Tracking system in php

Mobile Phone Tracking System

The aim of this project is to build a system that will enable the real time tracking of a mobile phone and provide added location aware features.

The mobile phone has quickly become ubiquitous in modern society and everyone feels the need of having one with advanced features. This mobile phone while being a portal to access the whole world can also be used to make mundane tasks simpler. This system will enable the tracking of the device using its Global Positioning System (GPS) or Global Navigation Satellite System (GLONASS) functionality. Over the past decade more and more phones have begun integrating either the GPS or GLONASS or both systems on board to provide navigation assistance. These systems are able to lock on to satellites and provide accurate location details within seconds. The Mobile Phone Tracking system will be able to activate this feature in the phone and locate the user on a map. The system will be built with a PHP front end and can be accessed after providing authorized user credentials.

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This system can be used in a number of ways such as to store reminders. People will be able to store favourite locations and set reminders on the system. For e.g. you could select the supermarket and enter “Buy milk”, then the school and enter “Meet Caleb’s teacher”, then the clinic and enter “Collect blood test results”, and so on. When you reach in a 1 km radius of the place, e.g. the school, the system will automatically send an SMS to your phone to remind you to complete the errand, in this case “Meet Caleb’s teacher”.

Another manner of use would be in college classrooms to take over the repetitive task of taking attendance. Lecturers will be able to use the system to track students in their classroom. The system can be controlled by a college admin and will only activate when it is time for the lecture. When the lecture begins the system will automatically note the phones tracked within the lecture hall and note attendance. The lecturer will receive a count of how many students are present and can count the number of students at the end of the lecture to avoid any misde meanours.

Mobile Phone Tracking System Snapshot

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Existing Systems

The existing systems for taking attendance and setting reminders do not make use of location aware technology. Lecturers have to call out the name of each student and check how many are present which can take a lot of time in the modern day scenario of class sizes exceeding 50 students. Setting reminders depends on timers to remind a person to do a task but does not make use of location information to avoid redundancies.

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Proposed System

Attendance systems which take up a lot of valuable class time can be supplanted with this mobile based automated system. Reminders which are generally set with timed alarms will be more proactive and will activate based on ones proximity with the location specified in the reminder. Such a system will make life easier in these 2 ways that are specified and make use of the mobile phone to do so.


Admin: The admin will be able to set the functionality of the system. The admin can decide whether the system is used for class attendance or reminder setting. The admin will also be responsible for creating accounts for user. The feature that can be accessed by each user will be locked by the admin.

College attendance: This module can be used by the lecturer to take attendance in class. They will be able to enter student mobile number details at the start of the semester and enter details about lecture timings. The system will automatically activate to note the mobile locations of lecture attendees.

Reminders: A location based reminder can be set using this module. A user can use the system at home to set reminders for the next day or next week and the system will trigger the reminders based on location.

Software Requirements

  • Windows XP
  • PHP 5
  • MS SQL Server 2005 Express
  • CSS
  • Apache Server
  • Google API

Hardware Requirements

  • Hard Disk – 2 GB
  • RAM – 1 GB
  • Processor – Dual Core or Above
  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Monitor
  • Printer

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Как создать систему отслеживания заказов на PHP.

Создание системы отслеживания заказов – одна из базовых задач любого интернет-магазина. Для этого необходимо создать базу данных, реализовать функционал создания новых заказов, их редактирования и удаления. А также добавить возможность просмотра статуса заказа пользователем и администратором. Давайте рассмотрим все этапы создания системы отслеживания заказов на PHP.

Первым шагом будет создание базы данных, в которой будут храниться данные о заказах. Для этого необходимо зайти в административную панель хостинга, выбрать раздел «Базы данных» и создать новую базу данных. Затем необходимо создать таблицы, в которых будут храниться данные о заказах. Пример структуры таблицы может выглядеть так:

`CREATE TABLE orders (
name VARCHAR(50),
email VARCHAR(50),
phone VARCHAR(20),
address VARCHAR(100),
amount INT,
status VARCHAR(20),

2. Создание страниц для создания, редактирования и удаления заказов

Следующим шагом будет создание страниц для создания, редактирования и удаления заказов. Для этого необходимо создать три страницы: create_order.php, edit_order.php и delete_order.php.

На странице create_order.php нужно будет создать форму для заполнения данными о заказе, а также реализовать функционал сохранения этих данных в базе данных.

На странице edit_order.php нужно будет отображать данные о заказе в форме для редактирования, а также реализовать функционал сохранения изменений в базе данных.

На странице delete_order.php нужно будет реализовать функционал удаления заказа из базы данных.

3. Добавление функционала статуса заказа

Теперь необходимо добавить функционал отслеживания статуса заказа. Для этого необходимо создать страницу view_order.php, на которой будет отображаться информация о заказе, включая его текущий статус.

