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Python library for Windows Remote Management (WinRM)



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pywinrm is a Python client for the Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service. It allows you to invoke commands on target Windows machines from any machine that can run Python.

WinRM allows you to perform various management tasks remotely. These include, but are not limited to: running batch scripts, powershell scripts, and fetching WMI variables.

For more information on WinRM, please visit Microsoft’s WinRM site.

To install pywinrm with support for basic, certificate, and NTLM auth, simply

To use Kerberos authentication you need these optional dependencies

# for Debian/Ubuntu/etc: $ sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev libkrb5-dev $ pip install py3winrm[kerberos] # for RHEL/CentOS/etc: $ sudo yum install gcc python-devel krb5-devel krb5-workstation python-devel $ pip install py3winrm[kerberos]

To use CredSSP authentication you need these optional dependencies

# for Debian/Ubuntu/etc: $ sudo apt-get install gcc python-dev libssl-dev $ pip install py3winrm[credssp] # for RHEL/CentOS/etc: $ sudo yum install gcc python-devel openssl-devel $ pip install py3winrm[credssp]

Run a process on a remote host

import winrm s = winrm.Session('windows-host.example.com', auth=('john.smith', 'secret')) r = s.run_cmd('ipconfig', ['/all']) >>> r.status_code 0 >>> r.std_out Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : WINDOWS-HOST Primary Dns Suffix . . . . . . . : Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Hybrid IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No . >>> r.std_err

NOTE: pywinrm will try and guess the correct endpoint url from the following formats:

Run Powershell script on remote host

import winrm ps_script = """$strComputer = $Host Clear $RAM = WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem $MB = 1048576 "Installed Memory: " + [int]($RAM.TotalPhysicalMemory /$MB) + " MB" """ s = winrm.Session('windows-host.example.com', auth=('john.smith', 'secret')) r = s.run_ps(ps_script) >>> r.status_code 0 >>> r.std_out Installed Memory: 3840 MB >>> r.std_err

Powershell scripts will be base64 UTF16 little-endian encoded prior to sending to the Windows host. Error messages are converted from the Powershell CLIXML format to a human readable format as a convenience.

Run process with low-level API with domain user, disabling HTTPS cert validation

from winrm.protocol import Protocol p = Protocol( endpoint='https://windows-host:5986/wsman', transport='ntlm', username=r'somedomain\someuser', password='secret', server_cert_validation='ignore') shell_id = p.open_shell() command_id = p.run_command(shell_id, 'ipconfig', ['/all']) std_out, std_err, status_code = p.get_command_output(shell_id, command_id) p.cleanup_command(shell_id, command_id) p.close_shell(shell_id)

pywinrm supports various transport methods in order to authenticate with the WinRM server. The options that are supported in the transport parameter are;

  • basic : Basic auth only works for local Windows accounts not domain accounts. Credentials are base64 encoded when sending to the server.
  • plaintext : Same as basic auth.
  • certificate : Authentication is done through a certificate that is mapped to a local Windows account on the server.
  • ssl : When used in conjunction with cert_pem and cert_key_pem it will use a certificate as above. If not will revert to basic auth over HTTPS.
  • kerberos : Will use Kerberos authentication for domain accounts which only works when the client is in the same domain as the server and the required dependencies are installed. Currently a Kerberos ticket needs to be initialized outside of pywinrm using the kinit command.
  • ntlm : Will use NTLM authentication for both domain and local accounts.
  • credssp : Will use CredSSP authentication for both domain and local accounts. Allows double hop authentication. This only works over a HTTPS endpoint and not HTTP.

By default, WinRM will not accept unencrypted communication with a client. There are two ways to enable encrypted communication with pywinrm:

  1. Use an HTTPS endpoint instead of HTTP (Recommended)
  2. Use NTLM, Kerberos, or CredSSP as the transport auth

Using an HTTPS endpoint is recommended, as it will encrypt all the data sent to the server (including all headers), works securely with all auth types, and can properly verify remote host identity (when used with certificates signed by a verifiable certificate authority). You can use this script to easily set up a HTTPS endpoint on WinRM with a self-signed certificate, but the use of a verifiable certificate authority is recommended in production environments.

The second option is to use NTLM, Kerberos, or CredSSP, and set the message_encryption arg to protocol to auto (the default value) or always . This will use the authentication GSS-API Wrap and Unwrap methods to encrypt the message contents sent to the server. This form of encryption is independent of the transport layer, and the strength of the encryption used varies with the underlying authentication type selected (NTLM generally being the weakest and CredSSP the strongest).

To configure message encryption you can use the message_encryption argument when initialising protocol. This option has 3 values that can be set as shown below.

