Uri and uri kotlin

Android KTX

Kotlin упростил написание кода по сравнению с Java, но нет предела совершенству. Благодаря гибкости Kotlin можно создавать расширения к существующим классам и сделать код ещё проще. Чтобы не изобретать велосипед каждый раз, наиболее удачные примеры решили выделить в отдельную группу, которая получила название Android KTX.

Подключаем библиотеку (один из вариантов).

 // добавьте в секцию android kotlinOptions < jvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8.toString() >// для секции dependencies implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:1.2.0' //fragment implementation 'androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx:' // pallete implementation 'androidx.pallete:palette-ktx:' //SQLite implementation 'androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx:' // collections implementation 'androidx.collection:collection-ktx:' 


Несколько примеров для знакомства.


Если у вас есть строка, которую нужно перевести в Uri, то писали следующую конструкцию.

 val uriString = "http://developer.alexanderklimov.ru/android" val uriOld = Uri.parse(uriString) Log.d("KTX", uri.host) 

Теперь можно писать проще. Код стал читаемым.

 val uriString = "http://developer.alexanderklimov.ru/android" val uri = uriString.toUri() Log.d("KTX", uri.host) 


При работе с файлами настройки приходится писать однотипный код.

 sharedPreferences.edit() .putBoolean(key, value) .apply() 

Сокращаем код. Разница не слишком большая, но выглядит опрятнее.


 // get a drawable from resources va myDrawable = ContextCompat.getDrawable(context, R.drawable.cat) // convert the drawable to a bitmap val bitmap = myDrawable.toBitmap() 

Масштабируем Bitmap с помощью scale()

Удобная функция scale() поможет изменить размеры картинки.

 // get bitmap from drawable resource val bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,R.drawable.table_cat) // scale bitmap using android ktx val scaledBitmap = bitmap.scale( 300, // width 300, // height false // filter ) button.setOnClickListener


Конвертирует компонент в изображение. Создадим карточку CardView и созданное изображение карточки поместим в ImageView.

 package ru.alexanderklimov.ktx import android.graphics.Bitmap import android.os.Bundle import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity import androidx.core.view.drawToBitmap import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.activity_main.* class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() < override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) < super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) setContentView(R.layout.activity_main) button.setOnClickListener < // draw a bitmap from cardView val bitmap: Bitmap = cardView.drawToBitmap(Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888) // show to generated bitmap to imageView imageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) >> > 


 val string = buildSpannedString < append("no styling text") bold < append("bold") italic < append("bold and italic) >> inSpans(RelativeSizeSpan(2f), QuoteSpan()) < append("double sized quote text") >> 


 val bundle = bundleOf( "KEY_INT" to 1, "KEY_LONG" to 2L, "KEY_BOOLEAN" to true, "KEY_NULL" to null, "KEY_ARRAY" to arrayOf(1, 2, 3) ) 

Обратите внимание, что в примерах используется пакет androidx, это позволит не путать их с стандартными пакетами android.

Другие примеры из разных источников.

 //default usage supportFragmentManager .beginTransaction() .replace( R.id.my_fragment_container, myFragment, FRAGMENT_TAG ) .commitAllowingStateLoss() // using androidx.fragment:fragment-ktx supportFragmentManager.transaction( allowStateLosss = true ) < replace( R.id.my_fragment_container, myFragment, FRAGMENT_TAG) >// using androidx.core:core-ktx val s = "Hello, Spans!".toSpannable() val bold = StyleSpan(BOLD) s += bolds[7..12] = ForegroundColorSpan(Color.RED) // using androidx.core:core-ktx menu.forEach < // do action >// check if an itme is in the menu and remove it if(menuItem in menu) menu -= menuItem // default usage db.beginTransaction() try < // insert data db.setTransactionSuccessful() >finally < db.endTransaction() >// using androidx.sqlite:sqlite-ktx db.transaction < // insert data >


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A Kotlin Multiplatform Utility Library for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)



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A Kotlin Multi-platform Utility Library for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs).

Uri.fromParts( scheme = "https", fragment = "top", path = "/forum/questions/", query = "tag=networking&order=newest", userInfo = "john.doe", host = "www.example.com", port = 123 )

If an error is encountered with the Uri.fromParts function, then an exception is thrown. Instead of throwing an exception, null can be returned, using the Uri.fromPartsOrNull function.

