Success php on line 53

[SOLVED] [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

The checkout goes throe but the error keeps coming up.

I’ve seen similar errors like this but none related to the catalog/controller/checkout/success.php

OC, clean install, vQmod installed but no vQmods in use.
Default theme.

Norman in ‘t Veldt
Moderator OpenCart Forums
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Re: [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

Post by i2Paq » Mon Sep 10, 2012 8:29 pm

Norman in ‘t Veldt
Moderator OpenCart Forums
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Re: [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

Post by Ed_Rolla » Sat Nov 17, 2012 11:49 pm

Hey, i2Paq. Can you please tell us what waas it you did to fix the issue?
Many people are getting the same problem. (me, for instance)

Re: [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

Post by i2Paq » Sun Nov 18, 2012 4:45 pm

Norman in ‘t Veldt
Moderator OpenCart Forums
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Re: [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

Post by Ed_Rolla » Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:50 am

I also found out what was generating the errors.

Seems the function on «controller/checkout/success.php» expects 7 argumets (7 occurrences of «%s»).

Being that so — more, or less, than 7 calls of «%s» on the «controller/language/[your_lang]/checkout/success.php» will generate the error.

If that was it, i2Paq, mark the post as solved so that the other members know this is the solution.

Re: [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on line 68

Post by i2Paq » Thu Nov 22, 2012 6:15 pm

Ed_Rolla wrote: If that was it, i2Paq, mark the post as solved so that the other members know this is the solution.

Norman in ‘t Veldt
Moderator OpenCart Forums
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Re: [SOLVED] [Error] Too few arguments in success.php on lin

Post by k17 » Tue Mar 05, 2013 5:19 am

I am having the same problem here. Can you please tell me how to fix it?

Well, everything is ok. But, today, I added the module for bank transfer that I just edited to the website. Then, shit happened!

After the checkout in my local language, there are this error

Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/axxxx/public_html/catalog/controller/checkout/success.php on line 68

I don’t know what it is because I didn’t touch this file at all. Below is the code of checkout/success.php on line 68.

$this->data[‘text_message’] = sprintf($this->language->get(‘text_guest’), $this->session->data[‘last_order_id’], $this->url->link(‘information/contact’));

But, if I check out with English language, this error won’t show up.

Please help me solve this problem.


[SOLVED] No Order History for 1.5.6 with paypal standard

I am running the latest qmod and opencart 1.5.6 and have the following issues.

Using paypal standard for payments

Customer pays and when you return to website i get this

Warning: sprintf() [function.sprintf]: Too few arguments in /home/rinkw/public_html/catalog/controller/checkout/success.php on line 53

On the backend I see the order was completed and all the emails go out but when the customer is logged in they can’t see the order in there history.

Here are the lines from catalog/controller/checkout/success.php
$this->data[‘text_message’] = sprintf($this->language->get(‘text_customer’), $this->url->link(‘account/account’, », ‘SSL’), $this->url->link(‘account/order’, », ‘SSL’), $this->url->link(‘account/download’, », ‘SSL’), $this->url->link(‘information/contact’));

> else $this->data[‘text_message’] = sprintf($this->language->get(‘text_guest’), $this->url->link(‘information/contact’));

here are the lines from the language file:

$_[‘text_customer’] = ‘

Your order #%s has been successfully processed!

You can view your order history by going to the my account page and by clicking on history.

If your purchase has an associated download, you can go to the account downloads page to view them.

Please direct any questions you have to the rinkw.

Thanks for shopping with us online!



[РЕШЕНО] Ошибка после подтверждения заказа success.php

В вашем переводе есть ошибки возможно мешает это %s нужно сравнить английскую и вашу версию и подкорректировать перевод.


Гуру форума


Гуру форума — да походу это в тексте так написано, потому что в укр переводе о номере вообще не упоминеться.


Гуру форума
if ($this->customer->isLogged()) < $data['text_message'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_customer'), $this->url->link('account/account', '', 'SSL'), $this->url->link('account/order', '', 'SSL'), $this->url->link('account/download', '', 'SSL'), $this->url->link('information/contact')); > else < $data['text_message'] = sprintf($this->language->get('text_guest'), $this->url->link('information/contact')); >

а в перевод catalog\language\russian\checkout\success.php

Ваш заказ успешно создан!

Вы можете просматривать историю заказов в Личном кабинете, открыв Историю заказов.

Если Ваша покупка связана со скачиваемым файлом, вы можете перейти на страницу файлов для скачивания для их просмотра.

Все вопросы направляйте нам.

Спасибо за покупки в нашем интернет-магазине!

'; $_['text_guest'] = '

Ваш заказ успешно создан!

Пожалуйста, направляйте нам любые вопросы, которые у вас возникают.
Зарегистрированным пользователям доступен просмотр состояния заказа и прошлых покупок.

Спасибо за покупки в нашем интернет-магазине!

'; $_['text_basket'] = 'Корзина'; $_['text_checkout'] = 'Оформить заказ'; $_['text_success'] = 'Операция выполнена успешно'; ?>


Ошибка log.php


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