Typescript react functional component props

How to Use TypeScript with React Components

Post cover

In this post, I’m going to discuss why and how to use TypeScript to type React components.

You’ll find how to annotate component props, mark a prop optional, and indicate the return type.

Before I go on, let me recommend something to you.

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Table of Contents

1. Why typing React components?

TypeScript is useful if you’re coding middle and bigger size web applications. Annotating variables, objects, and functions creates contracts between different parts of your application.

For example, let’s say I am the author of a component that displays a formatted date on the screen.

According to the FormatDateProps interface, the component FormatDate the value of date prop can only be an instance of Date . That is a constraint.

Why is this constraint important? Because the FormatDate component calls the method date.toLocaleString() on the date instance, and the date prop have to be a date instance. Otherwise, the component wouldn’t work.

Then the user of the FormatDate component would have to satisfy the constraint, and provide date prop only with Date instances:

If the user forgets about the constraint, and for example provides a string «Sep 28 2021» to date prop:

then TypeScript will show a type error.

That’s great because the error is caught during development, without hiding in the codebase.

In my opinion, the best benefit React takes from TypeScript is the props typing.

Typing a React component is usually a 2 steps process.

A) Define the interface that describes what props the component accepts using an object type. A good naming convention for the props interface is ComponentName + Props = ComponentNameProps

B) Then use the interface to annotate the props parameter inside the functional component function.

For example, let’s annotate a component Message that accepts 2 props: text (a string) and important (a boolean):


TypeScript and React: Components

Stefan Baumgartner

Components are at the heart of React. Let’s see what we can do to get better error handling and tooling for them!

Functional components #

Functional components are my most favourite thing in React. They are simple, purely functional and super easy to reason about. The following shows an example of a functional component with some typed properties.

import React from 'react'; // we need this to make JSX compile

type CardProps =
title: string,
paragraph: string

export const Card = ( title, paragraph >: CardProps) => aside>
h2> title >/h2>
paragraph >

const el = Card title="Welcome!" paragraph="To this example" />

We use as little TypeScript as possible. Creating a type for our properties, and telling TypeScript that the parameters of our functional component are of that type. You already get nice suggestions in VS Code:

Autocompletion in VS Code

And errors when you compile without passing all required properties:

Error message in command line

If you want to make some properties optional, do that in the respective Props type:

type CardProps =  
title: string,
paragraph?: string // the paragraph is optional

There’s a generic type you can use.

import React,  FunctionComponent > from 'react'; // importing FunctionComponent

type CardProps =
title: string,
paragraph: string

export const Card: FunctionComponentCardProps> = ( title, paragraph >) => aside>
h2> title >/h2>
paragraph >

const el = Card title="Welcome!" paragraph="To this example" />

The parameters of our function are infered from the generic FunctionComponent. Other than that, it seems very similar to the first example. However, it allows for optional child components:

type CardProps =  
title: string,
paragraph: string

// we can use children even though we haven't defined them in our CardProps
export const Card: FunctionComponentCardProps> = ( title, paragraph, children >) => aside>
h2> title >/h2>
paragraph >
children >

More on the usage of child components in Children.

Class components #

One of the things that convinced me to use React were functional components. The “olde way” of doing components is with class components. And they can keep state per class. State is like props, but private and only controlled by the component.

@types/react typings of course have full support for those, and are also equally easy to use.

Class components need to be extended from the base React.Component class. Typings enhance this class with generics, passing props (like FunctionComponent earlier) and state. Let’s do a clock component:

import React,  Component > from 'react'; // let's also import Component

// the clock's state has one field: The current time, based upon the
// JavaScript class Date
type ClockState =
time: Date

// Clock has no properties, but the current state is of type ClockState
// The generic parameters in the Component typing allow to pass props
// and state. Since we don't have props, we pass an empty object.
export class Clock extends Component>, ClockState>

// The tick function sets the current state. TypeScript will let us know
// which ones we are allowed to set.
time: new Date()

// Before the component mounts, we initialise our state

// After the component did mount, we set the state each second.
setInterval(() => this.tick(), 1000);

// render will know everything!
return p>The current time is this.state.time.toLocaleTimeString()>/p>

And through proper tooling, we get a ton of infos:

First, setState is aware of its state properties and only allows to set those. Even if you have more state properties, TypeScript allows you to only set those you want to update.

setState only allows to set time

When we access state in our render function, we have access to all its properties. Here we see time , and it’s of type Date

state has only one element time, it

Date of course is a built-in JavaScript type, so we get full access to all its methods. Ever wanted to know what Date can do? Let TypeScript tell you:

Date is a built-in JS type, we have full autocompletion

That’s a lot of tooling support, just for a couple of keystrokes more. The type inference of React does the rest.

constructors #

The constructor function is a bit special. You need to pass your props there (even if you don’t have any), and TypeScript requires you to pass the to the super constructor function.

