- Типы данных php таблица
- PHP Advance
- PHP Array Functions
- PHP Calendar Functions
- PHP Date/Time Functions
- PHP Directory Functions
- PHP Error
- PHP Filesystem Functions
- PHP FTP Functions
- PHP Math Functions
- PHP GMP Functions
- PHP MySQLi Functions
- PHP String Functions
- PHP Network Functions
- PHP IntlChar Functions
- PHP Image Processing and GD Functions
- PHP Gmagick Functions
- PHP Imagick Functions
- PHP ImagickDraw Functions
- PHP DsDeque Functions
- PHP DsMap Functions
- PHP DSSequence Functions
- PHP DSVector Functions
- PHP DsStack Functions
- PHP DsQueue Functions
- PHP DsPriorityQueue Functions
- PHP SPL Data structures
- PHP Advance
- PHP Array Functions
- PHP Calendar Functions
- PHP Date/Time Functions
- PHP Directory Functions
- PHP Error
- PHP Filesystem Functions
- PHP FTP Functions
- PHP Math Functions
- PHP GMP Functions
- PHP MySQLi Functions
- PHP String Functions
- PHP Network Functions
- PHP IntlChar Functions
- PHP Image Processing and GD Functions
- PHP Gmagick Functions
- PHP Imagick Functions
- PHP ImagickDraw Functions
- PHP DsDeque Functions
- PHP DsMap Functions
- PHP DSSequence Functions
- PHP DSVector Functions
- PHP DsStack Functions
- PHP DsQueue Functions
- PHP DsPriorityQueue Functions
- PHP SPL Data structures
- PHP Data Types
- PHP String
- Example
- PHP Integer
- Example
- PHP Float
- Example
- PHP Boolean
- PHP Array
- Example
- PHP Object
- Example
- PHP NULL Value
- Example
- PHP Resource
Типы данных php таблица
- PHP Tutorial
- PHP | Introduction
- PHP Full Form
- How to set PHP development environment in windows ?
- LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
- PHP | Coding Standards
- PHP | Basic Syntax
- PHP | Variables
- PHP echo and print
- PHP | Data Types
- PHP | Strings
- PHP | Constants
- PHP | Magic Constants
- PHP | Decision Making
- PHP | Loops
- PHP | Superglobals
- PHP | Regular Expressions
- PHP Examples
PHP Advance
- Describe PHP Include and Require
- PHP | Basics of File Handling
- PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
- PHP fread( ) Function
- PHP fclose( ) Function
- PHP | fwrite( ) Function
- PHP | Uploading File
- PHP Cookies
- PHP | Sessions
- PHP Filter and Filter Constant
- Implementing callback in PHP
- Exception Handling in PHP
PHP Array Functions
- PHP | Arrays
- PHP array() Function
- PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
- PHP array_chunk() Function
- PHP | array_column() Function
- PHP array_combine() Function
- PHP array_count_values() Function
- PHP array_diff() function
- PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_key() Function
- PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
- PHP array_fill() function
- PHP array_fill_keys() Function
- PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
PHP Calendar Functions
PHP Date/Time Functions
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP | checkdate() Function
- PHP | date_create(), date_format(), date_add() Functions
- PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_date_set() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
- PHP | date_diff() Function
- PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
- PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
- PHP | date_modify() Function
- PHP | date_offset_get() Function
- PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_parse() Function
- PHP | date_sub() Function
PHP Directory Functions
PHP Error
PHP Filesystem Functions
- PHP basename( ) Function
- PHP chgrp( ) Function
- PHP chmod( ) Function
- PHP chown( ) Function
- PHP copy( ) Function
- PHP dirname( ) Function
- PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
- PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
- PHP feof( ) Function
- PHP fflush( ) Function
- PHP | fgetc( ) Function
- PHP | fgets( ) Function
- PHP | fgetss( ) Function
- PHP | file_exists( ) Function
- PHP file_get_contents() Function
- PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
PHP FTP Functions
- PHP | ftp_alloc() function
- PHP | ftp_chdir() function
- PHP | ftp_close() function
- PHP | ftp_connect() function
- PHP | ftp_delete() function
- PHP | ftp_exec() function
- PHP | ftp_get() function
- PHP | ftp_put() function
- PHP | ftp_get_option() function
- PHP | ftp_login() function
- PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
- PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
PHP Math Functions
PHP GMP Functions
PHP MySQLi Functions
PHP String Functions
PHP Network Functions
PHP IntlChar Functions
PHP Image Processing and GD Functions
PHP Gmagick Functions
PHP Imagick Functions
PHP ImagickDraw Functions
PHP DsDeque Functions
PHP DsMap Functions
- PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
- PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
- PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
- PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
PHP DSSequence Functions
PHP DSVector Functions
PHP DsStack Functions
PHP DsQueue Functions
PHP DsPriorityQueue Functions
PHP SPL Data structures
- SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
- PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
- PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
- PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
- PHP Tutorial
- PHP | Introduction
- PHP Full Form
- How to set PHP development environment in windows ?
