- text-underline-position¶
- Демо¶
- Синтаксис¶
- Спецификация¶
- CSS text-underline-position Property
- Syntax
- Example of the text-underline-position property:
- Result
- Example of the text-underline-position property with the «under» value:
- Values
- Browser support
- Practice Your Knowledge
- Which statement is incorrect about text-underline-position property?
- text-underline-position
- Try it
- Syntax
- Values
- Formal definition
- Formal syntax
- Examples
- A simple example
- Setting text-underline-position globally
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
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- text-decoration
- Try it
- Constituent properties
- Syntax
- Values
- Formal definition
- Formal syntax
- Examples
- Demonstration of text-decoration values
- Result
- Specifications
- Browser compatibility
- See also
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- text-underline-position
Свойство text-underline-position указывает положение подчеркивания, которое задается с помощью значения подчеркивания свойства text-decoration .
- letter-spacing
- text-decoration
- text-decoration-color
- text-decoration-line
- text-decoration-style
- text-decoration-thickness
- text-decoration-skip
- text-decoration-skip-ink
- text-emphasis
- text-emphasis-color
- text-emphasis-position
- text-emphasis-style
- text-indent
- text-rendering
- text-shadow
- text-underline-position
- text-transform
- white-space
- word-spacing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
/* Single keyword */ text-underline-position: auto; text-underline-position: under; text-underline-position: left; text-underline-position: right; /* Multiple keywords */ text-underline-position: under left; text-underline-position: right under; /* Global values */ text-underline-position: inherit; text-underline-position: initial; text-underline-position: revert; text-underline-position: revert-layer; text-underline-position: unset;
CSS text-underline-position Property
The text-underline-position property specifies the position of the underline on the element with the text-decoration «underline» value specified.
The text-underline-position is only partially supported by Chrome .
For maximum browser compatibility, extensions such as -webkit- for Safari, Google Chrome, and Opera (newer versions) are used with this property.
Initial Value | auto |
Applies to | All elements. |
Inherited | Yes. |
Animatable | No. |
Version | CSS3 |
DOM Syntax | object.style.textunderlinePosition = «under»; |
text-underline-position: auto | under | left | right | above | below | auto-pos | initial | inherit;
Example of the text-underline-position property:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> p < text-decoration: underline; -webkit-text-underline-position: auto; -ms-text-underline-position: auto; text-underline-position: auto; > style> head> body> h2>Text underline-position property example h2> p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. p> body> html>
Example of the text-underline-position property with the «under» value:
html> html> head> title>Title of the document title> style> p < text-decoration: underline; -webkit-text-underline-position: under; -ms-text-underline-position: under; text-underline-position: under; text-decoration-color: #1c87c9; font-size: 25px; > style> head> body> h2>Text underline-position property example h2> p>Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text. p> body> html>
Value | Description |
auto | The browser uses its own algorithm to place the line at or under the alphabetic baseline. |
under | Forces the underline to be placed under the element’s text content. |
left | Forces the element to be placed on the left side of the text in the vertical writing-mode. |
right | Forces the element to be placed on the right side of the text in the vertical writing-mode. |
above | Forces the line to be above the text. |
below | Forces the line to be below the text. |
auto-pos | Works the same as auto value. |
initial | Makes the property use its default value. |
inherit | Inherits the property from its parents element. |
Browser support
Practice Your Knowledge
Which statement is incorrect about text-underline-position property?
It’s supported by all browsers. Value «below» forces the line to be below the text. Value «auto-pos» works the same as auto value.
The text-underline-position CSS property specifies the position of the underline which is set using the text-decoration property’s underline value.
Try it
/* Single keyword */ text-underline-position: auto; text-underline-position: under; text-underline-position: left; text-underline-position: right; /* Multiple keywords */ text-underline-position: under left; text-underline-position: right under; /* Global values */ text-underline-position: inherit; text-underline-position: initial; text-underline-position: revert; text-underline-position: revert-layer; text-underline-position: unset;
The user agent uses its own algorithm to place the line at or under the alphabetic baseline.
If the font file includes information about a preferred position, use that value. If the font file doesn’t include this information, behave as if auto was set, with the browser choosing an appropriate position.
Forces the line to be set below the alphabetic baseline, at a position where it won’t cross any descenders. This is useful for ensuring legibility with chemical and mathematical formulas, which make a large use of subscripts.
In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the left side of the text. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under .
In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the right side of the text. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under .
Formal definition
Formal syntax
A simple example
Let’s take a couple of simple example paragraphs:
p class="horizontal"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consectetur ac turpis vel laoreet. Nullam volutpat pharetra lorem, sit amet feugiat tortor volutpat quis. Nam eget sodales quam. Aliquam accumsan tellus ac erat posuere. p> p class="vertical"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam consectetur ac turpis vel laoreet. Nullam volutpat pharetra lorem, sit amet feugiat tortor volutpat quis. Nam eget sodales quam. Aliquam accumsan tellus ac erat posuere. p>
p font-size: 1.5rem; text-transform: capitalize; text-decoration: underline; text-decoration-thickness: 2px; > .horizontal text-underline-position: under; > .vertical writing-mode: vertical-rl; text-underline-position: left; >
In this example we set both the paragraphs to have a thick underline. In the horizontal text we use text-underline-position: under; to put the underline below all the descenders.