Для реализации данной функциональности можно добавить новое поле в таблицу orders – status. В данном поле можно хранить текущий статус заказа, например, «Новый», «Обработка», «Отправлен» и т.д.

На странице view_order.php необходимо будет выводить текущий статус заказа и добавить возможность изменения этого статуса администратором.

4. Добавление функционала для пользователя

Также очень важно предоставить пользователю возможность отслеживать статус своего заказа на сайте. Для этого можно создать страницу user_view_order.php, на которой пользователь сможет увидеть все детали своего заказа, в том числе его текущий статус.

Для реализации этой страницы можно использовать тот же самый подход, что и для страницы view_order.php.

В заключение, система отслеживания заказов – это важная часть любого интернет-магазина. С помощью языка программирования PHP и базы данных MySQL вы можете создать такую систему абсолютно бесплатно и в короткие сроки. Главное – следовать приведенной выше инструкции и не забывать о безопасности, чтобы вестисьлюбому пользователю было удобно и безопасно пользоваться вашим магазином.

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Tracking/Monitoring Management System using PHP/MySQL with Source Code

The Tracking/Monitoring Management System is a simple PHP project that will help the local government or establishment manage the records of individuals who entered the establishments to easily track the movement of a certain person in case the person will diagnose as a COVID positive patient. This tracking system generates a tracking ID and barcode for a certain individual which is ready to be printed to this system. The barcode can serve as an ID like the Home Quarantine Pass (HQP), in this feature this will help to easily identify the individual by scanning the barcode, which means when an individual will enter to a certain establishment, the establishment will only provide a computer unit for at least one to access the system and by scanning the person the identification of a person will automatically display and the staff will only encode the temperature of the person then save it to store in the database, in that case, the person will not write their information to the sheet of paper to prevent the spread the virus for a simple way. The tracking/monitoring management generates a list of the individual who entered a certain establishment whereas the government requires all establishments (herein Philippines) to do so to ease the contact tracing process.


  • Login Page
    • The page where the system user will submit their system credential to access the system.
    • The page where the system user will be redirected by default after logging into the system. This page also has a form to encode the person’s temperature and information for tracking purposes.
    • The page where can the admin user will manage the list of the establishment who will use the tracking management system.
    • The page where all persons who are registered in the system are listed and can be managed only by the admin user.
    • The page where the list of individuals who entered into a certain establishment is listed along with their information.
    • The printable ID to be carried by the persons and use to identify them when entering a certain establishment. This printable ID is responsive to any size but make sure to configure the size that will make the barcode readable for the scanner the smaller the output the more chances of barcode scanner inconvenient reading.

    How to Run

    1. Download the source code and extract the zip file.
    2. Download or set up any local web server that runs PHP script.
    3. Open the web-server database and create a new database name it tracking_db.
    4. Import the SQL file located in the database folder of the source code.
    5. Copy and paste the source code to the location where your local web server accessing your local projects. Example for XAMPP(‘C:\xampp\htdocs’)
    6. Open a web browser and browse the project. E.g [http://localhost/tracking-management-system-using-php]

    Admin Default Access

    Username: admin

    Password: admin123

    There it is, the Tracking/Monitoring Management System is ready to use. Feel free to download the source code and enhance the system in the way you wanted.

    I hope this simple project will help you with what you are looking for.

    Explore more on this website for more Source Codes and Tutorials.

    Note: Due to the size or complexity of this submission, the author has submitted it as a .zip file to shorten your download time. After downloading it, you will need a program like Winzip to decompress it.

    Virus note: All files are scanned once-a-day by for viruses, but new viruses come out every day, so no prevention program can catch 100% of them.


    1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
    2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe’s, .ocx’s, .dll’s etc.)—only run source code.




    Fatal error: Default value for parameters with a class type hint can only be NULL in C:\AppServ\www\tracking\assets\barcode\vendor\picqer\php-barcode-generator\src\BarcodeGeneratorPNG.php on line 52



    what is staff name and…

    what is the username and…

    Cannot add a new record — or…

    Cannot add a new record — or save a new record. just hang with the rotation image.

    is said that URL are not…

    connection error

    Warning: mysqli::__construct(): (HY000/1049): Unknown database ‘tracking_db’ in C:\xampp\htdocs\tracking\db_connect.php on line 3

    how to run the file

    eror view person list

    Hi, thanks for sharing your knowledge before, but i have a problem with a part person list which i choose buttom View (Fatal error: Uncaught Picqer\Barcode\Exceptions\BarcodeException: Neither gd-lib or imagick are installed! in C:\xampp\htdocs\tracking\assets\barcode\vendor\picqer\php-barcode-generator\src\BarcodeGeneratorPNG.php:22 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\tracking\view_person.php(6): Picqer\Barcode\BarcodeGeneratorPNG->__construct() #1 thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\tracking\assets\barcode\vendor\picqer\php-barcode-generator\src\BarcodeGeneratorPNG.php on line 22)

    can you explain for solving this eror, how i can fix it?

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