Ubuntu enable php extensions

How to Easily Install and Enable PHP Extensions on Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows

Learn how to install and enable PHP extensions on Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows with step-by-step instructions and best practices. Keep your PHP and its extensions up to date for better security and performance.

PHP is a widely-used programming language in web development. It provides a vast array of functions and features that make it a reliable choice for developing web applications. However, to extend the functionality of PHP, you need to install and enable PHP extensions . This guide will provide step-by-step instructions for installing and enabling PHP extensions on Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows, along with best practices and troubleshooting tips .

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Installing PHP Extensions on Linux

Installing PHP Extensions on Linux is a simple process that can be done through the command line or using a control panel. Here are the steps to install PHP extensions on Linux:

  1. Log in to your Linux server as root.
  2. Use the command “yum install php-xml ” to install the desired extension.
  3. Alternatively, you can use the ISPmanager control panel to install PHP extensions.
  4. For Ubuntu, update the system packages with the command “sudo apt-get update”.
  5. Use the command “sudo apt-get install [extension-name]” to install the desired extension.
  6. The dom extension for PHP7 can be installed using the command “sudo apt-get install php-xml”.
  7. The Sodium extension in Linux requires PHP to be compiled with sodium support using the –with-sodium[=DIR] configure option.
  8. It is important to keep PHP and its extensions up to date to ensure security and performance.

Installing PHP Extensions on Windows

installing php extensions on windows is a bit more complicated than on Linux. Here are the steps to install PHP extensions on Windows:

  1. Download the desired PHP extension from the official PHP website or from PECL.
  2. Extract the downloaded file to the ext directory in your PHP installation.
  3. Uncomment the extension in the php.ini file by removing the semicolon (;).
  4. Copy the icu * *.dll files to the PHP directory if necessary.
  5. The GD extension in Windows was named php_gd2.dll prior to PHP 8.0.0.
  6. Pecl can be used to manually install PHP extensions on servers.
  7. common issues with php extensions include conflicts with other extensions and compatibility issues with different operating systems .
  8. best practices for installing php extensions include checking compatibility with the PHP version and keeping backups of configuration files.
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Enabling PHP Extensions on Linux

To enable a specific PHP module on a Linux system, use the “phpenmod” command followed by the module name. Here are the steps to enable PHP extensions on Linux:

  1. Log in to your Linux server as root.
  2. Use the command “phpenmod [extension-name]” to enable the desired extension.
  3. PHP extensions can also be loaded by including them in the php.ini configuration file.
  4. The JSON extension is bundled and compiled into PHP by default as of PHP 8.0.0.
  5. Compatibility issues with PHP extensions and different operating systems can be avoided by checking system requirements.

There are many PHP extensions available for various purposes, such as database connectivity and image manipulation. Here are some popular PHP extensions for web development:

  1. Curl: Required for Laravel 8 and PHP 8.
  2. Simplexml: Required for Laravel 8 and PHP 8.
  3. GD: Used for image manipulation.
  4. MySQLi: Used for database connectivity.
  5. Zip: Used for archiving and compression.
  6. APCu: Used for caching.
  7. Xdebug: Used for debugging.
  8. Memcached: Used for caching.
  9. Imagick: Used for image manipulation.

A cheatsheet for Installing PHP extensions on various operating systems can be helpful for quick reference. Tips for troubleshooting installation issues include checking for errors in configuration files and testing applications after installing or updating PHP extensions to ensure compatibility and functionality.

Other code samples for installing PHP extensions on Linux include «sudo apt-get install php-curl» for the curl extension and «sudo apt-get install php-gd» for the GD extension

In Shell as proof, php install extension code sample

# install php extensions in specific version # $ sudo apt install php[version]-[extension] sudo apt install php8.1-mbstring sudo apt install php7.4-dom


Installing and Enabling PHP Extensions on Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows is an essential task for web developers. This guide has outlined the steps for installing and enabling PHP extensions on Linux, Ubuntu, and Windows, along with best practices and troubleshooting tips. By following these steps and tips, developers can enhance the functionality of their PHP applications and ensure security and performance.


How to Enable PHP Extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu — Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how to enable PHP extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu with this comprehensive guide. Follow the step-by-step instructions to install and configure different PHP modules for optimal web development.

  • Updating System Packages and Installing PHP Extensions
  • Enabling PHP Extensions Using phpenmod Command
  • Adding a New Extension to the php.ini File
  • Configuring PHP on a Debian or Ubuntu Instance
  • Installing PHP 8.1 and Setting Up a Local Development
  • Other quick code samples for enabling PHP extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu
  • Conclusion
  • How to enable PHP extension in Ubuntu?
  • How to enable PHP extensions in PHP ini?
  • How to enable PHP extension Linux?
  • How to enable PHP 7.4 in Ubuntu?