In the text with a vertical writing-mode set, we can then use values of left or right to make the underline appear on the left or right of the text as required.
The live example looks like this:
Setting text-underline-position globally
Because the text-underline-position property inherits and is not reset by the text-decoration shorthand property, it may be appropriate to set its value at a global level. For example, the under value may be appropriate for a document with lots of chemical and mathematical formulas, which make a large use of subscripts.
:root text-underline-position: under; >
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- The text-decoration property is a shorthand for setting most text-decoration properties, including text-decoration-line , text-decoration-color , and text-decoration-style . However, it does not set text-underline-position .
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The text-decoration shorthand CSS property sets the appearance of decorative lines on text. It is a shorthand for text-decoration-line , text-decoration-color , text-decoration-style , and the newer text-decoration-thickness property.
Try it
Text decorations are drawn across descendant text elements. This means that if an element specifies a text decoration, then a child element can’t remove the decoration. For example, in the markup
This text has some emphasized words in it.
, the style rule p < text-decoration: underline; >would cause the entire paragraph to be underlined. The style rule em < text-decoration: none; >would not cause any change; the entire paragraph would still be underlined. However, the rule em < text-decoration: overline; >would cause a second decoration to appear on «some emphasized words».
Constituent properties
This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:
text-decoration: underline; text-decoration: overline red; text-decoration: none; /* Global values */ text-decoration: inherit; text-decoration: initial; text-decoration: revert; text-decoration: revert-layer; text-decoration: unset;
The text-decoration property is specified as one or more space-separated values representing the various longhand text-decoration properties.
Sets the kind of decoration used, such as underline or line-through .
Sets the color of the decoration.
Sets the style of the line used for the decoration, such as solid , wavy , or dashed .
Sets the thickness of the line used for the decoration.
Formal definition
- text-decoration-color : currentcolor
- text-decoration-style : solid
- text-decoration-line : none
- text-decoration-line : as specified
- text-decoration-style : as specified
- text-decoration-color : computed color
- text-decoration-thickness : as specified
- text-decoration-color : a color
- text-decoration-style : discrete
- text-decoration-line : discrete
- text-decoration-thickness : by computed value type
Formal syntax
Demonstration of text-decoration values
.under text-decoration: underline red; > .over text-decoration: wavy overline lime; > .line text-decoration: line-through; > .plain text-decoration: none; > .underover text-decoration: dashed underline overline; > .thick text-decoration: solid underline purple 4px; > .blink text-decoration: blink; >
p class="under">This text has a line underneath it.p> p class="over">This text has a line over it.p> p class="line">This text has a line going through it.p> p> This a class="plain" href="#">link will not be underlineda>, as links generally are by default. Be careful when removing the text decoration on anchors since users often depend on the underline to denote hyperlinks. p> p class="underover">This text has lines above em>andem> below it.p> p class="thick"> This text has a really thick purple underline in supporting browsers. p> p class="blink"> This text might blink for you, depending on the browser you use. p>
Browser compatibility
BCD tables only load in the browser
See also
- The individual text-decoration properties are text-decoration-line , text-decoration-color , text-decoration-style , and text-decoration-thickness .
- The text-decoration-skip-ink , text-underline-offset , and text-underline-position properties also affect text-decoration, but are not included in the shorthand.
- The list-style attribute controls the appearance of items in HTML and lists.
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The text-underline-position property sets the placement of the underline on links or on text with text-decoration: underline; applied.
- auto : the default. The browser will decide between placing the underline at the text’s baseline or under it.
- inherit : inherits the underline position of the parent.
- under : places the underline under the text with extra space to prevent crossing descenders.
- left : for vertical writing modes. This places the line to the left of the text.
- right : for vertical writing modes. This places the line to the right of the text.
Microsoft uses a different set of values for Internet Explorer:
- auto : the default. Places the underline below the text for all languages except Japanese (see the MSDN link in the “More Information” section below for details).
- above : positions the underline above the text. Visually identical to text-decoration: overline;
- below : positions the underline below the text. Note that this is different from under — it will not clear descenders.
- auto-pos works the same as the MS implementation of auto .
At the time of this writing, text-underline-position is only partially supported by Chrome (33+ with experimental flags enabled) and Internet Explorer 6+. Chrome supports the auto , inherit , and under values from the W3C candidate recommendation, while IE supports its own alternate values.
This demo shows the under and below values in the browsers that support them.
* with -webkit prefix and experimental flags enabled in chrome://flags. left and right values not supported.
† with -ms prefix and IE-specific values.