Table in side table html

How TO — Side-by-side Tables

How to create side-by-side tables with the CSS float property:


/* Create a two-column layout */
.column float: left;
width: 50%;
padding: 5px;

/* Clearfix (clear floats) */
.row::after content: «»;
clear: both;
display: table;

How to create side-by-side tables with the CSS flex property:


.column flex: 50%;
padding: 5px;

Note: Flexbox is not supported in Internet Explorer 10 and earlier versions. It is up to you if you want to use floats or flex. However, if you need support for IE10 and down, you should use float.

Tip: To learn more about the Flexible Box Layout Module, read our CSS Flexbox chapter.

Add Responsiveness

The example above will not look good on a mobile device, as two columns will take up too much space of the page. To create a responsive table, that should go from a two-column layout to a full-width layout on mobile devices, add the following media queries:


/* Responsive layout — makes the two columns stack on top of each other instead of next to each other on screens that are smaller than 600 px */
@media screen and (max-width: 600px) .column width: 100%;

Tip: Go to our CSS Tables Tutorial to learn more about how to style tables.

Tip: Go to our CSS Float Tutorial to learn more about the float property.

Tip: Go to our CSS Flexbox Tutorial to learn more about the flex property.


Table inside another Table

Nesting tables simply means making a Table inside another Table. Nesting tables can lead to complex tables layouts, which are both visually interesting and have the potential of introducing errors depends on its nesting nature.

Tables within Tables

Nested Table always need to be placed between . tags of the outer container Table. You can format nested tables as you would format any other HTML Table.

The following HTML code create a Table with one row and two column and inside the second column again create another table (nested table) with two rows.

In the above picture the outer table with red colors and Inner table with Green color.

HTML Source Code :

Tables inside a Table Cell

Nesting tables can lead to more complex tables, inner Table should begin and end in the same cell of the outer container table. You can nested tables any number of levels. The following HTML code create a four level nested tables.

In the above picture the outermost table with color Red and nested table with color Green , Yellow and Blue respectively.

HTML Source Code :

You can format or placed other HTML Tags inside nested tables as you would do any other HTML Table. The following HTML code create an outer Table with two rows and each row has two columns. Each nested table add other HTML tags like Image, Links , List , Text etc.

HTML Source Code :

The more tables you have nested inside one another, the slower the page will load. It gets more complicated for the browser to render, and so the page loads more slowly.

Related Contents
  • How to HTML Table
  • Headers and caption
  • Table Border
  • Width and Height
  • Table background
  • Table Cellspacing
  • Table Cellpadding
  • Colspan and Rowspan
  • Table Align
  • Content Align
  • Tags inside Table
  • Table Layout 1
  • Table Layout 2
  • Table Layout 3
Related Topics


Nested Table in HTML

Nested Table in HTML

‘Nested Table’ is one of the most important concepts while using tables in HTML coding. The nested tables or ‘tables within table’ is a concept used while creating bigger and complex tables. Most of the complex and large tables might include nesting of tables within the main table to have better control in the coding. Using nested tables might help create beautiful and interesting appearances and visuals, but it can create loose end errors.

Sure, it becomes trickier when you start using nested tables because of all the tags and elements you need to code and maintain and handle while creating tables within tables. But once you get hold of such a concept and dab into such complexity, it does get a lot easier to juggle tags within.

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How to create a table within a table?

Below is an interpretation of nested tables. The below image shows a five-level nesting of tables, with the color ‘Blue’ as the outermost or the container table with nested tables represented with colors White, Red, Yellow, and Green.

Nested Table in HTML output 2

We will try and create another example of nested tables step by step this time.

The above example had the main container, a table with two columns and a nested table within two rows and two columns.

Now observe the below example of nested tables. What we discussed as an interpretation of levels of nesting above, we will try to create such an example through coding below.

The above code outputs the following display showing 5 levels of nesting of our tables differentiated through different colors. Observe the placement of tables inside one another, that is, nesting within:

Nested Table in HTML output 3

The concept of nesting within the tables becomes more interesting by visual when the programmer uses tables for formatting the complete webpage. The table can then be formatted like any other table and other HTML elements the programmer might nest within.

Examples of Nested Table in HTML

Below are the examples mentioned :

Example #1

Observe the below example of a nested table, just one table within the main table. To differentiate the main table and the nested table within, we have used different border radius and border colors of the table.

