Thumbnail view in html

  1. 28 CSS Thumbnails
  2. Related Articles
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  7. Image Gallery with Overlay Effect/Animation
  8. Author
  9. Links
  10. Made with
  11. About a code
  12. Card Animation — Demon Slayer
  13. Author
  14. Links
  15. Made with
  16. About a code
  17. CSS Image Hover Effects
  18. Author
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  20. Made with
  21. About a code
  22. CSS Thumbnail Hover Effects
  23. Author
  24. Links
  25. Made with
  26. About a code
  27. Respopnsive Images with Thumbnails
  28. Author
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  30. Made with
  31. About a code
  32. Thumbnail Hover Interaction
  33. Author
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  35. Made with
  36. About a code
  37. CSS Thumbnail Text Hover
  38. Author
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  41. About the code
  42. Split Image Thumbnail
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  46. About a code
  47. CSS Thumbnail Transition Effects
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  51. About the code
  52. Animated Gallery Thumbnails
  53. Author
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  55. Made with
  56. About the code
  57. Thumbnail Hover Effects
  58. Author
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  62. Figure & Figcaption
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  65. Made with
  66. About a code
  67. Fotobook Album Thumbnail
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  71. About the code
  72. Document Thumbnail with CSS Custom Property
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  75. Made with
  76. About the code
  77. Thumbnail Effect
  78. Author
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  80. Made with
  81. About the code
  82. Thumbnail Hover
  83. Author
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  85. Made with
  86. About the code
  87. Thumbnail Presentation with CSS Grid
  88. Author
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  90. Made with
  91. About the code
  92. flex- thumbnails
  93. Author
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  95. Made with
  96. About the code
  97. CSS Responsive Thumbnail
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  100. Made with
  101. About the code
  102. CSS Thumbnail
  103. Author
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  105. Made with
  106. About the code
  107. Flexbox YouTube Thumbnail Grid
  108. Author
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  110. Made with
  111. Thumbnail view in html
  112. 1.1. Appearance of thumbnails
  113. 1.1.1. Size of thumbnails
  114. 1.1.2. Custom appearance of thumbnails
  115. 1.1.3. Adding text to thumbnail
  116. 1.2. Manipulation of thumbnails
  117. 1.2.1. Rendering of thumbnails
  118. 1.2.2. Multiselection
  119. 1.2.3. Rotation of thumbnails
  120. 1.2.4. Caching thumbnails on the server
  121. 2. Web Document Viewer UI for thumbnail viewing in HTML5 web browser
  122. Html how to display thumbnail image in html
  123. How to display the center of an image in a thumbnail
  124. Image Thumbnail Previewer Using HTML/CSS
  125. Creating Thumbnail Images with an HTML Canvas
  126. Show Thumbnail in Large Size Image When Click On with pure Html
  127. Displaying thumbnail on web page but show larger image in modal via JavaScript
  128. How to create thumbnail images in a table
  129. How to use thumbnail image different than detail image
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28 CSS Thumbnails

Collection of free HTML and CSS image thumbnail code examples. Update of July 2020 collection. 3 new items.


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This is image gallery with a very easy hover effect/animation using only pure CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Card Animation — Demon Slayer

Card hover animation using CSS and HTML only. It shows the info of characters from anime Demon Slayer.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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CSS Image Hover Effects

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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CSS Thumbnail Hover Effects

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Respopnsive Images with Thumbnails

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Thumbnail Hover Interaction

Pure CSS thumbnail hover interaction.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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CSS Thumbnail Text Hover

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Split Image Thumbnail

Split thumbnail image on hover in HTML and CSS.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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CSS Thumbnail Transition Effects

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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A fancy responsive CSS animated gallery thumbnails.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Thumbnail Hover Effects


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Thumbnail Hover Effects

Pure CSS3 image thumbnail hover effects, also we can easily change the grid item per row using by Sass variable.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Figure & Figcaption

Design a beautiful and/or unique figure and figcapation pairing.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari


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Fotobook Album Thumbnail

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Document Thumbnail with CSS Custom Property


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Document Thumbnail with CSS Custom Property

Dog-ear will position itself it top right corner regardless of original size / aspect ratio of image. Effect achieved by using hidden img to set size of relatively positioned parent container — then two absolutely positioned pseudo elements with the same image as a background overlap to leave dog-ear gap top right. Image url supplied by custom property declared inline in HTML.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Thumbnail Effect


