
Html body top space

CSS свойство top частично определяет вертикальную позицию позиционируемого элемента. Оно не влияет на непозиционируемые элементы (т.е. top не применится, если задано position: static ).

Интерактивный пример

Эффект свойства top зависит от того, как позиционируется элемент (то есть от значения свойства position ):

  • Когда задано position: absolute или fixed — значение свойства top устанавливается как расстояние между верхней гранью элемента и верхней гранью родительского контейнера.
  • Когда задано position: relative — значение свойство top устанавливается как расстояние, на которое смещается верхний край элемента от нормальной позиции.
  • Когда задано position: sticky — свойство top работает так, как при position: relative во время нахождения элемента внутри области просмотра, и как position: fixed вне области просмотра.
  • Когда задано position: static — свойство top не имеет никакого эффекта.

Когда заданы оба свойства top и bottom , а свойство position установлено как absolute или fixed , то оба свойства top и bottom учитываются. Во всех остальных ситуациях, если height как-либо ограничена или position установлено как relative , то свойство top будет учтено, а bottom — проигнорировано.

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/* Значения величин */ top: 3px; top: 2.4em; /* Процентные значения от высоты родительского блока */ top: 10%; /* Ключевое слово */ top: auto; /* Глобальные значения */ top: inherit; top: initial; top: unset; 


Отрицательная, нулевая или положительная величина, которая представляет:

  • для абсолютно позиционируемых элементов &mdash расстояние от верхнего края содержащего их блока;
  • для относительно позиционируемых элементов &mdash расстояние, на которое элемент смещается вниз, относительно своего положения в нормальном потоке.

Процент от высоты родительского блока.

Это ключевое слово, которое означает:

  • для абсолютно спозиционированных элементов — позиция элемента опирается на свойство bottom , пока height: auto обрабатывается как высота в зависимости от содержимого; если так же и bottom: auto , то элемент располагается так же, как при статическом позиционировании.
  • для относительно спозиционированных элементов — расстояние элемента от его обычной позиции основано на свойстве bottom ; если значение bottom также auto , элемент вообще не перемещается по вертикали.

Это ключевое слово указывает, что значение будет соответствовать вычисленному значению родительского блока (необязательно непосредственного родителя). Вычисляемое значение обрабатывается так же, как , или ключевое слово auto .

Формальный синтаксис


/* Для body могут быть использованы единицы px, также и для div */ body width: 100%; height: 100%; > /* div теперь может использовать значения в процентах (body ширина и высота установлены) */ div  position: absolute; left: 15%; top: 30%; bottom: 30%; width: 70%; height: 40%; text-align: left; border: 3px rgb(0,0,0) solid; > 
DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="en" xml:lang="en"> head> meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml" /> title>Mozilla.org height top left width percentage CSStitle> style type="text/css"> /* Для body могут быть использованы единицы px, также и для div */ body  width: 100%; height: 100%; > /* div теперь может использовать значения в процентах (body ширина и высота установлены) */ div  position: absolute; left: 15%; top: 30%; bottom: 30%; width: 70%; height: 40%; text-align: left; border: 3px rgb(0,0,0) solid; > style> head> body> center> div> . Some content. div> center> body> html> 


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Strange extra top space in body

Solution 1: Looks like it’s a issue (I find issues tend to crop up every time I use , generally I prefer because it introduces fewer bizarre bugs like this) — if I disable on the data, it falls into place correctly. Solution 1: If you look at the resulting HTML you will notice that there is white space between and (newline and tab).

Strange extra space between 2 elements?

I try to build a responsive design for a website but have runned in to a problem.

Visit this page : http://test.ufeed.se/

Change your browser size to under 820px and you will see a responsive design. The problem here is that I get a strange space between the data and the title? I have tried to find why there is a space but without luck?

This is the simple markup of the part :

Why is there a space between title and data? And how do I remove it?

Looks like it’s a float issue (I find issues tend to crop up every time I use float , generally I prefer display: inline-block because it introduces fewer bizarre bugs like this) — if I disable clear: both on the data, it falls into place correctly.

