Тег INPUT, атрибут accept

Php input file accept custom extension code example

The reason for that browsers handle file inputs with so much care is because they wouldn’t want to risk attackers accessing your files (even seeing your folder structure would be bad). Usually it is a good idea to keep user input as far away as possible from kernel calls as possible and that is exactly what browser vendors do in this case (e.g. hardcoded in firefox source code and hardcoded in chrome source code).

Filter Extensions in HTML form upload [duplicate]

For specific formats like yours «.drp «. You can directly pass that in accept=».drp» it will work for that.

I use javascript to check file extension. Here is my code:

The accept attribute expects MIME types, not file masks. For example, to accept PNG images, you’d need accept=»image/png». You may need to find out what MIME type the browser considers your file type to be, and use that accordingly. However, since a ‘drp’ file does not appear standard, you might have to accept a generic MIME type.

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Additionally, it appears that most browsers may not honor this attribute.

The better way to filter file uploads is going to be on the server-side. This is inconvenient since the occasional user might waste time uploading a file only to learn they chose the wrong one, but at least you’ll have some form of data integrity.

Alternatively you may choose to do a quick check with JavaScript before the form is submitted. Just check the extension of the file field’s value to see if it is «.drp». This is probably going to be much more supported than the accept attribute.

Check file extension in upload form in PHP, file type can be checked in other ways also. I believe this is the easiest way to check the uploaded file type.. if u are dealing with an image file then go for the following code. if you are dealing with a video file then replace the image check with a video check in the if block.. have fun Code sample$allowed = array(‘gif’, ‘png’, ‘jpg’);$filename = $_FILES[‘video_file’][‘name’];$ext = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);if (!in_array($ext, $allowed))

Show custom text for applied file type filters on file dialog to upload particular category of files

The short answer

As I expected it turns out this is not possible . The is one of the most protected browser elements and hence least adaptable browser elements around. The reason for that browsers handle file inputs with so much care is because they wouldn’t want to risk attackers accessing your files (even seeing your folder structure would be bad).

The long answer

You might not be able to freely change the text visible in the filter box, but there is hope. In fact, in some situations it is possible to kind of choose the text that appears. One big drawback is that this is totally not browser-compatible and probably not OS-compatible .

There is also another reason why it might be a bad idea for browsers to allow editing that text, it could be used to mislead users (for example a text like We’re watching you or FATAL WINDOWS ERROR could scare users).

Furthermore it should not, but could lead to possible exploits where users try to run some sort of C-code in the field (e.g. by trying to trigger some out of bounds writes), granting them machine access, possibly harming your computer in catastrophic ways. Most browsers implement the open file window through calling native operating system functions or ABI’s, hence extra care is needed, because these instances of ABI calls could lead to sandbox escapes and/or kernel exploits. Usually it is a good idea to keep user input as far away as possible from kernel calls as possible and that is exactly what browser vendors do in this case (e.g. hardcoded in firefox source code and hardcoded in chrome source code).

Above I said that it is somewhat possible to change the visible filter-text. Below I handle some of the things I tried, but don’t hesitate to try this for yourself on this codepen I created for testing purposes: https://codepen.io/JohannesB/pen/vKGoyE

Possible inspiration for other file-types I did not test (feel free to edit this post): https://stackoverflow.com/a/14839673/1493235

Selection of file accept-parameters that I believe could yield intresting results: application/msword, application/rtf, application/octet-stream, application/octet-stream exe, application/zip, text/css, text/html, text/plain

Notable conclusions

  • All three browsers differ in the file types associated with image/* , video/* and audio/*
  • Internet explorer is the only browser that understands Video/x-msvideo avi
  • Firefox and chrome understand Aplication/pdf with a custom filter text, but IE does noet.
  • Chrome is the only browser that understand Text/* and that has a custom text caption for .exe
  • Custom filter captions never apply for combined accept inputs , in absolutely none of the browser.

A path not investigated

It might be possible that for flash uploaders this text is customizable, but I highly doubt it. Also, flash is deprecated, so in my opinion it’s not worth trying.

