Use require in html

How to use require() in html

Question: I’m trying to load 3 characters from 5 difference websites and a concatenate them into one string, even though I’m using a try & catch statement the strings say’uncaught reference error’ and any codes with numbers cause a ‘unexpected tokens error’. If this file contains code like then it means that you need to first compile it using a build tool that will actually find and bundle it together with your own code.

How to use require() in html

I try to use require() in html. I try to use require in JS but I get the following error Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined I wonder how can I use require function on client browser. And there is no way to use require in client browser except requireJS??

const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const fs = require('fs'); const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(''); const region = 'kr-standard'; const access_key = 'access_key'; const secret_key = 'secret_key'; const S3 = new AWS.S3( < endpoint: endpoint, region: region, credentials: < accessKeyId: access_key, secretAccessKey: secret_key >>); const bucket_name = 'together-image'; const local_file_path = './image.jpg'; (async () => < let object_name = 'image.jpg'; // create folder await S3.putObject(< Bucket: bucket_name, Key: object_name >).promise(); object_name = 'image.jpg'; // upload file await S3.putObject(< Bucket: bucket_name, Key: object_name, ACL: 'public-read', Body: fs.createReadStream(local_file_path) >).promise(); >)(); 

I appreciate with your help in advance

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It is not possible unless a module bundler is used. I recommend using aws sdk for browser in

JS — ReferenceError: fetch is not defined, The fetch () API is a browser API implemented in the major browsers. If you are planning to use the same in the Node JS Runtime, then you have to make use of 3rd Party Fetch libraries like node-fetch. Install node-fetch: npm install node-fetch. Then include it in the code. const fetch = require (‘node-fetch’); If you’re …

ReferenceError: require is not defined

I’m trying to use node-geocoder, which uses require so I install browserify by sudo npm install -g browserify , and I think I’m stuck on bundling all by browserify .js -o src/assets/bundle.js . I’m not sure which file I should choose, so I chose that were I want to use node-geocoder ( create.controller.js ) Finally I added to my index.html But I still getting ReferenceError

angular.js:13550 ReferenceError: require is not defined at new CreateController 
(function () < 'use strict'; angular .module('untitled') .controller('CreateController', CreateController); /** @ngInject */ function CreateController($http, $log) < var NodeGeocoder = require('node-geocoder'); var options = < provider: 'google', httpAdapter: 'https', // Default apiKey: 'myApiKey', formatter: 'string' >; var geocoder = NodeGeocoder(options); geocoder.geocode('29 champs elysée paris') .then(function(res) < console.log(res); >) .catch(function(err) < console.log(err); >); 

I use generator-angular I’m very new at JS and all these frameworks, so I hope that I posted all needed information.

Require() isnt a valid function in client sided JavaScript. Try using RequireJS (

For help with RequireJS’ API,

How do I use javascript require?, In order to use modules in the browser, you will need to run your code through a bundler such as Webpack or Browserify first. Be aware that there are still some modules (such as fs) which cannot run in the browser due to the way they interact with the system (i.e. reading a file from disk). I believe request falls in …

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined React.js

I am writing the following in my React code:

I followed the React setup from tutorialspoint. I installed all the things at /Desktop/reactApp/. The React code is being run from /GitProjects/DjangoProjects/MyProj/MyApp/static/react/dashboard.js . I keep on getting the error Uncaught ReferenceError . Am I missing something?

Note: HTML file at /GitProjects/DjangoProjects/MyProj/MyApp/templates/dashboard.html is calling my dashboard.js code.

It sounds like you’re trying to include a file dashboard.js in HTML.

If this file contains code like require(‘react’); then it means that you need to first compile it using a build tool that will actually find react and bundle it together with your own code.

In case of the tutorial you’re linking, the build tool used is webpack . Your HTML should include the file generated by webpack ( index.js , or whatever you have in output section of webpack config), rather than dashboard.js alone.

Javascript — How to use require() in html, Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. Learn more

Uncaught reference error, «. » is not defined

I’m trying to load 3 characters from 5 difference websites and a concatenate them into one string, even though I’m using a try & catch statement the strings say’uncaught reference error’ and any codes with numbers cause a ‘unexpected tokens error’. I’m using the P5.js framework at the moment but willing to try plain .js.

var data; function setup() < var url = []; url[0] = '' url[1] = '' url[2] = '' url[3] = '' url[4] = '' try< for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)< data += loadJSON(url[i], gotData, 'jsonp') + ' ' >> catch (data) < console.log('oh well'); >> function draw() < createCanvas(400,400); background(225); text(data, 0, 200); >function gotData(data)

Loads a JSON file from a file or a URL, and returns an Object. Note that even if the JSON file contains an Array, an Object will be returned with index numbers as keys.

This method is asynchronous, meaning it may not finish before the next line in your sketch is executed.

That last line explains what’s going on: the loadJSON() function is asynchronous, which means it doesn’t directly return anything. So lines like this don’t make sense:

data += loadJSON(url[i], gotData, 'jsonp') + ' ' 

Please see the examples in the reference to understand how to use the loadJSON() function correctly, but basically you either need to use a callback function or you need to use the preload() function.

