- Top & Best Sublime Text 3/4 Light / Dark Themes 2023
- Here’s the List of Best Sublime Text 3/4 Themes
- 1 – Material Theme
- 2 – Flatland
- 3 – Soda – Dark and light Themes
- 4 – Spacegray – Hyperminimal UI Theme
- 5 – Ayu – Modern Sublime Text Theme
- 7 – Materialize – Elegant Theme
- 8 – Predawn
- 9 – Seti_UI
- 10 – Brogrammer – Flat S@xy Theme
- 11 – Afterglow
- 12 – Agila Theme
- 13 – Asphalt
- 14 – Nexus
- 15 – Dark Material
- Summery
- 21 Sublime Text Themes
- Author
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- Set of themes
- About a theme
- Theme — DAneo
- Author
- Links
- Set of themes
- About a theme
- GitHub Sublime Text Theme
- Author
- Links
- Set of themes
- About a theme
- Earthbound Themes
- Made by
- Set of themes
- Links
- About a theme
- Guna
- Made by
- Set of themes
- Links
- About a theme
- gruvbox
- Made by
- Set of themes
- Links
- About a theme
- Flatland
- Made by
- Set of themes
- Links
- About a theme
- Asphalt
- Material Theme
- Spacegray
- Soda Theme
- ayu
- Afterglow
- Predawn
- Cobalt 2
- Brogrammer
- Theme — itg.flat
- Centurion
- Agila Theme
- Gravity Theme
- Cyanide
Top & Best Sublime Text 3/4 Light / Dark Themes 2023
We are going to explore the top and best Sublime Text 3/4 themes of 2023. As you already know, Sublime Text is the first choice at hand for many developers around the world! After trying other options it became my personal choice due to its quick load and well-placed sections making it a more pleasing and comfortable development experience.
Its quick start-up time and efficient use of resources, allow us to open multiple projects at once. Sublime Text got its popularity and emerged on top of lists for comfortable and marvellous command-based package installation support. Its long track of major releases with spectacular features makes it a favourite for beginners to expert geeks.
While considering lots of features, how can we skip the appearance of a tool in which we spend long hours while coding outstanding things? The visualization and appearance of a tool play an important role which providing a relaxing and pleasant glance to your eyes and making your coding environment unique.
Sublime Text provides a good number of theming properties, making it easier to create and customise the UI experience by modifying the themes. But, you don’t need to worry, we have listed out the fabulous Sublime Text 3/ 4 themes having we maintained color combinations giving a cut of elegance to your user experience.
Here’s the List of Best Sublime Text 3/4 Themes
1 – Material Theme
Under Top 25 the Material theme for Sublime Test has over 1.19M instals in total. It is the most popular out of all the available themes in the directory.
It packs 4 different color combinations including light and dark variants. The cleaner looks with vibrant File icons make it more unique out of their themes. It comes with more wide tabs and elite UI styles.
2 – Flatland
Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme. This theme is compatible with Sublime Test 2/3 and 4. It adds a vivid style to tabs with well-defined layouts and curves.
Colors are uniquely selected providing a comfortable and relaxed development experience. Flatland gathered about 280k installs making its place in the TOP 100 packages.
3 – Soda – Dark and light Themes
Soda packs light and dark themes having 2 options for each. Soda is the inspiration for our previous Flatland theme. You will see sharp corners instead of curves which we find in Flatland.
In addition, there are light theme options as well. The theme is compatible with Sublime Text2, 3 and 4 version.
4 – Spacegray – Hyperminimal UI Theme
Spacegray provides a set of 5 color themes to choose from. It packs custom UI themes for Sublime Text 2,3 and 4. It’s all about hype and minimal. Comes in different flavours with accompanying Base16 color schemes. Major color changes in colors can be seen on the sidebar file explorer and tab bar panel.
The Spacegray has a total of 480k installs which makes its way into the TOP 100 packages.
5 – Ayu – Modern Sublime Text Theme
A simple theme which comes in a pack of three versions including — dark, mirage and light for all day long comfortable work. Ayu theme brings bright color schemes providing a more relaxing development experience.
Moreover, it comes with a File Icons package proving more pro and elegant looks to your coding environment.
7 – Materialize – Elegant Theme
Materialize them is created on top of Material theme @equinusocio and also it clubs around 25+ variants providing a good number of options to switch in a single theme installation.
It includes almost all of the types of vibrant color options which are inspired by various trending top Sublime Text themes.
8 – Predawn
Predawn is one of my personal picks with lucid and bright color schemes. It is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom. It supports Sublime Text 3 and 4 versions. The icons style across UI elements adds a superior and elite layout to the entire IDE experience.
9 – Seti_UI
Seti_UI provides a deep black dark theme with a wonderful set of File Icons. The curved tabs are greatly emerged and easy to locate with different colors for various states. This theme is compatible with Sublime Text 3 and 4 making it a marvellous choice in dark options.
10 – Brogrammer – Flat S@xy Theme
Brogrammer is a well defined Sublime Text theme. Every element of IDE looks neet and clean after using its UI styles and color schemes. It provides only one theme as an option, but it has gathered more than 270k installs landing it to TOP 100 themes. It is well supported for Sublime Text 3 and 4.
11 – Afterglow
Afterglow is a minimal dark Theme for Sublime Text 2, 3 and 4 versions. This theme brings inspiration from the great theme Spacegray. The syntax color scheme is mostly derived from idlefingers. Afterglow provides 6 variants in theme mainly dark only changing the primary blue color to other shades.