- LAMP installation and important PHP configurations on Ubuntu
- PHP | Coding Standards
- PHP | Basic Syntax
- PHP | Variables
- PHP echo and print
- PHP | Data Types
- PHP | Strings
- PHP | Constants
- PHP | Magic Constants
- PHP | Decision Making
- PHP | Loops
- PHP | Superglobals
- PHP | Regular Expressions
- PHP Examples
PHP Advance
- Describe PHP Include and Require
- PHP | Basics of File Handling
- PHP | fopen( ) (Function open file or URL)
- PHP fread( ) Function
- PHP fclose( ) Function
- PHP | fwrite( ) Function
- PHP | Uploading File
- PHP Cookies
- PHP | Sessions
- PHP Filter and Filter Constant
- Implementing callback in PHP
- Exception Handling in PHP
PHP Array Functions
- PHP | Arrays
- PHP array() Function
- PHP | array_change_key_case() Function
- PHP array_chunk() Function
- PHP | array_column() Function
- PHP array_combine() Function
- PHP array_count_values() Function
- PHP array_diff() function
- PHP array_diff_assoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_key() Function
- PHP array_diff_uassoc() Function
- PHP array_diff_ukey() Function
- PHP array_fill() function
- PHP array_fill_keys() Function
- PHP Array Functions Complete Reference
PHP Calendar Functions
PHP Date/Time Functions
- PHP Date and Time
- PHP | checkdate() Function
- PHP | date_create(), date_format(), date_add() Functions
- PHP | date_create_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_date_set() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_get() Function
- PHP | date_default_timezone_set() Function
- PHP | date_diff() Function
- PHP | date_get_last_errors() Function
- PHP | date_isodate_set() Function
- PHP | date_modify() Function
- PHP | date_offset_get() Function
- PHP | date_parse_from_format() Function
- PHP | date_parse() Function
- PHP | date_sub() Function
PHP Directory Functions
PHP Error
PHP Filesystem Functions
- PHP basename( ) Function
- PHP chgrp( ) Function
- PHP chmod( ) Function
- PHP chown( ) Function
- PHP copy( ) Function
- PHP dirname( ) Function
- PHP disk_free_space( ) Function
- PHP disk_total_space( ) Function
- PHP feof( ) Function
- PHP fflush( ) Function
- PHP | fgetc( ) Function
- PHP | fgets( ) Function
- PHP | fgetss( ) Function
- PHP | file_exists( ) Function
- PHP file_get_contents() Function
- PHP Filesystem Functions Complete Reference
PHP FTP Functions
- PHP | ftp_alloc() function
- PHP | ftp_chdir() function
- PHP | ftp_close() function
- PHP | ftp_connect() function
- PHP | ftp_delete() function
- PHP | ftp_exec() function
- PHP | ftp_get() function
- PHP | ftp_put() function
- PHP | ftp_get_option() function
- PHP | ftp_login() function
- PHP | ftp_mdtm() Function
- PHP | ftp_mkdir() function
PHP Math Functions
PHP GMP Functions
PHP MySQLi Functions
PHP String Functions
PHP Network Functions
PHP IntlChar Functions
PHP Image Processing and GD Functions
PHP Gmagick Functions
PHP Imagick Functions
PHP ImagickDraw Functions
PHP DsDeque Functions
PHP DsMap Functions
- PHP | Ds\Map allocate() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map apply() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map capacity() Function
- PHP | DS\Map clear() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map __construct() Function
- PHP Ds\Map copy() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map count() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map diff() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map filter() Function
- PHP | Ds\Map first() Function
- PHP Ds\Map Functions Complete Reference
PHP DSSequence Functions
PHP DSVector Functions
PHP DsStack Functions
PHP DsQueue Functions
PHP DsPriorityQueue Functions
PHP SPL Data structures
- SplDoublyLinkedList in PHP
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList add() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList bottom() Function
