Use python with matlab

Using MATLAB with Python

MATLAB ® provides a flexible, two-way integration with many programming languages, including Python. This allows different teams to work together and use MATLAB algorithms within production software and IT systems.

Calling MATLAB from Python

The MATLAB Engine API for Python allows you to call MATLAB as a computational engine from Python.

The API lets you execute MATLAB commands from within your Python environment without starting a desktop session of MATLAB. Learn more about the MATLAB Engine API for Python.

Calling Python Libraries from MATLAB

If you have functions and objects in Python, you can call them directly from MATLAB.

This allows you to work entirely within MATLAB without switching your programming environment. Learn more about calling Python libraries from MATLAB.

Packaging MATLAB Programs for Scalable Deployment with Python

Write algorithms and applications in MATLAB, and package and share them with just one click. You can build Python packages from MATLAB programs by using MATLAB Compiler SDK™. These packages can be integrated with Python applications that, in turn, can be shared with desktop users or deployed to web and enterprise systems, royalty-free. Learn more about integrating compiled MATLAB programs into Python applications.

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Scale up your MATLAB programs to concurrently access and serve a system of databases, web, and enterprise applications by deploying the programs to MATLAB Production Server™. The server provides integration within your IT architecture via lightweight client API libraries (that include Python) and a RESTful/JSON interface.


Use python with matlab

You can access all standard Python ® library content from MATLAB ® . Likewise, you can use functionality in third-party or user-created modules. To call Python functionality directly from MATLAB, add the py. prefix to the name of the Python function that you want to call.

  • To call content in the Python standard library, add py. in front of the Python function or class name.
py.list("This","is a","list">) % Call built-in function list
py.textwrap.wrap("This is a string") % Call wrap function in module textwrap

You do not need to import modules in order to use them. However, you may import Python names into your MATLAB function in the same way that you can import content in MATLAB packages. For more information, see Understanding Python and MATLAB import Commands.

MATLAB also provides a way to run Python code in the Python interpreter directly from MATLAB. For more information, see Directly Call Python Functionality from MATLAB.

Learning Objectives

This tutorial explains how to:

  • Check the Python version on your computer.
  • Create a Python object and call a method on it.
  • Display help for Python modules.
  • Create specialized Python list , tuple , and dict (dictionary) types
  • Call a method on a Python object with the same name as a MATLAB function.
  • Call functionality from your own Python module.
  • Find examples.

Verify Python Configuration

To use Python in MATLAB, you must have a supported version of Python installed on your machine. Make sure that the Python path is included in your system path environment variable. To verify that you have a supported version of Python, type:

ans = PythonEnvironment with properties: Version: "3.8" Executable: "C:\Users\aname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\pythonw.exe" Library: "C:\Users\aname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\python38.dll" Home: "C:\Users\aname\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38" Status: NotLoaded ExecutionMode: OutOfProcess

If the value of the Version property is empty, then you do not have a supported version available. For more information about installing Python, see Configure Your System to Use Python.

Access Python Standard Library Modules in MATLAB

MATLAB interacts with the Python interpreter on your machine, giving you access all standard library content. For example, create a Python list data type.

res = py.list("Name1","Name2","Name3">)
res = Python list with values: ['Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3']

MATLAB recognizes Python objects and automatically converts the MATLAB cell array to the appropriate Python type.

You can call Python methods on an object. To display the available methods for list objects, type methods(py.list) . For example, update the list res using the Python append function.

res = Python list with with values: ['Name1', 'Name2', 'Name3', 'Name4']

To convert the list variable to a MATLAB variable, call string .

mylist = 1×4 string array 'Name1' 'Name2' 'Name3' 'Name4'

Display Python Documentation in MATLAB

You can display help text for Python functions in MATLAB. For example:

Help on method_descriptor in list: list.append = append(. ) L.append(object) -> None -- append object to end

Tab completion when typing py. does not display available Python functionality. For more information, see Help for Python Functions.