Javascript — Uncaught ReferenceError: jsPDF is not, Here is the JavaScript function which should just generate a PDF file based on a table: because stationSelected and dateSelected are not defined. You should also provide definitions for these values. Live codepen working example. Share . Follow edited Feb 23, 2021 at 21:37. answered Feb 23, 2021 at 21:27. …


How to use require in javascript html

Require is a special function, that you gonna use from library or enviroment(like nodejs), so as ypu don’t have function with that name — browser throw you an err «require is not defined», he just don’t see function with this name ) I don’t know what you r going to require or what u r worked with, so can’t tell u more. For that, you can get the list of folder names on the server-side using «fs» module, then using template engine to render HTML file with the data.

How to access require, from an HTML file, when contextIsolation is set to true

The main problem I was having was that with contextIsolation enabled it’s not possible to use require .

To access ipcRenderer with contextIsolation enabled, a preload file is used with contextBridge to expose certain functions from ipcRenderer :

const < contextBridge, ipcRenderer >= require("electron"); contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld("myAPI", < ipcSend: (. args) =>ipcRenderer.send(. args), ipcOn: (key, handler) => ipcRenderer.on(key, (event, . args) => handler(. args)) >); 
function createAddWindow() < subWindowOpen = true; addWindow = new BrowserWindow(< width: 400, height: 300, title: "Add Inventory Item", webPreferences: < worldSafeExecuteJavaScript: true, contextIsolation: true, preload: path.join(__dirname, "preload.js") >>); addWindow.loadURL(url.format(< pathname: path.join(__dirname, "addWindow.html"), protocol: "file", slashes: true >)); > 

nodeIntegration could be used instead without contextIsolation enabled, but this is considered to be unsafe. It’s better to expose only certain functions rather than the whole object.

Browserify Tutorial — Using require() In The Browser, Learn how to use the require() function to import Javascript modules in the front-end part of Duration: 23:27

How to Use Require.js to Load Javascript Libraries Asynchronously

Require.js RequireJS is a JavaScript file and module loader. It is optimized for in-browser use Duration: 10:19

Browserify Tutorial — Using require() In The Browser

Learn how to use the require() function to import Javascript modules in the front-end part of Duration: 23:27

Require vs Import Javascript

In this video you will learn on example the different ways of creating modules in Javascript on
Duration: 22:39

I can’t use require in my html script, can anyone answer why? [duplicate]

Yeap, you can’t do it in vanilla JS. Require is a special function, that you gonna use from library or enviroment(like nodejs), so as ypu don’t have function with that name — browser throw you an err «require is not defined», he just don’t see function with this name )

I don’t know what you r going to require or what u r worked with, so can’t tell u more. You should add more info.

require() isn’t a part of vanilla JavaScript, you presumably need NodeJS to use it.

I cannot find a way to use ‘require’ in html, There is no require in HTML. require is CJS in Node.js. fs is a Node.js module, also not available in the browser. – jabaa.

‘require’ is not available to index.html running on node.js

The «fs» module is a built-in module in NodeJS to allow you to work with the filesystem. It isn’t available on the client-side (imagine people can access your webpage and manipulate your filesystem!!).

What you’re trying to do is get a list of folder names that you want use as navigation menu (li items) on the front-end . For that, you can get the list of folder names on the server-side using «fs» module, then using template engine to render HTML file with the data.

For NodeJS, there are some popular template engines: EJS, pug, nunjucks.

You might have your server.js as a ES6 module, which is a good thing as it took me an hour to set it up like that myself.

You can do import * as fs from ‘fs’; or import from ‘fs’; but I did import < promises as fs >from «fs»; because I like my fs calls async .

How to require js file in a src file inside ?, require is a built-in function provided by JS environments that support a couple of different kinds of modules, so how you load your JS file

Require() function in JavaScript not working [duplicate]

Node is used to run a ‘backend’ server so the user asks the node.js server for the web page and the node server then serves the page. Express is a popular module for this.

You need to use an external file then import modules and write your javascript in that external file. require at the top of this external file.

You may also need to run npm init and then npm install twit in command line in the directory of your project.

JavaScript modules, 6 days ago · Now we just need to apply the main.js module to our HTML page. This is very similar to how we apply a regular script to a page, with a few


How to use require() in html

I try to use require() in html. I try to use require in JS but I get the following error Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined I wonder how can I use require function on client browser. And there is no way to use require in client browser except requireJS??

const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); const fs = require('fs'); const endpoint = new AWS.Endpoint(''); const region = 'kr-standard'; const access_key = 'access_key'; const secret_key = 'secret_key'; const S3 = new AWS.S3( < endpoint: endpoint, region: region, credentials: < accessKeyId: access_key, secretAccessKey: secret_key >>); const bucket_name = 'together-image'; const local_file_path = './image.jpg'; (async () => < let object_name = 'image.jpg'; // create folder await S3.putObject(< Bucket: bucket_name, Key: object_name >).promise(); object_name = 'image.jpg'; // upload file await S3.putObject(< Bucket: bucket_name, Key: object_name, ACL: 'public-read', Body: fs.createReadStream(local_file_path) >).promise(); >)(); 

You cannot use require in vanilla javascript. You can use npm packages only in a node project. If you want to use the package in your website, you should use a web framework. Also, you cannot use the fs package in client side javascript

You can use require if you are using CommonJS modules, but in your case it would be useless by the way if you are trying to execute that code in the browser, since the ‘fs’ module won’t work in browsers, it’s a nodeJS module made to work on file system ( mainly read and write operations ). If you don’t have a dedicated web server, you can try to upload your project to a serverless environment like Vercel or Netlify and use their serverless functions to execute that kind of code, it will work there, since they call them on their NodeJS web servers.


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