Changes you need to make to your mobile.css file

.postContainer .titleCon < overflow:hidden; /* ADD this property */ >.postContainer .data < overflow:hidden; /* ADD this property */ clear:both; /* REMOVE this property */ >

line 37 of your PostList.css add overflow:auto

in mobile.css line 80 change float:none to clear:both

will need to add some margin after that but it removes the space that occurred.

try this one it will solve your issue add clear class after left and right cell and add over flow hidden in .postContainer .rightPostCell class

.postContainer .rightPostCell

HTML : Strange extra top space in body

HTML : Strange extra top space in body [ Gift : Animated Search Engine : https://bit.ly/AnimSearch ] HTML : Strange extra top space in body Note: The …

Strange extra top space in body

Strange extra top space in body — CSS [ Glasses to protect eyes while coding : https://amzn.to/3N1ISWI ] Strange extra top space in body — CSS Disclaimer: T

CSS : Strange extra top space in body

CSS : Strange extra top space in body [ Beautify Your Computer : https://www.hows.tech/p/recommended.html ] CSS : Strange extra top space in …

Why I do have strange extra space?

I have a SingleTweetWidget to display a tweet.

If I put it into a QScrollArea , everything is working fine.

class TweetListWidget(QtGui.QWidget): def __init__(self, client=None, parent=None): super(TweetListWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi() def setupUi(self): self.layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) self.setLayout(self.layout) def setModel(self, model): self.model = model self.model.rowsInserted.connect(self._rowsInserted) def _rowsInserted(self, parent, start, end): for index in range(start, end + 1): item = self.model.get_item(index) widget = SingleTweetWidget(self.client, item) self.layout.insertWidget(index, widget) 

SingleTweetWidget in a QScrollArea

But, if I put it into a dialog, there will be some extra space.

def setupUi(self, widget): super(NewpostWindow, self).setupUi(widget) tweet = SingleTweetWidget(self.client, self.tweet, self) self.verticalLayout.insertWidget(0, tweet) 

SingleTweetWidget in a QDialog

Please notice the space between the time ( 6s ago ) and the blue separator line.

Where is it come from? I have no idea with it.

By the way, you can get the source code of SingleTweetWidget from https://github.com/WeCase/WeCase/blob/dev-0.06/src/TweetListWidget.py

QDialog has a layout which put a vertical space between widgets. It’s because the default minimum height of QDialog is higher than the height of the two widgets. You can use self->setMinimumHeight(int) and self->setMaximumHeight(int) and the width variants or self->setFixedSize(w,h) , etc.

You can set max/min width/height with every widget.

Read something about QLayout , QDialog and the Qt and see some examples. Qt have very good documentation. See

How to delete inexplicable spacing in Word documents, Hi, I am using MS Word (2010). I have a couple of parts of the document where I have a couple of lines at the top of the page and then the rest …

Weird Body Overflow

I am having trouble with setting an image to 100% of the body height. I am getting this odd white space at the bottom of the page, even though I have margin and padding set to 0 on everything. I could just use overflow-y: hidden , but I would prefer to just figure out why it’s doing that. Thanks!

*, *::before, *::after < box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0; padding: 0; >html, body < height: 100%; >img

You need to use display: block on the img .

Weird white space when body font size set to vw and all, To have a fully responsive website, I used the wizardry technique. There you set the body font size to 1vh and based on that you set everything else …

Strange markup behavior: extra space on UI appears

I have ASP.NET application with simple markup related to my case. It looks like:

And such markup produces following resulting view:

As you can see there is an extra space between username and exclamation sign. But if I just moving Label to the same string as user control it is disappears:

I’ve inspected twice both elements and did not found any paddings/margins (event inherited). Accordingly to CSS both controls hasn’t any suspicious settings (maybe I missed some white-space settings or something like that, sorry, I am not designed). Resulting HTML looks like:

It is definitely line break produces this issue, but I do not know how it could be from HTML/CSS point of view and, what is badder, I do not know how to fix it without move Label to the previous string.

If you look at the resulting HTML you will notice that there is white space between Alexander and ! (newline and tab). Since both elements are inline elements, the white space between them will be rendered as a space.

Easier solution: remove the white space.

CSS solution (may cause more issues than the ones you are trying to solve): float all span and a tags, add right margin (and use overflow hidden).

.account-user < overflow: hidden; >.account-user span, .account-user a < float: left; margin-right: 8px; >.account-user span:last-child

There doesn’t appear to be a need for another just for an exclamation point.

That’s all you really need.


space between top of browser or frame and document body

Is there any way to control the space between top of browser or frame
and document body?

What I have is this: There is a simple file test1.html, and file
test.html that displays test1.html in an iframe. On the iframe I set
marginheight and marginwidth to zero. But there is one line of blank
space between the top border of the iframe and the first line of
text. However, the iframe’s content document’s body’s offsetHeight
gives the height without considering this extra space between the top
margin of the iframe and the body. As a result, when I set the
iframe’s height to the offsetHeight through Javascript, it is not big
enough but one line. This is on Mozilla 2.0.

Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is
some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text.
Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some
text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is
some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text.
Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some text. Here is some
text. END.





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