The experiment results

Disclaimer: The examples used below were run on a Windows 7 machine, using Internet Explorer v11.0.9600, Chrome v51.0.2704.84m and Firefox v46.0.1. I cannot guarantee that they represent correct information on other operating systems, other browser versions or even the same browser versions. Use this information with care.

Internet explorer

IE Audio/*


IE Application/*


IE Application/pdf

IE Image/*

IE Text/*

IE Video/*

Video/x-msvideo avi

IE Video/x-msvideo avi

IE .exe

Image/*, Video/*

IE Image/, Video/

IE Image/*, .exe


Chrome Audio/*


Chrome Application/*


Chrome Application/pdf

Chrome Image/*

Chrome Text/*

Chrome Video/*

Video/x-msvideo avi

Chrome Video/x-msvideo avi

Chrome .exe

Image/*, Video/*

Chrome Image/, Video/

Chrome Image/*, .exe

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox Audio/*


Mozilla Firefox Application/*


Mozilla Firefox Application/pdf

Mozilla Firefox Image/*

Mozilla Firefox Text/*

Mozilla Firefox Video/*

Video/x-msvideo avi

Mozilla Firefox Video/x-msvideo avi

Mozilla Firefox .exe

Image/*, Video/*

Mozilla Firefox Image/, Video/

Mozilla Firefox Image/*, .exe

HTML Input=»file» Accept Attribute File Type (CSV), Add a comment. 4. You can know the correct content-type for any file by just doing the following: 1) Select interested file, 2) And run in console this: console.log ($ (‘.file-input’) [0].files [0].type); You can also set attribute «multiple» for your input to check content-type for several files at a time and do next:

Get an image extension from an uploaded file in Laravel

$extension = $request->file('file')->extension(); 
$foo = \File::extension($filename); 
//Where $file is an instance of Illuminate\Http\UploadFile $extension = $file->getClientOriginalExtension(); 

Limit selectable files by extensions, Under the «accept» of a file input, there can also be a definition of the general type of the files for selection. For example, if you put «image/*» under the «accept» attribute, the limitation will cover all the standard file formats (gif, jpeg and so on) for images and not just the type (s) by extensions. …


Атрибут accept

Устанавливает фильтр на типы файлов, которые вы можете отправить через поле загрузки файлов. Тип файла указывается как MIME-тип, при нескольких значениях они перечисляются через запятую. Если файл не подходит под установленный фильтр, он не показывается в окне выбора файлов.



К полю для отправки файла ( ).


Имя MIME-типа в любом регистре, несколько значений перечисляются через запятую.

В HTML5 также допустимо в качестве значения указывать audio/* для выбора всех звуковых файлов, video/* для видеофайлов и image/* для всех графических файлов.

Значение по умолчанию

HTML5 IE 10 Cr Op Sa 6 Fx


Укажите картинку в формате JPEG, PNG или GIF

HTML5 IE 10 Cr Op Sa 6 Fx


Укажите картинку


Opera не воспринимает значения, если они разделены между собой пробелом (accept=»image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif»).

Firefox до версии 16.0 поддерживает только значения audio/* , video/* и image/* .

В Firefox 22 по умолчанию стоит выбор всех файлов, а не заданный фильтр.

Статьи по теме


HTML accept Attribute

Specify what file types the user can pick from the file input dialog box:

Definition and Usage

The accept attribute specifies a filter for what file types the user can pick from the file input dialog box.

Note: The accept attribute can only be used with .

Tip: Do not use this attribute as a validation tool. File uploads should be validated on the server.

Browser Support

The numbers in the table specify the first browser version that fully supports the attribute.

accept 26.0 10.0 37.0 11.1 15.0


Tip: To specify more than one value, separate the values with a comma (e.g. .

Attribute Values

Value Description
file_extension Specify the file extension(s) (e.g: .gif, .jpg, .png, .doc) the user can pick from
audio/* The user can pick all sound files
video/* The user can pick all video files
image/* The user can pick all image files
media_type A valid media type, with no parameters. Look at IANA Media Types for a complete list of standard media types

❮ HTML tag


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