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Build a robot with three lines of code 🙂
bot::setToken('token-string'); bot::autoInput(); bot::id(chat_id)->message( 'hello my robot' )->send();
or usage in other project ( view sample )
include_once('BotFire.php'); use Models\BotFire as bot;
bot::setToken('token-string'); bot::autoInput();
download and extract BotFire.php to models directory 😐
$res=bot::this()->getMe()->send(); echo $res;
Use this method to send text messages. On success, the sent Message is returned.
bot::id(chat_id) ->message('text') ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->disable_web_page_preview(boolean) ->send();
bot::id(chat_id)->message('your message text')->send(); bot::id(chat_id)->message('use parse_mode ')->parse_mode('HTML')->send();
Use this method to send photos. On success, the sent Message is returned.
bot::id(chat_id) ->photo( $file , 'Caption' ) ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send();
// send from url bot::id(chat_id)->photo(image_url_string)->send(); // send by file_id bot::id(chat_id)->photo(file_id_string)->send(); // send file from local server $file=bot::loadFile('user.png'); bot::id(chat_id)->photo( $file )->send(); // send photo with caption bot::id(chat_id)->photo( $file , 'Caption' )->send();
Use this method to send audio our audio must be in the .MP3 or .M4A format.
bot::id(chat_id) ->audio( $file , 'Caption text for audio' ) ->duration(int_to_seconds) //Duration of the audio in seconds ->performer(string) ->title(string) //Track name ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send();
bot::id(chat_id)->audio( $file , 'Caption text for audio' )->send();
Use this method to send general files
bot::id(file_id) ->document( $file , 'Caption text for document' ) ->thumb(loadFile_or_string) ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send(); // example bot::id(file_id)->document( file_id , 'Caption text for document' )->send();
Use this method to send video files
bot::id(file_id) ->video( $file , 'Caption text for video' ) ->duration(int_to_seconds) //Duration of sent video in seconds ->width(int) //Animation width ->height(int)//Animation height ->thumb(loadFile_or_string) ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->supports_streaming(boolean) //Pass True, if the uploaded video is suitable for streaming ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send(); // example bot::id(file_id)->video( $file , 'Caption text for video' )->send();
Use this method to send animation files (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound).
bot::this()->animation( $file , 'Caption text for animation' )->send(); // use other methods bot::this() ->animation( $file , 'Caption text for animation' ) ->duration(int_to_seconds) //Duration of sent animation in seconds ->width(int) //Animation width ->height(int)//Animation height ->thumb(loadFile_or_string) ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send();
Use this method to send audio
bot::this()->voice( $file , 'Caption text for voice' )->send(); // use other methods bot::this() ->voice($file,'caption') ->parse_mode(string) // HTML or Markdown ->duration(int_to_seconds) //Duration of sent voice in seconds ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send();
As of v.4.0, Telegram clients support rounded square mp4 videos of up to 1 minute long.
bot::this()->voice( video_file )->send(); // use other methods bot::this() ->voice( video_file ) ->duration(int_to_seconds) //Duration of sent video in seconds ->length(int) //Video width and height ->thumb(loadFile_or_string) ->disable_notification(boolean) ->reply_to(message_id) ->keyboard(botfire_keyboard) ->send();
The loadFile function is used to send server files
bot::this()->document( bot::loadFile(file_path_string) )->send();
Use this method to send point on the map. On success, the sent Message is returned.
bot::this()->location($latitude,$longitude)->send(); // support live_period bot::this()->location($latitude,$longitude)->live_period($number)->send();
Use this method when you need to tell the user that something is happening on the bot’s side
Use this method to send a group of photos or videos as an album. On success, an array of the sent Messages is returned.