  • auto : Default, Will only use message encryption if it is available for the auth method and HTTPS isn’t used.
  • never : Will never use message encryption even when not over HTTPS.
  • always : Will always use message encryption even when running over HTTPS (fails if encryption support is unavailable on the selected auth method).

If you set the value to always and the transport opt doesn’t support message encryption (e.g., basic auth or an old version of pykerberos without message encryption support is installed), pywinrm will throw an exception.

If you do not use an HTTPS endpoint or message encryption, a default-configured WinRM server will automatically reject requests from pywinrm. Server settings can be modified allow unencrypted messages and credentials, but this is highly insecure and should only be used for diagnostic purposes. To allow unencrypted communications, run the following on the WinRM server (cmd and powershell versions provided):

# from cmd winrm set winrm/config/service @ # or from powershell Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\AllowUnencrypted" -Value $true 

Again, this should not be used in production environments, as your credentials and WinRM messages can be trivially recovered.

Enabling WinRM on remote host

Enable WinRM over HTTP and HTTPS with self-signed certificate (includes firewall rules):

# from powershell: Invoke-Expression ((New-Object System.Net.Webclient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible/ansible/devel/examples/scripts/ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1')) 

Enable WinRM over HTTP for test usage (includes firewall rules):

Enable WinRM basic authentication. For domain users, it is necessary to use NTLM, Kerberos, or CredSSP authentication (Kerberos and NTLM authentication are enabled by default, CredSSP is not).

# from cmd: winrm set winrm/config/service/auth @

Enable WinRM CredSSP authentication. This allows double hop support so you can authenticate with a network service when running command son the remote host. This command is run in Powershell.

Enable-WSManCredSSP -Role Server -Force Set-Item -Path "WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\CredSSP" -Value $true

This is clone of https://github.com/diyan/pywinrm.git Since original repo looks dead. It don’t accept PRs or solve submitted issues. We had to clone it and push under another name in order to fix collected issues.

  • Alessandro Pilotti
  • Alexey Diyan
  • Chris Church
  • David Cournapeau
  • Gema Gomez
  • Jijo Varghese
  • Jordan Borean
  • Juan J. Martinez
  • Lukas Bednar
  • Manuel Sabban
  • Matt Clark
  • Matt Davis
  • Maxim Kovgan
  • Nir Cohen
  • Patrick Dunnigan
  • Reina Abolofia

Want to help — send a pull request. I will accept good pull requests for sure.


Python library for Windows Remote Management (WinRM)


Как использовать Python для работы с SSH

В данной статье мы рассмотрим, как использовать Python для работы с SSH (Secure Shell) – протоколом, используемым для безопасного удаленного управления системами и передачи данных между компьютерами.

Использование библиотеки Paramiko

Для работы с SSH в Python одной из наиболее популярных библиотек является Paramiko. Для установки этой библиотеки используйте следующую команду:

Создание SSH-соединения

Для создания SSH-соединения с удаленным сервером используйте следующий код:

import paramiko ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect('example.com', username='your_username', password='your_password')

🔒 Обратите внимание, что использование пароля для аутентификации может быть небезопасным. Лучше использовать ключи SSH для аутентификации.

Выполнение команд на удаленном сервере

После установления SSH-соединения можно выполнить команды на удаленном сервере. Вот пример выполнения команды ls :

stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('ls') print(stdout.read().decode())

Закрытие SSH-соединения

После выполнения всех необходимых операций не забудьте закрыть SSH-соединение:

Использование библиотеки Fabric

Еще одной популярной библиотекой для работы с SSH является Fabric. Она предоставляет высокоуровневый интерфейс для работы с SSH и упрощает выполнение многих операций. Для установки Fabric используйте следующую команду:

Создание SSH-соединения и выполнение команд с использованием Fabric

Вот пример использования Fabric для создания SSH-соединения и выполнения команды ls на удаленном сервере:

from fabric import Connection with Connection('example.com', user='your_username', connect_kwargs=) as conn: result = conn.run('ls') print(result.stdout.strip())

📝 Fabric также поддерживает использование ключей SSH для аутентификации, что является более безопасным вариантом.

Закрытие SSH-соединения в Fabric

Когда вы используете Fabric с контекстным менеджером with , SSH-соединение автоматически закрывается при выходе из блока кода.


Теперь вы знаете, как использовать Python для работы с SSH с помощью таких библиотек, как Paramiko и Fabric. Это позволит вам безопасно управлять удаленными системами и выполнять различные операции с использованием Python-скриптов. Удачного кодирования! 🐍


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