Тег IMG, атрибут src

Атрибут src

Адрес графического файла, который будет отображаться на веб-странице. Наиболее популярны файлы в формате GIF и JPEG.


Обязательный атрибут


В качестве значения принимается полный или относительный путь к файлу.

Значение по умолчанию


Не выкладывайте свой код напрямую в комментариях, он отображается некорректно. Воспользуйтесь сервисом cssdeck.com или jsfiddle.net, сохраните код и в комментариях дайте на него ссылку. Так и результат сразу увидят.

Типы тегов


Блочные элементы

Строчные элементы

Универсальные элементы

Нестандартные теги

Осуждаемые теги















Img src in html file

Тег предназначен для отображения на веб-странице изображений в графическом формате GIF, JPEG или PNG. Адрес файла с картинкой задаётся через атрибут src . Если необходимо, то рисунок можно сделать ссылкой на другой файл, поместив тег в контейнер . При этом вокруг изображения отображается рамка, которую можно убрать, добавив атрибут border=»0″ в тег .

Рисунки также могут применяться в качестве карт-изображений, когда картинка содержит активные области, выступающие в качестве ссылок. Такая карта по внешнему виду ничем не отличается от обычного изображения, но при этом оно может быть разбито на невидимые зоны разной формы, где каждая из областей служит ссылкой.



align Определяет как рисунок будет выравниваться по краю и способ обтекания текстом. alt Альтернативный текст для изображения. border Толщина рамки вокруг изображения. height Высота изображения. hspace Горизонтальный отступ от изображения до окружающего контента. ismap Говорит браузеру, что картинка является серверной картой-изображением. longdesc Указывает адрес документа, где содержится аннотация к картинке. lowsrc Адрес изображения низкого качества. src Путь к графическому файлу. vspace Вертикальный отступ от изображения до окружающего контента. width Ширина изображения. usemap Ссылка на тег , содержащий координаты для клиентской карты-изображения.

Также для этого тега доступны универсальные атрибуты и события.

Закрывающий тег


lorem Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.



Girl in a jacket

The tag is used to embed an image in an HTML page.

Images are not technically inserted into a web page; images are linked to web pages. The tag creates a holding space for the referenced image.

The tag has two required attributes:

  • src — Specifies the path to the image
  • alt — Specifies an alternate text for the image, if the image for some reason cannot be displayed

Note: Also, always specify the width and height of an image. If width and height are not specified, the page might flicker while the image loads.

Tip: To link an image to another document, simply nest the tag inside an tag (see example below).

Browser Support


Attribute Value Description
alt text Specifies an alternate text for an image
crossorigin anonymous
Allow images from third-party sites that allow cross-origin access to be used with canvas
height pixels Specifies the height of an image
ismap ismap Specifies an image as a server-side image map
loading eager
Specifies whether a browser should load an image immediately or to defer loading of images until some conditions are met
longdesc URL Specifies a URL to a detailed description of an image
referrerpolicy no-referrer
Specifies which referrer information to use when fetching an image
sizes sizes Specifies image sizes for different page layouts
src URL Specifies the path to the image
srcset URL-list Specifies a list of image files to use in different situations
usemap #mapname Specifies an image as a client-side image map
width pixels Specifies the width of an image


How to Add Images in HTML From a Folder

Have you seen any websites without images? Yes, we still might get a few, but they are rare these days. Let’s learn how you can add images to HTML documents.

Modern web relies hugely on images relevant to the site content as this helps to improve the website appearance and helps readers to understand the content better.

A website can contain multiple images that are often organised in the subdirectories and folders. Thus, it’s important to learn, how you can include an image in an HTML file from a folder.

The HTML tag

You can include an image in HTML using the HTML tag.

img src="flowers.jpg" alt="A Flower Bouquet"/> 

The loads the image and places it on the web page. It has 2 important attributes:

  • src — Specifies the source location where the browser will look for the image file. Once it gets the image file, it loads the image on the web page. We can use a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to display an image from another website.
  • alt — Specifies the text we need to display if the image is unavailable or if the system can’t load the image. This text also helps visitors with disabilities using a screen reader.

How to set the image source in HTML

Let’s learn a bit more about how you specify the source of the image.

The base case is to specify the filename of the image that you’d like to place in the HTML document.

img src="flowers.jpg" alt="A Flower Bouquet"/> 

The browser will look for the image in the same folder where you’ve placed the HTML document.

If the image is located in a folder or a subdirectory, you need to include it to the source as well.

img src="/images/flowers.jpg" alt="A Flower Bouquet"/> 

After you’ve added the /images string to the source, the browser will look for the image flowers.jpg in it instead of the current directory.

How to add an image to HTML from a remote location

The images that you use in your HTML pages don’t have to be located next to them. You can easily add images from remote locations (other websites or file storages) using a URL.

img src="https://learn.coderslang.com/js-test-8.png" alt="JavaScript test"/> 

How to use “.” or “..” as the image source in HTML

You can instruct the browser to look for the image in the current directory using single dot . in the src attribute.

img src= "./flowers.jpg" alt="A Flower Bouquet"/> 

Or, if you want to move one directory up, you use two dots .. to ask the browser to start looking for the image one level above the current directory.

img src="../otherImages/flowers.jpg" alt="A Flower Bouquet"/> 

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How to give src to the tag in html from the system drive?

I want to display an image on a web page using HTML tag. I have stored the image on my local drive. How to achieve this? The code:

just do

8 Answers 8

You must use the correct local path from your PC and the correct Drive letter. Then change the backslashs () to forward slashes (/) and add file:/// before the path, so:

**Also, please note that in Chrome and possibly other browsers, you may not be able to use a local file/image on a site that is not locally hosted. Please reference this post: Cannot open local file — Chrome: Not allowed to load local resource

What you are trying to accomplish is a security feature present in all modern browsers.

You could do that only if you run the html file stored locally — it will not work once you deploy it to a web server.

If you really MUST do that, you could build a browser extension — Firefox extensions and IE extensions can access local resources. Chrome is much more restrictive however.

Correct answer. The information «You could do that only if you run the html file stored locally» is enough to understand the problem. Thanks alot @korhner

I want to display my image in the web page using html

If you are showing the image from your web page, the image file has to be on your web server only.
You can not show it from your local system, as the file is Displayed from web server only.

Your image should be on a relative path not absolute one.

Say your html file is in D:\myhtml\home.html. Copy the Images folder in myhtml. Then change your code to .

when you webpage loaded in visitors with their browsers in internet

your image path in img tag just point to thier filesystem localtion not your file systemlocation

you must upload your img in your webserver like apache or iis or host location and set path of img tag with this public image path

for more detail you can search about client server concept in internet and web

but if you mean in your browser did not show its relate to security issues


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