- What is ‘define’ used for in JavaScript (aside from the obvious)?
- What is ‘define’ used for in JavaScript (aside from the obvious)?
- When To Use Definite vs. Indefinite Articles in English?
- Pronouncing the definite article
- How to define something in JavaScript
- What use cases necessitate #define without a token-string?
What is ‘define’ used for in JavaScript (aside from the obvious)?
It is used to define a «module»: And the «define with dependencies» form of is described as follows: Solution 2: This is AMD pattern for writing modules which AMD stands for Asynchronous Module Definition for when you need to import modules async basically rather than something like commonJS. The code in question looked like: I discovered it was just an empty , which the author had chosen to document that the function accessed global variables in the project: C++ syntax: void CLASS functionName()?
What is ‘define’ used for in JavaScript (aside from the obvious)?
I have searched high and low for documentation on this, but I just cannot find anything anywhere.
I am using Aloha and want to use their sidebar prototype to create a new side bar of my own attached to other plugin functionality.
Their sidebar.js starts off with this, but I can’t for the life of me find any documentation that explains what it means.
define( [ 'aloha/core', 'aloha/jquery', 'aloha/selection' ], function (Aloha, jQuery, Selection, Plugin)
It then goes on in that wrapper to define a bunch of functions, so vars and some proptotypes - which I can just about get my head around.
What is that saying or where can I find an explanation?
I can't say for sure without seeing the entire script, but it's likely to be the define function from RequireJS, in particular the "define with dependencies" form of that function. It is used to define a "module":
A module is different from a traditional script file in that it defines a well-scoped object that avoids polluting the global namespace. It can explicitly list its dependencies and get a handle on those dependencies without needing to refer to global objects, but instead receive the dependencies as arguments to the function that defines the module.
And the "define with dependencies" form of define is described as follows:
If the module has dependencies, the first argument should be an array of dependency names, and the second argument should be a definition function. The function will be called to define the module once all dependencies have loaded. The function should return an object that defines the module.
This is AMD pattern for writing modules which AMD stands for Asynchronous Module Definition for when you need to import modules async basically rather than something like commonJS.
define(['module1', 'module2'], function(module1, module2) < console.log(module1.sayHi()); >);
Define takes an array of dependencies and once all those are loaded in the background (async) in a non-blocking way, define calls the callback which in turn accepts arguments (in this case the dependencies).
Another thing to note is that each one of those modules also needs to be defined using "define" keyword. So for instance module1 would be defined like below :
This way of writing modules (AMD) allows you to write with browser compatibility in mind (no require() like in nodeJS) and also you can define many formats including objects, JSON, etc while for instance commonJS needs modules to be objects.
Keep in mind, AMD has it's own downfalls. Hope this helps someone.
C++ - static const vs #define, In C++ const have internal linkage by default and there's no point in declaring them static. So it is really about const vs. #define. And, finally, in C++ const is preferable. At least because such constants are typed and scoped. There are simply no reasons to prefer #define over const, aside from few exceptions. Code samplenamespace
When To Use Definite vs. Indefinite Articles in English?
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Pronouncing the definite article
The definite article is mostly pronounced 'thuh' before a noun beginning with a consonant (thuh chair), and 'thee' in front of a noun beginning with a vowel (thee apple).
Question 1: what is the name of this pronunciation change?
Question 2: many news and sports broadcasters (noticed especially on Irish television) use 'thuh' and 'thee' randomly, with no regard to the following word. Where did this usage originate?
The reason to have two different pronunciations is to better differentiate the words in normal speech, where there are no pauses between words.
Try saying "the only" quickly a few times.
If you use "thuh", then the sound of the two words runs into each other, and unless you introduce a pause, you get something like "thonly". Pardon what?
If you use "thee only", then the words remain distinct with no pause.
Where there is a consonant at the start of the second word, then this differentiates the words, so the words remain distinct (like in "the tap")
So then, why not use "thee" all the time? I suspect that this is down to muscle movement. Saying "thuh" requires slightly less muscle movement than "thee" and so evolved as the most natural form where "thee" was not needed.
C - How to use a define inside a format string?, How to use a define inside a format string? c c-preprocessor format-specifiers. Share. Improve this question. Follow edited Nov 17, 2017 at 9:13. iBug. 33.2k 7 7 gold badges 80 80 silver badges 118 118 bronze badges. asked Nov 17, 2017 at 8:19. eDeviser eDeviser.
