- How can I embed SVG into HTML in an email, so that it’s visible in most/all email browsers?
- How can I embed SVG into HTML in an email, so that it’s visible in most/all email browsers?
- Insert SVG files
- Create G-Code for GRBL directly from an Inkscape SVG
- SOLVED! Export SVG/PNG from Cricut Design Space
- Send it. Fracture sniping svg. (getting LIT in the chat)
- Embed a svg object with parameter
- Saving inline svg as a image file
- How do I serve a static SVG file with Flask?
- A Guide for SVG Support in Email
- Inserting Icons & Logos Into Email
- Svg in email
How can I embed SVG into HTML in an email, so that it’s visible in most/all email browsers?
Solution 2: Update: » Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel for Office 365 on Windows, Mac, Android and Windows Mobile support inserting and editing scalable vector graphics (.SVG) files in your documents, presentations, emails, and workbooks. » ( Edit SVG images in Microsoft Office 365 ) From the «Insert SVG files» section in the Insert icons in Microsoft Office guide An example Needed to convert our non-profit’s logo into SVG to make it look right, so looked up an online tool (by googling «png to svg» in my case) Question: I want to generate graphs in SVG, and email an HTML page with those graphs embedded in it (not stored on a server and shown with linked images).
How can I embed SVG into HTML in an email, so that it’s visible in most/all email browsers?
I want to generate graphs in SVG, and email an HTML page with those graphs embedded in it (not stored on a server and shown with linked images).
I’ve tried directly embedding the SVG, using the Object element, and serializing and URI encoding the SVG and specifying the whole string as a background image on a div. Nothing seems to display in Outlook 2013. Any ideas?
SVG is not supported in many email clients. The best guide I’ve seen is on Style Campaign . It’s a short read that I vouch for (Anna is super smart!).
TL;DR: A variety of techniques will work in iOS mail clients and (amazingly) Blackberry. But Android, Outlook, and pretty much every other desktop and webmail client does not support SVG and requires a fallback.
Update: » Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Excel for Office 365 on Windows, Mac, Android and Windows Mobile support inserting and editing scalable vector graphics (.SVG) files in your documents, presentations, emails, and workbooks. » ( Edit SVG images in Microsoft Office 365 )
From the «Insert SVG files» section in the Insert icons in Microsoft Office guide
Insert SVG files
- Insert an SVG file in Office for Windows : Drag and drop the file from Windows File Explorer into your document.
- Insert an SVG file in Office for Mac : Go to Insert > Pictures > Picture from file to insert your SVG images.
- Insert an SVG file in Office on Android or Windows Mobile : See Add pictures or videos to a file by using your mobile device for more information.
An example
Needed to convert our non-profit’s logo into SVG to make it look right, so
- looked up an online tool (by googling «png to svg» in my case)
- The site generated it, but wouldn’t let me it download if I won’t register.
- Opened the SVG image up in the developer console (Chrome: right click on the image and select «Inspect»)
- copy the entire tag into a simple text file and save it with .svg extension (from this SO thread).
- In Outlook, » Go to Insert > Pictures > Picture from file to insert your SVG images. «
Import file as attachment in ProtonMail, send to self, then download. Never had any issues with it.
Html — Embed a svg object with parameter, Teams. Q&A for work. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Learn more
Create G-Code for GRBL directly from an Inkscape SVG
SOLVED! Export SVG/PNG from Cricut Design Space
Send it. Fracture sniping svg. (getting LIT in the chat)
Embed a svg object with parameter
Who has an idea or a hint
I would like to embed a svg object inside die svg Tag and change this parameter
With the IMAGE TAG no tag parameter passing is possible.
Currently browsers don’t support passing parameters this way, though there’s an SVG Parameters spec being developed by W3C. The examples in the spec use a script to emulate support for the feature.
Note: the shim param.js goes in the SVG file, not the html file:
HTML SVG — W3Schools, SVG is a language for describing 2D graphics in XML. Canvas draws 2D graphics, on the fly (with a JavaScript). SVG is XML based, which means that every element is available within the SVG DOM. You can attach JavaScript event handlers for an element. In SVG, each drawn shape is remembered as an object.
Saving inline svg as a image file
I have a inline SVG code that changes base on user selection of colors/css.
I would like to have the ability to save the line svg as a external file onclick (svg or png or jpeg).
Is there any way to do this? Much appreciated — thanks.
Found a solution that works perfectly.
Stright javascript
var btn = document.querySelector('button'); var svg = document.querySelector('svg'); var canvas = document.querySelector('canvas'); function triggerDownload (imgURI) < var evt = new MouseEvent('click', < view: window, bubbles: false, cancelable: true >); var a = document.createElement('a'); a.setAttribute('download', 'MY_COOL_IMAGE.png'); a.setAttribute('href', imgURI); a.setAttribute('target', '_blank'); a.dispatchEvent(evt); > btn.addEventListener('click', function () < var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var data = (new XMLSerializer()).serializeToString(svg); var DOMURL = window.URL || window.webkitURL || window; var img = new Image(); var svgBlob = new Blob([data], ); var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svgBlob); img.onload = function () < ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); DOMURL.revokeObjectURL(url); var imgURI = canvas .toDataURL('image/png') .replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream'); triggerDownload(imgURI); >; img.src = url; >);
Create G-Code for GRBL directly from an Inkscape SVG, Download SnapCNC at http://docado.com/download/
How do I serve a static SVG file with Flask?
I want to serve a static SVG file with Flask, but the SVG file is transferred without a Content-Type header. The correct mime type is image/svg+xml . How can I make sure that Flask uses the correct mime type for the SVG file and sends it to the browser?
I refer to the file as /static/python.svg , and it does exist.
