Use space in php

How do you put space between words in PHP?

Add text inside the borders, in between shapes and around your subject matter. I love to doodle and I have discovered that simple shapes or pattern are a great way to fill up white space. Use all those nooks and crannies in between your subject matter and fill them with smaller doodles.

How white space should be used?

Using white space evenly makes the content in design easily scannable and significantly improves legibility. A study conducted indicates that proper use of white space between lines of paragraphs and its left and right margins can increase comprehension up to 20%.

How do you use space in design?

Space can be used to both separate and connect elements in a design. Wider spaces separate elements from each other and narrower spaces connect elements to reveal relationships between them. Overlapping elements maximizes their relationship.

What is the purpose of negative space?

Use of negative space will produce a silhouette of the subject. Most often, negative space is used as a neutral or contrasting background to draw attention to the main subject, which then is referred to as the positive space.

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How do you fill in negative space?

The following designs use negative space to their advantage, and the results are absolutely beautiful.

  1. Be literal. Behance/Maurizio Pagnozzi.
  2. Frame an image. Behance/Tang Yau Hoong.
  3. Cut things out. Behance/Makrina Oikonomidou.
  4. Combine elements. Behance/Tang Yau Hoong.
  5. Create contrast.
  6. Use shapes.
  7. Use your product.
  8. Be subtle.


Use space in php

  1. Relative file name like foo.txt . This resolves to currentdirectory/foo.txt where currentdirectory is the directory currently occupied. So if the current directory is /home/foo , the name resolves to /home/foo/foo.txt .
  2. Relative path name like subdirectory/foo.txt . This resolves to currentdirectory/subdirectory/foo.txt .
  3. Absolute path name like /main/foo.txt . This resolves to /main/foo.txt .
  1. Unqualified name, or an unprefixed class name like $a = new foo(); or foo::staticmethod(); . If the current namespace is currentnamespace , this resolves to currentnamespace\foo . If the code is global, non-namespaced code, this resolves to foo . One caveat: unqualified names for functions and constants will resolve to global functions and constants if the namespaced function or constant is not defined. See Using namespaces: fallback to global function/constant for details.
  2. Qualified name, or a prefixed class name like $a = new subnamespace\foo(); or subnamespace\foo::staticmethod(); . If the current namespace is currentnamespace , this resolves to currentnamespace\subnamespace\foo . If the code is global, non-namespaced code, this resolves to subnamespace\foo .
  3. Fully qualified name, or a prefixed name with global prefix operator like $a = new \currentnamespace\foo(); or \currentnamespace\foo::staticmethod(); . This always resolves to the literal name specified in the code, currentnamespace\foo .

Here is an example of the three kinds of syntax in actual code:

namespace Foo \ Bar \ subnamespace ;

const FOO = 1 ;
function foo () <>
class foo
static function staticmethod () <>

namespace Foo \ Bar ;
include ‘file1.php’ ;

const FOO = 2 ;
function foo () <>
class foo
static function staticmethod () <>

/* Unqualified name */
foo (); // resolves to function Foo\Bar\foo
foo :: staticmethod (); // resolves to class Foo\Bar\foo, method staticmethod
echo FOO ; // resolves to constant Foo\Bar\FOO

/* Qualified name */
subnamespace \ foo (); // resolves to function Foo\Bar\subnamespace\foo
subnamespace \ foo :: staticmethod (); // resolves to class Foo\Bar\subnamespace\foo,
// method staticmethod
echo subnamespace \ FOO ; // resolves to constant Foo\Bar\subnamespace\FOO

/* Fully qualified name */
\ Foo \ Bar \ foo (); // resolves to function Foo\Bar\foo
\ Foo \ Bar \ foo :: staticmethod (); // resolves to class Foo\Bar\foo, method staticmethod
echo \ Foo \ Bar \ FOO ; // resolves to constant Foo\Bar\FOO

Note that to access any global class, function or constant, a fully qualified name can be used, such as \strlen() or \Exception or \INI_ALL .

Example #1 Accessing global classes, functions and constants from within a namespace

function strlen () <>
const INI_ALL = 3 ;
class Exception <>

$a = \ strlen ( ‘hi’ ); // calls global function strlen
$b = \ INI_ALL ; // accesses global constant INI_ALL
$c = new \ Exception ( ‘error’ ); // instantiates global class Exception


How to add space in php

Now if you simply want to add 300 spaces (not pad it so that there will be less than 300 spaces) you’ll want to use Question: I am trying to add tab space to php function. Solution 1: You can send the email as HTML which requires extra headers and actual HTML in your message body: Solution 2: Add and : to indicate the message is HTML formatted.

Adding 300 spaces with PHP for text file

I want to add 300 spaces to a text file with PHP. I can’t use &nbsp as you already knew (.txt format, not HTML), so how to do this?

So this code counts numbers as you can see, I need 300 white-spaces.

$spaces = 0; // will become 300 spaces while ($spaces

and for testing how many white-spaces I have I will use

Instead of creating a loop to build them, just use the following

$padded_text = str_pad($some_text, 300, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); 

Anything less than 300 chars big, gets spaces added, and depending where you want those spaces, you can try using STR_PAD_RIGHT or STR_PAD_BOTH. And if you have no characters at all, it will generate it full of 300 spaces, this will be faster than using a loop.