Create List, Tuple, and Dictionary Types

This table shows the statements for creating list , tuple , and dict types. The statements on the left are run from the Python interpreter. The statements on the right are MATLAB statements.

Precedence Order of Methods and Functions

If a Python class defines a method with the same name as a MATLAB converter method for Python types, MATLAB calls the Python method. This means you cannot call the MATLAB converter method on an object of that class.

For example, if a Python class defines a char method, this statement calls the Python method.

To use the MATLAB char function, type:

Access Other Python Modules

You can use your own Python code and third-party modules in MATLAB. The content must be on the Python path. Installing a third-party module puts the content on the Python path. If you create your own modules, you are responsible for putting them on the path.

Python Examples

For example code you can open in the MATLAB live editor, look for Featured Examples on the Call Python from MATLAB page. For information about searching MATLAB examples, see MATLAB Code Examples.

For an example using an online dataset, see this MathWorks blog post.

See Also


Using MATLAB with Python

MATLAB ® provides a flexible, two-way integration with many programming languages, including Python. This allows different teams to work together and use MATLAB algorithms within production software and IT systems.

Calling MATLAB from Python

The MATLAB Engine API for Python allows you to call MATLAB as a computational engine from Python.

The API lets you execute MATLAB commands from within your Python environment without starting a desktop session of MATLAB. Learn more about the MATLAB Engine API for Python.

Calling Python Libraries from MATLAB

If you have functions and objects in Python, you can call them directly from MATLAB.

This allows you to work entirely within MATLAB without switching your programming environment. Learn more about calling Python libraries from MATLAB.

Packaging MATLAB Programs for Scalable Deployment with Python

Write algorithms and applications in MATLAB, and package and share them with just one click. You can build Python packages from MATLAB programs by using MATLAB Compiler SDK™. These packages can be integrated with Python applications that, in turn, can be shared with desktop users or deployed to web and enterprise systems, royalty-free. Learn more about integrating compiled MATLAB programs into Python applications.

Scale up your MATLAB programs to concurrently access and serve a system of databases, web, and enterprise applications by deploying the programs to MATLAB Production Server™. The server provides integration within your IT architecture via lightweight client API libraries (that include Python) and a RESTful/JSON interface.


Use python with matlab

You can call functionality from Python ® libraries or execute Python statements directly from MATLAB ® .

Access Python Modules

To access Python libraries, add the py. prefix to the Python name. For example:

py.list() % Call built-in function list py.textwrap.wrap('This is a string') % Call wrap function in module textwrap

Run Python Code

To execute Python statements in the Python interpreter from the MATLAB command prompt, use the pyrun function. With this function, you can run code that passes MATLAB types as input and returns some or all of the variables back to MATLAB. For example, suppose that you run this statement in a Python interpreter.

To run the statement from MATLAB, use pyrun . To return the result to a MATLAB variable myList , add «l» as an outputs argument:

myList = pyrun("l = ['A', 'new', 'list']", "l");

Run Python Scripts

To call a Python script from the MATLAB command prompt, use the pyrunfile function. You pass MATLAB data and return variables the same way as with pyrun . For example, create a file with these statements:

# Python script file s = 'list' L = ['A', 'new', s]

Run the script from MATLAB:

myListFile = pyrunfile("", "L")
myListFile = Python list with no properties. ['A', 'new', 'list']

Access to Python Variables

When you use the py. prefix, MATLAB imports the entire module and can access all functions and classes of the Python code. However, when you execute Python code using the pyrun or pyrunfile functions, if you want to access Python data you must explicitly return Python objects to MATLAB using the outvars argument.

Limitations to pyrun and pyrunfile Functions

Python classes defined using pyrun or pyrunfile cannot be modified if you return an instance of the class to MATLAB. If you need to change class definitions, restart the interpreter session:

terminate(pyenv) pyenv(ExecutionMode="OutOfProcess")

Alternatively, restart MATLAB for «InProcess» .

The pyrun and pyrunfile functions do not support classes with local variables that are initialized by other local variables through methods. For such usage, create a module and access it using the py. prefix.

See Also

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