Uri.fromPartsOrNull( scheme = "https", fragment = "top", path = "/forum/questions/", query = "tag=networking&order=newest", userInfo = "john.doe", host = "www.example.com", port = 123 )

Creating a Uri from a String:

This library has a typealias, UriString , which is just a String . A UriString can be parsed and turned into a Uri .

Uri.fromString(uriString = "https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top")

Creating an optional Uri from a String:

If an error is encountered with the Uri.fromString function, then an exception is thrown. Instead of throwing an exception, null can be returned, using the Uri.fromStringOrNull function.

Uri.fromStringOrNull(uriString = "https://john.doe@www.example.com:123/forum/questions/?tag=networking&order=newest#top")

The library is provided through Repsy.io. Refer to the releases page for the latest version.

repositories < maven < url = "https://repo.repsy.io/mvn/chrynan/public" > >

More detailed documentation is available in the docs folder. The entry point to the documentation can be found here.

Copyright 2021 chRyNaN Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 


A Kotlin Multiplatform Utility Library for Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs)


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Kotlin URI/URL and Path parsing library



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Path and URI (URL) parsing library for Kotlin by Oxyggen.

The path parsing part is (probably) finished. To create a Path object call the Path.parse method:

val p = Path.parse("/first/second/third/../fourth/") 

You can set an optional parameter pathSeparator . The default value is «/» (Linux, URL, etc. ). Set value «\\» if you want to parse Windows style paths:

val w = Path.parse("C:\\temp\\abc.txt", pathSeparator = "\\") 

Because it is designed to parse URL paths few simple few simple rules were introduced:

  1. directory is the substring before last separator and file is the substring after last separator
  2. path «» is the same as «/»
  3. file name and extension separator is «.»

I had to introduce rules 1) and 3) because these are not real or local paths, so it’s not possible to check whether given path points to a file or a directory. Always add a separator at the end, if the path points to directory! So /dev/etc/ is directory but /dev/etc is file.

val p = Path.parse("/first/second/third/../fourth/myfile.html") 
property value
p.complete «/first/second/third/../fourth/myfile.html»
p.file «myfile.html»
p.fileName «myfile»
p.fileExtension «html»
p.directory «/first/second/third/../fourth/»

Let’s normalize this path and check the values:

property value
n.complete «/first/second/fourth/myfile.html»
n.file «myfile.html»
n.fileName «myfile»
n.fileExtension «html»
n.directory «/first/second/fourth/»

Normalized path is a subclass of Path , so it’s easy to check whether path object is normalized:

This does not mean that Path object can’t contain normalized path, but you can be sure that NormalizedPath object must contain normalized path.

You can also resolve relative paths. Let’s create relative r path and resolve it to absolute a using the original path p . Check also the normalized values from a ( a.normalized ):

val r = Path.parse("../anotherfile.html") val a = p.resolve(r) 
property a.(property) a.normalized.(property)
complete «/first/second/third/../fourth/../anotherfile.php» «/first/second/anotherfile.php»
file «anotherfile.php» «anotherfile.php»
fileName «anotherfile» «anotherfile»
fileExtension «php» «php»
directory «/first/second/third/../fourth/../» «/first/second/»

Library was primarily created for c4k web crawling framework, but it’s a standalone library. To parse URI and create URI object call method:

 val u = URI.parse("http://test.com") 

This is the type hierarchy:

 URI ├── UnresolvedURI (partial URI -> no scheme specified) └── ResolvedURI (complete URI -> scheme & scheme specific part specified) ├── MailtoURI (implemented, but not complete) └── ContextURI └── URL └── CommonURL ├── HttpURL └── FtpURL (not yet implemented) 

As you can see the URI has 2 subclasses: UnresolvedURI and ResolvedURI. The UnresolvedURI is a relative URI, which is not complete. It can be resolved in a context, so each subclass of the class ContextURI implements a method parse. Using this method you can convert an UnresolvedURI to ResolvedURI (the runtime class will be for example HttpURL).

After parsing you can test the uri type:

 val u = URI.parse("http://test.com") if (u is HttpURL)

There are few methods to convert URI to string (depends on class hierarchy):

toString() -> returns object info: Object@xxx (Uri) toUriString() -> returns the original URI (in case of relative URI: ./index.html) toResolvedUriString() -> returns resolved URI (./index.html in context test.com is test.com/index.html) toNormalizedUriString() -> returns normalized, resolved URI string 


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