Left side of the main table

Nested Table

nested table C1 nested table C2
nested table nested table

Nested Table in HTML output 1

Example #2

Our following code will demonstrate the nesting of other HTML elements within the nested tables inside our main container table.

The above code demonstrates how one table can contain several other tables within itself, which can contain any type of content you normally add to a simple HTML page. The above code for the same is without borders.

output 4.1

Please observe that the tables when their borders are made visible. The container table is one with the red colored border with nested ones with blue, yellow, green and black colored borders.

output 4.2

It is all good to use tables for formatting a web page entirely, but one thing to remember is, the more complex your nesting is, the more your page will load slower since it becomes really complicated for your browser to do the rendering.

This is a guide to Nested Table in HTML. Here we discuss how to create a table within the table along with the respective examples of Nested Table in HTML. You may also have a look at the following articles to learn more –

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Two Tables Side By Side in CSS

These tables were set up with responsive design for mobile devices so they will be positioned side by side in a horizontal layout and revert to a vertical layout when displayed on small mobile devices.

This table arrangement contains two tables which are both 280 pixels wide. In order for the two tables, to be centered on the page I placed them inside a Div that is a little wider than the two tables and then centered the Div on the page.

I then floated one table to the left and the other to the right within that Div which allows a little space between the two tables. Tables will naturally collapse one under the other when the space is reduced too far.

2 tables horizontal

This two table arrangement eliminates the need for having margins on left or right of each table to center them on the page and then having to take the margins back off for mobile devices in the media queries.

This design also eliminates using a third table to encase the others, which also eliminates having to use an inline element on the two tables to get them to lay beside each other. Also see instructions on how to set up multiple tables in HTML on one page.

The HTML Code for a Responsive Two Table Set Up

image name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor vestibulum malesuada. Cras volutpat a erat id porttitor.
image name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor vestibulum malesuada. Cras volutpat a erat id porttitor.

The CSS code for 2 Horizontal Tables

table.smalltable border:3px solid #000;
width:17.500em; /*280px */
border-collapse: collapse; >

table.smalltable td font-size:100%;
padding: 5px;
vertical-align:top; >

table.smalltable td:nth-child(odd)
table.smalltable td:nth-child(even)

@media only screen and (min-width : 768px) and (max-width : 959px) and (orientation:portrait) < .smalltable >

CSS Notes for Naming Your Tables, etc.

When you name the table you need to chose a name that describes this table from all others on your website. I called this one «smalltable» because it only has two table cells but you can name it anything you want (don’t use numbers in the beginning of the name as it causes problems in CSS).

I removed the borders around the cells within each table by using border:collapse. I used em’s for the width so the tables will shrink on small mobile devices. There is inside padding of 5px and text is centered within each cell. the td:nth-child enables one cell to have bolded text (under the flower) and not the other cell (the text), plus you can specify a different width for each cell if you want.

CSS Notes for Naming Your Divs, etc.

I label Divs that I use as containers, with a class for «boxes» but you can name it containers or wrappers or whatever you want. Being as Divs will by default take up the whole width of the page or container width you have to specify a width for them.

I center Divs by using «margin:0 auto;». I also have these divs set up so they change to (width:98%;) in media queries for small mobile devices so they almost fill up the space on small devices.

Overall CSS Notes

I always have float:left; and float:right cancelled out in media queries in CSS on all pages of my site for small devices and revert them to (float:none; width:100%; text-align:center;) so each item that used to be floated now fills the width of the space and eliminates any text floating on left or right).

These overall changes for every page on the site eliminate the need for a lot of media queries for specific classes like «two tables side by side».

Be sure and set up a class to clear both left and right floats under the tables otherwise it might mess up your layout for anything that follows this table set up.

If you are viewing this page on a desktop you can grab the lower right corner of the page and drag to the left so you can see how these tables rearrange on a tablet or small mobile device.

red rose
Red Rose
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor vestibulum malesuada. Cras volutpat a erat id porttitor.
yellow rose
Yellow Rose
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent porttitor vestibulum malesuada. Cras volutpat a erat id porttitor.

Lori Eldridge
Copyright © January 12, 2019 — Updated 11-04-20
All Rights Reserved

For more information about Lori’s Experience with Website Designing and Seo Audits please see the bio at the bottom of the Home Page.

Lori’s Web Design, Colfax WA., +1 509-397-6000
Email: Lori Eldridge
© 2000 — 2023
All Rights Reserved


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