of the screen and it moves towards one of the players. When the player misses hitting the ball with the paddle, the other player gets a point. The player who reaches the winning score first wins the game.

We are going to develop this game in Java mode of Processing. The following steps should help one understand how to develop a game of this type.

Step 1: Create the sketch

For this project, we do not need a complicated development environment. Simply, launch the Processing software (also called Processing IDE) on the computer after getting it downloaded it from their website ( From the Menu bar, go to File and choose Save option (You can also use a keyboard shortcut based on the operating system). Choose the desired location and give it a file name of your choice. We have named it Pong and are going to have the Paddle and Ball as the data structures in this project.

Step 2: The Paddle class

To work with the paddles, we will use x, y, speed, score, moveUp, moveDown, paddleWidth, and paddleHeight as instance variables. It is important to note that width and height variables are built-in Processing global variables that represent the width and height of the Processing sketch. Thus, we should not use width and height as our instance variables. We have the parametric constructor to initialize the x and y coordinates of the paddles. The drawAndMove method draws the paddle and uses the moveUp and moveDown instance variables to change its vertical position. We added conditional statements to make sure that the paddles don’t go outside the screen. To keep the code short and simple, we have not used any access modifiers in our classes.

int x, y, speed, score, paddleWidth, paddleHeight;


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