However, when writing the typical pattern of constructors and super calls in TypeScript’s strict mode, you will get an error if you don’t provide any typings yourself. This is because you create a new class, with a completly new constructor, and TypeScript does not know which parameters to expect!

Therefore, TypeScript will imply them to be any . And implicit any in strict mode is not allowed.

export class Sample extends ComponentSampleProps>  
constructor(props) // ️⚡️ does not compile in strict mode

Even though the super call knows which props to expect, we need to be explicit with our constructor function:

export class Sample extends ComponentSampleProps>  
constructor(props: SampleProps)

defaultProps #

Default properties allow you to specifcy default values for properties. In case you don’t want to have every value to be set explicitly. React has the property defaultProps reserved for components.

TypeScript in version 3.0 is honouring defaultProps . With the latest React typings (v 16.4.8) you are ready to go:

import React,  Component > from 'react';

type NoticeProps =
msg: string

export class Notice extends ComponentNoticeProps>
static defaultProps =
msg: 'Hello everyone!'

return p> this.props.msg >/p>

const el = Notice /> // Will compile in TS 3.0

For FunctionComponents, I suggest using the ES6 default value syntax and optional type properties:

type CardProps =  
title: string,
paragraph?: string // the paragraph is optional

// No need to define the defaultProps property
export const Card: FunctionComponentCardProps> = ( title, paragraph = 'Hello World' >) =>
h2> title >/h2>
paragraph >

Bottom line #

You already can see that you don’t have to write that many typings or boilerplate code in React to get into the nice tooling and type safety features of TypeScript. Components are a huge deal in React, and with just a couple of keystrokes we have everything we need.

Let’s see what else we can do in the next section.


React Typescript — Functional Components

How to create Functional components and define props and pass data to component typed FunctionComponent or FC Type React Typescript with examples of stateless typescript component.

Functional components are one of the ways to create a UI component in React. You can check another way how to create a typescript react class component.

Functional components are stateless components that are similar to Functions in javascript.

Functional components are normal function that takes props and returns JSX Element

It can be created in many ways in Typescript

Functional components react typescript example

There are many we can create Functional Components in typescript. In Typescript React Component, Function takes props object and returns JSX data.

Let’s create a props object of the type MessageProps

Also, Can use type in place of the interface

Declare Normal Function with props parameters of the type above MessageProps (use type or interface).

 from 'react'; interface MessageProps < message: string; >function FunctionalComponent(props:MessageProps) < return ( <>Welcome ); >; export default FunctionalComponent; 

Normal Function with ES6 props destructuring assignment props object is declared with destructuring assignment syntax.

You have full control over optional parameters

In the below, Component, MessageProps contains a message and an optional user.

 from 'react'; interface MessageProps < message: string; user?: string >function FunctionalComponent(:MessageProps) < return ( <>Welcome - ); >; export default FunctionalComponent; 

Another way to create a functional component is to import the FunctionComponent or FC type.

  • Implicit type of children
  • Don’t support generics
  • default static properties such defaultProps are not typed

Here is a code using the React FC example

 from 'react'; interface MessageProps < message: string; >const FunctionalComponent: FC = (< message >) => < return ( <>Welcome ); >; export default FunctionalComponent; 

FC is an alias for FunctionComponent. Also, can use in creating components.

Here is a code using the React FunctionComponent example

 from 'react'; interface MessageProps < message: string; >const FunctionalComponent21: FunctionComponent = (< message >) => < return ( <>Welcome ); >; export default FunctionalComponent21; 

All the above functional components are called with the below syntax in other parent components.

Typescript Functional Components features

  • Each component is similar to Normal Functions with typed props object
  • props data are accessed using this.props.counter
  • can also use hooks to manage component state
  • Functions can also be arrow functions


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