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Thumbnail Effect

Image thumbnail hover effect.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Thumbnail Hover


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Thumbnail Hover

CSS thumbnail hover with caption and social buttons.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Dependencies: bootstrap.css, font-awesome.css

Demo image: Thumbnail Presentation with CSS Grid


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Thumbnail Presentation with CSS Grid

This should work with older browsers as far as IE9. Older browsers and non-supporting browsers will get a «conservative» design instead.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: flex- thumbnails


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flex- thumbnails

CSS flexbox thumbnail arrangements.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Responsive Thumbnail


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CSS Responsive Thumbnail

CSS Thumbnail responsive flexbox hover transition.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: CSS Thumbnail


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CSS Thumbnail

Thumbnail CSS hover transition.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Demo image: Flexbox YouTube Thumbnail Grid


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Flexbox YouTube Thumbnail Grid

Responsive flexbox unordered list grid of YouTube video thumbnails with Fancybox links. Uses a 9kb image with a 16:9 aspect ratio to be able to use the YouTube thumbnails as a background image, without seeing those black letterbox bars at the top and bottom. This also makes the video thumbnails fluid when resizing the browser.

Compatible browsers: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Dependencies: jquery.fancybox-three.css, jquery.js, jquery.fancybox-three.js

Demo image: Thumbnail Hover


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Thumbnail view in html

The WebThumbnailViewerJS class is a JavaScript control for viewing thumbnails in any HML5 compatible web browser. The class can be created on a client-side of web application. The class requires a web service for getting information about image and rendering a thumbnail. As the web service can be used ASP.NET Core Web API controller (ASP.NET Core), ASP.NET Web API 2 controller (ASP.NET MVC 5), or any other .NET compatible web service.

// create images var imageSource = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageSourceJS("/Images/SourceImage.pdf"); var image1 = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS(imageSource, 0); var image2 = new Vintasoft.Shared.WebImageJS(imageSource, 1); // create an image viewer var imageViewer1 = new Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.WebImageViewerJS("WebImageViewer1"); // create a thumbnail viewer var thumbnailViewer1 = new Vintasoft.Imaging.UI.WebThumbnailViewerJS("WebThumbnailViewer1"); // create a link between image viewer and thumbnail viewer thumbnailViewer1.set_MasterViewer(imageViewer1); // get an image collection of image viewer var images = imageViewer1.get_Images(); // add images to the image collection images.addRange([image1, image2]);

1.1. Appearance of thumbnails

1.1.1. Size of thumbnails

  • physical size — the size of bitmap associated with thumbnail
  • visible size — the size of bitmap associated with thumbnail after scaling
  • Smallest — the visible size is 0.5 of the physical size
  • Small — the visible size is 0.75 of the physical size
  • Normal — the visible size equals the physical size
  • Large — the visible size is 1.5 of the physical size

1.1.2. Custom appearance of thumbnails

  • set_NormalThumbnailAppearance — set «normal» style of thumbnail
  • set_FocusedThumbnailAppearance — set «focused» style of thumbnail
  • set_HoveredThumbnailAppearance — set «hovered» style of thumbnail
  • set_NotReadyThumbnailAppearance — set «not ready» style of thumbnail

Here is an example that demonstrates how to create thumbnail appearance and set it as «normal» style in web thumbnail viewer:

var appearance = new Vintasoft.Imaging.WebThumbnailAppearance("red", "3px solid green"); thumbnailViewer1.set_NormalThumbnailAppearance(appearance);

1.1.3. Adding text to thumbnail

The getThumbnailCanvas function allows to get a canvas, where thumbnail is drawn. Canvas can be used for drawing additional information (for example, text) on a thumbnail.

Here is an example that demonstrates how to add a text with index of thumbnail under the image of thumbnail:

// get the thumbnail canvas var canvas = thumbnailViewer1.get_ThumbnailCanvas(0); // draw a text on the thumbnail canvas var width = canvas.width; var height = canvas.height; var canvasContext = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvasContext.font = "12px Arial"; canvasContext.textAlign = "center"; canvasContext.fillText("# 1", width / 2, height - 3);

1.2. Manipulation of thumbnails

1.2.1. Rendering of thumbnails

  • thumbnailRendered event when thumbnail is rendered
  • imageRenderingException event when thumbnail rendering failed
  • thumbnailPainting event when thumbnail is being painted
  • thumbnailPainted event when thumbnail is painted
  • visibleThumbnailsPainted event when all visible thumbnails are painted

1.2.2. Multiselection

WebThumbnailViewerJS allows to choose several thumbnails at the same time. The indices of selected thumbnails can be received using the get_SelectedIndices function. The indices of selected thumbnails can be specified using the set_SelectedIndices function.

