Unreal engine python sdk

Unreal engine python sdk

Page Contents

This is the main page for the PythonSDK Mod Database.
The PythonSDK is an Unreal Engine plugin allowing you to write plugins in Python to interact directly with UE objects.
This opens up many new avenues for modding, from simply allowing modifying dynamically generated objects to letting modders run arbitrary game functions whenever they please.

  • Borderlands 2
  • Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  • Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep: A Wonderlands One-shot Adventure

SDK Installation

If you’re a video guide type person, apple1417 made a video guide:

But if you’re more of a text guide style person:

  1. Download the latest release on Github.
    PythonSDK Download Page
  2. Open PythonSDK.zip . It should contain a single Binaries folder:
    PythonSDK.zip Contents
  3. Locate your game’s files. In Steam, this can be done by right-clicking on the game in your library, selecting “Properties,” then in the “Local Files” section, clicking “Browse”:
    Steam Contextual MenuSteam Local Files PropertiesThe default locations are:
    Steam: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\
    Epic: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\
  4. Copy the Binaries folder from PythonSDK.zip exactly as it is over your game folder, so it merges with the one there.
    Win32 Folder Contents
  5. If you had previously installed an older version of the SDK, delete any old files that weren’t overwritten by the ones in the latest PythonSDK.zip . The release notes will tell you which ones.
  6. You are done, and may launch the game (if it is running, relaunch it now). You should see a “Mods” menu in the main menu!
  7. If the SDK fails to run with the files correctly in place as described above, you may need to download and install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable.
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Installing on Linux

PythonSDK does not yet work natively on Linux, but it seems to work well under SteamPlay/Proton and Wine. To load properly, though, Wine needs to be told to allow ddraw.dll overrides. Simply set the game’s launch options (via Properties -> General ) to:

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command%

Additionally, the latest SDK releases want the main executable name to be Borderlands2.exe (or one of the other games as relevant), so doing a symlink/copy for Launcher.exe won’t work. If you want or need to bypass the launcher you can add -NoLauncher to the launch options after %command% :

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ddraw=n,b" %command% -NoLauncher -NoStartupMovies

Mod Installation

Installing mods is even simpler than installing the SDK itself.

In order to install SDK mods, all you need to do is:

  1. Download the mod itself, usually this will be a zip file.
    Mod Download Link
  2. With the “General” mod selected, press O to open the Mods folder.
    Open Mods Folder Key
  3. Then you can extract the folder from the mod zip file into this Mods folder.
    Extracted Mod Folder
    In the root of this new mod folder, there should be an __init__.py file. Depending on the mod, there might be other files too, in the mod folder, but the __init__.py should always be there.
  4. Restart your game, and the mod will get loaded.
  5. Certain mods may have requirements, you can see them by looking at the Requirements header. Follow the exact same steps to install these.
  6. More advanced mods could have some extra steps needed to install them, you should always read through the Description section of the mod page to make sure that you’ve installed the mod properly!
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Further Support

If you need further help, join the Borderlands Modding Support Discord to read through FAQs or ask your own questions.


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