I tried this in my __init__.py file, but it didn’t make any difference:
import mimetypes mimetypes.add_type('images/svg+xml', '.svg')
There is a mistake in your mime type. The correct one is image/svg+xml (note the lack of the ‘s’).
import mimetypes mimetypes.add_type('image/svg+xml', '.svg') # ^ no s
A easy (but hacky) way is to add a new route just for svgs:
@app.route('/static/.svg') def serve_content(svgFile): return file('static/'+svgFile+'.svg').read()
Uploading SVG Files on a Windows Computer to Cricut, Have an SVG file and now you need to use it with your Cricut machine? We are showing you just how to use those cut files on a Windows computer right in Cricu
A Guide for SVG Support in Email
Using SVG as a straight-up tag is like placing any other image file onto a screen, except we’re referencing an SVG file instead something like a JPG or PNG:
Here’s the support for this technique:
AOL Web | Outlook 2013 | Outlook .com | Yahoo! | Mail (OSX) | Mail (iOS) | Gmail | Gmail (iOS) | Gmail (Android) | Android |
Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | Yes | No |
Total support: 60%
In this test, we’re plucking the code for the SVG file right out of Illustrator and plopping it directly into the email’s HTML:
The support is a lot less than I expected:
AOL Web | Outlook 2013 | Outlook.com | Yahoo! | Mail (OSX) | Mail (iOS) | Gmail | Gmail (iOS) | Gmail (Android) | Android |
No | No | No | No | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes * |
* Overflows the container
Total support: 25% (counting Android as partial support)
You might have noticed that I assigned class names for each path. If you were hoping the CSS properties for SVG are also supported for those email clients that recognize inline SVG, well, you’re in luck. They are, across the board.
Ack, so close. Now we need to hide that broken image tag where the SVG should go. Let’s do a couple of things:
Removing the width and height of the SVG inline has the same effect as hiding it. Then, we use the CSS document hack by adding a class that changes those dimensions back to a full-size image for the email applications that support SVG:
/* Resize an element that has a width and height of zero to full size */ .showy < height: 100% !important; width: 100% !important; >/* Hide this everywhere, except for those that can’t read this code */ .no-showy
Our support starts to look a heck of a lot better:
AOL Web | Outlook 2013 | Outlook.com | Yahoo! | Mail (OSX) | Mail (iOS) | Gmail | Gmail (iOS) | Gmail (Android) | Android |
Yes | Yes * | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No | No | Yes |
So, so, so close! We have full support for many clients, a responsible fallback for another, and unfortunately no support in Gmail which is a significant slice of market share.
. is that email is still in the Wild West of front-end development. I would personally feel like using SVG is a gamble, particularly if it’s known that your subscribers rely on Gmail.
That said, knowing your audience is likely the determining factor for whether SVG can and should be used in email. For example, a developer of iOS apps who knows that customers consume email on an OSX or iOS device might feel really good about using SVG. Many email marketing providers (like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor) make this information easy to find with analytics. Campaign Monitor also has a pretty handy report on the popularity and market share of email applications that is worth checking out.
Inserting Icons & Logos Into Email
Inserting images into emails is a relatively easy process. But when it comes to more specific images such as icons and logos, they can be a bit more nuanced.
How Are Icons Different to Pictures?
Icons are generally small images that are a symbol of what they represent. They are usually used to support headlines or text. But if they’re obvious enough they can be used on their own without any text. Icons and logos alike are supposed to be quick ways for a user to see and interpret, so they are generally small on a screen and less detailed than pictures. This means that the quality of the icon should look sharp across all devices so there isn’t any confusion of what it represents. Most of the time, icons and logos are usually solid coloured shapes and don’t require the full colour palette of a picture or photo.
In this article we will go through a few techniques available in email to ensure your icons are high quality and look good whatever device your audience is viewing it on. We’ll go through the standard method, using svgs and a new one that we haven’t used yet, source set images.
The standard method with Pngs
The most common way we use to display icons and logos are with double size pngs. Pngs are compatible with all email clients and doesn’t require too much additional code to use them (Outlooks need a few lines).
To ensure the icons are sharp and high res in retina quality displays, we use double dimension pngs and force the specific size in the code. This technique is probably the most commonly used for icons.
The reason we use pngs for icons is because they’re lossless, meaning they can compress the image data without sacrificing quality. So the icons will be smaller in file size and still look sharp to the eye.
Svg in email
The SVG file format and why use it
Svg is short for Scalable Vector Graphic. In other words, it’s an image (graphic) that uses points and lines (vectors), which can be enlarged or reduced (scalable) without compromising quality.
Some websites use svgs for their logos or icons because of this. Logos will look sharp and without fuzziness when displayed small on a mobile or large on a desktop. It doesn’t contain image data, just coordinates of paths to create a shape.
This means the file size is usually smaller than a png or jpeg, you won’t need a mobile and desktop version of the same image. The dimensions aren’t too important because it can be controlled in the code. Compatibility is great across browsers, but when it comes to email, not all email clients are onboard.
Svgs support in email
Current browsers support the svg file format but when it comes to viewing them inside emails, much of the support drops because of the legacy email clients that people might be using. If you take a look at the popular dev website caniemail , support is estimated at 44% across clients.
- Apple Mail and iOS Mail has good support
- Gmail — mobile app and webmail has zero support across all platforms
- Outlook — desktop and mobile apps has zero support across all platforms except Mac Outlook 2016
- Samsung Mail 9 has good support
Where svgs aren’t supported, we’d have to use a fallback which would be a png. This won’t be too difficult considering all Gmail and all Outlook (except Mac Outlook 2016) will display the png. Patchy support could potentially mean lots of css and media queries overlapping each other.
How to use it
We found that the best technique to insert svgs into email is use image tags with a hosted svg as the source and some css to hide and reveal the fallback.