12 – Agila Theme
Started as an experiment by the creator, now packs around 8 vivid colored themes. These provide a great collection fine touched themes with awesome color variants to choose from.
13 – Asphalt
Asphalt is a minimal and flat dark UI for Sublime Text 3,4 custom syntax highlighting Colour Scheme. It is trending now on charts which made its way to our list.
14 – Nexus
Nexus is a dark custom UI theme compatible with Sublime Text 2,3 & 4 versions. It is a compact and well-placed theme with refreshed dark color combination around UI elements.
15 – Dark Material
Dark material is another material design-based theme for Sublime Text 2,3 and 4. it adds the File Icons to assign almost all types of types making file explorer an elite watch.
Finally, we have listed out all our picks and presented their stats and crafted screenshots. I know, you not gonna stop at one, but you will love them all for sure. If you ask me, my personal favourite is Seti_UI which is currently selected for my development workspace. I also like Flatland and Material Dark as switch options at handy.
Do let me know what are your favourites… thanks!
21 Sublime Text Themes
Collection of free Sublime Text UI themes (dark, light and other). Update of February 2019 collection. 3 new items.
Set of themes
About a theme
Theme — DAneo
Theme — DAneo is an adaptive theme for Sublime Text 3 inspired by the popular DA UI.
Set of themes
About a theme
GitHub Sublime Text Theme
Set of themes
- Earthbound
- Moonside
- Zombie Threed
- Fire Spring
- Dusty Dunes
- Magicant
- Cave of the Past
About a theme
Earthbound Themes
A set of unique color themes for Vim, VSCode, Atom, and Sublime. Code editor themes inspired by the memorable and bizarre locations from Earthbound (aka Mother 2).
Made by
Set of themes
About a theme
Guna is most innovative theme for Sublime Text 3. It supports various functions: conspicuous widgets (clock, weather) on sidebar, manually or adaptively tweakable theme colors, controlling status bar label by its own api.
Made by
Set of themes
About a theme
gruvbox — bright theme for Sublime Text 3 with pastel ‘retro groove’ colors.
Made by
Set of themes
About a theme
Flatland is a simple theme and accompanying color scheme for Sublime Text 2 & 3. It is mostly derived from Soda, the right place to start for any custom theme development for Sublime.
Made by
Set of themes
- Asphalt (default)
- Asphalt Orange
- Asphalt Green
- Asphalt Blue
- Asphalt Monochrome
About a theme
Minimal and flat dark UI for Sublime Text 3 + custom syntax highlighting colour scheme.
- 5 UI colour variations
- custom UI icons (bottom panels, buttons, sidebar icons, etc.)
- sidebar folder/files icons support (ST3 build 3062+), standard icons (bonus: JSON file type icon and .tmPreference)
- custom syntax highlighting colour scheme
- retina display support
- Material Theme
- Material Theme Palenight
- Material Theme Darker
- Material Theme Lighter
Material Theme
Material Theme, the most epic theme for Sublime Text 3. This theme provide a visual configuration tool that allow you to configure a theme by activating the available options from an inline popup.
A set of custom UI themes for Sublime Text 2/3. It’s all about hype and minimal. Comes in different flavors with accompanying Base16 color schemes.
Soda Theme
Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text.
ayu is a simple theme with bright colors and comes in three versions — dark, mirage and light for all day long comfortable work.
- Afterglow
- Afterglow blue
- Afterglow magenta
- Afterglow orange
- Afterglow green
Afterglow is a minimal dark Theme for Sublime Text 2 and 3. Also it is a syntax color scheme.
- sidebar icons
- tab height size options
- sidebar size options
- markdown
Predawn is a dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text.
- tabs height
- active tab underline
- find & replace small size
- sidebar height
- sidebar width
- markdown
- file icons
Cobalt 2
A refined colour scheme that is easy on the eyes and takes small UI elements into account. Includes full Sublime Text theme (sidebar, search, tabs, etc. ) as well as support for SublimeLinter, git diffing and a growing number of plugins.
Brogrammer is a flat Sublime Text theme.
Theme — itg.flat
A flat theme for Sublime Text that supports both retina and non-retina.
A clean cut UI theme for Sublime Text.
- Agila Theme
- Agila Origin Theme
- Agila Dracula Theme
- Agila Monokai Theme
- Agila Cobalt Theme
- Agila Classic Theme
- Agila Light Theme
- Agila Neon Theme
Agila Theme
Sublime Text 3 UI Theme. You can customize the UI to your liking (e.g camouflage workspace with the color scheme background, sidebar, tab, autocomplete, and scrollbar setup/color preferences)
Gravity Theme
Sublime Text 3 dark and light theme that feels at home on macOS.
- Cyanide
- Twilightcyanide colorscheme
- Acid theme
- Alert theme
- Golden theme
- Love theme
- Mint theme
- Purple theme
- Salmon theme
- Sky theme
- Wood theme
A minimal dark theme for Sublime Text 3.
- sidebar file type icons
- Centurion theme sidebar folder icons
- Afterglow theme sidebar folder icons
- Spacefunk theme sidebar folder icons
- tabs height: large or medium
- custom UI font
- large scrollbars
DA UI is a set of beautiful, clean, elegant interface and syntax themes for Sublime Text 3. It brings you the most flexible way to customize the look and feel of your text editor.
- unlimited variations
- powerful options
- more than adaptive
- first-class syntax highlighting