How to define something in JavaScript
I know how to define something in C++. For example:
now if we use ce any where of the code it will output cout I am trying with this JavaSvript:
So, if i want to show/output something, i wish to write
now, this will output Great! in the browser. But this define method not working in JavaScript
You can't, at least not the way C/C++ does it. You can however assign a function to any variable:
As pointed out this won't work for document.write because of the scope change. One solution to get an actual function with the correct scope would be:
var go = document.write.bind(document); // Now call go('Great!');
Node that .bind won't work in IE8 and lower.
Another option is with Object.defineProperty , which allows you to set something that isn't writable, configurable, or enumerable. specifically on the window object (so there is global access). Try this:
Object.defineProperty(window, "go", < enumerable: false, configurable: false, writable: false, value: function (msg) < console.log(msg); >>);
DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/xm3mT/
Instead of setting the value as an anonymous function, you can use bind , like:
value: console.log.bind(console)
Although it would be just as fine to use my first example.
I'm not exactly sure of your use of document.write , but you normally don't want to use that. of course, it's up to you. Nonetheless, I used console.log instead just for an example.
- Object.defineProperty docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object/defineProperty
- Object.defineProperty browser compatibility - http://kangax.github.io/es5-compat-table/#Object.defineProperty
- Function.prototype.bind docs - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind
- Function.prototype.bind browser compatibility - http://kangax.github.io/es5-compat-table/#Function.prototype.bind
You define a variable using the "var" keyword.
You can assign a function as well:
var myFunction = function() <
// do something
Javascript is loose typed, so you don't specify what type of variable it is.
JavaScript is not a compiled language, so there's no equivalent to C++'s define . You'll have to use variables. But you can assign functions to variables (as functions in JavaScript are objects) to get essentially the same result.
Why are #ifndef and #define used in C++ header files?, #ifndef
What use cases necessitate #define without a token-string?
I have encountered the #define pre-processor directive before while learning C, and then also encountered it in some code I read. But apart from using it to definite substitutions for constants and to define macros, I've not really understook the special case where it is used without a "body" or token-string.
Take for example this line:
Just like that! What could be the use of this or better, when is this use of #define necessary?
This is used in two cases. The first and most frequent involves conditional compilation:
#ifndef XYZ #define XYZ // . #endif
You've surely used this yourself for include guards, but it can also be used for things like system dependencies:
#ifdef WIN32 // Windows specific code here. #endif
(In this case, WIN32 is more likely defined on the command line, but it could also be defined in a "config.hpp" file.) This would normally only involve object-like macros (without an argument list or parentheses).
The second would be a result of conditional compilation. Something like:
#ifdef DEBUG #define TEST(X) text(X) #else #define TEST(X) #endif
That allows writing things like:
which will call the function if DEBUG is defined, and do nothing if it isn't.
Such macro usually appears in pair and inside conditional #ifdef as:
#ifdef _DEBUG #define OCSTR(X) #else #define OCSTR(X) SOME_TOKENS_HERE #endif
#ifdef __cplusplus #define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(X) namespace X < #define NAMESPACE_END >#else #define NAMESPACE_BEGIN(X) #define NAMESPACE_END #endif
One odd case that I recently dug up to answer a question turned out to be simply commentary in nature. The code in question looked like:
I discovered it was just an empty #define , which the author had chosen to document that the function accessed global variables in the project:
C++ syntax: void CLASS functionName()?
So not really that different from if it said /* CLASS */ , except not allowing typos like /* CLAAS */ . some other small benefits perhaps (?)
I agree with every answer, but I'd like to point out a small trivial thing.
Being a C purist I've grown up with the assertion that EACH AND EVERY #define should be an expression, so, even if it's common practice using:
I think it's always better writing:
also #debug macros shall be expressions:
#define DEBUG (xxx) (whatever you want for debugging, value)
In this way, you are completely safe from misuse of #macros and prevents nasty problems (especially in a 10 million line C project)
Julia - Programmatically generated function, how to, My problem is that I want to also define some associated doc : help?> foo_A search: foo_A foo_B unsafe_pointer_to_objref No documentation found. foo_A is a Function.