Unterminated string literal python ошибка

SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 8)

SyntaxError: unterminated string literal

How to fix SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 8) in python, in this scenario, I forgot by mistakenly closing quotes ( ” ) with f string different code lines, especially 1st line and last line code that is why we face this error in python. This is one of the command errors in python, If face this type of error just find where you miss the opening and closing parentheses(“)” just enter then our code error free see the below code.

Wrong Code: unterminated string literal python

# Just create age input variable a = input("What is Your Current age?\n") Y = 101 - int(a) M = Y * 12 W = M * 4 D = W * 7 print(f"You have Days Weeks, Months And Years Left In Your Life) print("Hello World")

Error Massage

 File "/home/kali/python/webproject/error/main.py", line 8 print(f"You have Days Weeks, Months And Years Left In Your Life) ^ SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 8)

Wrong code line

Missing closing quotes ( ” ).

print(f"You have Days Weeks, Months And Years Left In Your Life)

Correct code line

print(f"You have Days Weeks, Months And Years Left In Your Life")

Entire Correct Code line

# Just create age input variable a = input("What is Your Current age?\n") Y = 101 - int(a) M = Y * 12 W = M * 4 D = W * 7 print(f"You have Days Weeks, Months And Years Left In Your Life") print("Hello World")

What is unterminated string literal Python?

Syntax in python sets forth a specific symbol for coding elements like opening and closing quotes (“ “ ), Whenever we miss the closing quotes with f string that time we face SyntaxError: unterminated string literal In Python. See the above example.

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How to Fix unterminated string literal Python?

Syntax in python sets forth a specific symbol for coding elements like opening and closing quotes (), Whenever we miss the closing quotes with f string that time we face SyntaxError: unterminated string literal so we need to find in which line of code we miss special closing quotes ( “ )symbol and need to enter correct symbols, See the above example.

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Syntaxerror: unterminated string literal

Syntaxerror unterminated string literal

We can’t deny that errors are inevitable, and one of them is the syntaxerror: unterminated string literal .

Whether you’re new to coding or even a pro developer, it’s important to understand this error so you can troubleshoot it and bug-free programs.

If you are struggling to fix this error, this article is indeed for you.

In this article, we will explore how to fix the unterminated string literal , a SyntaxError in Python and JavaScript.

What is “syntaxerror unterminated string literal”?

The syntaxerror: unterminated string literal occurs when there is an unterminated string literal somewhere in your code. String literals should be enclosed by single (‘) or double (“) quotes.

Here’s an example of code that would cause a SyntaxError , specifically an unterminated string literal , in both Python and JavaScript

sample_string = "Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string 
let sampleString = "Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string; 

As you have noticed in both examples, the string is not properly enclosed by quotes. The closing quote is missing, as a result, it will throw a SyntaxError.

Why does “unterminated string literal” SyntaxError occur?

The syntaxerror: unterminated string literal occurs when you forget to put a closing quotation mark at the end of a string in Python or JavaScript.

It can also happen when you have escaped your string literal incorrectly or if your string literal is split across multiple lines.

Here are the common causes of why this error keeps on bothering you:

👉 One common reason for this error is when the opening and closing quotation marks do not match.

👉 Forgetting to close the string with the correct quotation mark on any line can also trigger this error.

👉 Having special characters within a string, like unescaped quotation marks or newline characters, can interfere with properly ending a string literal.

How to fix the “syntaxerror: unterminated string literal”?

To fix the syntaxerror: unterminated string literal , check if you have to open and close quotes for your string literal, ensure that you have properly escaped your string literal correctly, and avoid splitting your string literal across multiple lines.

Here are the following solutions that can help you to resolve the error.

Solution 1: Add the missing quotation mark

Adding the missing quotation mark fixes the error right away.

For example in Python:

sample_string = "Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string"print(sample_string) 
Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string 

For example in JavaScript:

let sampleString = "Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string";console.log(sampleString);
Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode, this a sample of an unterminated string

Solution 2: Split the string across multiple lines using the + operator

If you want to split a string across multiple lines, you can use the + operator to concatenate multiple strings.

For example in Python:

sample_string = ("Hi " ✅ "welcome to Itsourcecode" " this a sample of an unterminated string") print(sample_string)
Hi welcome to Itsourcecode this a sample of an unterminated string 

For example in JavaScript:

let sampleString = ("Hi, " ✅ +"welcome to Itsourcecode " + "this a sample of an unterminated string"); console.log(sampleString); 
Hi, welcome to Itsourcecode this a sample of an unterminated string

Solution 3: Use backslashcharacter or escape quotes within the string

If you want to include a quote character within a string, you need to escape it using a backslash (\).

For example in Python:

sample_string = ("Hi welcome to \"Itsourcecode\" this a sample of an unterminated string")✅ print(sample_string)
Hi welcome to "Itsourcecode" this a sample of an unterminated string 

For example in JavaScript:

let sampleString = ("Hi welcome to \"Itsourcecode\" this a sample of an unterminated string")✅ console.log(sampleString);
Hi welcome to "Itsourcecode" this a sample of an unterminated string

Solution 4: Use the correct type of quotes

Ensure that you are using the correct type of quotes for your string literals. If you start a string with a single quote (‘), you need to end it with a single quote.

If you start a string with a double quote (“), you need to end it with a double quote.

For example in Python:

sample_string = ('Hi welcome to "Itsourcecode" this a sample of an unterminated string')✅ print(sample_string)

For example in JavaScript:

let sampleString = ('Hi welcome to "Itsourcecode" this a sample of an unterminated string')✅ console.log(sampleString); 

Solution 5: Split the string across multiple lines using template literals (JavaScript only)

You can use template literals in JavaScript to split a string across multiple lines.

let sampleString = `Hi ✅ welcome to Itsourcecode this a sample of an unterminated string`; console.log(sampleString);
Hi welcome to Itsourcecode this a sample of an unterminated string


In conclusion, the error message syntaxerror: unterminated string literal occurs when there is an unterminated string literal somewhere in your code. String literals should be enclosed by single (‘) or double (“) quotes.

To fix this error, you have to check if you have to open and close quotes for your string literal, ensure that you have properly escaped your string literal correctly, and avoid splitting your string literal across multiple lines.

This article already discussed what this error is all about and multiple ways to resolve this error.

By executing the solutions above, you can master this SyntaxError with the help of this guide.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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