Тег DIV, атрибут align

Horizontal Alignment in CSS – How to Align Elements in CSS

Have you ever struggled with alignment with some text or center a div ? Certainly, you did. We have all experienced it at least once. Undoubtedly, aligning objects in CSS is the most frustrating task. Things might quickly become chaotic.

HTML and CSS are the first things we learn when we start Web Development. Although CSS isn’t rocket science, it can get confusing if you don’t know what you’re doing. Specifically in terms of alignment and positioning.

We can align elements using CSS in a variety of ways. One can quickly become confused if one uses them without understanding how a particular alignment technique works. Even if we know the fundamentals, having so many options can sometimes overwhelm us, and we don’t know which one to choose.

This article will discuss various possible ways to align/center multiple elements using CSS. We will also look at some popular layout systems such as flex-box and grid . We’ll also talk about which one might be best for you.

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What type of alignments are there in CSS?

In CSS, we either align elements horizontally or vertically, or both. Let’s quickly go through both of these.

What is horizontal alignment?

It means to place or arrange elements in a particular fashion along the horizontal axis.

What is vertical alignment?

It means to place or arrange elements in a particular fashion along the vertical axis.

Aligning text horizontally: text-align

To align any text using CSS, we will use the text-align property. We can give the following values to the text-align property,

text-align: left; text-align: right; text-align: center; text-align: start; text-align: end; text-align: justify; text-align: inherit; text-align: initial;
Code language: CSS (css)

Let us use the text-align property and align the text,

div> p class='left'>Left aligned p> p class='center'>Center aligned p> p class='right'>Right aligned p> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
p < border: 1px solid red; > .left < text-align: left > .center < text-align: center; > .right < text-align: right; >
Code language: CSS (css)

We’ll observe that the text gets horizontally aligned to the left, center, and right in each of the 3 paragraph tags.

Center aligning a div horizontally: margin: auto

To align a div , we can use the margin property. If we set margin: auto , we get equal margins on both left and right sides, which eventually centers the element horizontally.

div class='wrapper'> div class="box div1">center div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.wrapper < width: 100%; height: 100px; border: 1px solid red; > .box < width: 50px; height: 50px; background: red; > .div1 < margin: auto; >
Code language: CSS (css)

The child div will be centered horizontally and not vertically. margin: auto will not affect the vertical alignment.

Aligning a div horizontally: float

We can use the float property to align a div horizontally to either left or right. You can set the following alignments using the float property,

float: left; float: right; float: none; float: unset; float: initial; float: inherit; float: inline-start; float: inline-end;
Code language: CSS (css)

Let us now try to align a few div to the left and right,

div class='wrapper'> div class="box div2">left div> div class="box div3">right div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.div2 < float: left; > .div3 < float: right; >
Code language: CSS (css)

We can see that both the div elements are on the same line; this happens because float makes the element’s position absolute to the parent element.

NOTE: The float property is not recommended to align stuff to the left or right. We will see more valuable properties further.

Aligning a div horizontally: position: absolute

We can use the position property to position a div horizontally to either left, right, or center. For this, we will use absolute the positioning.

div class="wrapper relative"> div class="box div4">left div> div class="box div5">center div> div class="box div6">right div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.relative < position: relative; > .div4 < position: absolute; left: 0; > .div5 < position: absolute; left: 50%; transform: translateX(-50%); > .div6 < position: absolute; right: 0; >
Code language: CSS (css)

All 3 div elements get aligned to the left, center, and right. The div elements are on the same line because of absolute positioning.

Aligning a div horizontally: grid

We can use the grid layout to position a div horizontally to either left, right, or center. We can also arrange all the elements inside the grid container in various fashions.

Let’s use the CSS grid layout to align a few div elements to the left, right, and center.

div class="wrapper grid"> div class="box div7">left div> div class="box div8">center div> div class="box div9">right div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.grid < display: grid; > .div7 < justify-self: start; > .div8 < justify-self: center; > .div9 < justify-self: end; >
Code language: CSS (css)

The 3 div elements will be aligned to the left, center, and right. Since there are not absolute positioned, they are placed in their respective rows.

Aligning a div horizontally: flex-box

The flexbox layout system has made designing responsive layouts much simpler than it used to be. It simplifies aligning and positioning elements to a great extent. Mostly, all the modern user interfaces are created using the flex-box layout system.

Using flex-box , we can align our div elements very easily. Not just this, we can create complex structures very easily using the flex-box layout system.

By default, the flex-box places all the elements inside a parent container in a single row. We can change the placement of these elements to a column using the flex-direction property. It is possible to arrange elements in various positions relative to each other. We can also change a specific element’s alignment.