1.2.3. Rotation of thumbnails

The set_ImageRotationAngle function allows to set an orthogonal rotation angle of thumbnail in the thumbnail viewer.

1.2.4. Caching thumbnails on the server

The set_UseCache function allows to specify whether caching of the thumbnails in files on server is necessary.

2. Web Document Viewer UI for thumbnail viewing in HTML5 web browser

The WebUiThumbnailViewerPanelJS class represents a web UI panel that can be used in web document viewer and allows to display a thumbnail viewer. Panel can be shown in side panel or separately.
Panel will create web thumbnail viewer if «annotations» flag is NOT enabled in web document viewer settings.
Panel will create web annotated thumbnail viewer if «annotations» flag is enabled in web document viewer settings.

The WebThumbnailViewerSettingsDialogJS class represents an UI dialog that can be used in web document viewer and allows to view and edit the thumbnail viewer settings.

Here is screenshot of thumbnail viewer panel in web application:


Html how to display thumbnail image in html

Use the thumbnail image as a trigger for opening a modal and then show the high res image in the modal. Give your images a fixed height and set width 100%.

How to display the center of an image in a thumbnail

You may take advantage of the new object-fit CSS property and make the image appear as you want.

Here is some example code for you, showing the difference between the image placed using object-fit , and the default image:

Image with object-fit

You may position the image differently within the img-single with object-position too if you want.

PS: I also used overflow property to stop the image from bleeding out. Thanks.

You can center the image in a smaller container using background-image on a div .

If you remove Foundation’s thumbnail class this should work.

Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html
Thumbnail view in html

Html how to display a thumbnail Code Example, More “Kinda” Related Answers View All Html Answers » · html img size · image drive inside html · input select images in js · input type=»file» and display image

Image Thumbnail Previewer Using HTML/CSS

Creating Thumbnail Images with an HTML Canvas

This video explains the process of creating a screen full of thumbnail images on an HTML Duration: 8:25

Show Thumbnail in Large Size Image When Click On with pure Html

Today I will show you how to display thumbnails images in large size without javascripte with Duration: 7:40

Displaying thumbnail on web page but show larger image in modal via JavaScript

Simply use replace() function on the the string:

var newSrc = this.src.replace(/_thumb/, ""); 

HTML and CSS Video Thumbnails, How to show YouTube video thumbnails on a page, without using your own images. All code Duration: 8:25

How to create thumbnail images in a table

It looks like in your code above your using 100% height and a fixed width. Swap those properties. Give your images a fixed height and set width 100%.

set just one property, choose to have all the images with the same height or the same width, for example for the same width:


btw, this will not change the loading time, if you want to reduce the loading time you need some backend language (PHP?) to return a smaller image on the fly.

Creating Thumbnail Images with an HTML Canvas, This video explains the process of creating a screen full of thumbnail images on an HTML Duration: 8:25

How to use thumbnail image different than detail image

Is there a way, in bootstrap, to use an actual thumbnail image on the main screen, but have high res image show when clicking?

You can use a Bootstrap modal for that.

Use the thumbnail image as a trigger for opening a modal and then show the high res image in the modal.


It’s easy using a few lines of jQuery along with Bootstrap 4 modal.

When the modal is shown, update the src of the img inside the modal with the value stored in the data-large-src attribute put in the image that triggered the modal/lightbox. Only 3 lines of jQuery are needed.

$('#galleryModal').on('', function (e) < $('#galleryImage').attr("src",$(e.relatedTarget).data("large-src")); >); 

With this method, only the thumbnails are loaded on page load. Then the larger images are loaded on-demand when the modal is opened. Since the modal is updated dynamically, you just need 1 modal for all of the thumbnails.

Sidenote: img-responsive is now img-fluid in Bootstrap 4.0.0

Overlay Text on a Thumbnail Image HTML/CSS, Use relative positioning for your .thumbnail element and absolute positioning for your h1 element: .thumbnail< width:300px


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