Now if you simply want to add 300 spaces (not pad it so that there will be less than 300 spaces) you’ll want to use

Replace spaces with _ in php, Browse other questions tagged php spaces or ask your own question. The Overflow Blog Measurable and meaningful skill levels for developers. San Francisco? More like San Francis-go (Ep. 468) «Negating» a sentence (by adding, perhaps, «no» or «don’t») gives the same meaning

How to Add Space In Php Code

How to Add Space In Php Code | space php code : echo str_repeat(» «, 2);Thanks For Watching This Video._____/Our Free \_____Don’t C

How do i add tab space to php function

I am trying to add tab space to php function. i have try using multiple white spaces, ‘\t’ but both are not working

 public function getProductDescription() < return $this->name."\t". $this->carton_quantity .' * '. $this->weight.' g'; > 
public function getProductDescription() < return html_entity_decode($this->name."    ". $this->carton_quantity .' * '. $this->weight.' g'); > 

Please try the combination of

public function getProductDescription() < return html_entity_decode($this->name."    ". $this->carton_quantity .' * '. $this->weight.' g'); > 

How to Add Space In Php Code, How to Add Space In Php Code | space php code : echo str_repeat(» «, 2);Thanks For Watching This Video._____/Our Free \_____Don’t C

Adding a non breaking space to a php email does not insert spaces

mail($email, $subject, "Welcome to **!\n\n The password for your account is:\n $password", $headers); 

Adding &nbsp to the php email content does not insert spaces.

I want to put two spaces between the colon and $password . Is there a way to add spaces?

You can send the email as HTML which requires extra headers and actual HTML in your message body:

// Add extra headers to $headers $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; // Send mail as HTML mail($email, $subject, "Welcome to **!

The password for your account is:
 $password", $headers);

Add and : to indicate the message is HTML formatted. Then you can use  

Use the nl2br function to convert newlines to

Also set the Content-Type by appending a header » Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 «.

If you don’t want to use HTML: you can use the tab-character \t too, but not sure if Hotmail supports that eighter.

This really depends on what you are reading it in. The problem with Hotmail is that it sees it as plan text, but converts it to HTML most likely to display to you.

Look at example 4 on how to send html email using php.

If the e-mail’s Content-Type is text/plain , then all spaces should be honored. Sounds like you’re transmitting the e-mail message as text/html , which is why you would need the &nbsp to get the second space to show up.

Php — Add whitespace after comma, Add a comment | 2 Instead of using the + quantifier, which matches 1 or more whitespaces, use the <2, >quantifier, which will match just 2 or more whitespaces», hello» won’t match that.

Insert Enters/Spaces of Text in PhpMyAdmin

I have the image and the text of the image that i want to show in my database.

I show the image but i have problems with the text. The text dont show the ENTERS/SPACES. There are some ways to resolve this?

Image of problem:,oUxMcaS

I want this:,oUxMcaS#1

In database text is saving with enters/spaces.

maybe something is wrong on the encoding of connection. in that sql_connect.php file, after you connect, please execute this one:

mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); 

if this doesn’t help, try this one:

mysql_query("SET character_set_results = 'utf8', character_set_client = 'utf8', character_set_connection = 'utf8', character_set_database = 'utf8', character_set_server = 'utf8'", $conn); 

where $conn is your connection. This will make sure everything is UTF-8

Also please make sure the column on your tables are utf8_general_ci

After all this, please re-enter your data to your db and try again.

Html — Add space between two tables in php, @MrLister I’d of have to submit an answer to outline all their errors because there isn’t enough space inside the «one comment» box. I chose not to, fearing being chased down a potential deep rabbit hole; this one’s all yours 😉 create a .css file and add a class with some meaningful name like .resultTable. add the class for …


Home Indentation and Spacing in PHP

Spacing and indentation should be consistent throughout your code. Many developers choose to use 4-space or 2-space indentation. In PHP, each nested statement (e.g., a statement following a »

Here are some examples of bad indentation in PHP:

function foo() < $x = 2; print($x); >function bar()

Here are some examples of good indentation in PHP:

function foo() < $x = 2; print($x); >function bar()

Line Formatting

Line Breaks

Opening «» brackets should be on their own line and indented to align with the indentation of the line that has the corresponding opening »

Here are some examples of bad line breaks in PHP:

function foo() < $x = 2; print($x);>function bar()

Here are some examples of good line breaks in PHP:

function foo() < $x = 2; print($x); >function bar()

Long Lines

Lines should never be longer than 100 characters in PHP, and many developers aim at 80 characters as the line character limit. When any line is longer than 100 characters, break it into two lines by pressing Enter after an operator and reindenting the line. Indent the trailing second part of the line such that it aligns with the first letter of the first word following the opening «=» above if one exists (for variable assignments), otherwise aligned with the character following the opening «(» on the previous line.

Here are some examples of bad reindentation of long lines:

$result = reallyLongFunctionOne() + reallyLongFunctionTwo() + reallyLongFunctionThree() + reallyLongFunctionFour(); $result2 = reallyLongFunction($parameterOne, $parameterTwo, $parameterThree, $parameterFour);

Here are some examples of good reindentation of long lines:

$result = reallyLongFunctionOne() + reallyLongFunctionTwo() + reallyLongFunctionThree() + reallyLongFunctionFour(); $result2 = reallyLongFunction($parameterOne, $parameterTwo, $parameterThree, $parameterFour);

Blank Lines

Place a blank line between the end of each PHP function and the start of the next function’s function comment. You should not have more than one blank line in a row.

function foo() < $x = 2; print($x); >function bar()
// Prints 2 function foo() < $x = 2; print($x); >// Prints «hi» function bar()


Spacing in Expressions

Place a space between operators, assigments (» bad example»>


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