Let us align a few div elements horizontally to the left, right, and center.

div class="wrapper flex-column"> div class="box div10">left div> div class="box div11">center div> div class="box div12">right div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.flex-column < display: flex; flex-direction: column; > .div10 < align-self: start; > .div11 < align-self: center; > .div12 < align-self: end; >
Code language: CSS (css)

All the 3 div elements are aligned to the left, center, and right. Here also, the elements are not absolute positioned. Hence, they are in their respective rows. The result here is similar to what we got with the grid layout.

Arranging div horizontally in a flex-box container

As previously discussed, we can use the flex-box layout to create various horizontal arrangements. To achieve this, we will see the justify-content property. Using this, we will arrange the child elements of the parent flex-box container relative to each other.

The justify-content property can take the following values,

justify-content: flex-start; justify-content: flex-end; justify-content: center; justify-content: space-between; justify-content: space-around; justify-content: space-evenly; justify-content: initial; justify-content: inherit;
Code language: CSS (css)

We apply the justify-content property on the parent container using the flex-box layout.

.container < display: flex; justify-content: center; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Consider the following layout.

div class="wrapper flex-row"> div class="box div13">left div> div class="box div14">center div> div class="box div15">right div> div>
Code language: HTML, XML (xml)
.flex-row < display: flex; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Let us now see what justify-content does when applied to the parent element for different values.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: flex-start; >
Code language: CSS (css)

The justify-content: flex-start; will not change the arrangement because the elements are already at the start of the parent container.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: flex-end; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Using justify-content: flex-end , the child div elements will move to the end of the container in the horizontal direction.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: center; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Using justify-content: center , the child div elements will move to the center of the container in the horizontal direction.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: space-between; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Using justify-content:space-between , the child div elements will get arranged in such a way that there is a uniform spacing between them.

NOTE: There will be no spacing between the elements and the walls of the container. The uniform spacing is only between the elements.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: space-around; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Using justify-content:space-around , the child div elements will get arranged in such a way that there is a uniform spacing between them. A half-size space also separates elements and container walls.


.flex-row < display: flex; justify-content: space-evenly; >
Code language: CSS (css)

Using justify-content:space-evenly , the child div elements will get arranged in such a way that there is a uniform spacing between them. There is even spacing between the elements and container walls.

Which one should you use?

Phew! There were just too many different methods. Here we only discussed some of the most widely used techniques, but there may be more ways to achieve similar results.

But, which one should we prefer?

The most preferred way will depend on the situation. But still, flex-box should be preferred whenever possible. It is capable of creating layouts that are both basic and complex. Some cool things about the flex-box layout system are,

  1. It supports all major browsers.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. Center elements beautifully.
  4. Make complex layouts without using complex CSS.


This article explored how we can use CSS to align and arrange HTML elements. We also discussed the flex-box layout system, which is also considered one of the most popular. Additionally, we examined various horizontal arrangements that we can make with the flex-box layout system.

You can access all the source code using the following link: https://codedamn.com/playground/E7cpq_BTThCj1WuJP3cdw

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Атрибут align

center Выравнивание текста по центру. Текст помещается по центру горизонтали окна браузера или контейнера, где расположен текстовый блок. Строки текста словно нанизываются на невидимую ось, которая проходит по центру веб-страницы. Подобный способ выравнивания активно используется в заголовках и различных подписях, вроде подрисуночных, он придает официальный и солидный вид оформлению текста. Во всех других случаях выравнивание по центру применяется редко по той причине, что читать большой объем такого текста неудобно. left Выравнивание текста по левому краю. В этом случае строки текста выравнивается по левому краю, а правый край располагается «лесенкой». Такой способ выравнивания является наиболее популярным на сайтах, поскольку позволяет пользователю легко отыскивать взглядом новую строку и комфортно читать большой текст. right Выравнивание текста по правому краю. Этот способ выравнивания выступает в роли антагониста предыдущему типу. А именно, строки текста равняются по правому краю, а левый остается «рваным». Из-за того, что левый край не выровнен, а именно с него начинается чтение новых строк, такой текст читать труднее, чем, если бы он был выровнен по левому краю. Поэтому выравнивание по правому краю применяется обычно для коротких заголовков объемом не более трех строк. Мы не рассматриваем специфичные сайты, где текст приходится читать справа налево, там возможно подобный способ выравнивания и пригодится. Но где вы у нас в стране видели такие сайты. justify Выравнивание по ширине, что означает одновременное выравнивание по левому и правому краю. Чтобы произвести это действие браузер в этом случае добавляет пробелы между словами.

Значение по умолчанию

Аналог CSS

     #layer1 < background: #fc0; padding: 5px; >#layer2  

Результат данного примера показан на рис. 1.

Рис. 2

Рис. 1. Выравнивание элементов с помощью атрибута align


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