bot::id(chat_id) ->mediaGroup() ->photo(file_id)->caption('caption . ') ->photo(other_file_id) ->send(); // support this methods // ..->photo(file_id) // ->caption($caption) // ->parse_mode('HTML')
bot::id(chat_id) ->mediaGroup() ->video(file_id)->caption('caption . ') ->video(other_file_id) ->send(); // support this methods // ..->video(file_id) // ->thumb($thumb) // ->caption($caption) // ->parse_mode('HTML') // ->width($width) // ->height($height) // ->duration($duration) // ->supports_streaming($supports_streaming)
bot::id(chat_id) ->mediaGroup() ->animation(file_id)->caption('caption . ') ->animation(other_file_id) ->send(); // support this methods // ..->animation(file_id) // ->thumb($thumb) // ->caption($caption) // ->parse_mode('HTML') // ->width($width) // ->height($height) // ->duration($duration)
bot::id(chat_id) ->mediaGroup() ->audio(file_id)->caption('caption . ') ->audio(other_file_id) ->send(); // support this methods // ..->audio(file_id) // ->thumb($thumb) // ->caption($caption) // ->parse_mode('HTML') // ->duration($duration) // ->performer($performer) // ->title($title)
bot::id(chat_id) ->mediaGroup() ->document(file_id)->caption('caption . ') ->document(other_file_id) ->send(); // support this methods // ..->document(file_id) // ->thumb($thumb) // ->caption($caption) // ->parse_mode('HTML')
$k=bot::keyboard(); $k->inline()->row(function($col)< // usage callback $col->btn('button name','callback_text'); // usage url $col->btnUrl('night framework',''); >) ->row(function($col)< $col->btn('one button','callback_text_2'); >); // send message with inline button bot::this()->message('message text')->keyboard($k)->send(); // send photo with inline button bot::this()->photo(file_id,'caption')->keyboard($k)->send();
$k=bot::keyboard(); $k->btn('game 1','game_callback'); $k->btn('game 2','game_callback'); $k->row(); bot::this()->message('message text')->keyboard($k)->send();
$k=bot::keyboard(); $k->markup()->row(function($col)< $col->btn('button name'); >); $k->markup(true)->row(function($col)< $col->btn('button name'); >); bot::this()->message('text')->keyboard($k)->send();
$query_id = bot::get('callback_id');
bot::this()->answerCallback()->send(); // send alert bot::this()->answerCallback(true)->text('hello Telegram :)')->send(); // or open robot link $link=''; bot::this()->answerCallback()->url($link)->send();
Use this method to edit text and game messages. On success, if edited message is sent by the bot, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
bot::this()->editMessage('new text string')->send();
// use other methods bot::this() ->editMessage('new text string') // Use custom message_id ->message_id(id) // Use custom inline_message_id ->inline_message_id(id) ->parse_mode('HTML') ->disable_web_page_preview(boolean) ->keyboard($k) // A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. ->send();
Use this method to edit captions of messages. On success, if edited message is sent by the bot, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
bot::this()->editCaption('new text string')->send();
// use other methods bot::this() ->editCaption('new text string') // Use custom message_id ->message_id(id) // Use custom inline_message_id ->inline_message_id(id) ->parse_mode('HTML') ->keyboard($k) // A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. ->send();
Use this method to edit only the reply markup of messages. On success, if edited message is sent by the bot, the edited Message is returned, otherwise True is returned.
// use other methods bot::this() ->editReplyMarkup('new text string') // Use custom message_id ->message_id(id) // Use custom inline_message_id ->inline_message_id(id) ->keyboard($k) // A JSON-serialized object for an inline keyboard. ->send();
Use this method to delete a message
bot::this()->deleteMessage()->send(); // or bot::this()->deleteMessage()->message_id('custom message_id')->send();
bot::this()->setWebhook($url)->send(); // or bot::this()->setWebhook($url)->max_connections(40)->send(); // or $cert=bot::loadFile('certificate.txt'); bot::this() ->setWebhook($url) ->certificate($cert) ->allowed_updates($array) ->send();
$res=bot::this()->getWebhookInfo()->send(); echo $res;
Use this method to get up to date information about the chat (current name of the user for one-on-one conversations, current username of a user, group or channel, etc.). Returns a Chat object on success.
$result=bot::this()->getChat()->send(); // or $result=bot::id(chat_id)->getChat()->send(); echo $result;
Use this method to get a list of administrators in a chat. On success, returns an Array of ChatMember objects that contains information about all chat administrators except other bots. If the chat is a group or a supergroup and no administrators were appointed, only the creator will be returned.
$result=bot::this()->getChatAdministrators()->send(); // or $result=bot::id(chat_id)->getChatAdministrators()->send(); echo $result;
Use this method to get the number of members in a chat. Returns Int on success.
$result=bot::this()->getChatMembersCount()->send(); // or $result=bot::id(chat_id)->getChatMembersCount()->send(); echo $result;
// Get the current chat_id $chat_id=bot::$chat_id; // Get the current username $username=bot::$username; // Get the current first_name $first_name=bot::$first_name; // Get the current last_name $last_name=bot::$last_name; // first_name + last_name $full_name=bot::$full_name; //Receive text the user has sent $text=bot::get('text'); // get message_id $message_id=bot::get('message_id'); // get message caption $caption=bot::get('caption'); //Receive object of string sent by telegram $ob_str=bot::$input; //Receive json object sent by telegram $json==bot::$json;
check client type
// If the request is from the supergroup return true else false $is_group=bot::isGroup(); // If the request is from the supergroup or group return true else false $is_group=bot::isGroup(false); // If the request is from the private user $is_user=bot::isUser();
get request from the supergroup
// get group id $chat_id = bot::$chat_id; // Get the group title $title = bot::$title; // get sender user $user = bot::get('user'); $user_chat_id = $user->id; $is_bot = $user->is_bot;
// support messages [text,photo,video,video_note,voice,animation,document,contact,location] $message = bot::getMessageType();
< "type":"text", "data":"Hello botfire" >
< "type": "photo", "data": [ < "file_id": "AgA***", "file_unique_id": "AQA***", "file_size": 20303, "width": 320, "height": 296 > ] >