- PHP SplDoublyLinkedList count() function
- PHP SplFixedArray count() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray current() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray getSize() Function
- PHP SplFixedArray key() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage addAll() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage attach() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage contains() Function
- PHP SplObjectStorage count() Function
- PHP SplQueue::__construct() Function
- PHP SPL Data structures Complete Reference
PHP Data Types
Variables can store data of different types, and different data types can do different things.
PHP supports the following data types:
- String
- Integer
- Float (floating point numbers — also called double)
- Boolean
- Array
- Object
- Resource
PHP String
A string is a sequence of characters, like «Hello world!».
A string can be any text inside quotes. You can use single or double quotes:
PHP Integer
An integer data type is a non-decimal number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
- An integer must have at least one digit
- An integer must not have a decimal point
- An integer can be either positive or negative
- Integers can be specified in: decimal (base 10), hexadecimal (base 16), octal (base 8), or binary (base 2) notation
In the following example $x is an integer. The PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value:
PHP Float
A float (floating point number) is a number with a decimal point or a number in exponential form.
In the following example $x is a float. The PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value:
PHP Boolean
A Boolean represents two possible states: TRUE or FALSE.
Booleans are often used in conditional testing. You will learn more about conditional testing in a later chapter of this tutorial.
PHP Array
An array stores multiple values in one single variable.
In the following example $cars is an array. The PHP var_dump() function returns the data type and value:
You will learn a lot more about arrays in later chapters of this tutorial.
PHP Object
Classes and objects are the two main aspects of object-oriented programming.
A class is a template for objects, and an object is an instance of a class.
When the individual objects are created, they inherit all the properties and behaviors from the class, but each object will have different values for the properties.
Let’s assume we have a class named Car. A Car can have properties like model, color, etc. We can define variables like $model, $color, and so on, to hold the values of these properties.
When the individual objects (Volvo, BMW, Toyota, etc.) are created, they inherit all the properties and behaviors from the class, but each object will have different values for the properties.
If you create a __construct() function, PHP will automatically call this function when you create an object from a class.
class Car public $color;
public $model;
public function __construct($color, $model) $this->color = $color;
$this->model = $model;
public function message() return «My car is a » . $this->color . » » . $this->model . «!»;
$myCar = new Car(«black», «Volvo»);
echo $myCar -> message();
echo «
$myCar = new Car(«red», «Toyota»);
echo $myCar -> message();
Null is a special data type which can have only one value: NULL.
A variable of data type NULL is a variable that has no value assigned to it.
Tip: If a variable is created without a value, it is automatically assigned a value of NULL.
Variables can also be emptied by setting the value to NULL:
PHP Resource
The special resource type is not an actual data type. It is the storing of a reference to functions and resources external to PHP.
A common example of using the resource data type is a database call.
We will not talk about the resource type here, since it is an advanced topic.