PHP is a popular scripting language used for web development. Ubuntu 20.04 ships with PHP 7.4 in its upstream repositories. However, certain PHP applications may require additional PHP modules to function correctly. In this article, we will discuss how to enable PHP extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu to match system requirements for different PHP applications.

Updating System Packages and Installing PHP Extensions

To install PHP extensions in Ubuntu, you need to update the system packages first. To do this, run the following command in the terminal:

Once the system packages have been updated, you can install the desired PHP extension using the following command:

sudo apt-get install php-extension-name 

For example, to install the PHP-GD extension, you can run:

sudo apt-get install php-gd 

It is necessary to install different PHP modules to match system requirements for different PHP applications. To install other PHP extensions, update the system packages using the command sudo apt-get update and then install the required package.

Enabling PHP Extensions Using phpenmod Command

After installing the desired PHP extension, you need to enable it on your system. To enable a specific module in PHP, use the phpenmod command followed by the module’s name using the following syntax:

sudo phpenmod -v version module_name 

For example, to enable the PHP-GD extension, use the command:

To check which PHP extensions have been enabled/disabled, you can create a new file named info.php in the document root of your web server and write the code in it. Then, open the file in a web browser and search for the module’s name in the output.

Adding a New Extension to the php.ini File

If the desired PHP extension is not listed in the phpenmod command, you can add it manually to the php.ini file. To do this, create a new .ini file under /etc/php.d and add the line extension=extension_name.so to it. For example, to add the PHP-GD extension, create a new file /etc/php.d/gd.ini and add the line extension=gd.so to it.

After adding a new extension to the php.ini file, make sure to keep it up to date and restart the web server after making changes.

Configuring PHP on a Debian or Ubuntu Instance

To configure php on a debian or ubuntu instance , you need to add the repository, update packages, install PHP, and confirm PHP. Here are the steps you need to follow:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php 

Installing PHP 8.1 and Setting Up a Local Development

To install PHP 8.1 and set up a local development environment , you need to configure PHP for web applications by changing values in the php.ini file and list all loaded PHP modules using the command php -m . Here are the steps you need to follow:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php 
sudo apt-get install php8.1 
  1. Modify the php.ini file to configure PHP for web applications.
  2. List all loaded PHP modules using the command:

Other quick code samples for enabling PHP extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu

In Php as proof, php enable extension ubuntu code example

### Syntax phpenmod MODULE_NAME### Enable mbstring php module phpenmod mbstring 


Enabling PHP extensions in PHP ini on Ubuntu is essential to match system requirements for different PHP applications. The phpenmod command can be used to enable specific PHP modules, and new extensions can be added to the php.ini file manually. Make sure to keep the php.ini file up to date and restart the web server after making changes. Installing PHP 8.1 and setting up a local development environment is also possible with a few simple steps. By following these steps, you can ensure that your PHP applications run smoothly on Ubuntu.

Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs

What is PHP, and why is it essential for web development?

PHP is a popular programming language used for creating dynamic web pages and applications. It provides a range of functions and modules to build robust web solutions and enhance user experience.

How do I update system packages and install PHP extensions on Ubuntu?

To update system packages and install PHP extensions, use the command sudo apt-get update and then use the specific command for the desired extension. For example, to install the PHP-GD extension, use the command sudo apt-get install php-gd.

What is the phpenmod command, and how can I use it to enable PHP modules?

The phpenmod command is used to enable specific PHP modules on your system. To enable a specific module in PHP, use the phpenmod command followed by module name using the syntax: sudo phpenmod -v version module_name. For example, to enable the PHP-GD extension, use the command sudo phpenmod -v 7.4 gd.

How can I add a new extension to the php.ini file?

To add a new extension to the php.ini file, create a new .ini file under /etc/php.d and add the line «extension=extension_name.so». For example, to add the PHP-GD extension, create a new file /etc/php.d/gd.ini and add the line «extension=gd.so».

How do I configure PHP on a Debian or Ubuntu instance?

To configure PHP on a Debian or Ubuntu instance, add the repository, update packages, install PHP, and confirm PHP. Use the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php to add the repository. Update packages using the command sudo apt-get update. Install PHP using the command sudo apt-get install php. Confirm PHP by running the command php -v.

How can I install PHP 8.1 and set up a local development environment?

To install PHP 8.1 and set up a local development, configure PHP for web applications by changing values in the php.ini file and list all loaded PHP modules using the command php -m. Use the command sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php to add the repository. Update packages using the command sudo apt-get update. Install PHP 8.1 using the command sudo apt-get install php8.1. Modify the php.ini file to configure PHP for web applications. List all loaded PHP modules using the command php -m.


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